Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlit Confessions ❯ Puppy Trouble ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

It was a normal day for fourteen year-old Kaneko. She woke up to a loud alarm amidst a silent house. Got dressed into her clothes and walked down the stairs to the kitchen, where she would grab a granola bar. After eating what she considered breakfast Kaneko would grab her school bag and run out the door to school. Of course there were other tasks in between, such as brushing teeth and combing hair, but this was mainly her routine. However, something broke this monotonous day.

"uh,…" sighed Kaneko as she walked the sidewalk that greeted her everyone morning and every afternoon. "I wish that they would cancel school. I hate having to get up at 6:10 just to make it to school on tim-" just as Kaneko was about to finish her sentence something caught her foot, causing her to plummet to the ground. Once Kaneko looked to see what had made her trip she saw a helpless puppy lying on the ground, it's eyes closed and it stomach heaving up and down ever-so-lightly. "Oh my!"


"There you go puppy! You have food, water, and a place to call home now." Cooed Kaneko to the puppy that was now chewing away at the giant mountain of meat in front of him. "I don't see why you didn't want to eat dog food, seeing as though you are a dog, but hey, we all have our quirks!" As if replying to Kaneko's comment the puppy bark an agreeable bark before going back to his food.

Throughout all of Kaneko's life she had never been allowed to own or house a pet for more than a day. The reason for this was her parent's strict view on how a household should be held, and it did not contain any thoughts of animals. The only time that Kaneko was able to care for a animal, was when she took in a wounded bird and helped bandage it's wing. But, to Kaneko's dismay, her parents had set the bird loose over night. Ever since then, Kaneko had never really paid any attention to injured animals for fear that she might get to attached and become disheartened when they were set free by her parents.

"You know that you are such a pretty puppy with those golden eyes. It's almost like you are a person." Giggled Kaneko as she brushed a hand along the dog's fur. "I wish you could understand what I say, but who am I kidding? Dogs can't understand humans."

"KANEKOOOOOO!!! KANEKOOOOOOO!!!" yelled a voice from outside the front door of Kaneko's house. The door happened to be in the same room as Kaneko, so she heard the wails of the strange voice.

"yes? Who is this?" asked Kaneko over the intercom.

"Yo, it's Yoi from school! You weren't there today so I brought your homework." Replied a young man's sincere voice.

"oh, alright, thanks! Hold on, I'll get the door." Stated Kaneko before opening the front door to her awaiting guest.

"Hi. Here's your homework." Said Yoi again as he handed Kaneko several papers. "why weren't you at school today?"

"oh, I found a abandoned dog and brought it home." Answered Kaneko.

"oh…well then…" said Yoi as he searched for something to say.

"Well, you can come in if you want.." Kaneko offered as she let Yoi in.

"thank you." Thanked Yoi as he walked in. Once in Yoi went straight to the dog. "what a funny looking dog."

"grr…" growled the dog as it readied itself to attack the innocent guest.

"Oh! Rii! Come here, boy!" commanded Kaneko as she stretched out her hands and begged for the dog to come to her, which it did. "I'm sorry about that I didn't expect him to growl at you."

"That's alright..uh, I wanted to ask you something…would you…do you want to…I mean, do you want to come with me to the festival tomorrow?" stammered Yoi as he asked Kaneko out.

"oh,..well. sure I guess." Replied Kaneko. She wasn't really expecting Yoi to ask her out to the festival, and she really had no intentions of going out with him any other time, but she felt so bad for him that she complied. Also, she wanted to finally go to a festival with someone, even if it wasn't her parents…

Author's Note: Btw, just so it makes sense, Kaneko wants to have a family, but her parents are always out. Hence, her wishing to go to the festival with her parents. Sorry, I am an idiotic person! ^_~