Fan Fiction ❯ misplaced trust ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
chapter 3

Harry stood there frozen on the spot. 'shit what if he tells Dumbledore I'm here? crap! This is not something i had in mind!'

"Harry? Harry what are you doing here? does Dumbledore know your here? You know it's no safe to be somewhere without your guards! what if-"

Mr. Weasley was cut off his ranting by Fudge.

"Ahh Arthur how are you? Yes Harry was here to discuss his O.W.L. results you see, there was a problem with his test scores and i called for him to come back and take a look at them. We were just on our way to retrieve the scores, also he was brought here by the ministry's best aurorers so you have no need to worry. What guards were you referring to? I have no knowledge of Harry hiring any of my hit wizards... unless he has been hiring other means of protection?" Fudge responded quickly as to not arouse any suspicion.

At the sound of Dumbledore's name Harry's eyes turned into his blood red snake eyes and Harry knew that this was bad so he quickly calmed himself down. it wouldn't do good to show his wings in front of the minister of magic and his best friends dad who also will tell Dumbledore everything that happens in this elevator.

"It's true Mr. Weasley I just arrived in his office a few moments ago. I'm sorry I forgot to write a letter to Dumbledore saying were I'm going but I figured that aurorers from the ministry will be just as good as my own guards. And minister, my guards are not hit wizards nor are they any other creatures. They are people who were put there by Dumblefu- I mean Dumbledore." 'hehe I almost said Dumblefuck hehe Dumblefuck hehe I
m going to call him that from now on.'

"Well Arthur it was good seeing you again but this looks like your stop isn't it?" they had stopped on the misuse of muggle artifacts department. It was indeed the place for him to get off at. After waving good bye to Harry the elevator started up again. They continued to go lower and lower till finally they came to a stop.
----a/n I forgot what the DOM looks like from OOTP so I'm gonna make it look however I like----
When they came to a stop they headed out of the elevator and into a dark hallway with stone walls and dim lighting that seemed to come from every were and no where. 'The department of mysteries.... the place were the mutt face (hehehe can you guess were I heard that from?) died. They walked in silence for what seemed like forever. Each of their steps echoed from the stone floors and walls. Finally they came to the end of the hallway and there was a path that led to the left or right. They took the way to the right and continued to walk. There were no doors on any of the walls but Harry mused that they were probably an illusion so no one outside of their department could find their way through everything. Soon they were met by an ancient looking wooden door. After fudge knocked three times the door slowly swung inward with a high pitched squeak. Stepping inside Harry's vision was assaulted with pure white walls that rivalled even the hospital wings back in Hogwarts. After a few seconds Harry's eyes adjusted to the blindingly white walls. The only things on the medium 3m by 3m office was a dark oak desk and three chairs. Two of which were in front of the desk and the other was behind. The later was currently occupied by a man with long dirty blonde hair with cheerful light blue eyes and a small stubble of hair on his chin.

"Good evening minister and Mr...."

"Potter" expecting the man to gasp and look at his forehead he was pleasantly surprised when the man smiled and thrust his hand out.

"I'm Steven Renalds and it's a pleasure to meet you."

"We need to go to the room containing all the magical artifacts of the ministry." Fudge said.

"Yes minister follow me." With that they all moved to a door to the side of the office that Harry was sure wasn't there before. They walked into another hallway that looked like the one they were previously in. Walking a shorter distance this time they stopped a wooden door that had words in latin that Harry didn't know the meaning of. When they entered they came into a room that was lighted with several floating chandeliers and torches. The walls were all ash colored and it had some kind of bitter smell. Around the room there were odd magical devices that were ranging from as small as a marble to as big as an elephant. All the devices that were small were floating so the stood at five feet in the air. while Harry continued to follow the two adults he was looking at all the odd devices with curiosity. When they stopped Renalds looked strangely at Harry and then the minister, who just batted him away saying that he should return to his desk and stop bothering them. When he exited the room from the same door they came in the minister walked up to a device that looked somewhat like a pensive, but instead of a misty substance there was a solid silvery one that looked like molten silver. The minister turned around to Harry.

"Harry please give me your wand so that I can take the tracking charms off of it." Fudge conjured up a glass and filled it with the silvery substance and gave it to Harry who looked at it curiously before taking it. after he took it he gave Fudge his wand who instead of putting it in the cup like Harry expected he put it into the pensieve looking device. The silver turned to gold as soon as the wand was fully emerged.

"This is called Meccha Harry. Meccha the only device in existence that can make the potion to remove the ministries tracking charms. It will also remove any and all charms on a person when drunk, speaking of which you should drink it now." Nodding Harry drank the whole glass. Harry was expecting the potion to be cold and metallic tasting. To his surprise it was thick and warm and tasted like eggnog, but when it got to his throat he almost spit it back out as it was burning worse than fire whiskey. After finishing the 'burning eggnog' Harry gave the cup to the minister who banished it away. To Harry it felt as if someone had taken a weight off of something.... Harry couldn't identify what it was that felt relieved so he just guessed it was his magic. He then began to glow the same silver that the potion was until it stopped ten seconds later. When the glow was gone Harry emerged with his hair going down to the middle of his back and he found fudge looking strangely at him until he conjured a mirror. Harry looked in awe at his face. His once tired and underfed look was replace by a look of a handsome powerful looking young man with calculating emerald eyes. When fudge banished the mirror looking at Harry with a surprised look on his face. The look soon turned into glee.

"Harry did you know you were a metamorphagis? of course not, well let me explain then. before you took the potion you were under some kind of suppressant charm that suppressed you powers (obviously it suppressed his powers). It looks like you are a metamorphagis because you were keeping your hair short like it was, and from the look of the color you glowed you are also a pureblood. You see when ever a pureblood takes the potion he/she will glow silver, if a half blood took it he/she would glow gold, if a muggle born were to take it then he/she would glow a bronze color." 'hehe now I'm better than Voldemort by his own standards ha!' Harry's wand then floated to Harry's hand. When Harry grabbed it he felt the same surge of energy from when he first held it. They soon made their way back to fudges office and eventually after a small conversation Harry portkeyed back to his room only to find a VERY angry Dumbledore and Mr. Weasley.