Fan Fiction ❯ Llama Mamas ❯ The Final ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: This is it! The last chapter of Llama Mamas! Woo! I feel so relieved! I mean, uh . . . WAAAH! I'm so sad!
Anyway, I finally decided to get off of my lazy bum and update, but seeing that I am sitting while I write this, I am still not off of my lazy bum. Anyway, I played Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door enough times to satisfy me for a while, so this is why I'm updating.
And to get the fic over with, of course!
Anyway, I would like to thank all of the lovely Reviewers for reading my story. I didn't even think it would be that popular, but it sort of was! Or, popular enough to satisfy me, that is! Yay!
And now, the final chapter!
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Chapter 8: The Final
“Grr . . .” murmured General Lenin as he studied his troops in front of him. “Indeed, we shall be ready for them. Very ready. Won't we, my little author friend?”
General Lenin looked behind him to see his hostage still secured in his straightjacket. But now, he was . . . asleep!
“Uh . . . Sir!” One of Lenin's most trusted advisors, Admiral McCartknee, ran up to him.
“Yes, Admiral?”
“Uh, we regret to inform you, Sir, that the hostage has escaped. What you see behind you is nothing but a cardboard cut-out.”
Lenin, stunned beyond belief, soon discovered that this was true by taking a big bite out of the cutout head. “Mmm . . . a little salty, but not that bad. ADMIRAL!”
“Yes Sir?”
“Prepare me more of these cardboard things! I must have more of them!”
“Certainly Sir.”
“And by the way, my good Admiral. Is the canon ready for firing?”
“I do not know, Sir. The only ones who know the canon's conditions are those who built it themselves.”
“Very well. Send Professor Harrelson and Doctor Star over to me. NOW!”
“Certainly, Sir.” And with that, McCartknee was gone.
Within a few moments, Harrelson and Star reported for duty, still in their lab coats.
“Ah, you have arrived!” exclaimed Lenin in delight. “Tell me, is the canon ready for fire?”
“Yes sir,” said Harrelson, nodding the best he could. “But we are afraid to say that our escape rocket has yet to be fueled.”
“Why haven't you filled it yet?”
Doctor Star shrugged. “Different reasons. I mean, we are allowed to have some fun, aren't we?”
Lenin nodded and sighed in sadness. “Yes. You are. But just because you are mockingly named after members of the Beatles does not mean that you can have fun whenever you want! What if one of the lesser llamas, like Mig Chagger, for instance, accidentally set off the canon? We would have no escape rocket!”
Harrelson and Star nodded. “Right sir. We shall fuel the rocket now. Please just be patient.” And with that, the two scientists were off.
“Mmm . . .” hummed Lenin. “The author boy was right. I am undoubtedly screwed.”
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“We are now arriving in Moscow!” shouted Zelda, lowering the gas pressure on the balloon. “Now all we have to do is wait until we hit the ground with a thud!”
And so they did.
“That's our cue to get off!” shouted Link, jumping out of the basket. “Now all we have to do is find the llama base!”
“We're right in front of it,” said Navi, pointing to the huge sign that read “Llama's Base, this way”.
“Ha! I have found the entrance!” shouted Link as he ran towards the base. Zelda quickly followed, and Navi, having nothing else to do, followed as well.
Navi quickly recognized the base once she entered. It was, indeed, going to be easy to find the canon's lair, but first off, she had to find Link and Zelda as well.
“Crap,” she said silently to herself. “You leave those two for one second and already their gone somewhere.”
“EECK!” came a scream from one of the rooms. It sounded like Zelda!
“Zelda's in trouble!” shouted Navi to no one in particular, and flew off to where the noise seemed to be coming from. Flying through small hole in a the wall that led into the room where Zelda probably was. And indeed, Zelda was in the room, being attacked by a llama!

Or, at least, that's what it seemed to look like.
Zelda was actually attacking the llamas herself! And Link was also in the room, curled up in a ball in the corner of the room, shivering with fear!
“WAAAH!” screamed Zelda as she leapt towards the llama with more skill than a ninja. “SUDO CHOP!”
And the llama fell to the ground.
Zelda smiled to herself as she dusted of her hands. She turned around to see Navi, staring in awe, and Link, cowering in a corner.
“Looks like this place will be easy!” shouted Zelda. “If I can take on one llama by myself, then I wonder what the Shiny Carrot will be able to do!”
Navi continued to stare, and very slowly nodded her head in agreement. Link, seeing that the llama was gone, got up off of the floor and looked around.
“The only think in here is a door,” said Link, eyeing a door in the far north of the room. “Can anyone hear anything come from it?”
Navi flew towards the door and put her invisible fairy ear up to it. “It sounds like a bunch of llamas, murmuring to each other.”
“Can you hear what they're saying, Navi?” asked Zelda.
“Uh . . .” said Navi, listening harder. “They're saying, `That fairy and her comrades better not come into this room! Otherwise, the canon could be destroyed!'”
“Would they really be talking that loud?” asked Zelda.
“Yeah . . . that's what they're saying.”
“Well that was easier than I thought!” And with that, Zelda approached the door. She turned to Navi.
“Shiny Carrot at the ready?”
“Don't ask me! You're the one who has it!”
“Oh . . . yeah.” Zelda pulled the now huge Shiny Carrot out of her pocket. But how the fitted the carrot in her pocket, Navi wasn't about to ask.
“Alright. On three . . . One . . . two . . . THREE!” Zelda rammed the door open and held the Shiny Carrot high above her head. The llamas looked at her, then the thing she was holding above her.
And they screamed.
They just screamed and ran away.
“HA HA!” shouted Link, now joining Zelda in the room. “This is great! I've never seen so many scared thingies in my life!”
“Hmmm . . .” hummed Navi to herself. “There it is! The canon!”
Zelda and Link quit they're laughing and looked at the device in the center of the room.
“That's the canon?” asked Zelda. “Are you absolutely sure?”
“Yeah. Just look at it! Doesn't it strike fear into your hearts?”
“No. Not really.”
“Well, it should, lady,” came a voice from somewhere outside of the room.
The trio turned their heads to see a llama with a general hat sitting on his head.
“That's the leader!” shouted Navi, remembering the face from the meeting she accidentally attended. “He's the one controlling the llamas!”
“Yes,” said the llama. “I am General Lenin, and you are very foolish to step into my lair so boldly.”
“Lenin?” asked Zelda, eyeing the llama weirdly. “You mean, like John Lennon?”
“NO!” said Lenin, getting very pissed. “As in the communist leader Lenin! Why does everyone think I'm John Lennon?”
“Uh . . .” Zelda looked at her two friends, who just shrugged. “We don't know. We just . . . do.”
Lenin let out one last scream of anger and then sighed. “Whatever! I must destroy you three now! If you ever destroy my canon, you will at least know how the llamas never go down without a fight! ADMIRAL!”
Admiral McCartknee ran out of another room and into the room with Lenin. “Yes, Sir?”
“Destroy these three!”
“Yes Sir!”
McCartknee turned towards our heroes and gave a smug smile. “You're Shiny Carrot cannot make me tremble, fools!”
“And why is that?” asked Link, fear creeping inside of him.
“Because I have the power of . . . COLD TURKEY!”
Our heroes stared at the llama.
“Cold Turkey?” asked Zelda. “That's a Lennon song. Not a McCartney song!”
“What?” asked McCartknee. “It is not!”
“Is too!” shouted Navi back. “And we would know! The author lets us know!”

“And how would the author know about this?”
“Because!” shouted Link, summoning courage. “He has a 350 page book about them! ALL ABOUT THEM!”
“No . . .” said McCartknee, worriedly. “It can't be true.”
“IT IS!” shouted our three heroes at once.
“NO!” And then, without warning, McCarknee . . . blew up.
“EW!” shouted our heroes and Lenin. “That was weird!”
“AGH!” said Lenin, once realizing that his second-in-command was destroyed. “THAT'S IT! I'M GOING TO DESTROY YOU MYSELF!”
Lenin then leapt into a compartment of the canon. A glass shield covered his face, and a steering wheel emerged in front of him. The canon formed robotic legs and arms, and it was soon standing upright.
Our three heroes stood in shock, staring at the huge robot that was now in front of them.
“NO!” shouted Navi. “We can't do this! We need to the Crystal Stars!”
“The what?” asked Link and Zelda confusedly, turning to Navi and looking at her with blank faces.
“Uh . . . nothing.”
“HA HA HA!” shouted Lenin from inside the cockpit of Magnus von Grapple. “You shall now see the terror of the Llama Race!”
And indeed, our heroes did see the terror, for they ran for the entrance. But it was locked! Our heroes were locked in with a giant robot that was on the verge of killing them!
“WAAH!” screamed our heroes as they turned around to look at the robot once more.
“And now I shall test the canon! ON YOU!” A compartment in the front of the robot opened up, and a large needle-like object came out from inside of it. It then began to glow green. The canon was charging!
“WAAH!” screamed our heroes once again, and right as the canon shot itself, they somehow managed to dive out of the way.
The canon hit the door that was locked them in, and instantly it melted into a puddle of mush.
The three heroes looked at eachother, then at the door. “WAAH!” they screamed again, and as fast as they could, ran out of the room and towards the entrance.
“BLAST!” shouted Lenin has he slammed his front hoofs on the control panel. “I hate you Magnus!”
Though robots do not have feelings, there is no doubt that Magnus von Grapple 3.0 would have been very sad.
Lenin, still needing to kill his enemies before they could summon help, used the robotic legs to charges over them. He broke through several walls, but he didn't care! He couldn't let the intruders escape!
General Lenin was able to find them. They were all outside of the base, but they were all looking at him braver than they had ever had before. And he soon saw the reason why.
The whole Russian army was standing behind them.
“Alright, evil llama thing!” came a voice on a loudspeaker. It was none other than Russian president Vladimir Putin!
“Eh?” said the confused Lenin, stopping the robot dead in his tracks.
“We have you surrounded! Give up now, or we will open fire at you!”
“YEAH!” shouted Link. “GIVE UP NOW!”
“YOU CAN NOT RESIST!” shouted Zelda.
“WE WILL BEAT YOU UP!” shouted Navi.
The whole Russian army cheered.
“AGH!” shouted Lenin. “You still cannot defeat me!” He once again began to charge up the canon.
“WAAH!” shouted our heroes and the Russian army as they all ducked out of the way.
“There's no use!” shouted Zelda to Navi. “What are we going to do?”
“I don't know!” shouted the fairy, fear in her voice. “I've never been so confused!”
“Me neither! Perhaps there's some way to weaken him?”
“I don't know! Wait . . . where's Link?!?!”
Zelda and Navi stopped, and they were amazed at what they saw. Link was standing right in front of the canon!”
“LINK! YOU IDIOT!” shouted Zelda. “GET OUT OF THE WAY!”
Link did not get out of the way. Instead, he nobly reached into his pocket and pulled out . . . silly putty?
Yes! It was silly putty! And he used it to plug up the canon!
“QUICK! ZELDA! NAVI!” he shouted. “WE NEED TO WEAKEN HIM!” He then pulled out a set of drums from . . . somewhere. “GET MY DRIFT?”
“YES!” shouted Navi, pulling out a trumpet. Zelda nodded and pulled out an electric guitar.
Zelda began to jam a guitar solo on guitar, and Link played the drums. Navi began to wait for her cue, and then she belted it.
It was 20 years ago today
Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play!
They've been goin' in and out of style
But they're guaranteed to raise a smile!

So may I introduce to you!
Navi then began to play a trumpet solo, while the whole Russian army clapped. She flew up to Lenin's ears and blew in them, causing the army to laugh. Soon, it was Zelda's and Link's turn to sing.
We're Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
We hope you will enjoy the show!
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band!
Sit back and let the evening go!
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band!
It's wonderful to be here
It's certainly a thrill
You're such a lovely audience
We'd like to take you home with us
Navi then began to belt it once more.
I don't really wanna stop the show!
But I thought you might like to know
That the singer's gonna sing a song!
And he wants you all to sing a long!
So may I introduce to you!
She pointed to Link.
Zelda and Navi then pointed to Link, who stood looking proudly.
Link cleared his throat and began to sing. Navi trumpet was replaced by a tiny bass guitar.
What would you think if I sang out of tune?
Would you stand up and walk out on me?
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song
And I'll try not to sing out of key!
Ooh, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mmm, get high with a little help from my friends
Mmm, gonna try with a little help from my friends
Apparently, Link's solo had done the trick, as the glass shield covering Lenin began to crack, letting in more of Link's melodious voice, and driving Lenin more insane.
What do I do when my love is away? (Does it worry you to be alone?)
How do I feel at the end of the day? (Are you sad because you're on your own?)

NO! I get by with a little help from my friends
Mmm, gonna try with a little help from my friends
Mmm, get high with a little help from my friends
(Do you need anybody?) I just need someone to love.
(Could it be anybody?) I want somebody to love.
And then, the whole Russian army joined in, showing the values of peace, love, and Beatlemania.
Apparently, Lenin's machine couldn't take the stress anymore, and thus, exploded. Lenin rocketed into the air, landing in front of Zelda, who played her guitar loudly in his ear.
“ZELDA!” shouted Navi! “NOW!”
Zelda nodded and put her guitar on her back, then pulled out the Shiny Carrot. She held it up to Lenin's face, who's eyes grew wide.
“NO!” shouted Lenin, freaking out.
“Yes!” shouted Zelda, pushing the carrot into his mouth.
A bright flash of orange exploded in the air, and when the light faded, there was no more Lenin.
“YAY!” shouted everyone.
“That's it!” shouted Zelda! “The llamas are gone! The world is saved!”
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“Wow! What an adventure!” said Navi as Zelda pumped up the hot air balloon.
“I'll say!” said Link, looking over the railing as they began to float higher and higher. “And we all got something out of this!”
“Like what, Link?” asked Navi.
“Well, I learned to get over my cowardice, Navi learned the importance of patience, and Zelda . . . uh . . .”
“Yes?” asked Zelda, bracing herself for something stupid that Link might say.
“Zelda . . . learned how to play a mean guitar!”
“Uh . . . yeah!” said Navi. “That's right! She did play a mean guitar!”
Zelda giggled and pulled out her shiny pink Fender Stratocaster. “C'mon! We need to celebrate! Ready Link?”
Link grew his bongos. “READY! 1 2 3 4!”
Link then began to play a drum solo for a little while, and then Zelda played the guitar. After a while, the three began to sing to the tune of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band (Reprise)!
We're Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band!
We hope you have enjoyed the show!
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
We're sorry but it's time to go!
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band!
We'd like to thank you once again!
Sgt. Pepper's one and only Lonely Hearts Club Band!
It's getting very near the end!

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts . . .
Zelda played a guitar solo, and then they ended!
The End
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Well. That's it. Thank you all for have Reviewed, especially bionicleguy, for Reviewing every chapter. And also to Iyou, who made my Review count go way up!
I wish you all a happy life, and thank you for reading!