Fan Fiction ❯ Memory ❯ Eyes ( Chapter 1 )

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It was dark… The world was engulfed in the darkness. Raven floated uncertainly in a mass of broiling, billowing dark matter. A flash of black light erupted, and Raven covered her eyes, shielding them from the blinding light. A figure hovered above her, gazing down, with red eyes that shone from under a red hood. The red cloak it wore

billowed and churned in the darkness, whipped by some unfelt gale. Raven squinted to see the being better, just as the cloak flew up, revealing a humanoid body with grey skin. Raven gasped as the tentacles that formed the legs grasped her neck, pulling her forward. The being raised a hand and removed its hood. An older Raven with four red eyes looked down on Raven with a grin that revealed fanged teeth, "I have been waiting for me. Welcome to your kingdom…"

Raven sat bolt straight, sweating heavily. She grasped her covers,

panting and wheezing for breath. She wiped off some sweat from her face with her covers. A banging from the door set Raven back to reality.

The banging continued for a few minutes as Raven pulled on her cloak, but the banging was cut off when the door fell off its hinges and landed inside Raven's room. Raven sent the visitor a glare that could freeze blood.

Cyborg stood in the door, blushing, "Guess I don't know my own strength, eh Raven?" Cyborg suddenly became serious, "There's someone on the communicator and demands to speak to you."

"Just let me put my door back up and I'll be right down," Raven said sarcastically.

Cyborg blushed again before running down the hall, yelling, "She's comin'!"

Raven rolled her eyes and muttered how pointless it was to waste breath yelling when Cyborg could have just as easily told the others when he got to the room that served as the titans' living room and kitchen. Never the less, she hurried and hovered into the living/kitchen room.

The large T.V screen that served as a window was jet black, with only a pair of demonic looking eyes visible against the darkness.

"Aaahh. She arrives. How is it with you, child? Bad? Good. We really need to talk, just you and I. I have not had the pleasure of seeing you in person yet, but you know me. We will talk. Yes, Soon…" the person said before the screen winked off and returned to its normal clear.

"What was that?" asked Beast Boy, scratching his head.

"Yes, what did the being want with you Raven? Do you

know something we do not?" inquired Starfire, turning to face Raven.

Raven shrugged, "How should I know? A pair of eyes telling me it knows me could really tell me a lot about the person."

"I am sorry I asked," said Star, hanging her head.

Robin walked over to Starfire and put his hand reassuringly on her shoulder, "Raven, we really need to know who this guy is. How do we know he's not a threat?"

Raven looked at him blankly, "Really Robin, I have no idea who this guy is, I mean…" She was cut off when the screen flashed a blinding red. Starfire, Robin, Cyborg, and Beast Boy were all suddenly on the floor moaning piteously in pain. Raven looked around the room, terrified. Her friends began to change color until they were an orange shade with red flecks. Raven looked at her hand and saw it too was the same color as her friends' skin and clothes. She fell on the floor, not in pain, but in shock with sheer terror at the situation.

The screen faded from red to black and appeared to split in two, with one side showing four demonic red eyes, and the other showing a pair of

normal, brown eyes.

"She is mine, you can not take her!" screamed the red eyes.

"She will not go with you. She belongs with us," said the brown eyes with an unearthly calmness.

"I have a claim on her!" the red eyes raged.


A line appeared in front of Raven. It split open, much like an eye, except that it was vertical. A white hand reached through and gently picked up Raven. Something about this tingled Raven's memory. The hand lifted her through the portal thing and Raven fell unconscious. The last thing Raven saw before she disappeared into the portal was her friends, fading into nothing.

* * *

Raven awoke in a room that seemed familiar … Too familiar… Raven sat up, holding her head. She moaned and looked around.

The room was a large circle with a clear dome that served for a roof and a ceiling. The dome top was clear, and revealed stars in the night sky. Raven thought it looked very much like her mind.

She sat on a large, purple, circular bed in beside a wall. The bed looked exactly like the one she had at Titans Tower. Directly across from her was a door that was rounded off at the top. There were a few shelves, and a couple of purple pillows to meditate on, but other than that, the room was bare.

The marble that made the cream colored walls shone and glistened in the light produced by several small orbs scattered about the room. The only place that was not cream with a blue stripe was the section right next to the bed Raven sat on, which had gothic rays that looked like they were coming off the squat little dressers beside the bed.

The shining orbs hovered and glided through the room, their light causing the blue strip on the walls to turn neon. Raven sensed something behind her and turned to face the head of the bed, just as an orb hovered toward Raven, who recoiled, fearing this harmless little ball for some reason.

"Good. You remember the horins," said a voice behind Raven. She pulled on her hood and whipped around to face the room, her back to the wall.

In front of Raven stood a tall, slim woman. She had grey hair and in

it, nestled in the poof of her thick hair, sat a little golden tiara that looked like

rays of the sun were projecting from the woman's head.

Raven stared up at the woman, terrified. The woman smiled a kind smile, "I guess that you don't remember me. I figured that you wouldn't. Knowing your mind capabilities, you would have no trouble at all forcing yourself to forget."

The smile vanished, "But this means that I must explain to you everything, which will take quite some time. Try to remember. Meditate, remember, remember…"

The woman's voice was enchanting. Raven soon felt herself floating, hovering in her mind, meditating.

"Azerath Metrion zinthos, Azerath Metrion Zinthos," Raven repeated over and over, focusing her energy on the crystal on her forehead.

The woman entered in from Raven's left. Raven opened an eye, glaring at the intrusion. The woman persisted and Raven turned to face her.

"What?" said Raven blandly.

"Do you remember yet? Me? Arella? Trigon? Azerath?" intoned the woman.

The words tingled Raven's memory, like the room had. What was this? Like some long lost memory that she forgot.

"Yes you forgot, Raven. Remember."

"Who are you?"

"That you must discover and remember on your own. I am someone you knew and respected. Azar…" With that, the woman faded, leaving Raven all alone in her mind.

Raven snapped out of meditation, confused. She was still on the bed in the large room. Raven looked around, and settled back into meditation, relieved.

The woman, Azar she called herself, was there, sitting calmly in Raven's mind.


"Now what?" snapped Raven, irritated.

"You have a faint nagging feeling in your mind, yes? Tug it, let in wash over you…"

With those words Azar vanished and Raven remembered everything.

Raven was a demon's daughter. Her mother Arella had been raped and Raven was the child of that. Her mother had been rescued from suicide by the monks from the temple of Azarath, to whom Azar was the spiritual leader. Arella had left Raven in the care of Azar until Raven turned ten. Azar taught Raven to control her emotions, for her powers where tremendous when Raven felt emotions. Her evil side would bee unleashed if Raven showed too much emotion. Raven had been given a pair of rings that Azar had worn, and contained her essence. Raven left Azarath when she felt her father's presence.

Raven gasped, choked with emotion: Angry at her father, sad at the memory, embarrassment that she was a child of rape and just, overwhelmed.

Raven sat on her bed, trying to calm down. Azar entered into the room, calm and slow as she had been, all those years ago.

"How are you Raven?"

"Fine," she snapped, wiping tears with her hand.

"No, you are not."

"I'm fine."

Azar sighed, "Let me show you something."

Azar set down to the door, beckoning Raven. Raven looked bored and followed, hovering slightly.

Azar led Raven down many halls, filled with doors that led to rooms with monks praying. Raven being contrary since she was in a bad mood, spited the old, calm monks as they prayed to their various gods and goddesses.

Finally, Azar showed Raven into a dark room, where a woman huddled in front of a small alter, praying.

The woman appeared to be old, in her demeanor, and had jet black hair. She too, had a little tiara in her hair, and she too, wore A gold necklace that covered her shoulders, Golden arm bracers, and a red dress.

Azar called to the woman, who raised her head and turned to look…