Fan Fiction ❯ misplaced trust ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
chapter 2

As the car pulled up to privet drive Harry was thinking of ways to train himself. I'll be damned if I have to kill Voldemort with just the knowledge of Hogwarts. When the car finally pulled to a stop Harry pulled his trunk and Hedwig's cage out draging them upstairs to his room. When he entered he found two letters on his bed. One had the Hogwarts seal while the other had a Gringotts seal. Deciding that the Hogwarts one should be opened first he did so and found it was from the old goat rapper himself. It basically saying he was not to leave the house and he was not allowed to owl any of his friends, and if he behaved and followed the rules he would be able to go shopping with his friends in the last week of summer. After reading this Harry found it perfectly accommodating to him. 'good now I don't have to worry about writing letters every bloody week.' Moving on to the Gringotts letter Harry's _expression went to glee at the words. He would be attending Sirius' will reading whenever he wanted. He only had to tap the piece of cloth that they had provided with his wand three times and he would be portkeyed to the Gringotts bank lobby. 'Well that solves the problem of getting to Diagon Alley. Plus I get to spend all that mutt's money too! God could this day get any better?' looking at his broken alarm clock it read 4:30 pm. deciding to go to Gringotts later or possibly tomorrow he put the letters and piece of cloth aside for now. 'Hmm... I need to be able to use magic out of school if I'm going to train. I also need to get the ministry tracking spells off so I can practice the illegal curses without being flocked by aurorers.' During the last days of school Harry came to a decision that if he was going to kill Voldemort he would have to learn all the dark arts he could including the unforgivables. After all Harry was pretty sure that he could kill Voldemort with a bat boogey hex. Thinking hard Harry decided he would have to mull over that tomorrow. Harry then unpacking his things started wondering about his wings and eyes. All the books he read in the Hogwarts library on magical creatures had said nothing about any creature or the ability to grow wings.' Maybe I'm an animagus or something, and I could only transform my wings…wait! a veela can grow wings right? maybe I'm part veela, but if I am that means that one of my parents were part veela. But the only veela I've seen are girls, oh well ill just have to pick up a book next time I go to Diagon Alley.' Suddenly a thought occurred to Harry. 'Since the stupid minister Fudge has admitted to Voldemort's return he would probably do anything to get back into the public's good graces and that would also mean mine and Dumbledore's.' A sly grin appeared on Harry's face. Harry walked over to the battered desk in the corner of the room and wrote a quick letter to fudge.

Dear minister of magic,

It has come to my attention that you are at a shall we say sensitive position in the public opinion of you. One small slip up and they will tear you limb from stubby limb. Now on to the reason I am writing this letter is to say, propose a truce of sorts. I will get you back into the public's good graces and in return you will have to do a couple of 'favours' for me. This will be of course be of the utmost importance seeing as the wizarding world could drag you out of your office at any given moment. So I am requesting an audience with you in private without anyone's knowing. This would be extremely beneficial to both of us.

Your truly,
Harry James potter

With that done Harry tied the letter to Hedwig's leg and watched her soar off into the setting sun. Harry lay on his old wooden bed and fell into a light nap. A few hours later Harry was awoken to a tapping on his head. He groggily groped the bed stand for his glasses, but when he opened his eyes he found everything crystal clear. 'Must have something to do with my wings' Harry thought. He stared up at the thing that was tapping his head only to find a regal looking owl with a small package tied to it's leg. As soon as he took it the bird swooped out of his window and back to wherever it cam from.

Looking down Harry recognized the emblem of the ministry of magic on the package. Opening it a letter fell out followed by something small that was about the size and shape of a golf ball that was golden. Opening the letter first Harry began to read.

Dear Mr. potter

I have received your letter and completely agree with you and your request for the meeting. Enclosed is a portkey that will transport you directly into my office in the ministry of magic. It will activate as soon as you tap your wand to it. I will not write more in case this letter is intercepted.

Cornellius Fudge
Minister of Magic

Harry placed the letter down and went about the room collecting the things he would need. He grabbed his wand and stuffed his invisibility cloak into his pocket. He then grabbed his money bag so he could take the knight bus to Diagon Alley. When all this was done he grabbed the golden ball and tapped it with his wand. A few seconds later he was roughly thrown to a plush and golden carpet with the ministry crest on it. Looking around the rather large office he saw that the walls were covered in what looked like awards and pictures of the minister of magic shaking hands with important people. Getting up and walking towards the large oak desk Harry saw the minister of magic looking quite cheerfully at him. Putting on his coldest face that would even make Voldemort seem warm and affectionate he walked over to the desk and sat on one of the plush red chairs.

"Harry my boy! I'm glad you could make it so soon, well let me just tell you tha-"

"Cut the crap Fudge and lets get down to business."

Harry had never thought anyone could impersonate uncle Vernon as well as fudge was doing now.

"Now see here boy I could have you arrested for-"

"If you do that then what would the public think of you for locking up the saviour of the wizarding world?" Harry's voice was bone chilling and cold. Fudge quickly changed from a violent purple to an almost ghostly white.

"Good now that we can finally begin I have a proposition for you as I have mentioned in the letter. I will make you look like an extremely good minister that should be elected again on the next election day."

"and in exchange?"

"and in exchange you would lift the underage magic restriction laws against me and allow me use of all and I mean ALL spells and curses, including the unforgivables, and also any other laws that would inconvenience me in any way possible. So basically nothing I do would be illegal."

"Now Harry don't you think that that is a little extreme? I can't have you running around killing and torturing people, what would they say about you?"

"They will think whatever they want to. And remember Fudge I can just say one wrong sentence and your life would be a living hell. I can tell the public under veritaserum that you consorted with Lucius Malfoy, a known deatheater and many more and even got them out of prison. Then you would be thrown into Azkaban for a life sentence, now how does that sound? Either I get my way or you get thrown into Azkaban, your choice."

Inside Harry was amazed in how Slytherin he could be sometimes. 'Heh the hat was right I would have been great in Slytherin. I'm amazed in how easily this is going.'

"Harry my dear boy we have a deal. Now just come with me to get your wand taken care of and the charms that locate your magical signature so you wont get caught doing any illegal spells. Also the blocks on you that makes it so you cant apparate will be removed. Oh and Harry?"


"You were never here."

"Of course not."

With that they began there walk down the long hall that was filled with portraits of all the previous ministers of magic. Soon they entered the elevator that Harry had rode the year before. Harry saw Fudge press the floor to the place were the mutt himself had died, the department of mystery. As the elevator was going down it had to make a stop for some one else to get in. Harry's blood ran cold as he saw Arthur Weasley walk into the elevator.

a/n haha a little cliffie!

pole: who should Harry be with?




harry/female blaise



harry/deatheater oc

harry/vampire oc

harry/gabriell ( fleurs little sister)

thanks and happy holidays!!!!!