Fan Fiction ❯ Memory ❯ Imprisioned ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]

The teen titans each awoke in a cage. They were imprisoned separately

Starfire awoke, rubbing her head. She was in an hourglass, with sand slowly filling on top of her. It was slowly trickling down, and the first few sand bits had awoken her. Star sat up and realized where she was.

She stood up quickly, peering through the glass, terrified. She began to fire starbolts at the glass, trying to create an opening. The starbolts had no effect.

Robin awoke second. He was chained to a wall in a dark, dank and filthy room. He struggled, but to no avail. Robin slumped down, with only his hands that were chained to the wall supporting him.

Cyborg awoke third. Cyborg was laying his stomach, on a large inclined stretcher. He was held down with titanium bands and his mechanical parts had been short-circuited.

Beast Boy awoke last. Beast Boy was in a bird cage, dangling a hundred feet up. He looked down and the world spun.

"Aw man! I hate heights," moaned Beast Boy as he held his head. "If only I could…Duh!"

Beast Boy morphed into a mouse and ran through the bars and fell into darkness. He then changed into a bat and landed on the floor of the high room. From there, he resumed human form and ran to the locked door.

He quickly changed into a cockroach and scuttled under the door. Beast Boy smirked as he turned human.

The hall he was in was long and looked as if it belonged in the middle ages. The cobbled floor and walls were dark, for no windows were in the corridor. The few torches that lit the room were low and shed an eerie blood red light.

Beast Boy shuddered and ran down the corridor until he saw light from a room to his left. He peered in and gasped.

A being with four lemon yellow eyes stared down into a pit, swearing in a demonic sounding language. He had snow white hair and it was styled similar to Star's, except he didn't have bangs. His blood red skin had many Black tattoos that ran from his shoulder to his chest.

"No Way!" Beast Boy breathed. "That's that dude from Raven's head."

Trigon raised his head and sniffed the air. As he turned to face the door, Beast Boy scrambled down the hall and into another room, right before Trigon saw him.

Trigon walked down the hall, muttering what sounded to Beast Boy as cursing. He passed by the door that Beast Boy had hidden in and continued on, still swearing.

Beast Boy turned around just to see the last of Starfire's unconscious head sink under falling sand. He yelped silently and rammed into the hourglass as a triceratops.

The glass shattered under the three ton collision, and sand rolled out of the base, dragging a barely breathing Star out. Beast Boy walked over to her, and gently held her head until she came to.

"Where is Robin?!" Star yelled, sitting straight upright.

"Calm down, Star. I don't know where CY, Robin, or Ray are. You're lucky I found you when I did, You were almost DEAD," Soothed B.B.

Star slumped down a little and Beast Boy waited for her to calm down. When she did, The pair set out to find the other titans.

* * *

Soon, the pair came upon a room where there was a figure strapped to a stretcher. "Cyborg!" yelled Star and ran to free her friend.

Cyborg sat up, weak and dizzy, "Drained my power cell..." he murmured faintly before fainting clean away.

Beast Boy rolled his eyes and lugged Cy onto his back, as he changed into a rhino. BB motioned with his head for Star to go to the next room down the hall. The worried Star obeyed and yelped as soon as she saw what was in the room.

In the middle of the room was a grate. The grate acted as the bars for a deep pit, where Starfire saw Robin chained to the wall, unconscious.

"ROBIN!!" screamed Star and began blasting the grate. Beast Boy wandered in the room, dumping off Cyborg, and walked to the spot where the grate was, unaware that it even existed.

The rhino's bulk smashed the bars and Beast Boy squealed as he changed into a human and fell on top of Robin, who merely groaned piteously and moved his head to the other shoulder.

Beast Boy sat on the floor, holding his head before realizing that Robin was barely alive. Beast Boy squealed like a girl and picked the lock to Robin's chains. The manacles released his friend, who fell into Star's arms, who happened to fly down and rudely shove BB out of the way so she could see Robin.

"Robin? Robin? Please, respond. Robin? ROBIN?!" Star pleaded to his limp form. Choking on tears, she flew him up, leaving BB to ask if anyone was there.

Beast Boy rolled his eyes and flew up, as an eagle. When he got to the room, he saw Starfire cradling Robin's head, tears slowly dripping onto his still form.

BB walked over to Star, laying a hand gently on her shoulder, hey, its okay. Cy and I are here for you, Star." Star looked up into his eyes, hers watering. She shut her eyes defiantly, and shook off BB's hand. Beast Boy looked taken aback and walked over to Cy, hoping to help him.

A tear fell on Robin's cheek and his head shook slightly. Starfire opened her eyes and looked at her friend. Robin squeezed his eyes shut and rolled his head so his weight was on his left ear.

"Star? Starfire?" Robin said faintly, before falling into a fitful sleep in the smiling Starfire's arms.