Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ Mine ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Mine
Authors: Makiko Igami (
Archive: p?auth=58906
Categor y: PWP
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Estel/Legolas
Warnings: Slash, lemon, bondage
Spoilers: Only Aragorn's names.
Summary: Legolas had been friends with the little Human living with Elrond in Rivendell... and now said Human has a surprise for him
Disclaimer: MINE! ALL MINE!!! *huggles her Estel and Legolas* Er... *glances over to the copyright-people that are glaring at her* ^^;; *points to Estel and Legolas* Just plushies. Ehee... ^^; Original... not mine... >_<
Notes&Comments: Hey! Lookatit! It's the first story on my own! Anou... well... a PWP, but still... ^^;;
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"Estel, what are you doing?" Legolas' voice held no fear, just curiosity. His friend had blindfolded him, but kept him able to talk and they were hurrying through the forests of Rivendell.

The young man, maybe still only adolescent, who was dragging him along a very thin path, loved the tenor of his friend. His friend that he had become so fond of during the years he grew up among the Elves. Ageless, like all of them, Legolas was the one that Estel was fond of the most.

In Rivendell all Elves he knew had dark hair, the twins Elladan and Elrohir, Arwen Evenstar, the most beautiful Elf in all Middle-Earth and his foster father Elrond. Legolas seemed to come from another world, something enchanted that made the eyes of a four-year-old grow bigger and brighter as he saw the Elf descending from his horse, his head crowned with sunlight. It was a sight the little Human never forgot in his entire life.

They had gotten friends easily, Legolas teaching the small being how to shoot an arrow properly... which was misused more than once and Lord Elrond often found one of Mirkwood's arrows right before his nose, barely missing it. And when he looked around he saw a little dark-haired boy running away and a rather flustered blond Elf staring at the arrow as if he had never seen one in his entire life before. Only the knowledge that the little boy, who was rather practicing his skills in running than archery whenever Elrond looked, was responsible for this, kept Legolas from any reprimand of the older Elf.

And this cheeky boy had grown up quite too fast for Legolas' taste, becoming a man in less than a heartbeat... or so it seemed to the eternal Elf. He had lost nothing of his mischief though and could easily compete with Elladan and Elrohir in their pranks. Legolas seemed to be spared of those though, until now.

"Estel... this is getting tiring..."

The blond archer was getting annoyed by the seemingly endless walk through the realm of Rivendell. The young man had promised to show him something he found lately, something he wanted to show only his friend from Mirkwood, but to Legolas it seemed as if they were getting no where. They were just walking.

"Be patient, mellon-nin, be patient," the voice of the young Human said softly. The feel of Legolas' hand in his was warm and heavy and he held onto it tightly, as if he never wanted to let go. In fact he didn't, but he wanted to show him his little treasure as well. In fact this treasure was for Legolas alone, but that he didn't tell him.

They walked through the forest a little longer until they came to a clearance, Estel's clearance in fact. He had found it one day and claimed it as his and not many were allowed to enter his little realm. Every day he went to his secret place, working on his little present for his friend... or rather his own present.


The Human in question raised an eyebrow at the Elf's annoyed wail. He never knew that Elves were even able to let out such a sound, but yet Legolas had done so. Chuckling lightly, the hope of the Dunedáin was happy to catch a glimpse of his clearing and accelerated his step.

"Come Legolas, we're close."

Sighing, the archer did as he was told to since he had no other choice really. He let himself being dragged over grass until Estel decided that they were indeed where they belonged.

Legolas was just happy that their journey had ended.

"Take the blindfold off," he asked in his usual teacher tone.



"I said no. I will take the blindfold off, but not now," came the stubborn reply. The words were bathed in one of the child's grins though. "Raise your arms."

The Elf was slightly taken aback by the commanding tone in the usually rather childish voice. There was nothing of the boy left who used his foster father for target-practicing, just the tone of a man who knew that he would be King once. King of Mankind, King of some Elves, the King who would be able to unify the races of Middle-Earth and send the Evil to where it belonged.

In his surprise Legolas didn't even notice how his arms suddenly lifted high in the air and were bound with two bracelets to a chain that kept his hands firmly in place over his head, with no chance for him to get them free.


"Yes, my friend. Even you will not be able to bend or break these handcuffs," Estel said, obviously congratulating him to this great idea. "And of course the chains are made of Mithril as well. You are mine now, Legolas Greenleaf, prince of Mirkwood."

The little hairs on Legolas back rose in a sudden moment of fear as the Elf heard a thick bead of possessiveness swinging in the Human's tone.

"Estel... let me go," he said lowly, not wanting to let the fear show in his voice. He was shocked though to feel the warm breath of the Human on his cheek.

"I promise I will let you go... soon maybe, or later. But first... the blindfold... and your clothes..."

Estel's voice was husky, dripping with affection and lust, causing Legolas' feelings to be lost in turmoil. He wanted to get away, not liking the idea of being completely under the custody of this... child. But on the other hand a part of him wanted to know what exactly Estel wanted... though he had a pretty clear idea about that after the clothes-comment.

The Elf gasped as he suddenly felt a warm hand on his cheek while a sloppy tongue was trailing over his other, up to his sensitive ear. Estel's sudden proximity was almost unbearable for Legolas and he tried to move away as far as he could. Which was not far and if his eyes hadn't been closed already, he would have squeezed them shut now.

Estel didn't pay attention to his unease though. He licked steadily over the ivory skin, tasting the thin sheen of sweet sweat on the Elf's face that had collected there while they were hurrying through the woods. Hungrily he tasted every inch of skin on the smooth cheek that he could find, before he finally moved on to the elegant ear that he knew was one the Elves' erogenous zones. His brothers had been helpful in this matter.

"Estel... Stop! Ah!"

Legolas gasped as his ear was thoroughly wetted and licked, at some points even bit. He began to think that Estel was doing this just to torture him, to pay him back for the pudding he had snatched from the Human's plate. He knew this sounded childish, but Estel was childish in some ways and rather infectious.

But Estel didn't stop. Instead he moved his other hand to pet the archer's other ear, caressing it in all ways that he knew. Hanging from the Mithril-chains, Legolas was writhing underneath his touch, squirming in a futile attempt to get away from his touches. Or was he?

A rather self-conscious smirk spread over the Human's features as he felt a rather hard bulge bumping against his thigh. It was the evidence of the approval of the Elf's body, now he only needed the mind's appreciation of what he was doing.

Swirling his tongue over the point of his friend's ear one last time, Estel took a step back to take in the mess of an Elf he created. Legolas looked so beautiful with his flushed face hanging between his arms, turned down in shame as he gasped for breath like a fish on land, that a real smile crept onto the young Human's lips. He loved Legolas, with all his heart, so much that he wanted to possess him like this, make him helpless in his arms, just to rescue him from his torture. He was demon and spirit in one, torturing and releasing his friend with his actions... he just had to make it clear to Legolas, that the Elf wanted this more than everything else in his life.


Legolas, who was a mess already from the treatment of his ears, shuddered under the possessive tone of what he would call a child. He didn't know if he should feel hurt or honored... hurt because Estel used him as a toy or honored because he had chosen him over all the others.

"Estel..." he croaked out as strong fingers started to undo the knots of his leather over-tunic. But the owner of those didn't seem to notice... or didn't want to. Instead he worked fiercely until he had access to more creamy pale skin.

"Estel... stop this... I am none of your toys... Ah!"

Legolas threw his head back as one of his nipples was bit. And still it seemed as if the Human was paying no heed to what his victim was saying to him.

"Estel! Stop it!"

Storm grey eyes looked up where glazed blue orbs would have been with a silent question of "why" in them, while the owner's tongue was still lapping at one of his freed nipples.

"This... 'Tis not right."

"'Tis not?" The confusion was obvious in the youngster's voice, the vibrations at his chest sending stars before the Elf's vision.

"No..." Legolas voice was a mere breath.

"You do not like this?" asked Estel, his young fingers pinching a nipple that contrasted strangely in color with the surrounding chest.

Legolas squirmed and tried to get away again, but he couldn't stop the moan falling from his lips. "Ah!"

"And this?"

The young man's hand trailed lower, almost like a feather and tickled his lower abdomen. Without the Elf's intention his stomach jerked at the touch and another moan of pleasure fell from his lips.


"Why do you not like this?" the boy asked and he sounded suspiciously like he was sulking... if there wasn't this tiny happy gleam in his voice.

Legolas bit his lip. Yes, he DID like the ministration of this young Human, but he would rather die than admit it.

"Estel... stop... this is no game!"

"Who said I was playing games?" came the sly answer as a hand slipped underneath the waistband of grey leggings.


But Estel had other things to do. He was rather busy wrapping his hand around the hardened staff of the Elf, rubbing slowly along the whole length, his palm slipping over and massaging the sensitive head. He resumed to taste the Elf, mapping his skin, but he soon left the nipples and licked over the swan-like neck, biting at the collarbones and even suckling at the places where he bit, until he could see little red marks there.

Legolas was like water in his hands. He had soon forgotten all his protests and even though he had sworn not to enjoy this, he was soon thrusting into the rather inexperienced but talented hand, seeking release.

Someone with more experience than Estel might have allowed the melting Elf in his hands a few more thrusts, and both of them were rather unhappy to stop these movements, but there was more than just that on the Human's mind.

"Estel... Es..." Legolas choked, trying to find his voice. "Estel... please... take off the blindfold... I... I want to see your eyes..."

He could feel the hesitation in his counterpart. Then he heard some rustling of clothes and felt his leggings being removed completely from his legs along with his boots. But the blindfold stayed firmly in place.

A few moments later he could feel Estel's breath at his neck and a slick bluntness slipping beneath his cheeks, teasing his opening.

"Ah! Estel! What are you...?"

"Sh..." cooed the Human. "I will mark you as mine, mine alone. Inside and out... my Legolas... my prince... Mine only..."

Even if the breath of these words hadn't touched his sensitive ears, sending more shivers down his spine and sending blinding stars before his vision, Legolas would have shuddered under the sheer possessiveness of those hissed words. Somehow it was dawning to him that Estel wasn't playing, that he meant every word he said with all the sincerity a boy of his age had.

"Estel... please... remove the blindfold..." He needed to see if his assumptions were right.

But Estel didn't remove the blindfold. Instead he pushed his finger past the tight opening of the much older Elf, making the poor being gasp in surprise at the sudden intrusion. He jerked forward; trying to avoid the more than just intimate touch, but the boy simply ignored it and pushed his slick finger deeper and deeper, until he was fully settled inside. There he stayed motionless for a moment to hear the little sounds that were falling from moist lips. Gasps and moans he heard and a tiny "please..."

Estel was startled for a moment. "Please?"

"Please... move... do something.... don't leave me like this... please..."

Silently pleading with the Human, Legolas started to wiggle his behind, wanting the little Human to find that special spot inside of him... that he knew would send more stars before his eyes than there were in the sky above them at night.

But Estel was so startled and fighting his own arousal that he wasn't even able to breathe for a moment.


"Please! I beg of you!"

This seemed to be enough as Legolas could feel how the finger was partly withdrawn and then slammed back inside, but it held yet not enough force to find that spot the Elf wanted his entrusted one to find.

Estel seemed to notice that as well, but he did not yet risk inserting two fingers at once into the tight opening. Instead he wiggled his digit, crooked it and stretched the passage that he wanted to enter with more than just his finger.

Almost shyly he pressed himself against the Elf's lean back, rubbing the arousal under his breeches against the back of Legolas' naked thigh. Moaning silently, the archer rubbed back, doing his best to make it difficult for the young Human to keep his slow pace.

And he didn't fail to succeed. A throaty moan dropped from lips that rather grinned with mischief than anything. Legolas imagined how grey eyes fluttered shut at the sudden pleasure the young one felt under his unexpected response to the touch. He managed a smirk just before a second finger entered his entrance, making him gasp again as he did not expect this change of course so early. But he welcomed it, thrusting back until Estel finally brushed the spot that made him see stars.

"Aaah! Estel!!"

The young man behind him jumped at the sudden cry of pleasure, wondering if he had done something wrong. But as he saw the expression of full pleasure on his beloved Elf's face, how he was gasping and panting, trying to catch some breath, he knew he had done nothing wrong at all. Instead he was reassured that his course of action was leading them into the right direction.

With a very malicious grin he plunged his fingers deeper into the writhing body, thrusting forward with his hips in the same rhythm, making Legolas feel what he wanted to do to him later on, when he replaced his fingers with the rock-hard arousal in his breeches... which should be soon, or else they would have spoiled this great opportunity.

"Legolas..." The boy's voice wasn't as steady as before. In fact it was wavering whenever he opened his mouth. "Legolas... you are... mine."

The Elf smiled. Somehow he started to like the possessiveness of this spoiled Human child.

"Estel... let me see your face, please."

Even though Legolas' wasn't able to breath right anymore, he sounded calm, calm enough to make the youngster understand his plea and the reason behind it. So he soon felt the finger withdraw from his anus and heard how nimble fingers fumbled with the knot they made earlier themselves.

At last they managed to loosen the blindfold, and Legolas blinked as his sensitive eyes were hit by the fading light of the sun that was almost blinding him.

"Estel... please...."

He heard the boy move and soon he stood in front of the older Elf, his teacher and friend. Legolas smiled.

Estel's cheeks were flushed, dark sweaty strands hanging in his face, framing grey eyes clouded with lust and hunger and... He couldn't quite determine it. But he thought he saw more than just affection for an old friend.

"Estel... I am yours."

The words had left his mouth before Legolas had even had the chance to think them over. They just felt so right when they slipped over his lips that he simply smiled at the wide eyes of the boy who fixed sky-blue eyes with surprised grey ones.


A single tear left the brim of the right eye-lid as a smile spread over the Human's face, a smile that broadened soon into a grin. And before Legolas could even gather what happened, his mouth was filled with a hungry and eager tongue that was determined to find every crevice in the perfect teeth.

Gasping curtly but in vain, Legolas saw his only way out in returning the kiss, hoping that Estel's need to breathe would kick in earlier than the blackness that would make him lose consciousness. But for the moment he was happy with the little Human that held him tight, eating his mouth as if his life depended on it.

But finally Estel needed to gasp for air and released the Elf's mouth, both panting like they had run through all Mirkwood in one day. Estel was the first to say something.


He grinned with mischief, a lot more certain of his position now. Placing a hand on Legolas' thigh he pulled it up and wrapped it around his waist, seemingly forgetting that he was still wearing his breeches, making the Elf chuckle at his impatience.

"What is it?" he asked irritated.

This time it was Legolas' turn to grin. "I'm not sure how you want to do this... but it would be easier if you removed these... obstacles."

Estel looked down and seemed to see his pants for the first time ever in his life. His mouth dropped open and to the already flushed face a rather embarrassed blush was added. Letting go of the thigh for a moment, the dark-haired boy fumbled with the knots of his pants until he finally managed to get his aching erection free with a sigh and kicked the disturbing garments away with a grunt.

Legolas smiled, his eyes never leaving those of the Human. "Yours."

His answer was a grin and a growled, "Mine," before the hand on the Elf's thigh pushed him higher, then the other hand on his other thigh and he soon lost the ground under his feet as he was slowly impaled upon the younger one's proud arousal.

Long pale legs curled around half-clad hips, helping the boy in his movements with his thighs as his arms were still immobile. Legolas wasn't even sure if he still felt his hands, but he didn't care. Being filled by Estel, who had grown so precious to him and held more than just a strong affection for him, even for his young years, made him happy and it had nothing to do with the fact that the Human immediately retrieved the spot he had found earlier with his fingers.

Estel's eyes went wide with glee as the Elf he was impaling with his length threw his head back and cried out with passion again. He gave them both a moment to relax, to adjust to the new sensation, even though his body urged him to move on, to find release in the gorgeous body of his Elf. His Legolas, his one and only, his alone.

Hissing another, "Mine," before he started slow movements, Estel's hands searched for the perfect place to stay upon, allowing him to hold his precious one, but making him able to control his movements as well.

In his pursuit to elicit more different sounds of pleasure mostly out of the rather quiet Legolas, Estel changed his angle, pace and way of thrusts, just to be rewarded with a myriad of little gasps and moans, some of them containing his name, others the name of the Elven gods and goddesses and others were simply incoherent. Those sounds pleased him immensely, the friction and the tightness of Legolas' passage were almost driving him insane and soon his thrusts became more and more desperate along with the Elf's little cries.


In the end Estel didn't even know himself why he shouted out this word as he came, shooting his seed into the depths of Legolas, since he was not aware of any rival or something like that, he just knew that this word had become his personal mantra, some kind of singsong that he repeated with every deep thrust into the tight body that was clinging to him like his own skin.

He did a few more lazy thrusts, wrapping his hand around the pale manhood between them and rubbed along the length until he finally felt Legolas reaching his peak, clenching around his already softening member and spending his seed onto their bellies with a rather hoarse cry. Then the Elf slacked down in his arms, as if every muscle was tired and not able to move anymore, spent to its limit.

Catching him in strong arms, Estel shifted so that he could hold his Elf with one hand while he fished for the key in the pockets of his pants that would release the archer from his restraints. A silent clicking sound indicated that he didn't only find the lock but even managed to unlock it as well.

The key fell down onto the grass as Estel focused his entire strength on carrying Legolas to the soft moss-mattress underneath a large oak. It was only there that he reluctantly pulled out of the spent body, and curled up next to him, fatigue taking a hold over him at last.

Planting a loose fist on the pale chest he murmured, "I love you.... my Legolas," before sleep finally claimed him.

Legolas smiled down lovingly at the sleeping form next to him, his eyes barely open. "I know, Estel... no, Aragorn, son of Arathorn... Elessar. I know, Mîr."

The End
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Mine... My Legolas...
Aragorn: *glares*
^^;;; Ahem... Yours, I know... -.-;