Fan Fiction ❯ Korean Eyes ❯ stolen ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hye walked down the dirty hallway, with nothing in his arms, all his possessions were lost. A man, no more than 20 years of age, approached him with out caution seeming to know what to expect, thinking he was like all of the others. The black hair pulled back in a ponytail, revealing the solid gray eyes.

Hye stopped walking to glare at the man, "I am LT." Unfortunately, Hye cut him off in the middle of his introduction, "LT is fine enough, and I don't need your name." Slightly offended, the LT. Spoke more cautiously than he had approached, "I'll show you too your room."

And they continued their journey down the bustling hallway, "excuse me" was heard more than wanted, they entered a 5-man room with four occupying it. "Are you reading that shit again?" one boy called to a boy with dark, long hair a little long for where they were. But Hye let that pass, Sarcastically; he replied to his friend, "Yes I am!"

His violet eyes pierced the pictures of a Manga called, "Yami no Matseui" "I can't help it!" He whined, "Tsuzuki and Hisoka are so cute!" that comment only receives a pillow being chucked threw the air, and hitting him in the face. "Cut the crap out! Jeez,"

The longhaired boy only laughed, "Are you boys finished yet?"

The sound of the LT voice surprised them all and they sat up attentively, "Sorry sir!"

He said with a big grin on his face, "Didn't hear you come in." he just seemed full of excuses and Hye hated him already, "I don't want your Excuses kozuki."

Finally, Hye's turned to be introduced, "This is the Highest ranking of all you moron's here, so be nice."

With that, the L.T was gone, "So!" The ebony haired boy said sitting Indian style and grabbing his ankles. "Welcome to hell, and I'll be your tour guide! Your bunks under mine." he smiled and received a hard look. "I've been in hell longer than you could ever imagine. I'll be your tour guide." Hye said and receivedShocked looks from 3 of the 4. One who wasn't? Surprised said. "You've got some tough dialogue, can Sitting on the top bunk on the opposite side of the loud mouth, sat a Chinese boy with blue hair and blue eyes, he stared at Hye,And sucked him in like gravity pulling something to earth. Hye had even stumbled forward a little. "Don't mind him," The gunner said and Hye sat on his bunk looking at the capture of his soul, and attention. "He's aHard ass." the needles pierced through the blonde's eyes and he cowered. "Just kidding man jeez!" the boy said. "Kidding will kill you" Hye scoffed as the violet-eyed boy introduced the ill toned one. "This is Mizu, I'mKazuki." he blinked inwardly but his eyes didn't move asHe bent over the bed and looked at Hye, "Hey, by the way what's your name?" Hye looked up at him and stated bluntly, "Hye."

<*>*<*>They entered what was called, "The faction" the man that was their teacher was called "Dr.Tashikata" he wore his white jacket and had the twins one each side on in each hand. The man that had been with them on the plain was no were to be found, and a bouncy women with blonde hair came needless to say, bouncing over to them "Dr.Tashikata" she said and he showed off his pearly whites with his gorgeous smile.

"Hello" he said as the secretary bent down to look at the twins. "Oh awesome" she said smiling "you've got them" "yeah" he responded the twins looked at her in fascination. "There so cute." she said and stood up straight. "Yeah" Tashikata said again, still smiling. "Well" Tashikata said nicely in Korean looking down at the twins, "we should get you boys a room." again with the smile. The boys looked up to him, and taihyun began to hate thatSmile.

They walked threw the huge main room that somewhat resembled a hotel lobby, only it was vast in space and MUCH nicer. There were desks and elevators aligned along the way, chandeliers hung from the ceiling 3Times higher than the twins, and bright like the sun. Taihyun shielded his eyes from it. The carpets they walked on had designs like they had never seen before, and appeared as the alienated crop signs. They stared at the ground in wander making people think they were shy, and how cute they were. Being seated in a soon lighted room they watched Tashikata carefully; being ever closer to each other ash eFlicked the light switch. "Now" he said in Korean and adjusted his glasses while walking over to them and bending down to their level. "You boys have to trust me ok" the room was made out of metal with two metal coffins in the center of the room. "I don't want to go in there" chaihyunie said. He new it was coming, he feared the inevitable, as every mortal boy would when they watched their favorite toy smash and break. "Listen chaihyunie" Tashikata said to the twin who was hiding his face in his silent brothers chest, Taihyun hugged him and glared daggers at Tashikata. "He doesn't want to go in so don't make him" taihyun spokeUp for the first time sense they left Korea. "You have to" Tashikata said. "The more you cooperate, the sooner you get back to Hye" the twins stared at him attentively, "really?" Tashikata's glasses wentSliding down his nose and he forcefully shoved them back up again trying to remain calm and not throw them off and break them. Some might say he was as blind as a bat without them. The boys got into the coffins one by one and were soaked up by darkness. A small whimper came from chaihyunie's breath as the cold metal made contact with his skin. The lids slid closed automatically. What he said now was a lie, and he knew it. //Chaihyunie first he much to vulnerable // Tashikata thought and slid a back a piece of metal to the side revealing a panel. He punched in buttons so fast a normal person couldn't see. And a computer complied. "Age processing." The boys couldn't hear any of this, they lay still letting there eyes drift slowly to sleep, along with there mind that whirled with questions, Tashikata went to Taihyun and did the same thing, "24 hour change processing" a seal locked anything outside out, nothing could interfere and hey would be asleep for the next 24 hours.