Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlit Confessions ❯ A Festive Festival ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

At the festival there were many paper lamps hanging in rows all over the park. The stands selling candy, small trinkets and other things were all illuminated by the lamps, making the festival gain a magic feeling. The Ferris wheel even had lights adorning it. All in all this festival was really a one in a million spectacle for Kaneko.

"I am really happy that you agreed to come with me. I hope you enjoy it." Commented Yoi. As he walked down the main aisle. "So, where would you like to go first?"

"thank you. Uhm,..i don't have a preference really.." replied Kaneko as she took in everything around her for the first time. However, she still couldn't help but feel guilty for going with Yoi only to attend the festival and nothing more. She felt even worse when he flattered her with kind words. But, she was determined to have a nice time, even if she had a heavy conscience.

" how about the goldfish tanks." Offered Yoi as he took Kaneko's hand cautiously and led her to the goldfish, which he was going to attempt to get for her.

"Okay.." replied Kaneko as she was tugged towards the tanks. She felt so bad for him. she knew he was going to try and catch a fish for her, but she didn't like him that way.

Once at the tanks Yoi paid the fish tank supervisor for the chance and set off to catch a fish. However, he couldn't keep them in the holder long enough to get them out of the water. Miserably failing at his attempt Kaneko felt her heart go out to him. He really did try hard for her. Maybe, to make him happy, she would try and find something in him that she could find attractive.

"Darn!" cursed Yoi as he lost the on his fifth try. As he was dunking the sixth catcher into the water another person came up to the tanks and paid the supervisor.

"Here, you can give this one to her." Commented the stranger as he held out the goldfish he had caught to Yoi. He had dark green hair that fell messily over his golden eyes. His face expressed little emotion. Not to mention that he also wore all black at the festival where most people were wearing kimonos.

"uh?" asked Yoi oddly as he looked up at the much taller stranger. "But,..i want to catch one for her. It wouldn't be the same…"

"Dude, it would take you a lot longer to catch one than her patience can wait. I suggest you give this to her. It is the thought that counts. Besides she looks lonely over there.." commented the stranger and he dropped the bag with the goldfish in it into Yoi's hands. "Give it to her or else.."

"fine…I guess your right, but you don't have to go threatening me." Replied Yoi as he frowned slightly, distorting his normally cheerful exterior. With that, the stranger left, hands in pockets.

"Here, Kaneko. I got this for you." Offered Yoi as he held out the fish knowing guiltily that he didn't catch it.

"Thank you very much." Thanked Kaneko. She knew that Yoi had failed and that the mysterious stranger caught it for him, but she wouldn't hurt him by saying that she knew.

"Well,..want to go the Ferris wheel?" asked Yoi coyly.

"Sure." Replied Kaneko with regret. She knew that couples that rode the Ferris wheel were destined to be together, but she didn't want to ride it with Yoi, especially if she didn't intend to go date him afterwards.

The two stood in the `line of fate', which was the line that was made for fun. The way it went was, the girls stood in one line and the boy in another, and if fate was on their side they would end up paired together. The catch was, they couldn't see each other, and didn't get to refuse once they were paired with someone. Once the time came for Kaneko to be paired with someone she noticed, with slight glee and slight regret that it wasn't Yoi.

The partner that Kaneko was paired with had dark green hair and golden eyes, and he didn't wear a kimono. It was the same person that had caught the fish for Yoi out of pity. He gracefully took her hand and walked her to the seat, to Kankeo's dismay. She didn't want to ride the Ferris wheel with anyone, much less a strange looking young man.

"Didn't want to get paired with a freak like me?" asked the stranger with a stony voice.

"I didn't say that! It's just that I don't know you. That's all.." lied Kaneko. She was truthful to a certain point though, she didn't say he was a freak, however she secretly thought it.

"Liar…" remarked the strange boy before turning his attention away from Kaneko and to the side view of his seat.

The ride went smoothly for the most part. Yoi was partnered with a girl that had been his classmate since kindergarten. Everyone knew she liked him except Yoi himself. It was truly cute to see them together with the shy girl leaning against him ever-so-slightly. However, it was another story once the two above Kaneko and the stranger started rocking their seat. Kaneko was severely afraid of heights and her seat was rocking vehemently.

"'Fraid of heights?" asked the stranger as he looked over at Kaneko, who happened to be clinging to the rail in front of her.

"Y-yah.." replied Kaneko as if she would fall from her seat if she talked.

"Well, here then." Remarked the stranger as he pulled Kaneko in close to him. "That should help you, and keep you from seeing how high you are."

"Eep!" chirped Kaneko as she was pulled towards the strange man. However, it was more comforting there than at the base of the railing. "thanks it helps."

Once the ride was almost over Kaneko moved to her own side, away from the stranger. "Not to be rude, but what is your name?" asked Kaneko.

"You might know me as Rii. Although, I am usually known as Oninu." Replied the stranger named Rii as he removed the railing from their seats and gave a hand to help Kaneko up.

"Well, not that you probably care, but my name is Kaneko." Remarked Kaneko as she fixed her kimono and waited for Yoi.

"Ahaha! Sorry Kaneko, I probably wasn't to fun for you." Remarked Yoi as he tried to slyly put his hand on her waist. However, the once kind Rii, who gave him the fish out of pity, cut in between the two.

"Nice to see you Kaneko may I walk you home?" asked Rii assertively.

"Well…uh,…What?!" mumbled Kaneko in surprise.

"Good, then where do you live?" asked Rii as he pulled Kaneko closer to him.

"Hey!!" cried Yoi as he pulled Rii away from Kaneko. "I was with her first!"

"And I am with her last. Thank you, ciao!" remarked Rii as he saluted Yoi and started walking off with Kaneko.

"YOI! YOI!" cried a girl from behind Yoi. Yoi was about to run after Rii and Kaneko, but had to much manners to ignore the girl and run away.

"Yes, Mihana?" asked Yoi in a slightly annoyed voice.

"Well, since you aren't with anyone…" stammered the shy girl. As she was saying this all Yoi could think was `yah, I am not with anyone because you stopped me!'. " would you mind it if…" continued Mihana. "if you walked me home?"

"Fine Mihana. I suppose I don't have a chance of catching her anyway.." sighed Yoi as he took his place at the side of Mihana.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? HE IS GOING TO BE SO SAD TOMORROW!" cried Kaneko once she was out of the festival area.

"Oh, and you wanted him to be with you?" asked the boy Rii. "Of course not. He couldn't even catch a measly fish!"

"I know that! But it is better than breaking his heart by telling him I don't like him and that I know that you caught the fish and not him!" retorted Kaneko. Suddenly, in the middle of continuing Kaneko realized she was yelling at this boy for such a measly reason. I mean, he was just a stranger she met at the festival. Thinking this Kaneko turned away and started walking towards her home, the long way.

"I am sorry! Sorry!" apologized Rii as he ran towards Kaneko. He wasn't sorry however. He saw that guy `Yoi' as a nerdy geek that didn't deserve Kaneko in the least bit.

"Why don't you go home?" asked Kaneko, not in a sarcastic way at all.

"I am…" replied Rii peculiarly with a grin.

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Author's Note: Whoo hoo! On a role! Poor Yoi! So dorky, yet so kind! Then there is the mysterious Rii! What secrets does he hold? What exactly did he mean by that last comment? Well, more answers and secrets in the next chapter of Moonlit Confessions!