Fan Fiction ❯ KOTOR 2: Chronicles of the Exile ❯ The Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Knights Of The Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
Chronicles of the Exile
Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with LucasArts, nor Obsidian Entertainment, nor with George Lucas himself, or have ownership of any of the characters in the game and the game itself. Therefore I have no way to pay for any lawsuit against me as this is a fan created story.
Author's Notes: I played the game KOTOR 2 several times, but only on the Light Side and as a Male character, so this is a good guy story. I might do a Light Side Female character story soon. Plus in this story, Revan does not make the choice to reclaim his position as Dark Lord of the Sith when that was presented to him by Bastila Shan who was corrupted by Darth Malak. If you play the game, you can already know that she and Revan get together the second time they fought and she is saved by him.
This story will be discussed in both third and first person perspective, so we can see the characters' thoughts and ideas in each scenario from the game, and though I will do my best to follow the script, I'll still make my own changes as this is my first Star Wars fic
The Mandalorian Wars & the Jedi Civil War
The Republic faced a great crisis…
Five years during the days of the old Galactic Republic, the galaxy was gripped in the state of a war that ravaged many worlds in the inner and outer Rim worlds and systems. Many were either killed or taken as slaves to fill the ranks of one of the most powerful military clan-nations the galaxy has ever known…
The Mandalorians…
A mixture of various warrior clans, The Mandalorians were known as the fiercest fighting force in the galaxy. Training in their youth all the way to adulthood in the ways of combat, both with weapons and without, the Mandalorians proved themselves to be fierce and highly trained warriors, rivaling other alien warrior species, though aliens were in their ranks as well. Far in their training and technological knowledge, these warriors had created weapons of their own making to mold them even further as warriors of their code of honor and conduct. Rumors abounded about their extraordinary skills as soldiers, and mercenaries, making them the most sought after warriors in the outer and inner Rim systems. The rumors also stated that they served the Sith, the mortal enemy of both the Republic, and the Jedi Order, this was due to the pledge of service given by the Mandalorian leader, known only as Mandalore to the Dark Lord of the Sith at the time, Exar Kun who was finally slain by both the Republic and the Jedi.
They hungered for one thing, and that was to test their skills against a worthy foe, and they did so against the Republic…in a series of lighting attacks they struck at several quadrants of the galaxy, destroying the planet of Serreco, claiming the jungle moon Dxun and invading the planet of Onderon, they too attacked the Iridonian colony worlds and many others. Their attacks prompted the Republic to fight back, but the soldiers of the Republic were outmatched by highly trained, motivated, and well armed Mandalorians. Millions of the brave soldiers of the Republic, men and women, human and alien were hewn apart by the Mandalorians in their `glorious' honor Crusade.
The Republic was in dire straits throughout the battles that they had been in with the Mandalorians. Their soldiers were outmatched, disorganized, and uncoordinated in their attacks and were left to the mercy of the Mandalorians. Their fleets were also being torn apart by the clans and their experienced marines, pilots, and commanders. The Senate had no choice but to call on the Jedi Order for aid as they knew that the situation was dire.
The Jedi Order however counseled the Republic that the Mandalorians were not the real threat to the Republic…but rather what or who were the ones that unleashed the clans against them. They forbade many of their Jedi Knights, Masters, and Padawans from involving themselves in the war. They were to wait and study the threat that posed behind the backs of the Mandalorians. The Jedi who didn't always understand the Jedi Council were shocked that they were not allowed to come to the aid of the Republic in it's dark hour of need. Many however had no choice but to heed the words of the Council and wait for their chance.
But for two Jedi Knights, the time for listening to the Council was over. They knew that the Republic would be obliterated long before the Council came to a decision, and they were not going to stand by and let more people die on the outer Rim and the inner Rim Systems…
They were Revan, A Jedi Master, and his close friend and apprentice, Malak…
Breaking the code and disobeying the order of the Council, the two men gathered a following of their brother and sister Jedi together to make their way to the battle-grounds to aid the Republic. Many Padawans and some more Knights heeded the call of Revan and Malak, both accomplished warriors of the Order, and without revealing their intentions to the Council…went to war.
The arrival of Revan, Malak, and their fellow Jedi was a blessing to the eyes of the Republic, namely to their soldiers and commanders. In no time flat, the Republic, under the leadership of Revan and Malak, began to even up against the Mandalorians. The once disorganized masses of Republic troops were now being led by veteran and apprentice Jedi with Revan being promoted as Supreme Commander and Malak as Second in Command. Many Jedi under Revan and Malak distinguished themselves as leaders and soldiers, and the Republic hailed them all as heroes. The Jedi Council however considered Revan and his followers as renegades to the Order. As such, any and if any of the Jedi who followed Revan to war, will be severely punished by the Council.
Revan was not only a master of many to nearly all the lightsaber combat styles of the Jedi Order, or a master of using his Force powers at will and with little effort, but he was a master tactician in battle. His strategies had resulted in greater casualties, but his methods broke the spear-tip of the Mandalorian advance into Republic territory. Whenever planets that were held by the Mandalorians were freed, it was no surprise that the many slaves rescued by the Republic considered Revan and his fellow Jedi as their rescuers, and those Republic soldiers who were freed from either imprisonment or death were ready to fight for Revan even to the death.
In the coming years of the Mandalorian Wars, Revan discovered a secret from several captured Mandalorian scholars…The name of a taboo planet forbidden for any Mandalorian to even speak of, let alone set foot on…
Malachor 5…
Intrigued by this bit of information, The Jedi Master made his way to the planet, hoping to find more answers to his questions on how to crush the Mandalorian threat. Ever since fighting the Mandalorians, Revan and Malak grew to throw away some of the values and teachings of the Jedi Order, the war began to change Revan inside, and though it was somewhat obvious to others, the Jedi Knight kept in deeply hidden, except to Malak. As he came on the hostile surface of Malachor 5, Revan realized why the Mandalorians considered this planet to be totally off limits to their people. It emanated vast quantities of Dark Side Force energy…the planet was a fortress world of the mortal enemy of the Jedi, the Sith. While there he felt the full power of the Dark Side and there he uncovered massive numbers of Sith artifacts…holocrons, speaking of the glory of the Sith Empire and the many secrets used by the ancient Sith Lords to make their empire the most feared in the outer Rim systems. The powerful streams and concentrations of the Dark Side of the Force would have crushed normal Jedi, but Revan's will allowed him to withstand the power of Malachor 5 and actually siphon off the power of the planet, and he survived. He however became enamored by the power of Malachor 5 and that of the Sith Empire, and in that instant…the Jedi Master Revan was no more…
Darth Revan now existed…
After his conversion to the Dark Side, Revan corrupted his friend Malak, who willingly followed his friend and master into the path of the Dark Side, with that, the two began to plan their end for the war between their forces and that of the Mandalorians. While Revan and Malak led the Republic to more victories, the new Sith warriors began establishing secret camps and outposts, and even created a hidden academy within the depths of Malachor 5 itself. There, Darth Revan revived the powers of the Sith and began training soldiers he had converted to his cause, and those Jedi willing to serve him. The Jedi became Dark Sith, all dedicated to achieving the goals of the Sith Empire, while others became Sith assassins, along with those former Republican troops, with one solid purpose to their training…
To capture Jedi and convert them to serve the Dark Side…or to utterly slay them.
As the time came to end the war, Revan knew that the time was ripe to eliminate those who didn't obey him in war, and he no longer cared for who they were, whether Jedi or Republican troopers… to him they were a threat to all that he was building…along with the Mandalorians.
The war between the Republic and the Mandalorian clans came to a total end in the one place the Mandalorians feared and reviled with all their collective memories and knowledge.
Malachor 5 became the battle-ground where all would end. Revan leaked out information to the Mandalorian spies, and sent the remains of the massive Republic fleet, which was now staffed by soldiers and Jedi who's loyalty to him he doubted. He intended to wipe out the Mandalorians, along with those who didn't convert to his side. He placed in charge one of his generals of the fleet, and as soon as the fleet arrived at the Dark Side tainted planet, they were attacked by the full might of the Mandalorian vanguard fleets. The battles were brutal as the Mandalorians smashed and tore through the Republic forces, the Republic fought valiantly beside the Jedi, but their numbers were too few to make a successful counter-attack, but this was where the Mandalorians lost their leader Mandalore as well.
The reinforcements for both fleets would be too late to arrive, so the Jedi General made the greatest and most painful decision of all. He ordered his trusted Iridonian technician to activate the Mass Shadow Generator, a device that created massive gravity wells that caved in an implosion wave fashion capable of crushing even planets. The weapon worked far better than the technician, Bao-Dur by name, had expected. Not only did it crush the Mandalorian fleet and the Mandalorians, but it too butchered the Republican fleets, it's soldiers, officers, and the Jedi who fought there. The devastation left only tiny pockets of survivors, but to the others who were not in the battle. The Mandalorians were destroyed, their threat to the galaxy was crushed, and the Republic was safe.
The lone Jedi who survived the battle at Malachor 5, was the only Jedi who came to face the judgment of the Jedi Council. Despite the Jedi's pleas defense of the war for the other Jedi who followed Revan, the Jedi Knight was ordered by all members of the Council to be exiled, without any help from the Order. Crushed and angered by the Council's decisions regarding the war, and no doubt the building anger and despair…plus something deeper made the now Exiled Jedi take his lightsaber and stabbed it into the heart of the stone pillar within the Council chambers, in which the Jedi Code was carved into. After this, the Jedi Exile vanished from the scene of the galaxy for many years.
The Republic thought the war was over…little did the people realize that the conflict between the Republic and the Mandalorian clans was only part of another more sinister war. A war that would pit comrades against each other, and Jedi against Jedi…
The Jedi Civil War…
The Republic, still reeling from the end of the Mandalorian Wars, now faced an even greater threat…and from the most unlikely source.
Merely a year or two after the end of the Mandalorian Wars, a new fleet began it's bloody attack on the weakened Republic. But the truly shocking thing was the fact that the new soldiers and fleets attacking the Republic…were their own forces…from the Mandalorian campaign…and now lead by Revan, former champion of the Republic, who now carried the mantle of leadership as the Dark Lord of the Sith.
The Republic was able to rebuild a portion of it's fighting strength during the peace that came when the Mandalorian Wars ended, but the Sith Forces were far greater in numbers and power. The Sith Fleets far out numbered the Republic ships and many planets were now taken by the Sith forces.
The Jedi Order, knew that they only had one chance to end this war. They had to slay the leaders of the insurrection or else the badly weakened Republic would be destroyed for all time. Under the command of Jedi Knight Bastila Shan who aided the Republic with her mastery of the Force power Battle Meditation, a Jedi commando squad was secretly inserted into Revan's command ship which engaged a small Republic Fleet which acted as bait and the insertion point for the Jedi. Fighting their way to the two Sith Lords, many Jedi fell to either the Sith soldiers and their former Jedi comrades or to Malak and Revan.
As the surviving Jedi, including Bastila Shan fought with Revan, Malak, who wanted to rule the Sith, but knowing that Revan was far greater in lightsaber skills and Force powers than him, betrayed his master and friend, by ordering his command ship to destroy the bridge where Revan was while he escaped. Bastila survived and so did Revan, though he suffered amnesia from the blast and nearly perished had it not been for Bastila saving him, thus the two formed a powerful Force Bond.
Bastila brought the unconscious Revan to the Jedi Temple in Coruscant, the home-planet of the Republic government for trial. But the Council chose instead to suppress further the memories of the Dark Lord and gave him a new identity as Arkanis Janiell, a simple Republic soldier. (*)
With the `death' of Darth Revan, Malak took the stage as leader of the Sith Fleet. Unlike Revan who did only surgical strikes against the Republic he and Malak once served, the new Dark Lord of the Sith destroyed planets, having suffered the loss of his lower jaw in a duel, Malak no longer considers sparing any and all his targets. Malak and Revan had been different in many ways, Revan wanted to convert and conquer the galaxy so he would not have to start from scratch, he wanted the infrastructure working when he took over and fought with the true Sith Empire, for he had other ideas concerning the true Sith Empire. Malak didn't follow the plan and wanted to obliterate the Republic. He continued his search for the `Star Forge' a powerful artifact of great power that could make the Sith Forces unstoppable, this was what he and Revan searched for before he betrayed Revan, but he too searched for the Jedi Bastila Shan sending his assassins with two objectives, the primary was to try and capture the Jedi Knight to allow him to convert her to side with the Sith, and the second if it came to it, to slay her and deny the Republic her skills.
The Republic had no idea where or how did the Sith Fleet gain so many allies and weapons, but it was nearly a hopeless cause. It was in this moment, that the Endar Spire, a Republic warship under the command of Bastila Shan came under attack. Onboard was the re-programmed Dark Lord of the Sith Revan, known to others as Arkanis Janiell, awakened and with another Republic soldier named Carth Onasi from the planet of Telos, fought their way to command bridge against many Sith soldiers, and rescued Bastila. After the rescue, the three survivors landed on a planet known as Taris, it was there that they lost Bastila Shan, and were able to meet a Twi'lek who spoke fluent Basic named Mission Vao, and her companion, a Wookie from the planet Kashyyk named Zaalbar, both of whom provided information on the world of Taris. After gaining the aid of Mission and Zaalbar after rescuing the Wookie from Gamorrean slavers, they were able to rescue Bastila from a swoop biker gang known as the Black Vulkars, thanks to Arkanis's growing powers in the Force. They were able to flee alongside another Mandalorian survivor named Canderous Ordo who was an employee for Davik Kang. When the Sith came to blockade Taris, he aided the group in escaping by stealing the ship of his former master, the Ebon Hawk, as the Sith decimated the planet with a massive bombardment. The new group made their way to the Jedi Enclave in Dantooine alongside T3, an astromech droid responsible for storing the data of the Ebon Hawk. There Arkanis received training to become a Jedi, and in his final test he was to clear a Jedi meditation grove that was tainted and the home of several insane kath hounds that attacked the settlers. It was there that the former Dark Lord met one of the people he had saved in his first life as a Jedi.
The grove was inhabited by a Cathar Jedi named Juhani. Long ago she and her family were among the tiny pockets of survivors of their race. The Cathar were nearly sent to genocidal status by the Mandalorians who attacked them due to them fighting the clans during the service of the Mandalorians with Exar Kun, and their reputation and fearless warriors made the Mandalorian clans wish to test their might against them. Juhani and her family were on Taris and were hated by the humans who were the inhabitants of the planet. When her father died, it didn't take long for her mother to die as well. Juhani was then taken as a slave by the Exchange fro failing to pay her mother's debts. She was to be sold to Xor, a Twi'lek Mandalorian who hated the Cathar, due to his wounds. It was at this point that Revan, who didn't fall to the Dark Side at the time came to her rescue, slaying Xor's thugs, and freeing the Cathar woman. Xor escaped the battle, but Juhani swore that she would one day catch him and make him pay. This happened during the time Taris was held by the Mandalorians.
Juhani had always idolized Jedi as heroic peace-keepers, and since she was inherently Force-sensitive or attuned to the Force, she gathered whatever money she could and made her way to Dantooine and joined the Jedi Enclave. There she trained with Jedi Master Quatra. Though their relationship was peaceful, Juhani's Catharian warrior nature and emotions drew her close to the Dark Side.
Quatra knew this and tested Juhani in the most unusual way. As the Cathar finished her training and Quatra had nothing more to teach her apprentice, she allowed her to strike her in rage, making her believe that she did so willingly. Although Juhani thought she killed her master and learned the Dark Side, Quatra was not in fact dead, but only wounded. The Cathar went to the grove and her descent to the Dark Side happened.
Arkanis (Revan) fought with Juhani and defeated her in combat, not realizing that she was one he had rescued in the past. Juhani realized what her master had tried to teach her. The Dark Side was not more powerful than the Light Side, and giving into it's seduction didn't make one stronger. She begged Arkanis to kill her and give justice to her fallen master, instead Arkanis spared her and persuaded her to gain mercy from the Council. There she did gain forgiveness, gained her status as a full-fledged Jedi Knight, and was happily reunited with her master after being informed that Quatra was very much alive by the Council.
It was also here in Dantooine that Arkanis and the others discovered a powerful artifact that was known as a Star Map. This artifact contained coordinates to allow the discovery of the Star Forge. The power of the map was seeped deeply in the Dark Side of the Force, and it took Arkanis a great deal of effort to finally claim the one they found on Dantooine. It was there that they learned that there were other Star Maps, that when combined together, they would tell the full location of the Star Forge. The Jedi Council realized that this was what gave the Sith their power and numerical advantage over the battered Republic, so they charged Arkanis and his companions, Bastila, Carth, Canderous, Mission, Zaalbar, T3- M4, and Juhani to go out and locate the other Star Maps, locate the Star Forge, and allow the Republic the chance to launch a crippling strike at the Sith Forces and their war machine. The first fragment of the Star Map pointed out the locations of the four other parts, one on the Planet of Zaalbar's birth, the Wookie home-planet of Kashyyk, The desert world of Tatooine, the kolto plant producing world of Manaan, and finally the fallen world of the Sith Empire, Korriban.
As the party arrived on the planet of Kashyyk, it was there they learned of Zaalbar being exiled due to attacking his brother Chunndar, and this was done by his father, who was the chieftain of the tribe Zaalbar belonged to, and the brother of Zaalbar had his brother imprisoned for dishonoring his exile. Arkanis and the others later learned the reason why Zaalbar risked exile by attacking his brother. It turned out that Chuundar was selling his own brethren as slaves to the Czerka Corporation, but only few knew this and considered the real traitor Wookie as a hero. In an effort to free Zaalbar and incriminate the rogue Wookie. Arkanis and the others accepted Chuundar's request to kill an enraged Wookie `madclaw' in the Shadowlands, the one place where the sun of Kashyyk could not go to, leaving the place covered in darkness.
It was there that they met another Jedi, Jolee Bindo. Long ago, Jolee was a maverick Jedi doing acts that were frowned upon by the Council, one of which was smuggling. The romantic side of this dangerous business came to the Jedi when he was shot down by a woman who was also Force-sensitive, they later became husband and wife, another practice forbidden by the Jedi Council. In the dawn of the war with Exar Kun and his followers, Jolee's wife, along with other Jedi fell into the sway of the Dark Side, she tried to convert her husband, but failed. Jolee defeated her in combat but didn't slay her, allowing her to slay many other Jedi, until she met her end.
Jolee was crushed, but crushed even more when the Jedi Council told him that he learned the hard way from his suffering, and did not punish him. Disgusted by the Council, Jolee left the Order and came to Kashyyk and explored the Shadowlands for a period of years, the Wookies considered him a benevolent tree spirit and paid homage to him, the old Jedi told the truth after much embarrassment, but he and the Wookie tribes became close friends as he helped them protect the Shadowlands and the wild-life that inhabited it. He came to find the Star Map and attempted to communicate with it, but the computer won't respond to anyone but Revan, who found it many years ago and kept it safe.
When Arkanis and the others came, they were joined by the former Jedi and were able to locate the `madclaw' who turned out to be Chuundar and Zaalbar's father Freyyr, who found out the truth, and was exiled by his rebellious son. Arkanis then aided Freyyr to retrieve a powerful weapon sacred to the Wookie people known as Bacca's Ceremonial Blade, a powerful vibro-sword and with it, they led a rebellion against both Chuundar and Czerka, it was then that Chuundar was killed and Freyyr became chieftain, pardoning his son and giving him the blade. Jolee then joined the group for the rest of their travels, partly out of boredom and wanting to settle the debts he felt for in the past, though he knew the true identity of Arkanis as Revan, but kept it to himself.
Their next destination was on the desert world of Tatooine. It was there that Mission Vao met her brother Griff Vao who had lied to both her and his lover the Twi'lek dancer Lena, who the crew had met at a point in their travels. Lena explained the truth to Mission who was angry but happy to hear that her brother wasn't dead, and she dropped her hatred to Lena, bridging the gap between them and they became close friends. After rescuing her brother from the Sand People and gaining the Star Map, Mission didn't waste time trying to reform her still unchanged brother, but accepted him for all his faults. Though they had differences, they parted as friends. This was also where the group acquired the aid of another creation of Revan in his past as the Dark Lord of the Sith, HK-47 who was an assassin droid, created by Revan in the Star Forge to serve as his eyes, ears and scalpel in hunting any threats to his plans to conquer to Republic during his leadership of the Sith.
Manaan, the planet producing kolto was their next destination, it was there that they uncovered the facts that both the Republic and the Sith had a presence there. After aiding the Republic with their underground kolto facility, and recovering the Star Map, the party made their next move to go to the one place where Bastila hated to go…Korriban.
It was there that Carth met his lost son Dustil, who fell to the Dark Side, blaming his father for abandoning him and his mother to death under the hands of Carth's former mentor and commander, Saul Karath, who was slain by the group after escaping from the Leviathan's prison cells, and slaying the former Republic Admiral and his soldiers. It was also then that Carth learned from his former mentor that the young Jedi Padawan who traveled with them was in fact Revan, Dark Lord of the Sith. Carth's hatred for the Sith dissipated as the other's discussed the new revelation and he was there as Arkanis accepted that truth but turned down the temptation to reclaim his Dark Side past.
Both Carth and the others were able to bring Dustil back to the light, and reunited both father and son, who tried to do the same for his fellow soldiers, but only few did so. Fighting against the surviving leaders of the Sith and even redeeming the soul of Adjunta Pall, one of the powerful members of the founders of the Sith Academy on the barren planet, they gained access to the Academy on the planet. After which they were able to gain the forth and last piece of the Star Map. It was there that they learned that the Star Forge was on the world of Rakata Prime. But it was here also that Bastila was finally captured by Malak who greeted his old master and former friend, telling him of his betrayal of the Sith and the Dark Side. Before a rescue could be made by the others, Malak fled with Bastila as his hostage. Arkanis, who now shed his name reclaimed his old one of Revan, knew where Malak would go…Rakata Prime…and to the Star Forge.
According to Revan who had visited the planet in his days of hunting the Mandalorians and his time as the Dark Lord of the Sith after Malachor 5, he had met two factions of the planet's race, one was the primal side that had lost touch with it's great heritage as the Infinite Empire millenniums before the existence of the Republic. And the other was the Ancients, survivors of the religious caste that still held access to the Empire's ancient and advanced technology, including the hyper drive systems used by the ships of their time.
During his time as the Dark Lord, he had lied to the Rakatan priests that he would destroy the Star Forge. He used it to create a massive fleet of battle-ships, droids, and fighter craft, and supply parts for his army when he attacked the Republic. This was one mission he knew he would have to do alone since the priest would only allow him to enter the Temple of The Ancients. It was there on that planet that Revan faced the ultimate choice that would not only dictate his fate, but that of the galaxy as well…as he entered the temple…and faced Malak's newest apprentice…
Bastila Shan…
Malak had used all methods of torture to break Bastila's will and make her his own new apprentice after the fall of his former apprentice Darth Bandon by Revan's lightsabers. Using drugs, Force Lighting, Force Fear and Terror, and by twisting the feelings Bastila had for Revan after one night together in their journey, Bastila finally gave into her hatred and anger, becoming the one thing she feared and loathed the most, a Sith warrior.
As the two faced off, Jolee and Juhani came in after the elder Jedi was able to convince the Rakatan priests to let them enter. They arrived not too soon as Bastila and Revan fought with one another in a brief test of skill, after the battle Bastila tempted Revan to reclaim his place as the Dark Lord of the Sith.
Revan, recalling all that he had done to so many worlds and innocents in his time as the leader of the Sith, comparing it to what he had done to save many lives and give hope to all that were around him, the friendships he had forged, and the memories of Bastila saving his life and giving him a chance to walk in the Light again made his decision.
He would not walk back to being the Dark Lord and turned down Bastila's offer. This enraged the former Jedi Knight, and the two fought one another once more. Despite Bastila's skills with her double-lightsaber, she was not able to match up to Revan's skills in combat, she left the battle in anger and loathing and fled back to the Star Forge.
Revan went after her, intending to save the Jedi Knight, not because of her abilities, her skills, nor their bond…but because he was in love with Bastila. Arriving in the Star Forge, Revan tore his way through swarms of Sith, Dark Jedi Knights, and their Padawans and finally faced off with Bastila a second time. The two battled each other, and this time, even with the Star Forge renewing her powers, Bastila was defeated. As she realized that her life was in Revan's hands and recalling what she had done when she became a Sith, trying to kill Revan, she broke down and begged Revan to kill her. Revan refused her demand and succeeded in bringing her back to the light, and they finally admitted that they were in love.
The two lovers escaped into the Ebon Hawk, Revan then ordered Carth to call in the combined Republic and Jedi Fleet to begin attacking the Star Forge After which Bastila gave her aid to the Republic Fleet using her Battle Meditation, to give the soldiers the courage to defeat the arriving Sith Fleet and the Star Forge.
Revan arrived in Malak's command ship, after tearing his way through more fallen Jedi and the two former friends began their long anticipated duel. The battle was intense and though Malak used the essences of captured Jedi to sustain himself, Revan forcefully freed each Jedi, allowing them to become one with the Force. In the end, Malak was defeated, and as he watched the life leave his former best friend, Revan asked Malak to forgive him for ever taking him and so many others into Darkness. Malak disagreed, he walked into the Dark Side willingly, and he admitted that although he was the most promising apprentice of the Jedi, like Bastila, he didn't have the will or strength as Revan had to walk away from the Dark side. He nodded as he admitted his inferiority to Revan who forgave him and Malak finally died in the manner that befitted a fallen Jedi, in darkness, regret, and in sorrow. With his death, and the destruction of the Star Forge, the Sith were broken and scattered their fleets and troops to the Unknown Regions, leaving the Republic victorious. Revan and his companions were hailed as heroes of both the Republic and the Galaxy, and despite some of the misgivings and disagreement of some of the members of the Jedi Council, Revan and Bastila were allowed to marry.
This however was not to last, as nearly a year after their victory, Revan left orders to both his closest friends Carth Onasi and Canderous Ordo to do some tasks of great importance. To the others, and his beloved wife Bastila, he wanted them to hold the Republic together, when asked why he was leaving or why they could not come with him to whatever destiny had for him, he said nothing, but only said that there was something he had to deal with in the Unknown Regions to ensure the safety of the Republic. Taking only HK-47 and T3-M4 with him on the Ebon Hawk, Revan made his way, intent on completing his mission in dealing with the Sith.
It had been nearly two years since then, The Republic is in the process of rebuilding, but many events have happened, and the wounds of war have not fully healed.
It is now that another warrior of the Mandalorian Wars would come back to the Galaxy…and his sojourn into Destiny will begin.
To be continued…
(*) I never played KOTOR 1, so I had to wing this one.
This is the end of the Prologue. Since there are several destinations in the game, I'll do my best to write good chapters about each planet, we'll have the quests and some extra scenes to fill in the gaps.
See you on Chapter 1: Telos Station.