Fan Fiction ❯ Momokii's Story ❯ Here on Destiny Islands ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclamier : I don't own Kingdom Hearts in anyway at all!

Author : Windsweety (
Pairings : Riku x Momokii (OC) and Sora x Kairi.
Genre(s): Romance, Action, Adventure

A/n : Hey guys! What up? Please R and R! ^_^ Windsweety out!


Chapter 1 |~| Here on Destiny Islands

So you wanna know who I am? My name is Momokii, at the moment I'm wearing my favorite pair of blue jeans, which are a nice dark blue color. And a shirt the same color. Oh, and by the way I am a girl, if you haven't figured that out yet.My age happens to be 16.

As for where I am at the moment, well, the people here call it Destiny Islands. Ihave not always lived here, though. In fact, I had only lived here for about twomonths. Are at least as far as I can tell. I can't say I don't like it here though.I've made many new friends, like a boy named Sora and a girl named Kairi. Thereare others too, such as other boys named Wakka and Tidus. Don't forget Kairi's best friend, Selphie. I think there was only one child left on the island thatI haven't said anything about, and that would be Riku. From what I know, he spendsmost of his time trying to find a way to leave the island.

"Hey Momokii!" Said Kairi's voice. She sat next to me on the dock.

"What is it Kairi?" I asked, looking at her with my deep green-brown eyes.

"What do you think of this place?" Kairi asked me in a serious voice; what a change.

"You mean the island? Well, I guess it's not the worst place to be."

"Would you like to leave and go back to your world?"

"Have you been talking to Riku again?" I said looking at Kairi, smiling.

Kairi laughed; what I expected actually.

"Well, I guess I would, after all I really don't remember much about my world."

"Don't feel bad, I don't either."

I smiled at Kairi as she began to walk off. I was still sitting on the edge of the dock. I looked out into the sea, I saw the beautiful sunset. I stared in awe at it. It had been a long time since I felt relaxed, and I was enjoying every second of it.

My stomach suddenly growled at me. I sighed as I looked around for something to eat. I had forgotten to eat lunch today, and it was going to be a while until I get to eat dinner with Kairi and her family. I rembered the paopu fruit, yes I knew the legend. But, if I eat it all by myself there can't be any harm done, right?

I walked to the paopu tree, keeping my eye on the fruit of the tree. It didn't take me very long to realize that Riku was sitting on the paopu tree. I sighed, now there's no way that I was gonna get a paopu fruit with out asking Riku to get it.

I looked around for something other to eat, I saw nothing. My stomach growled atme again. I took another step towards the tree. Riku half turned only enough to see my face and turned back around.

"Hey, Riku..." I said weakly, my stomach was in total control at the moment.

"What is it, Momokii?" He asked; as if annoyed.

"Is there anything else to eat around here besides the paopu fruit?"

"Can you crack a coconut?"


"Then your answer would be no." How nice of him, yea right.

"Why are you so mean?"

"That's just the way I am." He said, laughing very quietly.

I heard something behind me and I turned around. It was Sora. He had a smile on his face.

"You know your not really that mean, Riku." Sora said, smiling at me as he walked past and sat on the paopu tree.

"And just how would you know that?" Riku said, again in his annoyed voice.

"Well, I've only known you forever."

This was doing my stomach no good. I began to walk away. Sora's voice stopped me.

"You really shouldn't go, Momokii." his voice said, in his normal calm tone.

"Why should I stay?" I said, knowing I shouldn't have said that. I had no reason to be mean to Sora.

"Good question." Riku said. Dang that boy, he knew just how to get on my very last nerve.

"Riku, would you quit being so freaking mean for once? Your so heartless!" I said in a calm tone as I left.

I noticed Riku shake his head, as if trying to shrug what I said off. Did he not like the word heartless? Well, he is! He wouldn't even get me a paopu fruit. Wait a minute, I didn't ask did I? Oh well, he deserved it anyway.