Fan Fiction ❯ Kurenai ❯ Earlier that day... ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter One... No sex


I do not own anything except Kurenai


"Will we burn up?     Will we die out?

Hold my     shattered heart..."


The audience goes wild; the final song is always like that.


NEWSFLASH: Kurenai "Ren" Yoshida has just rocked Osaka Stadium. In her usual annual sell-out performance this young lady is making headlines all over Japan. Ren, a part time member of Big Hero Six, Japan's crime fighting team, always delivers a smashing performance that has her fans always wanting more. Sadly, the singer is considering retirement or at least some time off. It is unknown if she will re-join BH6 or not.



I hear a knock at my door. Groggily I stand up and look at the long mirror in the corner. Oh my lord, I look tired today. Looking down at my muscular legs, there getting a bit flabby lately, better start training. I put on some shorts; it doesn't matter if they don't match my sleep tank top. And walk to the door buttoning them. I open it; Matsuo and uncle Kenuichio. They are both taller than me, what else is new, and have bodies of muscle.


"You preformed well last night Ren." I smirk, I know, "are ready." I look at my uncle, the one who just said that stupid comment. Obviously not, look at me. I shake my head and turn. My uncle and Matsuo come in. Wonderful, now they can watch me change. I quickly close the door and strip off my clothes. I put on a black lace camisole and a suit. I pick up my armor and stuff it into a duffle bag. I check my teeth and face, good nothing on either. I pop a piece of gum in my mouth and rouge my lips. I smirk;my hair is a mess. I finger comb it straight and open the door, Matsuo is sit on my leather seat with his feet on my glass table, I want to kick his legs up and off my table. Nevertheless, I have to know my place, he's pretty high up in the Hand, don't want to piss him off. I fake cough. He looks at me surprised. I smile and suddenly he's in my face. He grabs metightly bringing me closer to him. I want to yelp but I hold my tongue, and my fist. My uncle throws me my short sword. Matsuo catches them and holds it out to me.


"You two, we don't have time for this, let's go." I grab my red sword from him. Why oh why did Matsuo the Hand's best assassin, find me attractive. Kenuichio passes me my sunglasses and gives me a tight grin.I know that's his happy face.The three of us walk out the door. My apartment is pretty nice and big but it's not nice to keep up, the rent is $150 000 a month, US! So basically I have to get the money by doing a little dirty work now and then. Being a super heroine is tough, especially since Sunfire hates my guts, I don't know why, it's like I'm some stray dog, he doesn't even look at me or talk to me or about me, ever. So I quit, I don't care. But I got to get money some way. I never killed anybody in my life. I just hurt them. I'm a personal bodyguard occasionally with my uncle, but this time is different. We've been summoned by the Hand and it was approved by the Yoshida clan, so I guess something's up. The elevator is five gigantic mirrors. I casually look at myself in the wall behind me. God I look bad ass, especially with the dark sunglasses and my hair up in a tight ponytail. I see Matsuo looking at me from behind. He really gives me the creeps, especially with the eye patch. Finally the elevator reaches the parking floor and we all exit and move towards a black Lexus. Everybody is silent, the car alarm beeps once and unlocks at the doors. It's not until we get into the car, drive out of the garage and onto the streets of downtown Tokyo when my uncle pipes up.


"In the last twenty- four hours, seventeen of the Hands assassins and 4 of the Yoshida clan have been found dead, there bodies all torn apart, all died from loss of blood or massive shock. The main suspect is a mutant named Sabretooth; he's from North America, presumably Canada. His real name is Victor Creed, 6 foot 9 and 275 lbs," I shiver, this guy is huge, and no doubt we're gonna have to hunt him down, this is not gonna be fun. "He has blonde hair and amber eyes. Watch out for his claws they can rip through substances harder than your bones." Matsuo turns to look at my uncle.


"What do you mean by `watch out for' we aren't actually gonna fight him!" He says with a hint of panic in his voice.


"You bet. Are orders are to find and eliminate Creed. Matsuo, you and Ren are to stay in Tokyo looking for him and I'll go to Osaka, the last place he was spotted." I nod.


"I'll look in the Shibuya and Ginza districts and you can look in Kanto and the others. You're a bit to old to be wandering the Shibuya district." Opps. I said too much he's pissed.


"And you are a famous rock star who is working undercover for the Yakuza. You actually think you won't be noticed." I glare at his through my glasses. What a bossy guy. No wonder I stay always from him. My uncle shrugs. He stops the car and I get out on the busy streets of Ginza.


"Report back in six days Ren. Remember the dinner okay." I nod again and walk out onto the street. They are so busy, especially since it's lunch time. Everyone's running around to get something to eat. I pop into a tea shop grab a protein shake to fill me up. Mmm, strawberry. I leave walking down the streets again, down an alley where shadows exist. Glancing around I strip and change into my armor. I attach my sword to my back then take it off. Looking down at the measly piece of steel, if I found Sabretooth I knew I wasn't gonna do much to him with just this. I had to knock him out first, with my telepathic powers and then report back to the others once I take his arm off or something. I laugh out loud, what I stupid plan. And with than I scale the building beside me up to the roof top were I can see, nothing, another brick wall, Crap. This is gonna take a while.