Fan Fiction ❯ Metal Gear Solid: Sovereignty ❯ Reveille ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 16: Reveille

Lieutenant Miller slowly regained his consciousness, but was still groggy. His eyes blinked to
life, but his vision was still black. He had no idea how long he was out, or exactly where he was.
His muscles ached and could barely move. Slowly his hearing returned and he recovered some of
his wits. He heard the yelling of sentries far away and the roaring of a jet engine.

Right then he realized who he was, where he was, and what he had to do.

Miller managed to get to his knees, but couldn't see a thing. He realized his helmet was severely
damaged. The exoskeleton was linked to his nervous system and through his mind he unlocked
the helmet from the rest of the armor. He pulled the helmet off of his head and, for the first time
in a long time, Miller breathed in fresh air. He took in a deep breath as the air whipped across his
face and, in a way, rejuvenated him. He tossed aside the helmet when he saw the SU-27 Russian
fighter jet was outside of the hangar and readying for liftoff.

He got to his feet and, using mis military training to set his pain aside, began running as fast as he
could. Half-running, half-limping, Miller ran outside of the hangar and onto an open runway-like
area. In the center of the area the Sukhoi jet was slowly raising into the air, with Colonel
Dzhugashvili inside.

"STOP!" Miller yelled knowing it was in vain.

The lieutenant ran to the jet and got as far as he could before the force of the jet's thrusters
started to push him back. He covered his face with his arms, racking his brain for any way to stop
the plane. When finally an idea came to his realization.

He first backed up a few meters and unsheathed his worn sword. He gripped the handle on the
blade, cocked his arm, and launched the sword at the ever-rising jet. The katana spun in circles as
it neared the SU-27, Miller hoped, prayed, that it did something to stop the plane, it was his only
hope. The sword hit the side of the plane and became lodged above the right wing, causing a
small hole.

Miller was given a glimmer of hope as the Sukhoi jet stopped any form of movement. The
lieutenant looked on as the SU-27 stalled in mid-air, hoping it was enough to stop the plane.

Inside the twinjet, the sentry piloting the machine frantically maneuvered around the control
panel in front of him trying to rectify the situation.

Colonel Dzhugashvili sat behind the sentry, wanted to get out of the facility and out of Russia as
soon as possible. "Fly this damn thing!"

"I am trying, Colonel!" the sentry answered.

Unfortunately for Lieutenant Miller, the sword, still stuck in the side of the Sukhoi, did nothing,
but delay the flight. The jet engine roared back to life and the SU-27 blasted off into the air. The
1st lieutenant looked on as the jet flew away and the outcome no soldier wanted, became

Mission Failed.

Miller fell to his knees, but not as low as his heart sunk. The worst feeling a soldier could have
was mission failed. He felt completely helpless. He had a job to do, and couldn't complete it. He
was the only one to blame.

Scott continued to beat himself up when his Codec began ringing.

"Scott! Scott!" Jessica Langley's frantic voice screamed in Miller's ear.

"What is it?"

"The exoskeleton! It's killing you!"

"What?! You have to calm down."

"I overheard Dr. Schwartz and Colonel Andersen talking, they said the suit would kill you, that is
a suicide mission." she revealed. "The stress of the exoskeleton on your heart would be too
much, and they knew it all along. Your heart will give out. Scott, you have to take off the
exoskeleton before it's too late!"

So the bastard was lying to me the whole time... was one of the many thoughts that ran through
Miller's head. He wasn't surprised, just angry. Angry he was lied to, angry he was deceived. He
wasn't upset about his preplanned death, he would give his life for his country in a heartbeat, it
was the fact he was lied to. He didn't like being lied to, especially by the government he's sworn
to protect. The whole situation didn't sit well with Lieutenant Miller.

"Colonel, is it true?" Miller spoke through the Codec to his colonel.

"Lieutenant, ignore that information, you can't let it impede the mission."

"Answer the question, colonel."

Colonel Andersen sighed, knowing it was the time. "Yes, Lieutenant Miller, the information we
have on the exoskeleton says that the stress caused by the suit could have lasting effects."

"Am I going to die?"

"Nothing's for certain, Lieutenant. You cannot let this effect the mission, you must find Colonel

"He's gone," Miller declared in a monotone.

"What?!" Andersen replied in shock.

"He escaped in a Russian fighter jet. He hasn't gotten that far, so you still may be able to catch

"I'll notify the President immediately."

"And what about me?"

"You've done your best, son. We will get an aircraft out to you as soon as possible."

Miller was cut off by a loud rumbling in the distance. He rose his head and his eyes read the
object in the distance. A metallic behemoth rose out of the ground. An invention thought
impossible by most, stood before the lieutenant. He blinked several times, not wanting to believe
the truth. Metal Gear was alive.