Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: New Adventure ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

SaF: I don't believe I actually typed this…

Ran: *rolls eyes* You didn't finish playing Kingdom Hearts.

SaF: I KNOW that, kono gokiburi kappa!

Yohina: Maa maa, dame deshio minna-san.

SaF: Gabrielle, did you, or did you not teach her Japanese?

Gabii: *giggles* I did.

SaF: *rolls eyes* Fine. Disclaimer please.

Gabii: We own only Ran and Yohina. Others we own not. *shrugs*

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Kingdom Hearts: New Adventure

Summary:-Two girls got sucked away from their world as soon as they get reunited after two years. That's because they are the last hope of defeating the Heartless, once and for all. They get into Traverse Town, where they meet Sora and Riku. But, where's Kairi?

Rating: G (might change).

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"Really? I get to see Yohina again?" I screamed excitedly.

Hi! I'm Ran, 15 this year. I've shoulder length ash brown hair and hazel brown eyes. Hard to believe for some that I take martial arts, because I look like a weak and polite girl in front of those who don't really know me. I know 3 different types of martial arts, to be exact. Taekwondo, Ninjitsu and a little bit of Kendo. I use a gun as a second resort in case I run out of energy when I'm in a very serious fight. My parents bought the gun for me after I the incident that I nearly got killed while protecting Yohina from some evil looking guy. Apparently she bumped into him and started yelling insults… Anyways, Yohina and I are good friends since… childhood. She moved, so we can't get to see each other as often, and we decided to have a get-together every year. Something happened for the last two years, so we can't see each other. I can't help but feel like this years' reunion would be a very long one…

"Ran's coming? Next week?" I yelled, nearly bringing the roof down. With a nod of confirmation from my mum, I cheered.

Hey! I'm Yohina, age 15. I have crystal blue eyes and reddish-brown hair that reach my back, silver highlights included. Unlike Ran, who's calm and knows 3 different types of martial arts, I'm always hyper on sugar and only know kendo, so that troubles me whenever I haven't got a weapon with me if I had to fight. After the incident in which Ran was nearly killed, I took up kick-boxing as well, in case it was to happen again. In other words, we make a weird pair of friends… like I said, Ran's calm and I'm hyper. Heh. We couldn't see each other as often as I had move, so we meet once each year. Yet something came up, and we couldn't see each other for two years. I can't stop the feeling in my heart, telling me that this years' reunion would be REALLY long…

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SaF: How did I do? How did I do?

Gabii: *rolls eyes*

Ran: R&R&WFTNC please.

Yohina: R&R&WFTNC?

SaF: Anyway, tell me how I did, okay? I want comments for my first Kingdom Hearts story!!!

Yohina: What's R&R&WFTNC?

Ran: Read&Review&WaitForTheNextChapter!!

Yohina: Oh…