Fan Fiction ❯ lost in the fight ❯ lost in the fight ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
“Katara, I'm really hungry.” Sokka wined. They've been walking all day without a break. Everyone was tired, hungry, and really sick of listening to Sokka complain.
“Well, I'm sorry Sokka. What do you what be to do about it?” said Katara angrily.
“I don't know.” Sokka spoke very quietly. Then thought it was time to change the subject, “Say Aang, where is this village you keep saying is right around the corner.”
“I'm not sure, but it should be somewhere close.” Shrugged Aang. But the truth was, he really didn't know, it could be days till they get there.
“Aang, look I'm tired, Sokka's hungry,” she was hungry too but she didn't Sokka to hear her say it, “way not make camp, and continue tomorrow.” She spoke the last word a little louder then needed because her stomach started to growled. Sokka and Aang gave her a weird look. But they thought it best not to question her. After all it was a good idea.
“Yeah, that sounds good.” said Aang after a while. So they stopped, and made camp. Sokka was trying to make a fire and Katara and Aang were looking through the bags for some food.
“We only have a little bread and some old fruit left?” said Katara sounding very disappointed.
“Well, we'll work with what we have. Sokka how's the firer going.” Said Aang with an eyebrow up as he looked over at Sokka how look like he was trying very heard to start a flame.
“Good.” Sokka replied through a clinched jaw. Katara rolled her eyes, and Sokka caught it out of the corner of his eyes.
“Well, Katara if you're so good at making a fire why don't you do it!” yelled Sokka as he handed her the sticks.
“Fine, I will!” said Katara taking the stick and lining over to try to start the fire. But she was having no better luck then her older brother.
“Just, what I thought.” said Sokka as he took the sticks back from Katara, who gave a loud “hmp”.
They all eat the small portion that was dinner. Sokka was yelling at Katara.
“You're chewing like a cow, it distracting me so I can't make the fire. She then looked at Aang hoping that he would say something on her part, but Aang was looking out at the forest.
“Aang, what's wrong?” said Katara worried at the look on her friends face. But he didn't answer.
“Aang?” said Sokka looking up from the pile of stick. They were all looking out into the woods. Then Sokka and Katara could here it now. Somebody was coming there way. And fast too.
“Maybe we should run.” suggested Katara in a worried voice. But nobody moved. All of the sudden the footsteps stopped. All anyone could here was the sound of a far off owl.
Aang got up, and Katara and Sokka fallowed his movement. Then he looked up at the tops of the trees. Katara caught it and looked up there too; however Sokka didn't and continued to look at darkness of the woods.
Out of nowhere Aang shout up and started to jump the tree branches all most to the top. And before Sokka could even look up, Aang was thrust to the ground. He fell at lest 20ft before landing right on Katara. He shot up and looked up at the trees. They could all see someone jumping down branch at a time.
“Get back Katara!” Sokka warned her, pushing her back. She glared at him.
The person landed softly on the ground behind Sokkas' want-to-be fire. They all gasped. To everyone surprise even Kataras' that person was a teenage girl.
“WHAT?” said Sokka in amassment?
“You okay,” Said the girl ingoing Sokka and looking at Aang. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to through you so hard, I... uh… thought you were someone else. My mistake.” She was smiling very innocently, but they knew she was nothing close to innocent.
“It's okay, I landed softly.” Said Aang smiling to but still gave her a not entirely trusting look.
“Yeah, right on me!” grunted Katara.
“Again, sorry `bout that. By the way I'm Kenna.” She smiled at them. She seemed to smile a lot.
“I'm Aang.” said Aang smiling back.
“Sokka.” said Sokka looking at her very suspiciously.
“And I'm Katara.” said Katara matching her brothers' look.
“…Umm, is there anything I can do to pay you back for jumping you like that.” She was smiling, but she knew that the tension from that the two siblings, she had never meat before, had toward her could be cut with a knife. She was rather eager to leave. She could always tell when she was not wanted, and this definitely one of those times.
“You could leave…” muttered Sokka so only Aang and Katara could hear.
“Well it really wasn't your fault, I did jump up there.” said Aang looking at his feet. It really was his fault.
“No I… shouldn't have acted so quickly. And I do insist on making it up to you.” She looked at him with a look that said she really did want to make it up to him.
“Well… we… um… can't seem to make a fire, so if you know how and it would really make you feel better… but if you can't it's okay.” Aang didn't want to make it sound like they really needed it.
“A fire? No problem. I can do that.” She said waking over to the pile of sticks. Making sure that Katara and Sokka could see her; she rubbed two sticks together and had a fire going in no time.
“There.” She said smiling at Aang.
“Thanks” said Aang looking at the big fire she had made.
“Well then, I better go. Good-bye Aang, Katara, Sokka.” She nodded her head at them all. They all waved. Sokka and Katara looked more at ease with her know. And she was gone.
“Can you believe we thought…” started Sokka to Katara.
“I know, but well… it doesn't matter.” Katara cut him off, as she looked at the spot were Kenna had disappeared. “But I wish I had a better look at her. All I could really see for sure in the darkness was that she was wearing earth clothing.” Katara frowned.
“I think she was nice.” Yawned Aang as he rolled out his sleeping bag. Katara and Sokka did the same. And with simple good night the all fell asleep.
The next day when the all woke up it was the crack of dawn. They were all really tired but know that they should get going. As they packed up the campsite they were all thinking of the vaster that they had the night before. Who was she? Was all on there minds.
They soon set off. They didn't talk much they just wanted to move. About two hours after dawn the came to anther campsite.
“Do you think it's kennas'?” Asked Katara.
“Maybe” answered Aang.
“I think it was hers.” Said Sokka even though no one really cared what he had to say. He'd been complaining about be hungry since breakfast.
They didn't stay long; they really wanted to find that town. They hadn't walked five minuets when the reached the small village Aang had told them about.
“Wow, Aang this town is great.” Said Katara with wide eyes as she Scand the place. It wasn't big, nor was it small. It had a nice market and everyone look so nice.
“Yep” said Aang proudly. He looked around at the town it was just as the old man in the other village had it was.
Out of nowhere a old man walks up. He is staring at all three of them.
“Why, hello there. You look like you've been on the road for a long time. You wound need supplies would you? You know stuff like food, fresh water, and so on.” He seemed very kind and trusting. He was old and didn't seem to be looking to ripe them off.
“Er… yeah, we do. Would you know where to get some, old man.” said Sokka looking carefully at the old man.
“Of cores I do, fallow me. My shop is just over here.” Said the old man smiling. “So tell me what your names are. Mine is Mr. Adders, by the way.”
“Katara sir.” She spoke kindly.
“I'm Sokka.” Informed Sokka.
“My name is Aang.” He was looking at his feet; there was something about this old man that made it clear to Aang what he would do. And sure enough Mr. Adders stopped and stared at him.
“Well, well, well, I never would have thought.” Said Mr. Adders looking at him with a big smile. “I'm I not in the present of the Avatar himself.” Mr. Adders looked very happy.
“Y-yes, sir, I am him.” said Aang still looking at his feet.
“Well dear boy look up, if you look at your feet you show weakness and shame. And the is no shame with being the Avatar last I checked.” The old man was looking at Aang, not like Aang had thought, he wasn't mad that Aang had left for one hundred years. He wished all people were like that.
“Yes, sir.” Said Aang smiling at Mr. Adders.
“So do you and your friends have a place to stay for the night” asked Mr. Adders after they had started to walk again.
“No sir we don't. We where just going to sleep in the woods.” said Aang wondering were this was going.
“That won't do. You need a home and a bed to stay in. Tell you what, I have many extra bed in my home, there would be enough for you all and more. You my stay with me for the night if you like.” Said the Mr. Adders thoughtfully.
“Thank sir, we would like that very much.” Spoke Aang in astonishment he hadn't thought at all the man would welcome him into his home.
“Well this is my shop.” Mr., adder stopped in front of a rather big cart, filled will food, close, and fresh water, and lots more. There was a door in the back, which must have lead to his house. “The rooms are in the back. I'll…” but the man stopped. He was staring at the shop across the way. Two kids (both looked younger then Aang) were standing in front of it and people walked by. The were fighting.
“YOU TAKE THAT BACK!” Screamed the little girl to the little boy.
“NO!” yelled the boy.
“TAKE IT BACK!” the girl screamed again.
“NO BECAUSE SHE IS A GOOD FOR NOTHING HALF BLOODED FIREBENDER, AND I DON'T SEE WAY YOU STICK UP FOR HER!” the boy had clear crossed the line this time, because Aang saw Mr. Adders tense up.
“You forgot repulsive, Caleb.” Said a clam voice out of now where. Then Kenna jumped of the ruff and landed right next to the little boy, who screamed and ran off. The little girls' eyes filled with tears as she looked at Kenna.
“Well that was kind of fun.” Kenna was smiling real big at the girl. Then the girl ran towards Kenna, who bent down and hugged her. The little girl was crying.
“So tell me Kikeyo. Dose everyone talk like that about me of just Caleb.” Joked Kenna breaking apart from he little girl. “Better yet, who doesn't talk like that?” Kenna was smiling and thought it funny, but the girl didn't smile. “So everyone still hates me. Don't worry about it Kikeyo. I've learn not to look for friends. I prefer people in this village to not like me; it helps to keep them safe. And you safe to.” Her smile was so soft and warming that it was contagious and before Aang knew it he was smiling along with the girl.
“I'm glad you came to visit.” Smiled the girl braking apart from the hug. “how long will you stay.”
“Only a day, like always.” Said Kenna standing up. “Where's Mr. Adders?”
“Right here dear child, I'm glad to see your alright.” he was waving at her. “Come and meat my guests.”
“Aang, Katara, Sokka?” she said when she saw them. “Wow, how long has it been? Like a day almost. What brings you here?” She was laughing, and the way she spoke it made what she said pretty funny. She seemed very glad to see the little girl who wouldn't let go of her hand.
“Well, were passing here on our way to the north pole.” Answered Aang.
“How cool, I've never been there before.” She was now trying to get her arm lose from the little girl. But she wouldn't bung.
“Oh, good you already have met!” said the wise man. The little girl was tugging on Kenna arm now.
“Right, this is my cousin, Kikeyo. This is Aang, Katara, and Sokka.” Kenna interdicted everyone.
“Hello, everyone” said Kikeyo in a sweet and innocent voice. Which Kenna caught, and gave her a funny look.
“Don't you start sounding all innocent. We all heard you back there.” Kenna smiled. Kikeyo just looked at her feet. That mad everyone laugh.
“Um… Kenna?” asked Katara rather shyly.
“Yeah.” said Kenna looking at here.
“Well… I've heard a lot of stories about you, but you seem to be the opposite of them all. What is the really story?” Katara had a look in her eye that said she really wanted a answer.
“Okay, I'll tell you the really story. But lets go inside.” Kenna pointed to the door and the all went into it. It leads to a room with ten cushions in a big circle. They all sat down leaving several cushions free. And Kikeyo sat on Kennas' lap.
“Well it all started when my mother Scarlet, and my father Doric met. They feel in love. The only problem my mother was a firebender and my father was an earthbender. Well that didn't go well with Lord Ozai didn't like that so he banished her. She went to like life with my father. The got married and had me. I live happily with them, they were go parents. Both worriers I learned to fight well at a young age.
Well, when I was six, right after Kikeyo was born, the fire nation attacked my village. I was with Kikeyo at the time. We were on this big hill in front of the forest. I looked down just in time to see my mother fighting about five firebender. There was a man behind her , Admiral Zhao, I saw him… he stabbed her in the back with a poison knife. I saw her fall. I… I watched her die and there wasn't anything I could do. I was only six. I stood there frozen in grief and fear. Kikeyo started to cry. I was snapped back to reality. I turned and ran. Far and fast. Holding Kikeyo, I ran for what felt like days. Then I found this town. I told everyone what happened, they sent men to go to the village I once called home. But we were the only survivors. So the Mr. Adders took us in. I lived with him, his daughter, a healer, and his son, a worrier,. They both taught me a lot about there fields.
On day right after I turn twelve, this boy found out that I was half fire half earth. He told everyone. He started to say some mean things about my parents, which I will not repeat. The next thing I knew, he was on fire. And I was a firebender. Well the next day Admiral Zhao showed up. He threatened to do to this village what he did to my last if I didn't go calmly with him. I had no chose but to go with him. I was to be killed at dawn once I reached the fire nation. It was a long ship ride. I don't know how many days but they were… the least bet fun, to say the least. When we got to the fire nation I was looked up with nine hours to live.” She said it all with a smile but there was pain in her voice. And she stopped to swallow.
“How did you get out?” Sokka ask with watery eyes. The thing was they all had watery eyes it was the way she told it, the sound in her voice. Well… all had watery eyes but Kenna. She only remands calm.
“I'm getting to it Sokka. Half way though the night there was a knock on the door. And I hard the door unlock. There was a boy standing there smiling at me. Well he let me out. Snuck me past the guards and to a small rowboat. Were I mad my escape. I came her in the middle of night to tell Kikeyo that I was a live and left. I've lived on the ran from the fire nation since. Sometime I stop here for a day. But people aren't really happy to see me.” She finished her story like it was a every day story.
“That's terrible.” Gasped Katara. “And all those stories I've heard. The fire nation makes people fear you.
“Yeah, well incase you didn't already know the fire nation aren't the nicest people in the world.” She was weakly smiling. But she was far from happy. She was never happy, well only when she's with her cousin. Her only living relative.
“What they did wasn't fair!” shouted Aang a different pain in him then the others. If he had been there and not ran like he did then none of this would have happened! It was his fault.
“Aang you can't take credit for what the fire nation did. It wasn't nice, it wasn't fair, and it wasn't you fault.” Said Kenna softly guessing what was on him mind.
“If it not my fault, then who do you blame?” asked Aang stubbornly.
“Well, I shouldn't blame anyone, but that doesn't mean I don't. I think the blame rest mostly on Zhao. He killed my mother, I later found out my father and aunt as well. He burned my home. He tried to kill me. He started all those stories. And he has been chasing me all around the world.” She listed of the things on her fingers.