Fan Fiction ❯ Metal Gear Solid: Sovereignty ❯ Snake Escape ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 8: Snake Escape
Snake tore the tape off of the bottom of the tray and examined the object in his hand. A level 3
security card. High enough for the electronic lock of his cell door. The prisoner glared at the
card, pondering it's many mysteries. It was obviously deliberate. But how could this have
happened? Someone wanted him out of that cell. But who and why? The sentry who had just left
was the last one who handled the tray and he did seem peculiar.
Whenever Snake encountered trouble there was someone there bailing him out. Whether or not it
was Ocelot was in still in question, behind all of Ocelot's plans there was a secret motive. Or
quite possibly a Russian sentry, or someone posing as a sentry, was guiding the protagonist on
his way.
Enough questions, Snake thought. His first priority was to get the hell out of there, and find his
gear. But not before he polished off a portion of the MRE, it was no use escaping on an empty
The agent sauntered over to the door blocking his way to freedom, but then he remembered
something the sentry had mentioned, "This room is being watched as we speak." Snake scoured
the room, seeing no evidence of any surveillance systems. Even if there were, they would have
already seen Snake in possession of the card, and would have began a counter-measure.
The door slid open and Snake entered the corridor. A few meters to his right the hallway ended,
with two doors on either side. To his left the hallway split into two. Snake decided to check on
the two doors to his right, thinking they may hold his gear.
The operative sauntered to the door on his left, and soon opened the obstruction to a startling
find. The lifeless eyes of a dead sentry lie on the room floor. A gunshot wound to the head was
the obvious cause of death. What was peculiar was his clothes lied on top of him, not on him.
Meaning someone removed his clothes. More fuel for the theory that someone was posing as a
Russian guard. But who, and why?
On the opposite three walls were stacks of shelves filled with ammunition and health supplies.
Snake was about to give up on the room, until he spotted two metal cases to his left. He bent on
one knee and examined the cases. One was marked, "SNAKE", the other "DOCTOR". It didn't
take Otacon to figure out which was for Snake's gear, but opening the box was another problem.
The lid of the box was held shut by a padlock.
Snake had nothing on him to break open the lock, figuring out the combination would take time
he didn't have. He searched for something, anything, to break the lock with. He soon spotted the
dead man's clothes. After a couple seconds of searching the pant's pockets, he came upon a ring
of keys. Not knowing which key was the right one, Snake was forced to try each one. After the
fourth, "come on. . .", after the fifth, "shit!". "Finally," Snake turned the key and ripped the
padlock off of the metal case. Snake lifted the lid up to find his sneaking suit neatly folded, atop
it lie his pale grey bandana.
Snake tightened the bandana around his forehead. He never felt more comfortable than when he
was wearing a sneaking suit doing what he did best. It was when he was stalking an enemy sentry
or in a firefight against numerous targets, Solid Snake felt the most alive. That was the reason
why he kept coming back to those situations. It was all he knew how to do. Hell, it was engraved
into his genes.
The agent, realizing he was missing something integral, scoured the metal case, "empty." Snake's
USP, AN-94, combat knife, and grenades were all AWOL. Leaving the soldier defenseless, give
his own two hands.
Snake looked down at the sentry. The thought of using the AK-47 entered his mind, but was soon
dismissed as it was most likely already encoded with it's dead user's ID. Snake turned and was in
the motion of the turning the door knob, but his attention was drawn to a mirror to his left. He
caught sight of his bandaged forehead.
The soldier walked to the handheld mirror on a shelf. He picked it up and stared back at his own
reflection. The memories of what had happened flooded his thoughts.
"Peacemaker. . ." Snake grumbled.
Snake gloved hand grazed the bandages covering his forehead. The legend, the Solid Snake, was
caught off-guard by some half-wit cowboy. If the bullet moved a few inches in either direction,
he knows exactly what would have happened. Maybe age was becoming a factor for the
protagonist. He couldn't keep it up forever. Enormous odds faced over and over again. In his line
of business, the line between life and death was minuscule. Infiltration, espionage,
heart-pounding danger, it was a lot to handle. Maybe too much. But it was something he had to
do, he was born to be a soldier. Snake had a responsibility and made a commitment to the cause
of Philanthropy, he had a job to do and couldn't stop until he finished it, or it finished him.
A familiar voice filled the operative's ears, "Snake! Snake! Where the hell have you been?"
Otacon cried, obviously worried. "You haven't been answering your Codec."
"They got me," Snake admitted.
"You were captured?! How?"
"That's not important, I escaped from the cell, with the help of my mysterious guardian."
"Or stalker. You can't rely on this 'guardian' to get you of trouble," Otacon explained. "He could
be working for the terrorists, especially if it is Ocelot."
"Why would Ocelot help New Dominus? He works for the Patriots."
"Ocelot was once apart of GRU then he turned to the Patriots, maybe he's turned again."
"He's had plenty of chances to kill me, why not just do it if he's working with the terrorists. Then
again why does he anything he does," Snake could only try to figure out the enigma that is
"Liquid could still by vying over control of Ocelot's body. We never knew what happened
between those two. It was Liquid who escaped from Arsenal Gear with RAY."
"These conspiracy theories are all good and fun, but that's all they are, theories. We won't have
any answers until we get it from the Ocelot's mouth."
"You're right. Anyway, you said you were in a cell?"
"Yeah, but now I'm in a closet, and I have no idea what part of the facility I'm in now."

"Unfortunately, I can't help you. You're gonna have to be more specific, I don't have the specs for
exact rooms "
"Otacon, I have to go."
"What ?"
Snake terminated the Codec communication, placed the mirror back on the shelf, and crept to
toward the door. He heard the beep of the Codec in his ear, but didn't answer. Snake pressed his
ear against the metal door, trying to hear the conversation on the other side of the wall. Someone
was yelling outside, and loud. Unfortunately not loud enough for Snake to hear. Curiosity killed
the cat, but that didn't stop the Snake from opening the door ajar. With one eye looking out the
small space, he took in the scene outside.

Gangstein stood outside the cell door, the one Snake previously occupied, in front of a sentry
quivering in fear, whom he continued to yell at, "How the fuck do you let fuckin' Solid Snake
escape from a locked room!?"
"I-I don't know, sir," the sentry whimpered about to piss his pants.
"You don't know!? Aren't there cameras in the room for God's sake!"
"Yes, but someone must of of tampered with them, they were all offline.
Gangstein wrapped his massive right hand around the Russian's neck, and lifted him off the
ground until the two were at eye level. "He couldn't have gone far. You better find him, or I
swear to God, I will make you wish you were dead."

The mercenary dropped the sentry, who fell to the floor in near feeble position, and stormed off.
"Holy shit! That guy's got some problems," the sentry uttered, once Gangstein was far enough not
to hear him.
The sentry stood up, brushed himself off, and ambled off in the same direction as Gangstein,
down the right hallway.
Snake slowly pushed open the closet door, wary that the sentry didn't make a second appearance.
He closed the door behind him, and began to walk down the corridor.
"Excuse me."
Snake turned to the left to find a pair of eyes, covered by thick lenses, looking at him from a
small viewing slot in the cell door. The man occupied the room next to Snake's. Presumably it
was his things that were in the case marked "DOCTOR".
"May I ask what's going on out there?" the man took a closer look at Snake, "you don't look like
the other guards."
Snake replied, "That's because I'm not. And you are?"
"You don't know? You must have heard my screams when your friends were doing their dirty
work," explained the prisoner.
"Dirty work?" Snake asked.
"The electrocution, the starvation, the torture, oh the pain. I've always been willing to die for my
country, but I never thought it would come to this," the man paused, reminiscing over painful
memories. "It's only a matter of time before they come back."
Snake noticed something in the man's voice. He was American. "You've been tortured by the
Russians, so that means they want something from you. What do you know that you won't tell
"Hm. If you want me to tell you, open this door, and come inside."
Snake immediately saw through the man's plans. The second the prisoner saw an opening he
would attempt to overpower Snake and escape. The operative had no other leads, and this man
had to know something of importance. The legend withdrew his level 3 card. A green light shone
on the panel next to the metallic door and it slid open.
Snake walked into a room very identical to his. The same bed, toilet, and even shackles at the
back wall.
A yell erupted from a corner in Snake's blindspot. The man lunged at the mercenary and
attempted a right jab, but the trained mercenary easily avoided the attack.
Carried by the momentum of his attack, the prisoner landed face first on the concrete. The portly
man rose and once again attacked the soldier. The man led with a right hook, one that Snake
knew the perfect countermove for. Snake grabbed the wrist of the attacking arm, and turning the
man around, wrenched his arm around his back. Snake then applied pressure to the arm, adding
insult to injury. The operative pushed the man into the cement wall in front of him.
"Enough!" Snake shouted, but then lowered his voice not wanting a nearby sentry to overhear.
"Now, either tell me who you are, or I won't get you outta here."
"Fine!" the man consented. "Just let me go."
Snake slowly removed the man from his grasp. The doctor, favoring his right arm, walked over
to the lone bed and sat down. Snake approached him, standing a few feet away, and asked the
dire question, "Who are you?"
The man looked up at the soldier, knowing he hadn't much other choice, answered the inquiry,
"Dr. Richard Sullivan, chief engineer of Metal Gear SAM."