Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: New Adventure ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

SaF: Not bad for a first timer on a Kingdom Hearts fic.

Gabii: She meant for the prologue, nabbed one review.

Yohina: Yea. She doesn't really care about that anyway.

Ran: *rolls eyes at SaF* anyways, Emerald31, good luck on your own fic! *salutes*

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Kingdom Hearts: New Adventure

Summary:-Two girls got sucked away from their world as soon as they get reunited after two years. That's because they are the last hope of defeating the Heartless, once and for all. They get into Traverse Town, where they meet Sora and Riku. But, where's Kairi?

Rating: G (might change).


Chapter 1

"Ran's coming! Ran's coming!" Yohina sang, bouncing around. She's wearing a white pink colored spaghetti strap shirt and a pair of three quarter pants, which are purple in color. Her hair is put up in a loose ponytail.

"Yohina! Calm down!" Ms. Tammy said, laughing at her daughters' antics.

"Maa na, it's been quite a while since she and Ran met, let her be!" Mr. Kuroba said. Yohina's father is a Japanese, so that explains the name. However, Yohina isn't as crazy as Ran when it comes to talking in Japanese.

*door bell rings*

"I'll get it!" Yohina sang as she went past her parents and opened the door. There Ran stood, grinning ear to ear, wearing her favorite sleeveless white shirt, with a dark colored three quarter pants. She tied her hair up in a ribbon, apparently, red in color.

"Konnichiwa!" Ran called out cheerfully. "Genki deska?" She asked.

"Konnichiwa!" Yohina chirped. "Watashi tachi genki des!" Yohina answered. The two of them talked excitedly and the parents can't help but smile. Ran's father is Japanese, while her mother is half-Japanese, half-Chinese.

"Lets' go do some cloud watching!" Ran shouted.

"Yea!!" Yohina agreed and they both sped out to the lawn.

"Maa maa… It's such a peaceful day, ne?"

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"That looks like the PS2." Yohina commented, pointing at a cloud.

"That looks like a key with a blade!" Ran said, pointing at another.

"That cloud is- Hey, Ran? You okay?" Yohina asked, looking at Ran who had became quiet and started shuddering even though the sun is shining above their heads and there isn't any wind.

"Sort-of. You got any weapons?" Ran asked, pulling out her guns from her back.

"Um… a wooden sword?" Yohina answered uncertainly.

"Well, lets hope your kick-boxing did you some good." Ran mumbled as Heartless appeared.

"WHAT ARE THOSE?" Yohina shrieked.

"I have no idea…" Ran answered as she shot at some. Running out of ammo, she resumed her normal fighting style a.k.a kicking and punching.

Half an hour passed, and in Yohina's case, she's running out of stamina and Ran is running out of strength. Looking down, Ran noticed a black portal forming beneath their feet.

"Yohina?" Ran called.

"What?" Yohina answered breathlessly, not bothering to look and check.

Ran sighed. "Remember this if we get separated… Keep your light burning strong!" Ran shouted as the black portal swallowed her up. Looking behind, Yohina realized that Ran was gone.

"Ran? Ran?" Yohina called, looking around, not realizing that the black portal had moved its way up her body. Then, the rest Yohina remember was blank.

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Location: Traverse Town

"Hey Riku." Sora called.

Sora is currently 16 and is slightly taller and muscular after the battles he encountered before, some of which included Riku. Sora had also picked up some leadership skills. Goofy and Donald had parted with him and went back to the castle, as Mickey had returned. Sora doesn't remember how Riku came back from Kingdom Hearts, but he woke one morning to find Riku sleeping on the chair in his room at the hotel in the Second District.

"Yea?" Riku asked.

Riku is currently 17 and is shocked at the way Sora had grown. Sora is already 2-3 inches shorter than him, and he was quite proud of his friend. He had learn not to trust his instincts sometimes, and other times, he'll tell Sora of what he felt before taking action. Like I said before, Sora had picked up some leadership skills. Riku had also learnt that Darkness isn't what he wants as it blocks out the Light.

"A star went out." Sora answered.

Silence for a good minute. Then the two of them sped towards the Second District. Looking around and not finding anything or anyone fallen there, they both sped toward the Third District, only to miss someone falling down and landing gracefully on her feet.

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At the door to the Third District, they could hear a female's voice shouting "Get away from me, you freaks!" and "AHH~!! I'll KILL you if you come here!!". Bewildered, the two of them stepped through the door and saw…

…A girl beating up the Heartless as if they were pancakes?

"Hey Sora, think we should help her?" Riku asked while a sweat drop hung from his head.

"… Guess so…" Sora answered as he willed his Keyblade into his hands.

"……… So, shall we start before she takes all the fun?" Riku asked as he charged with his Keyblade in hand.

"HEY!! No fair!!" Sora yelled as he charged in as well.

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Yohina's PoV

"Get away from me, you freaks!" I yelled as I whacked a couple more… What did Ran call them? Oh yea. Shadows… with my fists. "AHH~!! I'll KILL you if you come here!!" I continued.

"Hey Sora, think we should help her?" A voice, definitely male, asked someone with a sweat drop hanging from his head.

"… Guess so…" Another voice answered as he willed his key-with-a-blade-like thingy into his hands.

"……… So, shall we start before she takes all the fun?" The first voice asked as he charged with his key-with-a-blade-like thingy in hand.

"HEY!! No fair!!" The second voice yelled as he charged in as well.

I swear that a sweat drop is hanging from my by head now. Here these Shadows are trying to steal something from me and these two are joking around?

I found my reason soon enough. The Shadows seem to pull back at the sight of the two and their weapons. In no time, the Shadows all disappeared.

"Hiya!" I called. "My name is Yohina. What about you guys?"

………I swear those two are staring at me at that………

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Normal PoV

"Hiya!" That girl the that the duo just sort-of saved called. "My name is Yohina. What about you guys?"

Riku and Sora can't help but stare at her.

"Um… Hi. I'm Sora and this is Riku." Sora answered as he had overcome whatever that had took him faster than Riku.

"Oh… Have you seen my friend? She's around my height, maybe slightly taller, with ash brown hair and eyes like Sora's." Yohina said, using hand gestures.

"No… not yet… Let's get to the hotel on the Second District. We could talk there." Sora suggested.

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"……… and that's about her." Yohina said, telling Sora and Riku about Ran.

"Hm… nope. I can't say we seen her." Sora replied. Yohina looked disappointed.

"Hey Sor'. Explain to her about the Heartless if she's going to be stuck here." Riku said.

"Sure. The Heartless are beings without hearts." Sora explained, his attention turning to explaining about the Heartless to Yohina. Yohina listened with intensely. She knew she had to explain to Ran if she didn't know about it.

"Hey guys. I swear I heard someone shouting." Riku said.

"Well… let's check it out." Sora said, going to the Keybearer mode.

Outside, Yohina could only say "Whoa. Does Ran know how tough they are?"

"So, that's Ran?" Sora asked. Yohina nodded.

"Well, let's get them." Riku said but before he could make his move, Ran made hers.

"Power of Light and Pureness, come to me. Aid me in destroying these creatures who threaten thee." And with that, a bright light shone from above, blinding those creatures and destroying them in one shot. Spent, Ran's knees buckles and she kneeled down, not realizing what she had done.

"RAN!" Yohina called.

"Oh. Hiya." Ran said, smiling weakly.

"Are you alright?" Yohina asked, getting down on her knees, helping Ran up.

"I sort-of used my powers on that attack. Can you bring me someplace to rest?" Ran asked, looking slightly confused as her eyes focused on the unfamiliar surroundings and people. Nodding her head in Sora and Riku's direction, she continued "And can you introduce them to me?"

"Oh yea." Yohina mumbled, blushing slightly. "The one with brown hair is Sora and Riku is the one with silver hair."

"Brown Sora silver Riku. Got it." Ran nodded and looked like she's about to pass out.

"Hey, lets bring her to the hotel first. She needs to rest." Riku said.

"Yea…" Sora agreed silently. As he and Riku carried Ran to the hotel, he can't help but feel like these two have a connection to destroying the Heartless for good.

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SaF: Whee~!! After getting this chapter deleted two times, I finally finished it!
Gabii: *sweat drops* what happened?

SaF: Blackout and my sis deleted it.

Yohina: *laughs*

Ran: Hey, at least it's done.

SaF: Uh-huh. Well, just R&R&WFTNC or R&R&RTNC!
Yohina: What's-?

Ran: Read&Review&ReadTheNextChapter!
Yohina: How did you know I was going to ask that?

Ran: Don't bother.