Fan Fiction ❯ Mission from the Darkness ❯ Past Returns ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 1
Past Returns
Dante sat in his office of the Devil May Cry. His feet were on his desk as he laid back in his chair asleep with his arms crossing his chest. On his desk were two picture frames, one of his mother and the other of his dead lover; Trish. But then suddenly the doors to the Devil May Cry burst open. Pulling Dante from his sleep, causing him to jump to his feet. A figure walked from the shadows of the night and into the semi-bright office.
Nightreya's POV
I smiled at Dante, his expression was priceless. But a frown came from my blood red lips when he did not say a word. I was about to say something before…
“Nightreya, could it really be you?” I smiled at his now shocked expression.
“For a moment there I thought that you have forgotten all about poor little me.” He smiled.
“I almost did but then I remembered how dead sexy you use to be but now you're drop dead sexy. So how have you been, Dark Princess?”
“Dark Princess, I love the nickname, Dark Knight.” I said walking toward him and put my index finger under his chin and lightly pushed up. I then walked away from him but then turned back to look at him once more.
“I knew you would like it. So why the sudden arrival? I thought that you were busy with carrying on in your father's footsteps.” I smiled at him and shook my head.
“Oh you always move right onto the business part. I need you to help me with a mission.”
“Hmm…. How do you always manage to come back into my life suddenly and always ask for favors? But maybe doing a mission with a dead sexy woman wouldn't be to bad.” He shrugged his shoulders; I could not help but to laugh.
“Well you will be highly rewarded with this mission. I think that you will enjoy your reward.” He looked back at me and smiled. Then walked towards me, I looked up to see his face, I rose an eyebrow when he just continued to smile.
“So what is this high reward I will receive if I help you complete this mission of yours?” I pushed him in the chest gently and walked to the other side of the room. Then I turned back to him.
“Why the reward of killing the one who had killed your dead lover Trish.” His smile quickly disappeared when he heard the name of his dead lover. He looked away. “What's wrong, Hunter?”
“What do you mean by that?” He said with his voice starting to shake, I frowned.
“There is a man who I want you to help me kill. He controls humans that are controlled by his mind demons. And you know that I would have loved to have whipped out the mind-controlled humans, but I promised my father that I would not kill humans. But I thought that maybe if we kill the controller then the humans will be free and my demons will be safe. But about this man I want you to help me kill is a very powerful and can confuse people very quickly. You may remember the name from somewhere, Count Volitar. He killed your lover and so all I'm offering you the pleasure of killing this man.” I saw the discolor in his face; I could not help but to feel sad. Oh I hate human emotions!
“Night, let me ask you this? Why are you asking for my help?” I saw him looked back into my eyes, I saw pain.
“I cannot fight him alone, and I cannot risk the death of my people. You're the only one who is strong enough to help me with this mission, not even my most strongest of demons can help me. Dante, son of Sprada and my most treasured friend, you are the only one I can rely on about this mission.” I walked over to him and hugged him, then I felt the hot sting of tears and then I felt the hot tears run down my face. Damn human emotions! Then I felt the warmth of a finger whipped each tear that had fallen away.
“You will ruin your make-up with crying your tears of blood.” I looked at him and smiled. “You have changed over the many years I have known you, you have emotions now.” I then scowled him.
“What's that's suppose to mean?” I playfully punched him in his chest. He laughed.
“I meant that the promise you made to your father about not killing humans actually made you soft. And I'm glad to know my best friend has a soft side to her.”
“Oh shut up!” I punched him again, but a little harder this time. He grunted, I smiled to myself and leaned into his chest more, and without knowing or meaning.
There was absolute silence for a while, he just held me there in his embrace and just rested my head on his chest.
“So when do we start this mission?” I got out of his embrace and looked at him.
“Tomorrow night. We sleep first, because knowing Count Volitar he will be waiting for us. And we have to replenish our strength.”
“Where are you staying at?”
“I was wondering if you would let me stay at your place for tonight, it's kind of a waste of money to stay at a hotel tonight, when you have a mansion.” I gave him a smile that he knew to well.
“Fine, but please no sex, though I know that it will be great, I just know that you'll walk away like always.” I frowned.
“Ok fine be that way. You're no fun!” I teased.
“I know I just get tried of you always walking away. But let me wrap things up here and we'll head home.”
Dante's Mansion
“Just as I remember it, the gold red halls, the blood red carpet, the oak wood floors, the touch lights, and the smell of an old castle.” I said walking next to Dante as we walked the halls to my room.
“I never had the time to change it and besides all good memories are in this place.” I could have sworn I saw him blush. But I agree with him, in this very place him and I…..well you know. We were each other's first and we know that we will each other's last. That's how things are between him and I. I had never said that I loved him more than a friend, because I don't know what love is. But I know that many times in bed he has told me that he loved me more than life itself, that's why I always left, I didn't want him to love me because I didn't know how to love or be loved. All I know is that I have done a one hell of a crappy job, always running.
“Yeah, especially the room next to yours.” I smiled. Ok I know for sure now that he blushed. Oh Dante don't fall in love with me again. Please don't. I mentally begged for this.
“Ok this is your room, the same room you always had. But I did make a few changes. I hope you like it.” He then opened the large cherry oak door to my room. I was amazed at what I saw. A large canopy bed was placed in the middle of the large room. Red satin curtains covered on and around the canopy bed. I walked into my newly furnished room. Everything was red and black. Dante knew me to well.
“Oh Dante, I don't know what to say. It's beautiful.” He walked behind me.
“Check the closet.” He whispered into my ear. I felt my body shiver. But I ran over to the closet and when I opened it my eyes widen. I walked into the large walk in closet and looked at the right; there were many black leather outfits and matching boots at the bottom in neat rows. The left was different however; beautiful silk red and black dresses hung and dress shoes were at the bottom. I looked at Dante and ran to him.
“Thank you so much.” I said jumping into his arms. He caught me and smiled.
“I wasn't sure if you still liked leather outfits and silk red dresses. And I didn't know what style you liked so I bought it all.” I hugged him.
“Thank you again Hunter, and you do know that I'll be visiting a lot more now.” He nodded.
“I had hoped for that.” He whispered, I got of his arms and went to my bed. He was falling in love with me again. I wrapped my arms around myself. I felt him behind me. He wrapped his arms around me. “I'm sorry.”
“Don't be, I think that I'm going to bed, I'm tried.” He nodded. Then he turned me around suddenly in his arms to where I was facing him. And the next thing I knew was his lips were on mine. My heart fluttered. What's wrong with me? Why is my body reacting so passionately to his touches and his kiss? It's not like I haven't been kiss by him before.
But then I began to kiss him back, with the emotions that rapidly overwhelmed my body. I felt his hands rest at my hips, when I wrapped my arms around his neck. What was going on with me? But then we parted to catch our breaths. He rested his head against mine, and I closed my eyes as I tried to catch my breath.
“I'll go before I do anything else. Good night and I'll see you in the morning.”
“Good night, my dark knight.”
“Sweet dreams my dark princess.” Then he walked out of my room. I touched my lips in disbelief. I never felt this way. My heart began to pound rapidly against my chest. I quickly went into the closet and picked out a night gown and ran into my bathroom to change. Then I walked back to my bed and pulled back the sheets and laid down in my bed. What's wrong with me? I cried but for the first time in my life my tears were not the tears of blood but the tears were clear.
Hello everyone I hope this chapter was alright. This is the actual first chappie and I'm happy that I am able to put it on this site thanks to a reviewer. If you want to see the other chapter then you too must review, and please no flames. till next time. ~Insueka
Cyzay-that wasn't really the first chapter it was just the prologue and I am so sorry that it was short. But thank you for the review. I was surprised at your review because out of three sites you were the only one to review this story, which I am happy for. So thank you once again and I hope u will continue to review my story and I will keep in mind making the chapters longer.