Fan Fiction ❯ Misara ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1
“Empress.. Empress!” the man ran through a dark hallway. His black hair soaked with sweat, eyes frantic he searched for his ruler. He was still in armor the metal streaked with the blood of both his comrades and his enemies. His golden skin covered with dirt and grime. At last he found her she sat on the floor a crystal ball in her hands. A cloak covered her body its hood shielding her face.
“My lady,” the man knelt before her. He quickly removed his helmet and bowed his head showing streaks of gray in his hair.
“You have news general?” she asked. Her lips were stained red with the residue of a seeing potion. She did not wear the white face paint as is proper for a woman in her country. There was no time for formalities war was upon her people.
“My lady it is a stalemate. They have laid siege to the gates.”
“Do not worry help is on the way,” she smiled as she lifted her head.
“Will they be on time?”
“No not for this battle, another one perhaps the future holds many possibilities. The beginning of a journey, they must face their own peril before they are ready to help us with our,” she spoke as if half asleep
“My lady we need help now!”
“The defenses will hold,” she said calmly. “They have before and they will now. All long as the dark city is standing we will stand against it.”
“Yes my lady I am sorry to have disturbed you,” The general looked around nervously knowing in his heart that the situation was hopeless.
“Oh my mighty army,” she smiled as she stood. “My noble protectors, can you do nothing without me?” She removed her hood to reveal a woman in her mid twenties with raven black hair. Her golden skin was flawless and even though war raged outside her doors a smile was on her face. She is the empress of Tinseria, the golden empire of Padrah. She has nothing to fear. The empress walks to the balcony and raises her hands to the sky. The ground moves beneath her enemies a giant trench swallowing thousands of the dark cities soldiers.
“Ever seen her before?” the bartender leaned in towards a customer to keep himself from being over heard. He cleaned a glass to look like he was busy. He wore a white shirt and a red tie under his dark vest; his light brown hair and mustache were neatly clipped.
“No.. and I'd think that I would remember seeing her,” the man took a sip from his glass. Slouched and tattered he was a regular at the small bar. He continued to stare at the odd couple that sat at a table near by.
“Yeah she kinda sticks out. I haven't seen her type in years southerners don't seem to like our weather,” the bartender replied. “You want another?”
“Sure,” he raises his glass for a refill. “Well it can't be helped,” the man shrugged. “And it's just as well. Maybe a new face will liven this place up for a little while.”
The bartender laughed. “Just the other day my son felt the same way. This place is boring he said. I want to go on an adventure, I want to fight demons.”
“How old is he?”
“Thirteen,” the bartender answered “And of course he thinks he's a man.”
“I remember feeling the same way. Ran away from home too.”
“That's right you got lost. They had to drag you back here before that demon in the forest ate you. What happened to that monster anyway?”
“I don't know? I never got a good look at it anyway. Well you better lock your doors at night. I'd hate to hear about the monster again just because your son gets himself killed.”
“Don't worry about it. At the worst the missus will just have to drug his food.”
The town of Brookdale was small and prosperous. One couldn't blink without brushing a first or second cousin; so new comers were rare. Most young men left the town to see the world and returned years later with a wife and child to settle down. The bar was relatively full; it was a little after noon and most of the men stopped by to rest and have a drink before going back to work. The girl being discussed sat at a table with another young woman; who although she was her opposite in every way seemed to be very interested in their conversation. Everyone in the bar strained to hear what the stranger was saying, hoping that she might bear some news from the outside world.
“You weren't afraid?” a blond girl asked her eyes wide anticipation.
“ I was scared stiff it was the biggest thing I've ever seen….” The girl stared off dreamily into the distance and finished her story. Misara's chance meeting with Amara proved to spark an instant friendship. Amara, who never left home but to go on errands was dressed in a long sleeved gown. Which Misara noted as strange since it was in the middle of summer, she also had her long blond hair down, which also looked horribly hot in such weather. Amara's green eyes were bright and large with interest. Misara knew of course that she must have also looked strange in her short-sleeved shirt and pants considered “men's wear” in small towns as this. But it wasn't her manner of dress that earned her odd looks for no matter where she travels in Galla she would be an outcast. She was a southerner from Chitral and like most southerners she was brown skinned and had brown eyes. She came to Brookdale to restock her supplies and literally bumped into Amara in the market place. “ So I grabbed my glaive and cut off its hand.”
“Oh that's horrible the poor thing,” Amara coved her mouth with her hands.
“The poor thing??” Misara made a face. “It was about to eat me!”
While the girls continued their conversation the doors of the small restaurant where flung open. A tall broad shouldered man stood in the doorway. In his early forties he may have been handsome if not for the sour expression on his face. Dark eyes hard and cold, his brown hair was combed back by his fingers and his beard was cleanly shaven. His clothes were simple but well made and he had an air of authority. Behind him were two men who where big in their own rite but were dwarves in comparison to the newcomer. “There you are!” The man grabbed Amara and practically dragged her towards of the door.
“I…I'm sorry my lord I didn't know that It had gotten so late,” scared to tears Amara let herself be hauled away.
“Oh dear I'm sorry,” Misara quickly got up and bowed her head She's a servant girl???
The man gave Misara a disdainful glance before heading out of the restaurant his followers grabbed Amara's groceries and followed quickly behind.
That was fun. Misara exhaled loudly. What now?
“That was Lord Broden,” An old man hobbled over with his cane to Misara. Bent over with age, with white hair he wore a monk's habit. “He's the towns Mayor and owns over half of the businesses here in Brookdale. Poor little lady I do hope he goes easy on her this time.”
Misara stared at the old man.“ Lord Broden? Sir… will you be kind enough to tell me how to get to his house?”
“Sure but I don't think it's such a good idea for you to get in his way,” the man said cautiously.
“Thank you for that advice. I may consider it.” Her words were rushed with impatience.
Seeing the determined look on her face the old man consented “Well if you are so sure….. Then do me a favor and tell Amara Grandpa said hi.”
“Um okay..,” she replies as she finds a pen and piece of paper to write the directions down.