Fan Fiction ❯ Kurenai ❯ Bag and Capture ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Two… nope not any yet


Finally, I see him, it's to dark to see the others but it's looks like they aren't moving. Okay breathe girl remember the plan; the stupid- involving- dismemberment plan. Great.

"Stop right there." I say jumping down at him throwing a small knife at him. He turns and looks at me, the glow of the city let's me see his massive silhouette, he looks right at me, I bolt of fear hits me at he grins showing off his sharp canines. Maybe I should have been informed about those to.

"Hey kiddo, you got a problem."

"Creed, I'm ordered to take you out for the murder of 21… 27 members of the Yakuza and Hand."

"Listen sweetie, run along before I mess that pretty little face of yours up." Ya he's probably right but I got to do my job. I run at him, like David attacking Goliath, I need that one shot, that one opportunity to strike. He throws his latest victim aside and gets ready to take me out. Good boy, play right into my trap. I jump forward and kick him. He grabs my leg, perfect, how bring me up so I can look at you. I gasp, he looks nothing like anyone I have ever met. He's rugged, very tuff looking and dangerous. His light amber eyes glow and his strong scent make me uneasy. I can't help but find myself starring into his eyes.

"You're even cuter up close, you know honey." Honey? How does this guy think he is? I focus my telepathic powers, they're weak but if I concentrate hard enough I can knock him out.

"You know Mr. Creed, I just won." And then bang! I hit him with all the psychic juice I got and he falls down, taking me with him. Oomph, man that took a lot out of me, I'm so going to have a headache tomorrow. I sit up, this guy has a dead grip on me, and his massive hand is gripping my ankle up to my mid calf. Everyone around me is dead; besides him of course but he's out like a light. I slowly get up, loosening one talon at a time. I hear sirens now, oh man I got to get him out quick. Dammit, why did he have to be so huge? My back aches as I scale the wall with him tied to my back, it's taking me to long I'm gonna get too tired, I almost slip off one of the balcony ledges. I need to use the slip soon, damn I hate using it. I finally make my way up to the roof. I hate doing this, it's something I had acquired from a previous fight, it's strange, the power to shift through shadows to travel through walls within a twenty meter radius, handy for escaping quickly and untraceable. But I hate doing it. I see things when I shift, things from what I can see are from another world. I shut my eyes every time. The last time I looked, it was a barren red wasteland.


I came out, after slipping through twice I'm at my apartment. I have to tie Mr. Creed up, every part of me aches I can barely stand up but never the less, sheer will power ties a web of knots, around his five main appendages. Then I sit on my couch, it's facing him so I'll be able to watch him. Who am I kidding; I ain't gonna stay awake anymore…


<Creed presp.>

What the hell happened to me? Oh, hello, who is this little whore, she's hot. Oh now I remember. How did I get up here though, she's couldn't have carried me. She stirs.

"Wakey, Wakey, Sunshine." I tease her, she gets up slowly. Rubbing her face, then she looks up at me. She stands up. Damn, in the light she looks even better, a bit short but look at her tits, they're huge, got to be implants. She walks over to a counter, and picks up a short sword; its hilt has extensions on it; four sharp spikes, not made to make lethal wounds but rather to inflict pain. She looks at me and grins. God I hope she's psychotic; she's turning into my dream gal. She walks over to me slowly; damn she's really turning me on. The little kunoichi (girl ninja) touches my arms gently, ripping off a small section of the fabric. She takes her sword and slashes my arm open I growl and grit my teeth, even with my healing factor that hurt. It's deep and almost to the bone. I watch blood pour out of my arm and drip off my elbow and fingers, creating a small pool of dark crimson. She watches intently as my arm sews itself back together.

"Damnit girl, why'd you have to go and do that."

"My name is Kurenai Yoshida, or just Ren," She says absent mindedly, then she snaps back into reality and straightens up, "Mr. Creed, I heard a rumor that you had an accelerated healing ability but I wanted to see it for myself."

She cleans the sword off in the sink; washing my blood off the brilliant silver steel. Did I mention I can't move; looks like Ren here is some kind of boy- scout or something because the only thing keeping from tearing her to pieces is about nine feet of rope. What I would give to use one of these pieces of rope on her neck. She looks a lot like that psychic I fought at the runt's home. Her scent is a lot more… hot; just like everything else about her. Ren you are gonna be mine.

"So why did you do it?" She says, casually to me walking into her room.


"Why did you kill all those assassins? It's really unlikely that you did it to help out Big Hero Six." She says, coming back into the living room again, she changed that quickly, into a huge night shirt. Not nearly as appealing as her super suit, white bodysuit and red armor all held together with fishnets. Hot. My mind wanders back to her question, I can't tell her, it still hurts- mind you not that much anymore; and not at all when I look at her.

"For revenge." She sticks her head out from the fridge.

"Revenge? Did someone put a hit out on you?"

"Ya" I murmur, I ain't gonna say anything else. She walks over to me with a needle.

"Now I know that you are gonna be immune to this so I put enough in to take out an elephant." She says pushing the needle into me. Oh shit, what is this, sleeping drugs, but stronger, my head feels dizzy and there I go…

It's dark again. Now that girl is really gonna get, before I was just gonna break the ropes and maybe fuck her but now. Now that I'm so annoyed as hell as that little bitch she's gonna have to taste her own blood. I break each rope with ease, you think rope is gonna hold me, hun? I creep into her room so quietly like a shadow. Oh look at that, Renny here has a nice queen size bed all to herself; my mind spins with all the fun we could have had in it. Too bad. I let my claws come out, only on my left side. The side that's gonna gut her. Here goes…