Fan Fiction ❯ Lonely Hearts ❯ Trial And Error ( Chapter 4 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Sohru woke in Ichi's arms, his strong manly arms. He stroked one and moved it to get up. He stripped from the clothes as they were now dirty. He found the bathroom and relieved himself. Had he been sleeping all day? It was still light out, though getting dim. He felt very hungry. He made his way back to the bedroom and stopped in front of a full length mirror. He looked himself up and down, at his naked body. He hadn't really ever looked at it properly; his brother's bodies were all masculine and manly, while his was skinny and they often made fun, so he never got changed anywhere with a decent mirror. He ran his hand down his hip, a sharp bump poking through his tender pale skin. He then ran his hand across his flat belly, he wanted muscles, but he wasn't strong. He had taken up Karate and went every Thursday night, but still he had no muscles. He turned round and looked at his back; his shoulder blades looked as though they could burst through his skin. He noticed a small mark at the base of his back, small but noticeable like a tattoo he touched it. It felt hot. He turned round and looked at himself again. Ichi came up from behind him and wrapped his arms around him. His right hand across his chest and the left stroking his belly. He kissed his neck softly. “Have a good rest?” He said kissing his neck again.
“Yes I did thank you. And how about you?” He said turning round and kissing him, the fact that he had to stand on his tip toes to reach him annoyed him slightly. “Oh yeah, the best I've had in months.” He yawned and stretched, making Sohru feel even smaller. “I'll go get some coffee, how do you like it?” he asked pulling down his underwear. He walked to his bedroom and into the drawer and got a fresh pair and threw a pair out to Sohru, he turned round at the door attempting to pull on his underwear. “Um with lots of milk and sugar.” He replied staring at Ichi's backside, he felt like a school girl that should giggle and look away. “Alrighty then.” He said pulling on the new underwear he disappeared and came back out with a pair of jeans on. He walked out and into the kitchen. Sohru proceeded to put on the new underwear, they were soft. He found his belt and a different pair of trousers and got ready. He met Ichi in the kitchen having a fight with the toaster. “Dammed thing!” He yelled and banged it with his fist. The toast popped out, but it was burnt badly. He sighed and turned to Sohru. “So what do you want for breakfast?”
“From the man who can't even make toast? Nothing!” Sohru said smiling. “I'll make us breakfast, what do you want?”
“From the man I have to bend down to meet his eye? Fried eggs please.” Sohru pouted. “I'm not THAT small you know.” He said finding the fridge and a frying pan. “Yes you are! But I like it, makes me feel big.” Sohru turned to him cracking the eggs on the edge of the frying pan. “Makes you feel big? You're a giant! Why would you need to feel big!?” The eggs began to sizzle.
“Hmhmhm…..I don't, but still it's good.” He walked over to Sohru and nibbled on the tip of his ear. “Not while I'm cooking you hooligan!” Ichi laughed and set about making the coffee, Sohru had a feeling that he wasn't that good in the kitchen, as he didn't know how to turn the coffee maker on. “Erm….I usually have orange juice…but I've none left.” Was his excuse.
They sat opposite each other at the table; Ichi finished his eggs surprisingly quickly. He sipped on the coffee his eyes meeting Sohru's over the top of the mug. He felt a bit like a pervert after what had happened between them. Sohru choked on oh his coffee a bit and giggled. “What's wrong with your face?” he asked. Ichi looked up from his cup, he had been making a rather confusing face without realising. “Oh? Nothing…..tell me…what we did…..was it, too soon?” He asked his cheeks turning light pink. “Oh is that's what's bothering you?” a warm smile spread across his face, he decided to change the subject. “Oh Ichi? You say you're a flame demon?” Ichi shifted in his chair.
“Fire Demon. Why?” Sohru felt the small mark on his back.
“Tell me what this is will you?” He walked over to Ichi and pulled his top up at the back. Ichi rubbed the small mark. “It's a birthmark, in the shape of a Leaf…Sohru you're an Earth Demon!”
Ichi was often greeted with an `oh' or an `I see', Sohru never seemed to be surprised. “Is that good?” he asked, he had sat back down, sipping his coffee, Ichi had made it just right for him, lots of milk, but not too much, and lots of sugar, but not too much. “Well…as far as Demons go, you could call us enemies.” Sohru drank the last of his coffee and sighed taking a breath. “Enemies? Really? Pft, nonsense! Not me and you, never!” Ichi got up and kissed his forehead. He turned and looked at Sohru. “Sohru? Last night when you were walking in the rain? Why were you walking in the rain? You could have died!” Sohru looked up at him with puppy eyes then lunged from his chair and latched onto him. Tears streaming down his face. “My mother.” He said through the sobs “my mother died and I ran away! I'm so ashamed!” He dug his face into Ichi's chest. Sobbing and sniffing. “What do you mean `ran away'?”
“From the funeral…..I should go home shouldn't I?” He looked up at Ichi, his eyes were red and face tear stained. “I think you should, do you want me to drive you?” Sohru shook his head. He made his way into the bedroom and got his clothes, he then proceeded to the door. “You'll come back?” Ichi said after him.
“Of course, but I might be awhile.” Ichi nodded and watched after him as he made his way down the street.
Sohru sighed as he approached his house, he felt guilty and ashamed to show his face, but he had to sometime right? He walked up the steps and knocked on the door, and Hitcho answered. Hitcho's eyes turned to flame as he seen his brother standing there, that good-for-nothing bastard that abandoned his sister when she needed him most. He wanted to just slam the door, or maybe to give him a piece of his mind, but no his heart and fists wouldn't allow it. He punched Sohru full on the nose, so hard that he toppled backwards. He punched him again on the cheek to get his body flat; he sat with his knees on his arms beating the living hell out of him. When he was finished, he thrust his foot into his ribs. He heard a satisfying `crunch' and walked into the house. Sohru moaned, he could taste a lot of blood in his mouth. He wanted to turn and spit but he couldn't move. Taikata, hearing the moans, peeked out of the door way and seen Sohru lying there. He ran over to him and picked him up. Sohru screamed and he heard a rather large crack from his rips. Blood flowed in streams down his face, from his cheek, upper lip, eyebrow, nose and the back of his ear. He coughed and spat blood. “I—I…de…deser---ved..that..….” He managed. He was in agony. Taikata wiped a stay tear from his face before it got to the cut on his cheek. He wiped off some of the blood with the back of his hand and then looked towards the house his eyes narrowing. He picked Sohru up and placed him on the sofa gently. He shrieked at the pressure. Aika walked in drawn by the screams. Her eyes went wide when she seen Sohru. “Soh—Sohru?!” she yelled and ran over to him kissing his face and snuggling into him. Sohru managed a smile, but it was small. “What happened?” she asked looking at the blood all over him. He licked the split in his upper lip, it felt fat and numb.
“Hitcho is what happened to him.” Said Taikata, he had gotten 2 ice packs, one he lay across his brow and cheek and the other over his nose. He placed a bag of peas on his ribs. He looked at his nose. “It's broken.” He said “and so are your ribs, you'll need to go to hospital.” And with that he walked over to the phone. Aika held her brother's hands, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Aen....aent oou ad? I—I an away…I *cough* shoudnmt hae eft oou.” Talking made his lip throb, and his words unclear. “No, you have your own way of dealing with pain, and so do I, I'm not mad, well I am but not at you….I'm going to scratch Hitcho till the cows come home!”
“He was….o-nea….potecting oou….I'm so-ea…” He squeezed her hands, blood trickled down from his lip. “No talking!” Taikata yelled and dabbed his chin and lip with a tissue. “They are on they're way.” He said.
The hospital was a nightmare, he had to get butterfly stitches on his eyebrow, cheek and his nose. They wrapped a bandage round his head, and a very thick and tight one round his ribs and hip. This was after they'd spent about an hour prodding and poking at them trying to get them in the right positions. His screams could be heard for miles, it was agony. They said there was a risk of a concussion and had to be kept in over night. Sohru was glad he could get a rest, they gave him pain killers that made him feel giddy, but he didn't notice as he was too busy sleeping.
Taikata confronted Hitcho. “The bastard left her! He left her standing there! You know he's the only one she can talk to!” and he was right, the only people Aika liked to talk to was her mother and Sohru. “That's not the point. You brutally attacked your own brother, your own flesh and blood!” Taikata's hand tightened into a fist, but he left it.
“That maybe so, but the creep deserved it! For what he's done!” Taikata couldn't control his anger anymore and he struck Hitcho on the chin, knocking him to his backside. He looked at him in shock. “And what did `you' just do there?!”
“Sohru has his own way of dealing with things, he always has, maybe he wanted to be alone, he knew he'd have to tend to Aika if he stayed. Or maybe he was just in shock? I don't know, YOU don't know because you let your fists ask the questions, and never gave him the chance to answer. Oh and I was teaching you a lesson, some people can grieve naturally others can't, you have to realise that. Not everyone is like you or me, I'm the adult in this household, and I have to keep the immature CHILDREN in order!” He was about to turn and walk away. “I know you love Aika, and you hate to see her hurt, but Sohru loves her just as much….maybe you just wanted to let off some steam, but next time, think about how much Aika loves Sohru and how much `she' hates to see `him' hurt.” He walked away, leaving Hitcho to drown in his thoughts.
“Yes I did thank you. And how about you?” He said turning round and kissing him, the fact that he had to stand on his tip toes to reach him annoyed him slightly. “Oh yeah, the best I've had in months.” He yawned and stretched, making Sohru feel even smaller. “I'll go get some coffee, how do you like it?” he asked pulling down his underwear. He walked to his bedroom and into the drawer and got a fresh pair and threw a pair out to Sohru, he turned round at the door attempting to pull on his underwear. “Um with lots of milk and sugar.” He replied staring at Ichi's backside, he felt like a school girl that should giggle and look away. “Alrighty then.” He said pulling on the new underwear he disappeared and came back out with a pair of jeans on. He walked out and into the kitchen. Sohru proceeded to put on the new underwear, they were soft. He found his belt and a different pair of trousers and got ready. He met Ichi in the kitchen having a fight with the toaster. “Dammed thing!” He yelled and banged it with his fist. The toast popped out, but it was burnt badly. He sighed and turned to Sohru. “So what do you want for breakfast?”
“From the man who can't even make toast? Nothing!” Sohru said smiling. “I'll make us breakfast, what do you want?”
“From the man I have to bend down to meet his eye? Fried eggs please.” Sohru pouted. “I'm not THAT small you know.” He said finding the fridge and a frying pan. “Yes you are! But I like it, makes me feel big.” Sohru turned to him cracking the eggs on the edge of the frying pan. “Makes you feel big? You're a giant! Why would you need to feel big!?” The eggs began to sizzle.
“Hmhmhm…..I don't, but still it's good.” He walked over to Sohru and nibbled on the tip of his ear. “Not while I'm cooking you hooligan!” Ichi laughed and set about making the coffee, Sohru had a feeling that he wasn't that good in the kitchen, as he didn't know how to turn the coffee maker on. “Erm….I usually have orange juice…but I've none left.” Was his excuse.
They sat opposite each other at the table; Ichi finished his eggs surprisingly quickly. He sipped on the coffee his eyes meeting Sohru's over the top of the mug. He felt a bit like a pervert after what had happened between them. Sohru choked on oh his coffee a bit and giggled. “What's wrong with your face?” he asked. Ichi looked up from his cup, he had been making a rather confusing face without realising. “Oh? Nothing…..tell me…what we did…..was it, too soon?” He asked his cheeks turning light pink. “Oh is that's what's bothering you?” a warm smile spread across his face, he decided to change the subject. “Oh Ichi? You say you're a flame demon?” Ichi shifted in his chair.
“Fire Demon. Why?” Sohru felt the small mark on his back.
“Tell me what this is will you?” He walked over to Ichi and pulled his top up at the back. Ichi rubbed the small mark. “It's a birthmark, in the shape of a Leaf…Sohru you're an Earth Demon!”
Ichi was often greeted with an `oh' or an `I see', Sohru never seemed to be surprised. “Is that good?” he asked, he had sat back down, sipping his coffee, Ichi had made it just right for him, lots of milk, but not too much, and lots of sugar, but not too much. “Well…as far as Demons go, you could call us enemies.” Sohru drank the last of his coffee and sighed taking a breath. “Enemies? Really? Pft, nonsense! Not me and you, never!” Ichi got up and kissed his forehead. He turned and looked at Sohru. “Sohru? Last night when you were walking in the rain? Why were you walking in the rain? You could have died!” Sohru looked up at him with puppy eyes then lunged from his chair and latched onto him. Tears streaming down his face. “My mother.” He said through the sobs “my mother died and I ran away! I'm so ashamed!” He dug his face into Ichi's chest. Sobbing and sniffing. “What do you mean `ran away'?”
“From the funeral…..I should go home shouldn't I?” He looked up at Ichi, his eyes were red and face tear stained. “I think you should, do you want me to drive you?” Sohru shook his head. He made his way into the bedroom and got his clothes, he then proceeded to the door. “You'll come back?” Ichi said after him.
“Of course, but I might be awhile.” Ichi nodded and watched after him as he made his way down the street.
Sohru sighed as he approached his house, he felt guilty and ashamed to show his face, but he had to sometime right? He walked up the steps and knocked on the door, and Hitcho answered. Hitcho's eyes turned to flame as he seen his brother standing there, that good-for-nothing bastard that abandoned his sister when she needed him most. He wanted to just slam the door, or maybe to give him a piece of his mind, but no his heart and fists wouldn't allow it. He punched Sohru full on the nose, so hard that he toppled backwards. He punched him again on the cheek to get his body flat; he sat with his knees on his arms beating the living hell out of him. When he was finished, he thrust his foot into his ribs. He heard a satisfying `crunch' and walked into the house. Sohru moaned, he could taste a lot of blood in his mouth. He wanted to turn and spit but he couldn't move. Taikata, hearing the moans, peeked out of the door way and seen Sohru lying there. He ran over to him and picked him up. Sohru screamed and he heard a rather large crack from his rips. Blood flowed in streams down his face, from his cheek, upper lip, eyebrow, nose and the back of his ear. He coughed and spat blood. “I—I…de…deser---ved..that..….” He managed. He was in agony. Taikata wiped a stay tear from his face before it got to the cut on his cheek. He wiped off some of the blood with the back of his hand and then looked towards the house his eyes narrowing. He picked Sohru up and placed him on the sofa gently. He shrieked at the pressure. Aika walked in drawn by the screams. Her eyes went wide when she seen Sohru. “Soh—Sohru?!” she yelled and ran over to him kissing his face and snuggling into him. Sohru managed a smile, but it was small. “What happened?” she asked looking at the blood all over him. He licked the split in his upper lip, it felt fat and numb.
“Hitcho is what happened to him.” Said Taikata, he had gotten 2 ice packs, one he lay across his brow and cheek and the other over his nose. He placed a bag of peas on his ribs. He looked at his nose. “It's broken.” He said “and so are your ribs, you'll need to go to hospital.” And with that he walked over to the phone. Aika held her brother's hands, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Aen....aent oou ad? I—I an away…I *cough* shoudnmt hae eft oou.” Talking made his lip throb, and his words unclear. “No, you have your own way of dealing with pain, and so do I, I'm not mad, well I am but not at you….I'm going to scratch Hitcho till the cows come home!”
“He was….o-nea….potecting oou….I'm so-ea…” He squeezed her hands, blood trickled down from his lip. “No talking!” Taikata yelled and dabbed his chin and lip with a tissue. “They are on they're way.” He said.
The hospital was a nightmare, he had to get butterfly stitches on his eyebrow, cheek and his nose. They wrapped a bandage round his head, and a very thick and tight one round his ribs and hip. This was after they'd spent about an hour prodding and poking at them trying to get them in the right positions. His screams could be heard for miles, it was agony. They said there was a risk of a concussion and had to be kept in over night. Sohru was glad he could get a rest, they gave him pain killers that made him feel giddy, but he didn't notice as he was too busy sleeping.
Taikata confronted Hitcho. “The bastard left her! He left her standing there! You know he's the only one she can talk to!” and he was right, the only people Aika liked to talk to was her mother and Sohru. “That's not the point. You brutally attacked your own brother, your own flesh and blood!” Taikata's hand tightened into a fist, but he left it.
“That maybe so, but the creep deserved it! For what he's done!” Taikata couldn't control his anger anymore and he struck Hitcho on the chin, knocking him to his backside. He looked at him in shock. “And what did `you' just do there?!”
“Sohru has his own way of dealing with things, he always has, maybe he wanted to be alone, he knew he'd have to tend to Aika if he stayed. Or maybe he was just in shock? I don't know, YOU don't know because you let your fists ask the questions, and never gave him the chance to answer. Oh and I was teaching you a lesson, some people can grieve naturally others can't, you have to realise that. Not everyone is like you or me, I'm the adult in this household, and I have to keep the immature CHILDREN in order!” He was about to turn and walk away. “I know you love Aika, and you hate to see her hurt, but Sohru loves her just as much….maybe you just wanted to let off some steam, but next time, think about how much Aika loves Sohru and how much `she' hates to see `him' hurt.” He walked away, leaving Hitcho to drown in his thoughts.