Fan Fiction ❯ Metal Gear Solid: Sovereignty ❯ Cowboy vs. Ninja ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 7: Cowboy vs. Ninja

Snake eyes popped open. He moved his head from side to side not remembering his name, let
alone where he was. "The hell?" Snake instinctively tried to move his hands, but soon realized
they were in shackles chained to the walls.

The operative sat on the floor of a concrete room, his bare skin in contact with the cold of the
cement wall. On his left was a small bed, and on the right wall was a metal toilet. His forehead
was heavily bandaged, and after a few seconds the operative realized he was also completely

"Hello, Snake."

A hand suddenly appeared, one that wrapped itself around Snake's neck, and pulled him up to
eye level of a blonde-haired man. Chocking the agent, the man stared into Snake's eyes with an
evident loathing. Both pairs of eyes refused to blink. Both of the men's pride were too strong to
let that happen. The contest of will lasted only a few more seconds when the silence was broken
by the prisoners's words.

"Who are you?" Snake inquired.

The German released Snake from his grasp, but his steel blue eyes still stared down Snake,
"Victor Treitzsaur, or what your father named me, Charles Gangstein."

"My father?" Snake was suddenly interested, "You knew Big Boss?"

"Knew him? He killed my parents and robbed me of my life." Gangstein turned away from
Snake, on the brink of losing control of his emotions. "But at the same time he made me the man
I am today, and no one would refuse this kind of power," Charles clenched his fists. He turned
and faced the prisoner. "I've waited for this moment for years. Face to face with Solid Snake."

"Hope I didn't disappoint."

Charles gave a half-hearted chuckle, "Very funny, Snake. No, you didn't, not one bit. You
managed to sneak into a heavily guarded facility. Somehow eluded dozens of sentries. Age hasn't
become a factor. . . or has it? You did get yourself captured, and soon to be killed."

Snake brushed off Gangstein's smug predication, "I'm not dead, yet."

The conversation was interrupted when the door on the far side of the room slid open. A woman
came into the room. To Snake she looked more like biker chick then a terrorist. The woman
walked up to Gangstein's shoulder, and whispered something, inaudible to Snake, into Charles'
ears. Gangstein thought for a moment before he acted on the woman's words.

Charles said in a low, threatening voice directed at Snake, "I'll be right back." He then turned to
the dark-haired woman, "Don't do anything stupid, Helena."

Gangstein exited the room through the lone door, leaving Helena and Snake all alone. She looked
Snake up and down, including his bare crotch, "so, this is the legendary Solid Snake. . . I'm

"How about you let me go, and I'll give you more to be impressed about?" Snake replied.

"I don't have to take off those shackles to get what I want." Helena walked closer to Snake,
leaving only a few inches between the two, "I always wanted to kiss a legend."

A few seconds passed and Helena edged closer, Snake did nothing to resist.

"Excuse me."

Helena turned her head, and Snake moved his eyes toward the door at the far side. A sentry stood
there, AK-47 slung over his shoulder, holding a tray of food, "feeding time." The dark-haired
woman looked back at Snake, "another time." Helena left the room as the sentry approached the
shackled operative.

"Fraternizing with the enemy?" the sentry questioned Snake.

"So what if I am?" Snake answered back.

The sentry ambled to the soldier, "Well, I would say messing with Gangstein's girl is an
automatic death sentence, but you're already on his list."

"Do you know much about him?"

"Gangstein? Not much. He was just another mercenary until he joined New Dominus, soon
thereafter he climbed up the ranks and became the leader. I'll tell you one thing, there's no way
he's human."

"Not human?"

"I've seen some of the things he can do. Lifting something like three times his body weight right
over his head. Punching through concrete. I don't know about you, but I haven't met many
people that could do that," the guard explained.

Snake unfortunately had met those people. Gangstein was likely another product of gene therapy.

The sentry continued, "enough about him," the Russian gestured with the tray, "eat up. Not that it
really matters."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Once Gangstein gets back, I'm sure he'll finish you off.. He's been in here ever since they
brought you in, waiting for his chance."

"How long ago was that?"

"Almost an hour. You were bleeding pretty bad. If they didn't bandage you up, you would've
bled out by now."

Snake then noticed the tightness on his forehead, realizing it was bandaged. "Oh," he uttered,
letting the thought of his own death leave his mind.

"Enough questions, just eat."

The sentry placed the tray on the floor, and proceeded to remove Snake's hands from their
shackles. The operative questioned the guard, "Are you sure you should do that? How do you
know I won't try something?"

"Ha! I'd like to see you try." Snake was taken aback by the answer. The legend versus a low-
level sentry. A match he had won once too often. "This room is being watched as we speak." Just
as the sentry said those words Snake's eyes scoured the room, searching for any sign of a
surveillance device. "Even if you do ‘try something', this room would be electronically locked,
and filled with gas."

"Comforting." The cell didn't look like one with a sophisticated security system including
cameras and poisonous gas, but Snake wouldn't chance that being true.

Snake was free of the shackles. He rubbed his bruised wrists, marks of the handcuffs obvious.

"Well, catch you later," the sentry joked as he left the room whistling. The Russian was overly
nice and casual. The way he carried himself was enough to throw suspicion on him, for Snake

The operative shivered. Without clothes the heatless room was made even more unbearable. He
was also starved. The large loss of blood took a lot out of a person. Before thinking of an escape
plan he decided to eat.

Snake picked up the tray, and went over to the bed. He placed the tray on his lap, and examined
the contents. On the metal tray was a bag reading, "Meal, Ready-to-Eat". The pouch was soon
torn and it's contents were spilled onto the tray. The MRE included crackers, a peanut butter and
jelly spread, an accessory packet, a beverage, plastic spoon and a flameless ration heater.

Before digging into the "delicious" meal, something on the bottom of the tray caught his
attention. The prisoner placed the MRE on the bed and flipped the tray over. The operative was
more than shocked by what he saw taped to the bottom of the tray.


"What the hell happened here?"

The amethyst ninja stood on the raised walkway above the hangar, looking down on the scene
below. Numerous sentry bodies lay scattered around the Sukhoi jet in the center of the hangar.
Each body had its own puddle of gore accompanying it. It was then it became obvious to Scott
Miller. He wasn't the only intruder.

"Colonel,"Miller spoke one knee, contacting his CO. "There's definitely someone else here.
Someone is walking the same path as me, and killing Russian sentries along the way."

"That's impossible. The US government has no other personnel in that area, and no other country
has issued infantry," Colonel Andersen explained.

"Another intruder is the only way to explain all these sentries dead. Could it be a rebel group? A
bunch of anarchists?"

"Anarchists? A group of people would be too easy to spot, and do you believe a single intruder
was able to get inside of a military base, and single-handedly kill dozens of men?"

"Then it must be someone experienced, someone who's done this kind of thing before."

"Who has that kind of skill?" the colonel inquired.

"I have no idea." Miller stated, dumbfounded by the turn of events.

"Well, if there is some ‘super soldier' tearing up Russians terrorists, and he's not working with
the US government then he's our enemy too. Be wary, soldier."

"Yes, sir."


First Lieutenant Miller stood outside the hangar door. The large, snow-covered field lay in front
of him. Something in the center of the field caught the agent's eye. In less time than it takes to
sneeze, the ninja stood over a puddle of blood.

Blood, but who's?

Miller decided not to further ponder the blood spot, and continued with the more urgent task.

"Ho, ho, ho, what do we have here?"

The ninja turned his head to the left and faced a man dressed as one of the cowboys from his
father's spaghetti westerns. The man was armed with dual Single Action Army revolvers, both
were currently sheathed. Scott quickly withdrew his sword, and held it in a defensive stance.

"What're you, some kinda futuristic robot like in the movies?" Peacemaker jokingly asked. "I've
seen some shit, but never a real-life robot."

"You're one of the terrorists?" Miller questioned.

"And what if I am?"

"Then I'm going to have to ask you to surrender, and take me Colonel Dzhugashvili."

John's grin grew wider, "You want me just give up? Surrender, just like that?"

"Yes, if you want to do this the easy way."

Peacemaker began laughing out loud, mocking the Lieutenant, "I don't think so!"

Miller sped toward the cowboy. Scott raised the sword over his head, and slashed downward on
Peacemaker's left shoulder. Seeing the ninja's attack, the cowboy jumped backwards, barely
escaping death. Miller swung his blade thrice more. The cowboy, while moving backward,
dodged all three.

The ninja stopped the attack, realizing it was getting nowhere. John stepped backwards a few
paces, out of the ninja's range.

"Let me guess, American. Your government sent you to stop us. They're bigger idiots then I
thought," John scoffed.

Letting his anger get the best of him, Miller as he tightened his grip on the handle of the sword
with both hands, and sent the tip of the blade aimed at Peacemaker's chest. The cowboy,
displaying inhuman strength, caught the blade right before it punctured his chest.

"Ansy little fella', aren't ya?"

The two struggled over the destiny of the sword. Peacemaker tried to push it back toward the
ninja, while Scott tried finish off the cowboy. The exoskeleton should have given Miller the
distinct advantage, but somehow Peacemaker fended off the agent. John gained the majority of
control and swiped the blade to his left, while his body moved to his right. While the cyborg
recovered from his enemy's swift attack, Peacemaker grabbed one of his revolvers and fired a
single shot.


The Colt .45 slug banged off of the exoskeleton's helmet. Scott stumbled backward, his vision
filled with static, but it soon cleared up. When he regained his composure, his enemy was
nowhere to be found.

"Show yourself!" the amethyst ninja called out.

Miller, his sword held up, moved his head from side to side, waiting for the terrorist to reveal
himself. Out of the corner of his eye, the agent caught a glimpse of Peacemaker run behind a
boulder to his right. A slip up from the gunslinger gave Scott the chance he needed.

The amethyst ninja ran full-speed toward the large rock, John hid behind. Peacemaker was
trapped with no where to go. The cyborg launched into the air, and aligned himself directly above
the cowboy.

"What the?"

John looked upward to see the ninja, the sword held above his head in midair, ready to slice
through the terrorist. Peacemaker's right hand was outstretched holding the SAA. A split-second
before the blade sliced the delicate flesh of his right wrist, the cowboy withdrew his hand.
Favoring his right hand, after just almost losing it, he stared at the towering cyborg who stood
only a few feet away.

"Now that was not nice. You almost took off my damn hand!" Peacemaker shouted.

More robot than human, a sense of murder came over him. He was no longer the Scott Miller of
past, the exoskeleton had taken control. It was programmed to kill and no one would be able to
stop him.

Miller followed through with a series of slices at Peacemaker. The enhanced speed of the ninja
was too much, and the last of the attacks hit it's mark.

The metal blade sliced through the front of John's chest, not profound, but deep enough to cause
a slash oozing with blood across the SAA wielder's pectorals. The cowboy touched his sternum
with his gloved hand, and stared at his blood-stained fingertips.

John voiced weakly, "you bastard."

He felt faint and dropped to one knee. With his remaining strength, John raised his revolver and
fired five times until the gun was empty. The bullets simply pinged off the cyborg's metal chest.
The exoskeleton made Miller seemingly invincible. It became apparent Peacemaker had finally
met the man that would send him to meet his maker.

John saw the ninja raise the katana and could only look on as it headed for his vulnerable neck,
but he closed his eyes before it sliced through his jugular.

A Russian sentry walked out of the room holding Solid Snake. He had just given the prisoner his
meal. To the sentry's right was a dead end hallway with a pair of doors on either side. To his left
the hall split into two separate corridors.

He listened intently for any sign of life in the hall, and found none. The Russian proceeded to
remove the balaclava from his face, revealing Revolver Ocelot.

A few minutes passed before the Patriot spy removed the sentry attire, and exposed his usual
cowboy outfit. He held the AK-47 and sentry clothes, and made his way down the dead end
hallway. Ocelot went through the door on his left ending up in a closet-like room. Revolver
threw the rifle and clothes onto the lifeless body of the sentry he had impersonated.

Ocelot left the room then sauntered down the hall. He made a left turn and continued down the
appropriate hallway.

"Now, onto Metal Gear."