Fan Fiction ❯ KOTOR 2: Chronicles of the Exile ❯ Chapter 1a- Telos Station ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

KOTOR 2: Chronicles of the Exile
Disclaimer: I have no ownership of LucasArts and anything Star Wars. So don't waste time trying to track me down and ask for a lawsuit.
Chapter 1a- Telos Station
< >: Thoughts
<<”Italic”>>: T3's speech.
A ship made it's way through the massive void of planetary bodies, stars, and other space debris. The ship looked to be the shape of the discus with the cockpit in the middle of the shape, along with several hard-points for any weapons it's crew would consider using. The dull brown-orange and white color scheme of the ship plus it's size meant it was a stock-light freighter unit. And although this was used by many transporters of the Galactic Rim, the ship had other more…dubious uses, one of which was a smuggler vessel. The ship's ID code and name was the Ebon Hawk, and it now was carrying several individuals, an old woman, an astromech droid, a gambler and scoundrel… and one fallen Jedi. (*)
In the cockpit…
“There, we'll be hitting Telos Station in several hours, no sign of any Sith warships or fighters, and that's just fine by me, I don't plan on going through Peragus one more time you know.” The pilot, a short haired man said to his companion who was near the ship's navigation charts.
“You and me both Atton, I'm not all that sure it would be prudent to be flying blind, we'll have to make our way to the medical station on Telos and get Kreia's hand checked out for possible treatment, I understand she wants to be strong, but it's not going to be healthy for her to move around with that wound of hers.”
“Well, she did get it for fighting that blasted Sith Lord who looks like he sleeps with Vibroblade for sheets and pillows.” Atton said with a bit of a sarcastic tone.
“I mean, she's lucky she's a Jedi like you, otherwise she'd be dead long before we ever found her.”
Atton then heard the somewhat angry but restrained tone in his companion's voice and realized that he was overstepping his bonds a bit.
“Didn't I tell you to lighten up on the insults Atton, she lost her hand trying to save us, remember? You could at least try and be civil about the whole thing.”
Atton looked behind his shoulder and stared at his companion's face. Though his friend was a Jedi and he was remaining calm, he could see how unfriendly his expression was. He wasn't like other Jedi in the scoundrel's eyes, something about his demeanor and manners were different, he could control his emotions, but unleash them when he wanted to, but without falling to becoming like a Sith. It was a little unnerving to say the least.
“Okay Kyr, I'm sorry, and yeah you did tell me to stop that, but she could do the same whenever we're in the same room, or when we're walking together in whatever place we wind up in. I mean, it's not like it's too much for me to ask is it?”
Kyr's features relaxed as he understood his companion's reasoning. Kreia was cryptic and can be a little hard to deal with sometimes due to her gruff and somewhat hardened demeanor, but she did risk her life for them, and her bond with him had made her feel the pain of when her hand had been sliced by what appeared to be a lightsaber, and he had no doubt in his mind that the lightsaber in question belonged to the Sith Lord that they had seen in the Harbinger.
“No, you're right, I'll try and talk to her about it, the last thing I want is you two getting into another fight.” Kyr said as he finished his logging of their course to Telos Station. “I'm going to the medical bay and pick up what I can to help her stave off the pain until we get to Telos.”
Atton nodded, but then spoke to his Jedi companion. “Look Kyr, you might want to rest up, since it'll be a while until we get there. You look like you've been put in an ion engine twice already. Take a bunk and get some rest okay?”
Kyr nodded with a smile to his companion. “Thanks, I appreciate the gesture.”
Kyr walked down the corridor and made his way to the Ebon Hawk's medical bay. He quickly checked the computer for the supply inventory and found that they had enough kolto packs, bandages, pain killers, stimulants, and other items in the med bay for at least three weeks tops. The supplies apparently were only for first aid treatment and were not enough to deal with serious injuries, but in this case, it was more than enough. He then punched the sequence to get the things he needed.
He walked out of the med bay and had a medical kit, two kolto packs and some self sealing bandages. He then turned and faced his other companion, the astromech T3, who immediately made an inquiry to him through beeps and whistles, to most the language of astromech droid were gibberish and totally annoying, but to mechanics and Kyr, it was as clear as speaking Galactic Basic.
<<”Is everything all right Master Kyr?”>>
Kyr nodded to the astromech droid and answered. “Everything's fine T3, I just need to help Kreia deal with her injury, by the way, how's the repairs on the Ebon Hawk going?”
<<”The repairs are all right though I can only do so much, considering the size of the Ebon Hawk, I'm also working on the security systems and astrogation charts”.>>
“Good, you're doing a great job T3 and it's nice to see.”
<<”Thank you Master Kyr I'll go back to work and check for any other damages the Ebon Hawk might have suffered and had been missed by the Peragus droids.”>>
The astromech droid then went on with it's duties as it wheeled it's way to the security center and astrogation archives room. The room served to maintain security and it also housed the main nav-com system of the Ebon Hawk, and it was necessary to protect it whenever possible. Kyr however noted that T3 appeared to have suffered damages, part of it was from the fire-fight they had gotten into while escaping Peragus, but another part of the damage was hidden deeper in the droid.
<Looks like I'll have to do some repairs on T3 later.>
He then went other dormitory section of the ship and got ready to treat his injured companion. He had become a student of hers after their conversation previously, and it was time for him to return the favor.
As he entered the room, he spotted Kreia meditating on the floor, and despite her calm he could see some of the blood, burned cloth, and he could smell the cauterized flesh where her hand had been. He knew for a fact that Kreia might have already known his intentions before he even got out of the cockpit, and sure enough…
“I told you Kyr, this wound may pain me but we have for more important things to deal with than this wound I have.” Kreia said with a tone that was not in the mood to argue with her young `apprentice' as she stared at him after rising from her meditative trance to face the former Jedi.
Kyr took the time to study his new mentor. Kreia wore robes that were in similarity to Jedi robes, and she kept her hood over the upper half of her face, shielding her eyes from view. He knew one thing that Atton had right, she was old, he didn't know her age exactly, and neither was he going to ask such a personal question to one badly wounded as her. She had a demeanor that make him rather curious though, she was neither Jedi nor Sith. He could sense the Force in her, but she neither had a Light Side aura nor a Dark Side aura, so she was neither a Jedi nor a Sith. Her voice spoke with age and authority, meaning that she knew a great deal about things that had happened in the Republic while he had been in exile.
They had discussed the events that led to the situation they were in now. Apparently, after the brutal disaster he was involved in and his exile by the Order, Revan walked into the Dark Side and so did Malak, along with many other Jedi and Republican troops. But after Revan was captured by what appeared to be a command team of Jedi and brought before the Council, he aided them in destroying the Star Forge, defeating Malak, and saving the Republic, he now longer wore the robes, armor, and mask that he had donned as his time as the Dark Lord of the Sith. Both he and a number of companions, including the Jedi Knight Bastila Shan were hailed as heroes, and for a reason that brought a grin to Kyr's face, they were married, that grin however faded when he heard that only a year after he was married and living in peace, he vanished without a trace. This didn't sound like the Revan Kyr knew back in his days on the Enclave, not to mention that the departure was kept in total secrecy, Kyr knew that whatever it was, it must have been very important to his former Commander to do that. He knew of their destination, namely that of Telos, apparently the Republic was re-habilitating the ravaged planet and for reasons he didn't recall, the Harbinger, the cruiser he was in was heading there.
Kreia said that the Jedi Council was the one responsible for severing his tie to the Force, and maybe they were the ones that could undo the damage done to him. He had heard rumors of the prisoners of Jedi, namely Sith were severed of their connections to the Force, but this made no sense to him, he may have defied the Council by fighting with Revan and Malak, but even that wasn't grounds for THAT kind of punishment. The only way he could recover his connection to the Force, was to locate the Jedi and have his connection re-established, if he wanted to survive the battles with this new brand of Sith warriors after his neck. He had some doubts though, after the Jedi Civil War, Kreia said that barely a hundred Jedi Knights were left, and most of them had either gone into hiding or had been killed, It may have something to do with the words that the HK assassin droid had said about a bounty on his head, Kyr knew that if a bounty was on his head, that meant that the Jedi had a bounty on their heads, and that made sense that whoever in the Exchange had posted this bounty on Jedi was responsible for the numbers of Jedi decreasing. Atton had given this bit of detail to him when they met on Peragus, and that meant that many would be willing to collect the bounty on him and any Jedi they came across. That made him realize how important it was for the Jedi to be found and reunited. He needed to find the Jedi Masters since he needed to stop the Sith and the Force would be of great help.
Kyr however had learned things after his exile from the Order. Mostly he learned to utilize his natural talents and skills, he had also improved in some of the things he had learned in the Academy as he put them into practice in the real world. His combat skills and his now flexible outlook gave him in some ways a bit of an edge over most of the other Jedi, along with those who served under him during the Mandalorian conflict. For now he had other matters to deal with.
“I know that Kreia, but none of it will mean a thing if you or any other part of this group are badly injured, and don't say that it's nothing. When our Force Bond made me feel the lose of your hand, I felt like mine was encased in molten carbonite. I don't intend on letting anyone die under my watch this time.”
“Then I suggest that we both work on ways to shut it out when we fight the Sith and the enemy that hounds us. And we can't do that if you are treating me.” Kreia said back.
“Fine, but let me heal you first, it'll make things less complicated for both of us, and this will prevent any serious infection.”
Kyr then brought out the kolto packs, med-kit, and the self sealing bandages. He then placed the kolto packs on Kreia's burned and maimed arm and watched as the healing fluids began their work on his injured companion.
Kreia looked at him and then at his treating of her wounds. “You seem to know quite well on how to use those kolto packs, I was under the impression you would use the Force to heal my wounds.”
Kyr grinned a bit. “My connection isn't the same as it used to be. So I have to treat you in this way since my Force powers are not yet up to full strength.”
“You give the impression you've done this before.”
Kyr sighed as he spread the kolto fluid carefully and precisely where the healing was needed. “I learned to treat wounds without the Force…in the Mandalorian Wars.” After the fluid packs were used up, he got the med-kit and began injecting more medicine to heal up the injury, and once he was done, he began putting on the bandages.
“I see…on other people I take it?”
“On the troops under my command… when I was exhausted in using the Force after every engagement I had to learn how to heal my men, so I took the time to learn from the medical division that treated the wounded. The skills haven't left me, and they saved my skin after the many years I was in exile after the wars.”
“I see…if you are done with the treatment, I suggest you check on that fool in the cockpit, at least to remind him of our intended destination.”
Kyr shook his head as he turned to walk back to the cockpit. “I'll tell him you said that, but Kreia, Atton is his name so I suggest that should be used to call him. Though something about him seems to tingle my senses, he's got something to hide.”
“He's a fool and imbecile! You'd think he could be a lot more considerate that he still has breath and blood in his body…however I am curious, what makes you say that he has something to hide?”
“Call it what you may like, it has nothing to do with the Force, but the way Atton acts might seem too much a distraction. He did help us escape Peragus, but I can't help but wonder what other secrets he has, he's good with a blaster, and that means he's had some combat training. Not to mention… he seems to be able to discern both you and me as Jedi long before we got off the mining colony.”
“You have good senses Kyr Durran, I take it you've learned a lot more than just treating wounds in your days as General of both the Jedi and the Republic?”
Kyr merely nodded as he checked a data-pad in his pack. “I'll let you rest here for a while Kreia, I need to be alone for a while.”
“As you wish.”
Kyr left the room as Kreia went back to meditation. He then spoke to Atton about Kreia's condition, and then took the starboard dormitory of the Ebon Hawk. The dormitory had several bunks, and he took one. He felt a bone deep weariness on himself, and then went into a lotus position and looked at the data-pad he had taken from his pack. There were other pads as well, Kyr decided it was time to write his memoirs.
Author's Notes:
Kyr Durran is 28 years of age, and joined Revan and Malak at the age of 18, before he could completely finish the trials to become a Jedi Knight. He has long black hair with small silver streaks reaching his shoulder blades and is in a braided ponytail. Two braids of his hair are draped on either side of his face, while the rest of his hair is in a stylish disarray.
And he has a unique condition (non-fatal) that gave him two different colored eyes, the left deep sapphire blue, and the right deep emerald green. (**) He has tanned skin and has a body toned by years of Jedi training, warfare, and surviving in exile. The kind of guy most women would have used anything short of a gamma laser to catch.
He is the Padawan of Jedi Master Guardian Kavar, and studied on Dantooine as a Padawan in his youth in the enclave located there. He's a rather unique Padawan as he has some issues with some of the other Padawans and the senior Knights and Masters. He had a penchant of getting into actions with the others that is frowned upon by the Masters, with the exceptions of Kavar, his Master, Master Vandar, and another Jedi Master, the Sentinel Zez-Kai Ell. The Jedi Master who doesn't trust him is Vrook, and so do the other conventional Masters and it annoys them that Kyr's Master doesn't discipline him in the fashion befitting a Padawan. He however can inspire others and has the qualities of both an natural leader and a trust-worthy ally, that was what Vandar, Kavar, and Zez-Kai Ell sensed in him. Vrook however saw things differently.
Kyr's POV (Point of View)
I have to take some time for myself… huh, what an excuse. The truth is, I need to think about on what I was and what I should be doing now. Another fine mess I've gotten into this time, but…I guess there's nothing I can do to change that now. The Sith have to be stopped, no matter what, they have returned to cause more suffering to the galaxy, and although I'm no longer a Jedi…at least officially, I'll do what I can to stop them.
I sat down on the bunk I have taken on this ship the Ebon Hawk as I think back on what things had brought me to this point in my life. Amazing what a decision can do to your whole life when you look back at it.
Flashback… Fourteen Years Ago…
The planet of Dantooine was a planet with a temperate climate and had been one of the planets under the governance and protection of the Republic for many years. Residents included various species, from humans to aliens species, along with the more normal inhabitants, including the territorial insect beasts, the Kinrath, and the fierce and wild Kath Hounds. Many of the settlers of Dantooine resided in their own towns and some built cities, but the people knew that they were not the only residents. Several hours away from the largest settlement was none other than the Jedi Enclave.
The Enclave was established for a dual purpose. One was the most basic need, to train new Younglings in the way of the Force, to become apprentices to senior Knights and later Jedi Masters, and the second was when they were ready, they would be sent to do whatever duties they could to protect the common citizen of the Republic, and to adhere to the Jedi Code as the Galaxy still had need of the Jedi Order and it's Knights and Masters.
The place had work-stations, medical facilities, meditation grounds, training halls, class-rooms, dormitories, libraries, archives, cafeterias, along with other facilities that were part and parcel of the Jedi's way of teaching and the normal requirements for the Academy. It came complete with it's own electrical power source, water sources, communication systems, and even it's own hanger bays for it's land transports. The Academy still relied on the landing pad near the settlement to send out it's Masters and their Padawans on any missions that was needed by the Jedi Council.
It was a symbol of the Jedi Order where the finest and the most disciplined of the Jedi would be trained and molded.
Of course…there were exceptions to that mold…
“Are you out of your MIND?!”
“Hey, keep it down! You're shouting loud enough to wake up a pack of Kath Hounds after eating a meal!”
“Jerac's right Kyr, You have gone crazy! You realize what kind of a mess you'll get us into?!”
Kyr stared at his fellow Padawans, all of whom were not liking the idea of what their younger companion was going to get them involved with. They were training with some stones and furniture, moving the items with the Force. He however had other ideas and wanted to see if he could influence the Force to create a vortex of Force energy similar to a Force Wave, but didn't explode outward as the original technique did, in reverse, it could make the objects unable to move and drag them closer to him so he could finish them off with any weapon in hand…like a gravity well, or a massive form of the Force Pull technique. But in order to do that, he had to do it in a place where the Force would converge…
And the best place was near the storage area where the crystals for all the light-sabers were. This being his first time to try the move, he wasn't sure he could pull it off, so he knew that this was going to be one heck of a trick if it worked…and if it didn't…he was in SERIOUS trouble… so he decided to…'convince' some of his younger Padawan comrades to help him get some crystals.
“I know that it's crazy, but the technique's been nagging in my mind for a long time. As soon as I can see if it works, then all the better. If it doesn't I'll give up the whole thing.”
“Of course it's NOT going to work!” Another Padawan named Martiell, a young human male said with a snort. “You have got to be really powerful in the Force to try using the Force Wave as it is! You've got to be nuts to try a reverse of that!” (***)
“Hey…anger leads to the Dark Side Martiell, didn't you learn that back at class?” Kyr said with a snicker.
“Now is NOT the time for jokes!” Martiell, an ebony skinned youth with short-cropped hair said with an effort to control his temper. “You can't just sneak into store-house and take some crystals for some experiment!!”
“Why not? I'm intrigued with the idea myself.” A new voice chimed in.
The Padawans, including Kyr turned to see the new voice. Another Padawan was smiling at them, and they knew who it was.
“Revan…please tell me you are NOT going to join this plan Kyr has in mind!” Martiell said with a sigh of regret. He knew that if Kyr and Revan got together…things were going to get even more complicated.
The young Padawan known as Revan had deep black hair that reached his shoulders and had deep green eyes that made many younger Padawans of the female gender line swoon regardless of race, either human or otherwise, much to the displeasure of their conventional Masters. He had been a Padawan ever since his younger days after entering at the age of ten. He was older than Kyr by five years, and since both had been Padawans, they had been friends and rivals at the same time, both trying to outdo each other in good natured competition. Revan was an advanced student of Jar' Kai, along with Kyr who was Kavar's Padawan, though Kyr's older friend was a practitioner of the single saber styles as well. Many of the other Padawans loved to follow Revan, and they did the same with Kyr, though they had different ways of inspiring their companions. Revan was able inspire through words and plans, while Kyr did it with action and dialogue.
“Actually, I am…” Revan said with a grin, making the other groan with dismay.
“Now gentlemen, can I have a go at this as well?” Another voice called in right next the other side of the group. Martiell already knew one thing…Apart from Kyr Durran, Revan's other friend was a certain youth who was a foot taller than the other two Padawans in question, had no hair and several blue tattoos on his head.
“Malak…not YOU too!”
The bald youth was a man that had not just the height, but the physique to go with it, and like his somewhat older friend Revan Malak was looked on with admiration by those who were of the female persuasion. Just like his two other comrades, Malak was not completely the kind of person to be bound by all the rules and regulations of the Academy on Dantooine. The three had gotten so involved with so many pranks that the nick-name they got was known as the Trinity of Chaos, as was the name given by the Masters and some of the Padawans who were more conventional than the ones that Kyr, Revan, and Malak hanged out with.
Malak looked at Martiell with a grin. “That's an odd way of saying things Martiell, I am going to help Revan, and I doubt you have any say in the matter.”
Martiell gave a glare. “I'm not going to say anything, but if the three of you get into trouble, then don't say I didn't warn you when Master Vrook and the others find out.” With that, the younger man walked away with a groan as he had no problem visualizing what would happen soon.
Revan laughed a bit as he patted Kyr on the back. “So…when are we going to take a swing at this new trick you have in mind?”
The three Padawans were now making their way into the other parts of the Academy, namely to where the supplies were. The Academy could only stock itself periodically with crystals to make the light-sabers which were part of a prospective Jedi's training. The reason was the fact that crystals were hard to come by and to add to that, certain power crystals could range from common to extremely rare, and according to the archives there were three prized crystals for light-sabers.
The first was the Ultima Pearl, a stone that could be found on the aquatic world of Calamari, the difficulty of locating the stone is also increased with the difficulty of installing it into a light saber. But the power granted by this rare stone made it a prized part of any light-saber, wielded by either Jedi or Sith.
The second was a Lorrdian Gemstone, this one had many properties in the Force and could truly be helpful to many Jedi, but to find one was very difficult, though not the same as the Ultima Pearl, but it's abilities in deflecting laser bolts and other energy weapons was highly prized by many Jedi, even by their Jedi's worst enemies, the Sith, along with the Ultima Pearl. This gave a warrior of the Force far greater ability to survive deep battles and that was a considered plus.
The last and the rarest of all was the Solari crystal and the most revered of the Jedi Knights, and naturally the most reviled by the Sith. The ultimate crystal that showed to full power of the light side of the Force, and thus could only wielded by the Jedi of pure heart and soul in his/her light-saber. The great Jedi Master Ood Bnar had initiate his life cycle change after a thousand years of service to the Jedi, and before that he passed the rare Solari crystal of his most talented apprentice, a female Jedi named Shaela Nuur. Shaela disappeared during the time of the Great Hunt, taking with her the Solari crystal and the knowledge where of it's like could be found vanished with her.
Revan, Kyr, and Malak knew this well and also knew that the chances of finding any one of the three in the Academy storage was close to a ship escaping from a black hole. But they were more than ready to make due with what they had.
“So…are you sure that this can work?” Malak asked the others as they were now a few minutes walk to where the store-house was.
“Not really sure, but in the pursuit of wisdom, you have to break a few rules, right?” Kyr answered.
Revan nodded. “That's true…provided you are ready for the consequences. And that's easier if you…”
The three then stopped as they felt a presence behind them, they knew that from the aura in the Forces, it wasn't a Jedi Master or a Knight, but a Padawan just like them, and was a female, but they all knew who this one was…namely Revan.
A voice that was rather angry and somewhat peeved reached the three as they faced the new comer.
“Revan…what are you up to THIS time?!”
“…don't get caught.” Revan finished as he looked at the new comer. Kyr and Malak also looked and there was the new comer who was now walking towards them. She was wearing normal robes, but were more elaborate than those worn by normal Padawans. The three young men had no trouble seeing the lithe form of the young woman approaching them, she had medium length hair bordering to the half of her neck and it was in a short ponytail. Her face was attractive to the eyes and her eyes were deep blue and although she wore a scowl directed at Revan she still looked like a babe to most normal hormonally charged teen men.
“Uh…Hey Bastila, how are you doing?” Revan said as he walked towards the new comer.
Bastila Shan gave a sigh of irritation at Revan and answered. “Please try not to talk your way out of this Revan, you know that won't work.”
Revan gave Bastila a grin as he walked up to her. “You mean it won't work on you?”
Bastila gave a glare on Revan and replied. “You know it, sometimes I wish you'd try and grow up Rev, and try acting like a proper Jedi.”
The two began getting into a discussion, and pretty soon the little talk escalated into another teasing match between the two Padawans.
“You should be trying to keep up with your lessons, just because you have all those gifts in the Force and your saber skills, doesn't mean you have to be this reckless!”
“And I suppose I should try not to test what I have learned? I know this much, I will protect the people I swore to protect as a Jedi Knight, Bastila. You know that yourself…”
“I'm not doubting you, I just don't like it when you go about breaking so many rules, and those two friends of yours aren't doing any better.” Bastila said as she gave a glare of exasperation at both Kyr and Malak. Both of whom merely grinned back like a pair of happy idiots.
“Don't sweat it, we'll try and be careful Bas, just please try not to act like a mad Kath Hound…” Revan smirked as he looked at Bastila.
Kyr and Malak had the same thought as that description came out of Rev's mouth. <Here we go…>
Bastila's face contorted into embarrassed fury, and with that slammed Revan back a bit with her fists on his chest.
“REVAN!!! Just how MANY times have I told you…NOT TO CALL ME THAT?!?!” Bastila said with anger as she glared with clenched teeth at the somewhat older Jedi Padawan.
“Well you do look like one…with your eyes all narrowed and glowing like that, your teeth clenched together…” Revan said with a smirk, he liked needling the younger Bastila, ever since they had met when he was ten and she was around eight. He thought she looked cute when she was like that.
Bastila's face was flushed with color, whether from embarrassment, fury, or disgust, it was anybody's guess. It didn't take long for Bastila to come back with a suitable retort.
“You are…the most, arrogant, thick-headed, stinking pile of living bantha poodoo I have ever met!”
(This joke's not all that original, but hey, I had fun, and that's what counts, tell me what you think when you get the chance.)
Malak and Kyr were trying not to laugh at the look of shock on Revan's face. The two looked on as the two went at it, trying to outdo each other in making each other flustered. Kyr and Malak knew that ever since Revan and Bastila clashed with each other as youngsters, the two would get along just fine. In some ways Bastila was the only one they knew who could stand up to their very charismatic and reckless friend, while Revan was the only one who could rile up the normally calm and focused Bastila.
“You know, I think that's the first time Rev's ever been called a pile of bantha poodoo.” Malak said with a smirk as he watched his close friend trade word barbs with the feisty woman.
“You want to wager on what's going to happen next?”
End of Flashback…
Kyr's POV
Those were the days, I was one of the soon to be senior Padawans, and I pretty much hanged out with Revan and Malak. And boy did we get into trouble! <Sigh>
It was after all that, that I tried my experiment, and although it worked for a while, the results were not so…pretty when the crystals I was using blew up… The Jedi Council brought me forward, and there I got grilled by the other Masters. Master Vrook Lamar was naturally at it, while Master Kavar, Master Loorna Vash, and Master Zez' Kai'Ell were the only ones who defended me for that stunt I tried. But what I didn't realize that after that day I'd meet someone I would never forget.
Kyr once more closed his eyes as he reached back into his mind.
One room in the Academy was now filled with the sounds of metal upon metal. The chamber in question was occupied by two individuals. One was a brownish blonde man who was wearing the robes of a Jedi Master, tall and muscular, and there were traces of scars on his exposed forearms, he had apparently rolled up the sleeves of his robes while sparring with his companion. Instead however of light-sabers of the training variety, both were armed with standard training weapons. The older male was armed in the left arm with a short sword, while in the right was a full length long-sword, and he moved with a fluid motion that defied the appearance of a man who relied on brute force. Each blow sent by the older man was precise with many sword styles, and those thought to wielders of light-sabers.
The younger man was wielding swords of the same fashion, but unlike his sparring partner, he had in both hands two long-swords. This way of fighting was considered by some as unwieldy due to the length and weight of both blades and the need to condition both arms to the weight and the need of stamina and strength to move and strike with both weapons. The youth however moved fluidly with both blades in hand as he blocked many of the attacks his older companion was peppering him with, while answering with his own.
The older man was none other than Master Kavar, famed Jedi Guardian, master of Jar'Kai, and former general. And in front of him was his Padawan…Kyr Durran.
“Keep in pace with your blade Kyr, that is a sword, not a club!” Kavar said as he sent a descending blow to the shoulder of his Padawan.
Kyr replied as he blocked the blade with his own, he then moved back quickly as he parried another stab to his torso from the short sword of his master. The younger man moved back while keeping both swords ready for attack and defense.
Kavar nodded as he looked at his Padawan. “Good, keep your swords ready to defend yourself, and attack once you have a clear shot at your foe, don't waste your stamina on a fruitless attack.” The older man then attacked with both his swords, Kyr blocked them and attacked with his own blades, but just as quickly the older Jedi blocked the attacks with a style that allowed him to block the blades while rendering possible attack zones of his body to be blocked by his weaponry.
Kyr gave a mental groan as he realized what style his master was using. <Soresu style, damn it, I'll have to try and break-through somehow.>
Among the saber styles, the Soresu style was the most defensive of the styles/forms. Made for blade to blade combat in the past and had now been specifically tailored to deflect blaster fire with the spread of blaster technology in the galaxy, the style still retained it's intended use as the movements and patterns were still present. When used with light-sabers, many foes wielding blasters found themselves unable to harm a Jedi with their weapons, and even if the enemy had melee weapons, they still had to deal with the complex patterns of Soresu in terms of defense.
Kyr knew that very well, and decided to equalize. Quickly moving as fast as he could, he leaped over the head of his Master and then struck with both blades, Kavar blocked the attacks and side-stepped, Kyr kept up the pace and unleashed precise cuts and stabs at his master who blocked very well each attempt to strike him.
Kavar already knew what style his Padawan was using, he had attempted to use the Ataru style, but quickly switched to the one style used by few Jedi, the Makashi Form, showing that the Ataru attack was merely a test move. Kavar had to admit that Kyr was good, instead of using Ataru, he used Makashi instead. The Makashi Form was used back in the days of the major battles between the Jedi Order and the Sith. Both sides used Makashi when light-sabers were used, since this style was the best choice when facing an equal opponent. Precise cuts, thrusts and parries were the trade-mark of Makashi and due to the precision and minimal effort required, the Form didn't tire out the user as much as the other styles did, it conserved stamina while many who tried to counter it could tire out quickly. Makashi was slowly being dropped as duels between light-saber wielding opponents began to drop as well. But for Kavar and some of the other masters, some styles would never be dropped.
As Kyr launched more attacks, he then waited for his master to make a move, while being patient himself. He knew that users of Soresu were patient, waiting for their enemy to make a mistake, well, even if he was only in training, there was no way he'd make one. He kept up the attack, but had to break away to avoid a stab to his shoulder, then blocked another blow to his head. The two men then blocked each other's attacks simultaneously, they briefly test each other's strength, but decided to break away. Kyr took a breath and then attacked using the form he used as a diversion. The younger Padawan move like an acrobat, attacking with smooth but powerful attacks.
Kavar went once more on the defensive, as he knew that the style he was facing was no longer a diversion. Ataru was one of the more recently practiced styles, developed by Jedi Knights who believed that their Order needed to be more active in rooting out evil. The style used acrobatic movements supported by both emotion and the Force, judging by the increase in the Force aura he sensed in his Padawan. The Force, coupled with the user's innate physical traits made the practitioner of Ataru move like a blur of destruction, raining blows on a single target, but there was the weakness of Ataru, while lethal to single enemies, the user was vulnerable to many attackers, and the danger of being overwhelmed by too much emotion in the heat of combat made it possible for jedi to be tempted by the Dark Side.
The two men continued their battle until Kavar managed to block Kyr's right hand held blade, he quickly deflected the next attack and with smooth precision, was able to knock away both swords from his Padawan's hands without hitting him.
Both men stopped their attacks as they regarded each other, willing themselves to calm down. Kyr then sat down on the floor, apparently exhausted from his intense training duel with his master. He then gave a groan as he moved his muscles, finding them somewhat stiff.
“Is this a punishment?”
Kavar merely put the swords in the rack through the Force and faced his Padawan. “Not in the strictest sense, but yes. You were SUPPOSED to be practicing with me a few hours ago.”
“I know Master…”
“You did know, but instead I found myself waiting for you for the past few hours, only to be summoned to the Council chamber by Master Kai Ell, and then to find you standing before the Council who looked as if they were about to condemn a convicted criminal.” Kavar gave a whimsical sigh as he looked at his apprentice who had a sheepish expression on his face.
Kavar couldn't help but give a grin at his Padawan. “I keep forgetting how inquisitive you are, I can still recall how you tried to study my light-saber when you first came here as a Youngling. You nearly fried off your hair when you did.”
“Don't remind me of that!” Kyr said with embarrassment as he got onto his feet. Kavar nodded and shook the shoulders of his Padawan from behind and both gave a good-natured laugh at that.
“I do that because your willingness to learn all you can always has a tendency to lead you to places you might not be prepared for. Remember this Padawan, the Force in it's full entirety takes many years to master, along with patience, so don't go head-long until you are prepared.”
“Yes Master.”
Kavar and Kyr walked out of the room and then stopped by the canteen to get something to drink. Around them were other Jedi, Padawans of both junior and senior levels, junior and senior Jedi Knights, and a few Masters, and as the two sat down, another man joined them.
The man was a brown haired man who was balding, yet retained most of his hair. On the left side of his face was a short braid with a jewel acting as a clip. He too was dressed in the same manner as Kavar. However, he had his light-saber strapped to his robes. But unlike Kavar's sabers, the master had a double-hitled light-saber, meaning that the handle was far longer than normal sabers and had an emitter on each end. This weapon was exotic for Jedi due to the fact that the instigator of the last War between the Jedi and the Sith was the creator of the weapon, there were very few Jedi who wielded it with skill and mastery.
The double-hilt light-saber was the creation of Exar Kun, a former Jedi Watchman who fell to the Dark Side of the Force and became the Dark Lord of the Sith. He was once the student of the revered Jedi/light-saber craftsman Vodo-Siosk Baas, it was due to his arrogance and his pride that he viewed a rare and forbidden Sith holocron under his master's guardianship, Exar believed that he could resist the Dark Side and bend the powers of the Dark Side to his will. In that regard he went to the demon-moon Dxun and with his ambition guiding him, broke into the sealed tomb of the Sith Lord Freedon Nadd, the spirit of the Sith Lord used Exar's ambition to it's advantage and sent the wayward Jedi to Korriban. There Exar entered the tombs and in a moment was trapped by large boulders and losing his life, there the ghosts of the Sith tld him that if he wanted to live, he must embrace the Dark Side, refusing to do so, the wayward Jedi escaped, but by using his rage and anger in doing so, he walked even further into his corrupt path.
When he arrived on Yavin IV, he began to ransack many of Freedon Nadd's treasures, these were left by Naga Sadow, another of the True Sith, there he was captured by the followers of the True Sith, the Massassi and was about to be killed by a giant beast of alchemical origins, it was there that Freedon was more appeared to offer Exar the choice to live by embracing the Dark Side, with one of the treasure pieces of Freedon Nadd a corrupted Dark Side powered amulet in hand Exar made his choice and embraced the Dark Side, while destroying the spirit of his some-what mentor with the same amulet.
Exar created the double-hilted light-saber and with it became a god to the Massassi. He began the last war the Republic fought in, and there he slew his former mentor with the new saber he made. In the end, the Sith were defeated with great loss to both the Sith, the Republic, and the Jedi. After losing most of the Empire he forged, Exar Kun chose to sacrifice all his Massassi followers to make him able to defy death. But his weapon became a favorite weapon of many Sith soon after his so-called death.
Zez-Kai Ell was among the few Jedi who learned to master this light-saber variant. Due to the origin and the known users of the double-light-saber, many Jedi frowned upon it's use and though they were used as training tools, only few were willing to use it as a weapon. Master Zez-Kai Ell was a Jedi Sentinel and a close friend to Master Kavar, and somewhat acted as a surrogate guardian to Kyr on his off hours. He even took the time to teach Kyr the basics of using a double-light-saber and how to battle one wielded by an enemy should the young Padawan ever graduate to be a Knight, and though that was still up for debate due to Kyr's nature, Zez was among the few who admired the boy's skills and drive.
“I see our young charge has finished his training. I hope you haven't forgotten your promise for a sparring session with me young Kyr.” Zez said with a bit of a smirk as he heard Kyr groan in dismay…whether in forgetting his promise or the promise of being tested to the point of exhaustion was up still up for debate.
Kavar however shook his head, saying that he had other plans for his Padawan. “That training session will have to wait, Zez. I'm planning to have Kyr catch up on his academics in the Library for the next few weeks.”
Kyr gave another groan, the one thing he didn't like that much was the fact that he had a bit of a problem with his academics. He wasn't as studious as Malak, or Revan, or Bastila, but made his due at the very least. “What do you want me to read about, Master?”
Kavar gave a serious look to his Padawan. “I think that you'll make the rank of Weapon-Master once you've gained your rank as Knight and as a seasoned Jedi, but you'll need to learn all you can about that sect of the Jedi Guardian Order. And it will give you greater insights on the history of the Jedi, plus…you can learn a few more things you can add to your list. And it should keep you out of mischief until all things blow over after that fiasco you pulled.”
Zez nodded in agreement. “As much as the Guardians are the martial order of the Jedi, it would be indeed best for you Kyr to learn all you can about your chosen Order and the rank given to their best fighters. Plus if it can keep you from getting scrutinized by the others, then I guess some time in the Library will be good for you.”
“Can't I do that some other…”
Kavar gave a simple `no-point-in-arguing-about-it-since-it's-final' look at his Padawan and filled in the blanks. “No Kyr, starting tomorrow I want you to spend at least four hours there in the Library, read EVERY holo-vid and holocron you can. I've already asked our archivist to help you locate those said items.”
Kyr gave a sigh of defeat. “Yes Master.”
After a good meal, Kyr decided to take a walk at the Academy grounds. Kavar and Zez knew that Kyr was going out to meet with another companion of his. A few months before, Kyr had found a wounded Kath hound pup and nursed it back to health with all he learned of medicine and the Force. The Kath hound then treated Kyr as a surrogate pack brother as it grew older, even getting into fights with other Kath Hounds that tried to attack the young Padawan, and it time both Padawan and plain beast became very good friends. Sadly the Kath Hound had been wounded in a fight with others of it's species, so Kyr spent time to heal up his companion, and to help his `pack brother' find a mate since it would not be able to take care of itself while still injured.
Both masters then faced each other, as the Sentinel faced the Guardian. “Do you think Kyr knows about Master Kriss's transfer to Ossus, and of our new head of the Library?”
“No, but I've got no doubt he will soon enough.”
Next day…
“So you really got reamed huh?” Revan asked Kyr as the two Padawans walked in the Courtyard, while watching the other Padawans walk, converse, and train under their masters.
“Yeah, plus I've been ordered to be at the archives for the next few weeks for extra academic duty.”
“If you ask me, you deserve it.” Bastila said as she joined up with them. The young female Padawan however wasn't demeaning her companion, like Revan, Bastila was a close friend of Kyr, though he knew that Revan and Bastila were MORE than just friends, though both of them never did anything about it.
“Nice to know that I've got you guys as friends.” Kyr said as he gave Bastila a mock glare. Bastila could have a way of getting under somebody's skin when she wanted to, no doubt why she could pester Revan if she wanted to. “I'm supposed to report to Master Kriss later for my lessons on the holo-vids and holocrons of the Guardians and past Weapon-Masters.”
“What do you mean? I thought Master Kriss left for Ossus?” Revan asked Kyr as they accompanied him to where the archives were.
“Nobody told me that! When did he leave?”
“Master Kriss left just last night, he said that he got the commission from Coruscant to be assigned to Ossus.” Malak said as he joined the trio. “I heard that our new archivist is a human woman but she looks too much an Echani to be one, plus…she happens to be rather attractive.” He then gave a grin at Kyr. “Looks like you've got another person to charm, eh Kyr?”
“What do you mean? Who said anything about me charming anyone?” Kyr answered with a good natured retort while giving a smile that said he had other things in mind. Revan and Malak also grinned, but Bastila only gave them an evil look.
“Won't you all ever grow up?” Bastila said in disgust, but not able to hide a slight pink tint that showed over her cheeks. Revan noted that and decided to tease their female friend.
“Do I detect a hint of envy in your voice Padawan Shan?” Revan teased Bastila.
“Why in the name of the Force should I be envious?!” Bastila retorted and she glared at Revan. The senior Padawan merely grinned for a second, and that made Bastila even more angry.
“You are far prettier if you smiled more Bas, but you look very pretty when you're angry.” Without warning Revan kissed Bastila on the cheek…making the female Padawan more angry…and to the point that she began to cry.
Revan immediately realized that he overdid it. He faced Bastila and tried to apologize. “Bas, I'm sorry! I was just…”
He didn't get to finish as he got a…
“I don't want to speak to you ever again!!! Do you hear me Revan?! YOU ARROGANT SON OF A MYNOCK!!” Bastila said as she walked away towards the courtyard.
Revan rubbed his cheek with the red welt on it, with a look of sadness and the realization that he went a little too far this time with his antics on Bastila, and when he looked back, both Kyr and Malak gave him very disapproving looks.
“Now you really got under her skin now. You're in serious trouble Rev.” Kyr said with an angry glare, sure Bastila and Revan had their fights, but sometimes they could get out of hand. He knew that Bastila liked Revan, though she never showed it openly. And he knew that Revan liked Bastila, but his friend couldn't help himself when trying to tease the younger Padawan. He knew one thing, and that was no mater how much he did tease Bastila, Revan would never try and hurt Bastila's feelings intentionally. “You'd better apologize or else she's never going to forgive you. And don't expect me or Malak to bail you out on this one.”
Malak nodded in agreement since he too knew how much Revan really liked Bastila.
“Yeah, I'll see you guys later, I'll go and apologize for being such a son of the Kath Hound to her.”
Malak replied. “Better yet, why don't you quit beating around the asteroid and just tell her you like her, a heck of a load more than you let on. That way you two will get along just fine.”
Revan blushed a bit, he did have feelings for Bastila, and he knew that the two friends of his knew it too, but as much as he didn't want to admit, he did feel rather shy around the cute girl, sure he was older and there were a lot of females who were very attractive apart from Bastila, but ever since they met, he had his eye and…heart for her than the others.
“Fine, I guess it's time I stop acting like a blind man and say it. See you guys around.”
Revan followed Bastila, and the spoke over his shoulder to Kyr. “By the way, Kyr! The new Master's name is Atris!”
Kyr gave a groan to himself as he walked the archives. The very second he went past the doorway to the archives and made his first turn…he was lost. This was the one problem he had whenever he came into the archive room, he didn't know the way out and where to go afterwards. It wasn't that he had a horrible sense of direction, far from it. It was because he didn't find anything that could hold his interest long in the Library. Master Kriss usually chided him for his lack of attention whenever he was in the archives before the master Jedi left for his new commission to Ossus. Though he found some of the things he was looking for on more than one occasion, he still had some difficulty finding the exit.
“Darn, I always get lost in this place. Now where do I find Master Atris anyway?” He said to himself as he turned to the next corridor.
That was when Kyr felt a presence in the Force behind him. And when he turned around…
He found himself staring at a very attractive woman. She had deep blue-violet eyes that reminded Kyr of the oceans of his home-world of Naboo, before he had left to join the Order. Her hair, which she had in a bun behind her head with two flowing tails on the sides of her head was colored in deep silver white, just like the snow that would fall on Dantooine's plains during the winter months. Her skin was smooth and appeared to be as clear as porcelain, and from the looks of her height and very well proportioned form, she was a stunning vision to the eyes. Kyr never knew that Jedi Historian robes looked THAT good on anything!!
<Wow! By the Force! She's beautiful!> That was the only thought Kyr had in his head as he felt his blush reach to the tips of his hair. For a whole ten seconds he couldn't utter even a single sound as his mouth seemed to be sealed with plasti-steel plating.
“What do you want Padawan?” The radiant woman said, with a small amount of venom in her voice, no doubt from being disturbed in her work in the archives.
Kyr Durran noted that tone, but noted also that she spoke clearly to him. Though he had a hard time forming words as all coherent thoughts in his brain seemed to have been sucked into a black hole. After a few moments using the Force to gain some control over his reactions, he then spoke to the Jedi Historian in front of him. “I…, uh, I was sent by Master Kavar to find Master, uh, Master Atris for some holo-records on the ancient Weapon-Masters. Do…do you know where I can find Master Atris?”
The woman seemed to calm down, as if she got over her frustration at being disturbed, though Kyr could read something in her face when she looked at him, whether it was a good or bad thing, he didn't know. She gave a small smile with arched eye-brows “Well, you don't have to look long for the master in question young Padawan. I am Master Atris.”
“Oh! I…I'm sorry for…being, well, being rude. My name is…”
Atris gave Kyr a nod as if she already knew who he was. “You don't need to introduce yourself, I know who you are, Padawan Kyr Durran. Your Master would speak about you whenever he would come to Coruscant. I've heard some good things about you, along with other things that I care not to repeat since you no doubt know what I speak of. I am a little surprised to find you, one the best prospective `Guardians' of the Order to take an interest in the history of the Jedi.”
“I wanted to learn all I can, I still have four more years to complete until I can become a Jedi Knight, Master Atris.”
Atris gave Kyr a smile and then directed him to a data-retrieval terminal. “Then I suggest you get started Padawan Kyr. Master Kavar has informed me that you must spend a few hours here to learn what you can. And I doubt you can get it done by just standing here.”
Four hours later…
Kyr gave a warm smile as he left the archives after the last four hours in the room. He had spent a load of time but to him it was worth it. He then watched as Revan and Bastila came towards him, apparently the two reconciled and were on even better terms than before, considering that Bastila seemed to be calmer than before. The older Padawan got sight of his friend and they went over to him with a smile on his face.
“I see you two got along now.” Kyr replied as he faced both Revan and Bastila.
Revan nodded as he walked up to Kyr. “Yeah, at least I know when not to tease Bas too much, but I certainly don't think I'll stop…”
Bastila gave Revan an evil glare as a warning. “Another word about that name you keep calling me Revan and I'll call you out in a saber duel.”
“I'll look forward to that…Bas.”
As he watched the two banter on, he smirked as he felt another presence behind him, and he already knew who it was. Malak…
“I take it that you've met Master Atris?”
“Looks to me we might not see you as much as we'd like very soon, right Kyr?”
Back to the present…
Kyr's POV
<Had I known that my adopted Master would be a stunningly beautiful woman I should have stayed in the academics, better yet, I should have been a Consular instead of a Guardian! But I love being one and it's my calling, after that…things were a load better.>
Back to Flashback…
Kyr went back to the days he spent afterwards. He still betted with Malak on how many times Revan would tease Bastila, and how Bastila would get back at Revan. The days he'd spend in the archives with Atris in recovering the data he needed for his academics. He then recalled a good conversation with Atris on one such day.
It had been several weeks since his meeting with Atris, and he did his best to learn all he could about Atris while learning what he needed to learn. As they were researching in the archives, he then spoke to Atris while they looked over to some holo-records.
“Atris, can I ask you something?”
“What?” Atris replied, looking somewhat distant while not looking at him. Something wasn't right to Kyr as he gazed affectionately at the woman.
“What was your calling before you became a historian?”
Atris gazed at him with a glare. Kyr immediately apologized but Atris replied with a smile as she spoke to him.
“I always had an interest in the history of the Jedi since I was a Padawan like you Kyr, when I passed my own trials years before, I took up the call of historian to fulfill my wish. But I was a Guardian like you and Master Kavar.”
Kyr gave a look of surprise at that revelation. “You were a Guardian? But how did you…?”
“How did I become an archivist? Are you saying that my chosen role is of less import and merit than just using my light-sabers in combat?” Atris said in annoyance as Kyr realized that his line of questions touched at something that was a little sensitive. “Being given the role of archivist and historian for the Jedi Order was a blessing to me. And it was what I wanted for a long time.”
“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound as if…I'm demeaning you Atris.” Kyr replied in utter embarrassment. <Great move genius!>
Atris seemed to sense his embarrassment and his guilt about upsetting her and gave him a chuckle and a smile. “Don't worry, you aren't the first to ask me that question Kyr.”
“But you know, wouldn't it had been better that you became a Consular? Considering that you love research and history, that class should be better suited for you.”
Atris smirked a bit. “True, but I love the movements and ways of the Guardians, they have a feel of the light-saber that works more…shall we say, refined than those used by Consulars or Sentinels.”
Kyr thought about it and decided to take his chance. He certainly wasn't going to blow this chance to get to be with Atris a lot more than normal. “I know, maybe you can teach me some of the things you've learned over the years you were still a Guardian before you became a historian! That is…if that's okay with you.”
Atris tried to look disinterested, but then gave a shrug. “Why not? I'll try and teach you what I learned, all I need is the approval of Master Kavar and the Council. Just don't say I didn't warn you, just because I hung my role as Guardian to be an archivist, doesn't mean I've lost my edge.”
“I'm looking forward to it.”
And in the passing years, Kyr learned even more under both his teachers, Master Kavar and Master Atris. Both Jedi were impressed with Kyr's training and skills. Kavar knew that despite not taking up the light-saber for a few years, Atris was still as good as any Jedi in combat. Apart from teaching Kyr some tricks and moves she had learned in her own years, Atris helped in training Kyr to use the Force in his duels with his Master and when he was training on his own. In time, the once cold Jedi archivist changed into a wise, caring, strong, and friendly woman(emphasis on the term `woman' by the way), the longer she spent time with Kyr. Both would spar and meditate in their off hours, and Kyr would listen to Atris when she explained many of the things she had learned in her time as an archivist. Kavar would them place all that his Padawan learned to the test. Even Master Zez'Kai Ell would spend some extra time training Kyr in what he knew as well.
Kyr and his friends Revan, Malak, and Bastila worked ever harder to become Jedi Knights, and although both Malak and Revan were his seniors, even they admitted that Kyr's growing skills were excellent both in weapons training and the Force, with his mastery of Jar'Kai and his own personalized style in it, it became evident why so many said that his skill, innovation, and mastery of the style would surpass his master. Kavar smiled at the thought as Kyr was his best student and was a surrogate son to the Guardian and former Republic General.
As like most Jedi, Kavar had been found and taken from his biological parents at a tender age and was raised by the Jedi. While it seemed cruel to others, the Jedi did so to make sure that there would be no chance for the Dark Side or any being with corrupted intentions to take the Force Sensitive children and mold them into pawns of evil, even more so if the Sith did the training. Kyr Durran was a different story.
His family was from Naboo, a planet that was not yet allied with the Republic and was still neutral, and they were taken as servants by an off-world trader. The trader turned out to be very abusive and tried everything to break the will of the Durran family once they came to known space. Kyr was only three when his father died defending him and his mother from another abusive attack. Jessia Durran was killed by a vibro-blade in the chest, while his wife Nora Durran took young Kyr and escaped from the prison, and it was where Kyr's ability to use the Force came to life, despite his youth and lack of training. He used his abilities in the Force to shove away some of the trader's guards that surrounded them, knocking them and their master unconscious. And it was there that a Republican squad came to arrest the same trader that took Kyr and his family for illegal business practices and slavery. It was also there that Kyr and Kavar would meet. The then younger Kavar gave aid to both Kyr and his mother and found them a place in Coruscant and acted as a care-taker for the young boy. The Jedi would pay for the trips Kyr and Nora would take to visit their world and help treat Nora for the injuries she had suffered from the brutal trader and the man's guards, though nothing was done to her in the more physical sense. Nora and Kyr lived normal lives for a few years, but the injuries were severe and despite the efforts of many physicians they could not save her. Kyr remained with his mother in her last days, until she allowed Kavar to take him to the Jedi for training.
Despite his age, and his emotional state at the time, Kavar stayed true to his promise to Nora to give a better life to Kyr and sponsored his training. Despite his average skills in the Force, many Masters sensed that young Kyr had a destiny in him, though none of them could tell what it was. They also noticed that he had a gift to naturally create Force Bonds with many around him, and this intrigued many of them, as it normally took years between Master and Padawan to develop such a bond, but Kyr did it with total success and almost subconsciously. Despite some questions raised by more conventional Masters in training the older Kyr Durran, Kavar still sponsored the youngster's training and took him in as Padawan. And to make Kyr more confident, Kavar requested him to be trained in the Jedi Enclave in Dantooine. He did know that Kyr would be a handful, but he believed that in time, Kyr Durran would become a Jedi the Order would be honored to have in it's ranks. And it appeared that it would happen as many Master admired how Kyr was advancing, even the normally critical Master Vrook Lamar admitted that he was surprised of Kyr's progress.
Back to Kyr in the Ebon Hawk…
<Those years were the best all my years as a Jedi. As the years passed, I tried to learn more and more, and it seemed that in a year and a half. I would be ready to take the trials to become a Jedi Knight, at that time, I went on several important missions with Master Kavar to various trouble-spots both in the Outer Rim and the Core Worlds. The chance to help others who…who reminded me of what I went through when I was young was the reason that made me work even harder to be a good Jedi Knight…someone who would make my father and mother, Atris, Rev, Malak, Bastila, and Kavar proud.>
Kyr then looked at a small item in his hands. And it was a small jewel, the same jewel that he had been given as a gift, nearly ten years ago when he was nearing eighteen, nearly the time of his induction as a Jedi Knight. And what happened a year and a half before that day.
<Little did I realize that my next decision would truly shape me and send me to where I am now.>
The beginning of the Mandalorian Wars shattered the peace and lethargy of the Republic. The Mandalore clans which comprised of humans and some humanoid and alien species began launching invasion strikes at worlds near the fringes of Republican space. The Senate was partially unconcerned with the sudden attacks since the Mandalorians didn't launch attacks on Republic allied planets. Many more were very reluctant to enter another conflict after the recently ended and devastating war with the True Sith Empire and Exar Kun's armies during the Great Hyperspace War. That tone changed when the Republic was hit by the clans through several invasion corridors, the clans were boosted by the resources, weapons, and supplies they had taken from the worlds they had already conquered. Plus, the number of slaves they had been able to take from the worlds taken had helped to swell their ranks.
The Republic and it's citizens realized that war was now upon them, and went to fight. But they were ill-prepared to face the Mandalore clans, who followed radical tactics that totally destroyed the confidence of the Republic's forces in their own battle-tried and tested tactics. They underestimated the ferocity, resolve, and efficiency of the Mandalorians…and paid dearly for it. When they tried to use civilian locations and even citizens as cover in the belief that the clans would not attack civilian targets, they were shocked and horrified when the clans bombarded their position regardless of the fact that they were in civilian areas. The casualties mounted until it came to the point that forty Republican soldiers would be dead or captured before ten Mandalorians would be killed or captured themselves, and even then those who were about to be captured fought to the death than be taken as prisoners.
Kyr and his fellow friends, Revan, Malak, and many more were angry and heeded the petition of the Republic to the Jedi Council when he and Kavar were on Coruscant. He was appalled, along with many other Padawans, Knights, and even a small number of Masters when the Council forbade the rest of their Order to enter the conflict to aid the Republic.
Ever since then, Kyr had been practicing his light-saber training non-stop, and naturally despite his calm exterior, many of the Masters, Kavar included, knew that he was simmering underneath. It didn't help matters that more holo-news came as more Republic systems were over-run by the Mandalorians, and the casualty report kept going higher and higher. The last straw for Kyr came when news came out that the Mandalorians were planning to target even more worlds…one of which was his home-planet of Naboo.
The Jedi Order faced a crisis similar to what had happened during the time when Exar Kun was the Dark Lord of the Sith along with his follower Ulic Qel-Droma, who finally redeemed himself but not before slaying his own brother Cay in combat in Ossus, when they were in command of the Sith. Many young Jedi and even seniors were calling for their involvement in another conflict, and the surviving Masters of the conflict with Exar Kun forbade them from doing so, in fear that by involving themselves in combat, they would become ever vulnerable to misuse their training in the Force and become vulnerable to the lure of the Dark Side.
Kavar and Kyr had been together for almost two years now, more as father and son than Master and apprentice. The fact that his Master and parental figure refused to help lead the Republic that he fought for once shocked Kyr, and this had made their relationship somewhat rocky, but despite this Kyr tried to be patient as the weeks, then months passed him, but Kavar knew that every time, there was mention of the Mandalorians it would shake Kyr to his bones in anger and grief for the lives that were felled or enslaved by the clans.
Kyr and his closest friends, Revan and Malak had the same sentiments running in both of them. But Revan and his friends took it further, Revan began to make passionate pleas to many of his fellow Jedi to come to the aid of the Republic, even in defiance to the order of the Council. The three were ready to lead, and many were willing to listen. But others did not.
Three months after the Council's announcement…
“Come on Kyr, keep it up!”
“Keep up your defenses Revan!”
The cheers came in many volumes and words from many Padawans as two men fought each other with blunt long-swords in a practice field. Revan had matured greatly and still garnered the attention many of the female Padawans, and even older female Jedi, much to the still existing displeasure of their conventional Masters.
Kyr and Revan moved fluidly as one as their blades sought each other like krayt dragons in hunting season. Every blow Kyr would land would be blocked by Revan's own weapon, and every blow Revan would send was blocked by Kyr with his blade. For now both were using only one training sword, since Kyr was just as good in using a single blade as he was using two when fighting with Jar'Kai, just as he was an accomplished user of Jar'Kai, he also strived to prove himself with a single blade in combat.
Every parry, slash, thrust, swing, block and rising strike was expertly blocked by the two men, but then the scales tipped to Kyr's favor as he quickly dodged an incoming stab, blocked the blade and sent it upward, leaving Revan's midsection vulnerable, and Kyr took in that weak point by sending a kick right into Revan's stomach, making his fellow Guardian double over in pain. He then got his blade underneath Revan's own sword arm and with a quick flick of the wrist he disarmed Revan.
“Nice move, you got me there.” Revan replied as he faced his friend.
“Do you yield Rev?” Kyr asked with a smile as he faced his downed friend. His blade was now in front of the chest of his friend. Had the duel been a duel to the death then there would be no surprise on what would be the result.
Before Kyr could lower his practice blade, he spotted a shock of deep white hair in the distance, and he then made a very serious mistake, even it this was merely a duel…he took his eyes away from his foe.
“Just kidding!” Was all he heard from Revan when he felt a wave of Force energy slam into him and send him back to the floor with a thud.
“What the?!”
To be continued…
More updates available!
(*) I decided to expand the Ebon Hawk a bit, don't worry, there won't be that many changes.
(**) I got inspired by Final Fantasy X's Yuna. What can I say? The different colored eyes idea is kind of cool along with the black hair and silver streaks, and I know that this model does not appear in the game itself, but this is my story so I can design him the way I like.
(***) Similar to Kenshin Himura's final attack in the Samurai X anime, but is Force Powered.
Author's notes:
I'm taking a more radical approach to KOTOR 2: The Sith Lords, so don't be surprised if some of the scenes don't meld in the same way as that of the game or other fanfics out there.