Fan Fiction ❯ Maria! ❯ Maria ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: The characters arenºt mine because if you hadnºt noticed then I am actually «notº the wonderful JK, although you may treat me as if I were if you want, lol

The idea is inspired by a story I read a long time ago, I canºt remember who wrote it but I am currently going on a wild goose chase to try and find the author so bare with me.

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»Iºve found one, come on, I need help!¡

Maria opened her eyes a crack, peering around at the blurry world. Where was she? All she could remember was being in Herbology and there had been a bang, then everyone was screaming and then she couldnºt remember. «Thenº was a blank, a nothing in her memory.

She tried to frown but found it too much of an effort and gave up. Someone was touching her, arms slipping around her, hauling the top half of her body up right, even if her head was lolling back. The pressure on her legs was being carefully removed and she whimpered, as one of the hands touched her knee.


She felt sick, bile rose in her throat and the pain from the touch was shooting up and down her legs and thighs.

Someone was pulling her out, the pain increasing ten folds as the rubble and rocks slipped away from her.

She resisted the urge to throw up, sheºd seen worse than this when she was with 'him'. That had been why she had left 'him' in the first place, 'he' was too dangerous.

She chided herself lightly, even through the hurtful haze she was strict enough to stop herself from thinking about 'him'.

It wasnºt right. 'He' was not right.

She cried out, screaming, the comforting thought of having gone through worse did nothing to ease the agony, as what must have been a medi witch healed the broken bones.

Sheºd left out the pain killing part of it evidently.

Bitter old hag.

There was someone by her side, she opened her eyes again, finding that they had slipped closed sometime during the minutes since she had awoke.

Her vision was too hazy to see properly, but she could still make out the sound of voices even if she didnºt recognise the words, or maybe that was a different language. Were these people speaking English?

Who knew?

She allowed her eyes to close, what was the point in being awake if one was as helpless as a newborn babe?

Maybe she should just go back to sleep.

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A/N: I bet that youºve already realised what was going on there right, youºre smart people arenºt you, yes of course you are! If you donºt get it then Review and Iºll tell you and if you do get it then review and I wonºt!


Luvz n hugz, just Vega today because Aruºs buggered off to go $@#& his boi friend, lol!