Fan Fiction ❯ More Than You Think You Are ❯ If nothing can be done, we'll make the best of what's around! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. I do not own Harry Potter, although I wish I did. This is just a fan's dedication. Frankly, I'm not done playing with yet, dammit! Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling, whom we should all thank for her wonderful series. Here, here!

Story Summary: This is more or less an answer to Severitus' challenge. There is a twist I have yet to see anyone write. What if Harry Potter was born a girl, and discovered Severus Snape was her biological father? What if her name wasn't Harry Potter in the first place? Will she accept the truth, or deny her heritage?

AN: Thanks to the following for reviewing. Lady Lightning, Atari420, Athene Lupin, angeL_1215, Prophetess Of Hearts, and KittyKat589! ^_^

More Than You Think You Are

Chapter Four: If nothing can be done, we'll make the best of what's around!

Severus stared with a mixture awe, fear, and shock as he watched two of his students disappear in front of his very eyes. His caught the look his daughter gave Malfoy, and then he knew fear. Wherever they had disappeared to, it was no doubt somewhere in the past or future. He could only hope they didn't go too far and damage the fabric of time immensely. His students were shell shocked themselves, and it all was silent for a good forty five seconds. Severus luckily recovered first.

"No one move a muscle. Granger, Parkinson, I want you two in charge of the classroom until I get back. All of you sit still." He said with a shaky voice. "If any of you move, or touch anything, I will be sure to have you expelled."

"Yes sir." The class mumbled, and with a swish of his robes, Severus was gone.

"Do you think they'll be okay, Mione?" Ron asked his friend.

She was always the brainy one of the group. Harri was known for her bravery, so if anything did happen, he had no doubt that Harri could handle the situation. Hermione gave her friend a grave look, and Pansy broke down in tears.

"D-Draco's stuck with her, somewhere in time, and we don't even know where!" She cried. Blaise tried his best to comfort his fellow Slytherin.

"I feel bad for Harri. She's the one stuck with that slimy git." He admitted with worry.

It was a well known fact that Pansy had always liked Draco, since the beginning. Of course, as to Draco feeling the same way, it was understood by the fifth year population to be a definite no. No one said anything else for the rime being and they hoped that their friend would be okay. Ron leaned over to his friend and whispered something in her ear. She nodded, and they said nothing else.

Meanwhile, as the class chatted on the possible whereabouts of Hogwarts most well known enemies, Severus headed to Dumbledore's office with his heart heavy. BHe came to the gargoyle, mumbling a quick 'Sour Lemon' to the gargoyle. It moved out of the way, and he stormed into the room. Dumbledore looked at him with a happy gleam in his eye.

"Ah, Severus, what can I help you with?"

"Something dreadful has happened to Potter and Malfoy, Albus." Severus neglected to say her first name, nor the name Lily had given to her. He just wasn't ready to face any of that yet.

"What is it?"

"They were in Potions, and I was discussing the proper way to mix the Time-Warp potion, and somehow, Malfoy, and Potter managed to drink some, and disappeared! At first, I wasn't worried about teaching them the potion, because it is relatively new, and none of them knew the proper incantation."

"Yet the still managed to time travel."


"How is this possible?"

"They both must have said the place in time that they wished to visit, and went there."

"How could they when they didn't know the incantation?"

Severus face reddened. It couldn't be... No... They wouldn't... they couldn't!

"They must have been able to travel because I told the class to say the incantation with me." Severus looked at the headmaster. "I apologize, Headmaster. It's just that Ms. Granger and Ms. Brown were arguing over the correct incantation, the class was boisterous, and I was annoyed."

"It's quite alright, Severus. We'll figure something out. They must have said where they wanted to go and ended up there, after they said the incantation."

"Yes, but where in time did they go?"

"It's not where, Severus. When in time did they go?"

"Perhaps one of the students heard their conversation, and could give us clues where."

"That is a possibility."

"Come then, let's question the students."

Dumbledore and Severus walked to the classroom, and thankfully it was silent. The students remained seated, and everything was Severus had left it. Dumbledore walked to the front of the classroom, with a smile on his face.

"Hello children."

"Hello, sir. If I may be blunt, do you know what happened to Harri and Draco?" Hermione asked, giving Ron a wistful look.

"Yes, I do know what happened."

"Which is, sir?" Ron asked.

"Ms. Potter and Mr. Malfoy have been victims of the Time-Warping potion. They have traveled through time. Though we are not exactly sure where, which is why we need your help."

"What do you mean, Headmaster?" Dean asked worried about Harri. He gave Seamus a look, very similar to the one Hermione gave Ron.

"Did either of you hear what Harri and Draco were talking about?"

The class exchanged confused looks. No one had remembered hearing anything the two had said. If they had, it would not have been too spectacular because an argument between Harri and Draco was common in Potions class. The only person that had heard something was currently recovering from the chastisement he had received from his Professor earlier. Neville raised his hand.

"I-I believe I heard something that might be of assistance, Professors." He said with a quaking voice. His clothes and face were stills lightly moist, but it it was obvious they had been charmed clean. It must have been Hermione's doing.

"Spit it out boy!" Severus said with anger. Dumbledore gave Severus a serious look.

"Harri and Draco were arguing, and they were talking about how they'd go back and tell each other's parents something about not having her. Or at least that was what Draco said, I think. Harry had something about Draco being a git, and how she'd do the same thing."

Severus leaned back against his desk. He knew exactly where they had gone. He and Albus exchanged grim looks.

"I know exactly where they went." Severus said with his face as white as a sheet. He leaned over and whispered in the headmaster's ear.

"They went back to the 1970's, when you were still in school. This is troubling news."

"I thought as much myself, Severus. We have to do something." Dumbledore bid the children goodbye. He would have to contact Malfoy's parents, Sirius, and Remus.

"Class is dismissed. Get out all of you." Everyone left the class, and whispers could be heard among the children. Severus didn't doubt that within minutes, the entire school would know that Harri Potter and Draco Malfoy had time traveled, together.


Harri's head ached. She must've have used a hard pillow or something. But she didn't recall sleeping funny last night. Then it all came back to her. She hadn't slept at all! She had been in Potions, and she had gotten into an argument with Malfoy! There was something about burnt fingers, and father's having gits. It was all so confusing. Harri opened her eyes, and discovered she was in a warm bed. She reached out a hand for her glasses, and found that some had slipped them into her hand. The figure was blurry, but she put her glasses on, and could see clearly now.



"Where are we?"

Draco bristled slightly, and he looked away. She knew that look all too well. Wherever they were, it wasn't good.

"We are in muggle London."

"WHAT?!" Harri yelled, gathering the attention of a few passersby in the hospital. They looked awkward enough, with robes and ridiculous shoes. They looked like something straight out of a medieval renaissance fair. Draco shuddered, remembering the stares he received when he carried an unconscious girl in the dead of night to a hospital. He was very glad muggles were very gullible.

"Shhh!" He said leaning down so that their faces were only a few inches apart.

"How in the hell did we get in muggle London!" Harri hissed, pulling his face. They were so close she could feel his breath on her lips. Harri pulled back slightly letting him go.

That is the least of our worries Potter. We aren't just in muggle London. We are in the 1970's muggle London." Harri's eyes bugged out, and she up in bed. She groaned with pain when she realized how badly it hurt move.

"What happened to me?"

"I came to first, and I realized we were in an alley way. I conjured up some of that muggle money; couple hundred dollars worth, and managed to get you to a hospital. I had to carry you, and thank goodness it was in the middle of the night."

"You used magic, in muggle London?" Harri asked. She was more shocked that he carried her the entire way to a hospital.

"I had to, Potter. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have been able to get you checked out. You had a pretty nasty bump on you when you woke up."

"Er, well thank, you Malfoy."

"It was nothing."

They were quiet for a few moments, until Harri had more questions.

"Draco, we have to leave. It isn't safe for us to be here. We have to get to Hogwarts. We have to talk to Dumbledore, so that we can get home."

"I know that, Potter. I've been waiting for you to wake up so we can get the hell out of here! Do you know how awkward it was for me to get you here with all these nurses staring at me? Ugh! Muggles."

"Where are we anyway?" Harri asked, but then slapped her forehead. Of course Malfoy wouldn't know. She was their only hope. They'd be fine at least until they got to Hogwarts.

"I looked at the heading of a muggle paper today Potter. Today is September 3rd, 1976. That means we can't take the train to get back to school."

The two teens were silent, both thinking of the best way, (if any) to get to Hogwarts. They couldn't enchant a car like they had did last time when Harri was a second year. They definitely couldn't apparate and had no floo powder. They couldn't just catch a train. Something must be done. Harri looked at Draco. He was looking out the window, his expression vague.

"I know how we can get back!" Harri blurted out.

That roused Draco's attention. He walked back over to her.

"How? How do we get back?!"

"Do you happen to have any wizard's money on you?"

Draco raised an eyebrow, definitely not liking where this was going. Why did Potter want to know if he had any money, especially wizard's money? Just to humor her, he checked his pockets, and felt a familiar of coin s jingle. He hoped there were at least a few galleons in there. Unfortunately, he could a feel a few knuts in there as well. He pulled out the change, and showed it to the both of them. It was a little less than what he would have liked to have in an emergency, but it would have to do.

"It's not much, but it'll have to do."

Harri said, sitting up. Thank goodness, they hadn't changed her clothing. Her forehead was bandaged, and that was all. She hopped out of bed, and put on her shoes. Draco looked at her expectantly. Of all the places he had to be trapped with his worst enemy, it had to be 1970's muggle London. She had an advantage of knowing more about muggles than he, and he hated it.

"Why do you want to know how much wizard money I have if we are in muggle London?" He asked her with a piercing glare. Harri sighed, and grabbed his hand, and they headed for the nurses station.

Harri checked herself out of the hospital, and she headed to the nearest store she saw. Soon, she and Draco were in front of a Helmsmen Clothing shop. After she did a bit of haggling with Draco, he finally agreed to change into muggle clothing, and so did she. They looked less odd, and were able to fit in quite nicely with the crowds.

"Once we get to Diagon Alley, we can just buy brooms, and fly to Hogwarts." Harri whispered, paying the man for the clothing which Draco handed to her.

So far, he was learning more than he ever thought possible about muggle money, economics, and class systems. They had conjured a purse, which Draco insisted that she carry. Harri rolled his eyes at his blatant sexism, but adhered anyway. Even though it was the seventies, and things were progressing towards sexual equality, she didn't feel like arguing with him. After asking a few people on the street how to get to the street in which the she would find the portal to Diagon Alley, she and Draco had made it to a bar.

"Listen, when we get in there, try not to do anything wizardish. The last thing we need is attention drawn to ourselves. We have to be obscure, at least until we make it to Hogwarts."

"Alright, Potter alright." Draco said rolling his eyes. She didn't have to treat him like an idiot.

When you act like one you get treated like one.

"What?!" Draco exclaimed aloud. "Did you just answer me?"

Harri's eyes bugged out.

"W-what are you talking about Malfoy?" She asked, hoping he wouldn't catch on. Harri didn't know what the hell was going on, but she wanted to get to Hogwarts, and as far away from Draco Malfoy as possible.

"Never mind then."

After catching a taxi and ignoring Draco's complaints of having to ride in a muggle contraption she managed to get him into the cab. It took a bit of pleading, but he finally got in, quite happy at getting the famous Harri Potter to admit he was better than her as a seeker, transfiguration, and DADA. These of course, were blatant and out right lies, but Harri thought she might as well humor him for the time being. They said nothing else for the cab ride there. When they reached the bar, Harri went in first, followed by Draco.

Surprisingly, very few people gave them any attention at all. The ones that did merely sneered, and a few stared at Draco oddly.

"They are looking at us like this because we are in muggle clothing."

Draco hissed, angry at the audacity of these people. Harri rolled her eyes, and they made their way to the back of the bar. Both students charmed their clothing back unto them, and Draco reached out his palm, placing his wand on the stone. Harri arched her brow, somewhat impressed. Draco sneered back, and haughtily spoke.

"Surprised I know how to get into Diagon Alley, Potter? Well you should be!" Draco said with a satisfied smirk. Harri rolled her eyes, and hit him up side the head.

"Idiot! Don't say my name! Do you want to draw attention to us?"

The stones broke apart and reassembled themselves. Harri entered first, followed by Draco. They headed immediately for Quality Quidditch Supplies. Luckily, the brooms had been a lot cheaper in the seventies, but unfortunately, a lot slower as well.

"A Nimbus 1001?" Harri said giving Draco a sad look. Surely, they wouldn't have to ride those things. Draco stared in what appeared to be awe, or disgust. Harri couldn't figure out which emotion Draco was currently feeling.

"This thing is an ancient relic!" Harri hissed with annoyance. She lifted the broom into her arms. At least it was light weight.

Draco purchased a broom, and went to the door. Harri glared at him, and tapped her foot with a furious expression on her face. Draco rolled his eyes, pretending not to care about whether or not she had a broom. What did it matter anyway? She could ride on the same broom. It would be cheaper, and they might need the remaining money later on.

"Malfoy?! Where's my broom?"

"You don't get one, Potter."

"Why not?"

"Because, you'll be riding with me." Draco said with an evil smirk. Harri had to force herself not to smack him.

"Why would I need to ride with you."

"Hmm... I don't know. Maybe because I am running out of bloody money!"

Harri paused to think about what he had just said. They were running out of money. Rather, Draco was running out of money. Harri checked her robes for any coins she might have had. Damn, she had none.

"Fine then. Let's get this humiliation over with." She grumbled, following him out of the store.

"Before we do any flying, let's eat."

Harri suggested, heading towards Honey dukes. They ordered the cheapest thing on the menu. Two ice cream shakes, and a side of Bertie Bott's jelly bean bowl was all they head. Harri looked out the window and a small chuckle escaped from her.

"What's so funny Pot- er, Harriet."

"Nothing, I was just thinking what would everyone say if they saw Hogwarts worst enemies eating ice cream together, and well you know-"

"Getting along."



Draco ate, stealing glances every so often. She was really rather pretty when she wasn't trying to walk around like she was better than everyone else. She had changed physically, in that mysterious way all girls do, but that was not the thing that stuck out for him. Her eyes were more brilliant, they were cut sharp, like a crushed gem. He shook his head, willing himself not to think of his most hated enemy and rival in that way. They were quiet for the remainder of their meal. It wasn't much, but it was something better to look forward to. Perhaps they could one day see past their differences, but Draco didn't see that happening any time soon.

"Are you ready to go now?"

Harri said suddenly, placing a few coins on the table. It was only a few knuts, but Harri didn't go around carrying wads of cash. Harry gave her a searching look when he noticed the coins.

"Well, I only have a few coins. Unlike some people, I do not going around carrying Gringotts bank in my wallet!"

"Whatever Po- er, girl."

They walked out, heading down the Alley. Soon, they made it to the train station, and from there, Draco hopped on the broom. Harri eyed the broom suspiciously, and inched away a bit.

"Are you sure this broom can hold the both of us?"

"Yes, now get on! Time's wasting, and I don't want to have to spend anymore time that I have to here!"

"Humph! Fine, then you bloody git."

Harri hopped on the front, and was about to kick off when Draco began tugging the broom.

"Who said you could bloody fly the broom?"

"No one. I am the faster seeker, so obviously, I assumed-"

"Well you assumed wrong, Potter." Draco hissed his eyes cold, and ruthless. "Just because you fly a little faster than I do doesn't mean you are flying this broom. I paid for it, so it's mine!"

"Fine then, dammit! Let's just go, although it will take twice as long to get there."

Draco ignored the insinuation. They rearranged their seated positions, which meant Harri would hold unto Draco's waist, while he held unto the broom handle. She bit back any smart remarks, and they flew up into the air. Harri held his waist a little too tight for Draco's comfort.

"Potter, you mind letting loose? You are squeezing me too tight!"

"Sorry, but I'd rather not fall off."

"What's the matter Potter? Afraid I might drop you?" He said in a teasing voice.

"Not really Malfoy. I could always take control of the broom."

He said nothing in response to this, and they flew for hours in silence. Draco was grateful for the time of silence. It gave him an opportunity to think about everything was happening. He had no doubt that his father would come storming into the school, and demand that Dumbledore be fired, or something along that nature. Things felt so odd... nice, but strange.

He could smell her hair, and occasionally wisps of it would touch his kin, and it tingled. Her hair smelled like flowers after the rain. Draco frowned. There was no way in hell he could be thinking such things. It was obviously a charm she had learned. Who'd think an ugly girl like her had nice smelling hair?! And yet...

Harri had fallen asleep, and it was getting late. Soon, he could see the castle. Though it was seventies, things were different, but the same. Too see the Whomping Willow, and the Quidditch field, it was all a welcome sight. He nudged Harri awake, with his shoulders.

"Time to get up Potter. We're here."

"What? No need to sho-"

Harri started, but she never finished her sentence. The sight they were greeted with was just too beautiful words. Draco must have felt some of the same feeling because instead of touching down right in front of the castle door, he stopped by the lake. They sat down by the lake's shore, and watched as the trees, and the birds fly in the sky.

"It's so beautiful here."

Harri said with awe as they watched the sunset. The two teens watched as the sun fell into the horizon, and were witness to the birth of a myriad of colors. The flowers from the ground, and the pastels of the sky made the lake so beautiful, that Harri couldn't tell where the sky ceased, and earth began. Draco looked at her, and watched the sunset. In a moment of what'd he'd have liked to call temporary insanity, he clasped her hand in his own. At that moment, he couldn't agree more.


"You did what?!" Lucius Malfoy exclaimed shouting loudly in the headmaster's office.

Dumbledore had done it this time. After all his hard efforts to get the Headmaster fired, only to be thwarted by Harriet Potter, he now had the man right where he wanted him. There was no turning things back now. Dumbledore was in charge of this school, and he was responsible for his son's disappearance through time. Most fathers would be abhorred at the idea of their young man traveling in space, un-chaperoned, and with his son's worst enemy. He however thought otherwise. Draco was a big boy now. Nearly a man, he could handle pretty much any situation. As far as the Potter child went, well this was even better!

Draco could easily leave her there, stuck through time, and finally out of the Dark Lord's hair for good. When his master heard the news he would be ecstatic. Killing two birds with one stone; Potter would be dead, and in time limbo, Dumbledore's job would be gone, and when this was all over, he could win the favor of his Lord Voldemort. He had to give it to Severus for planning such a wonderful thing. Of course, all the credit would indeed go to him of course.

"I'll have your job for this Dumbledore!" Lucius said with a smirk. "How dare you lose my son?!"

"Actually Lucius, your son lost himself, and Ms. Potter." Dumbledore replied with cool brevity.

"Is that so, well when the governors hear about this-"

"They have already been informed, Lucius. Thank you so much for stopping by. When there are new developments, we'll be sure to let you know."

Dumbledore gave Lucius a stern look that dissolved any courage Lucius may have felt at the moment. It didn't matter anyway, because as soon as he left the castle, he would be informing his Lord of these new developments.

The dog that appeared to be sleeping by the side of Dumbledore's desk immediately transformed into Sirius Black. As Harri's godfather, he was greatly worried about her disappearance. He still needed to speak with Remus, so that the three of them could figure something out. Just as he was thinking of his friend, Remus came charging.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get here faster but I was teaching a class." Remus took a look at Sirius and gasped. "Sirius?! What are you doing here?"

"Harri's in trouble, Remus."

Dumbledore proceeded to go over what he had already said with Severus. After many outbursts of shock, and fear, they quieted down.

"Severus is working on a potion that will return her and Mr. Malfoy back to the present."

"I can't believe this! This is that entire Snape's fault!"

The door slammed and they watched as Severus entered, glaring at both men.

"I'd be careful who I call names you mangy mutt."

"Who the hell do you-"

"Now let's all sit down and talk about this like gentleman!" Dumbledore said, as if he were reprimanding two year olds.

"Why is Snape here?!" Sirius said again with an outburst.

"He has a right to be here he's-"

"Since when? Snape has always hated Harri."

Severus frowned, not wanting to think about all this. There were too many things going on right now. His daughter was somewhere in time, and he wasn't exactly sure when, Voldemort probably knew this now that Lucius found out, and now he was probably going to have to tell these two bastards he was Harri's father.

"Severus is Harri's father."

"WHAT?!" Remus and Sirius bellowed.

"I don't believe it!" Sirius said shooting an evil glare at Severus.

"It doesn't matter if you believe it or not! I don't give a damn. The important thing we have to focus on is Harri being lost in time!"

"Oh, so it's Harri now?!" Sirius retorted back.

"This explains so much. Harri had written to me over the summer about her looks changing, and her vision clearing up. She had been worried, because she said at times when she'd look in a mirror, she didn't see her face. Or rather, the face she knew to be hers."

Remus said thoughtfully. Severus grunted in agreement. Of those idiot Marauders, he had been the most understanding.

"You're just going to believe it?" Sirius said in accusation.

"Lily was married to Severus first, Sirius. We all knew that she wouldn't just leave him for James without good reason." Remus countered. "She must have been pregnant with Harri by then…"

"Oh my god!" Sirius said with anger.

"It's not too surprising though. Severus had already become a spy for Voldemort, and he couldn't afford to be linked to a muggle-born witch, and since they had dated during sixth and seventh year, people would have found it strange for her just to up and leave him. So that's why Lily married James!" Remus said as if he had an epiphany.

"So what can we do to help Albus?"

Remus said seriously. Sirius snorted, and was seething with anger, but now was not the time to address those issues.

"I would just prefer if you were to remain on Hogwarts grounds. In case they say or do something that causes problems in the flux of time."

"Of course Albus." They both said. Remus left to go back to his classrooms, but not before Sirius glared at Snape.

"This isn't over, Snape."

Severus glared back just as evilly.

"I wouldn't dream of it."

The two men glared at one another hatefully, and Dumbledore sighed. It would take teamwork, and possibly even friendship to bring Harri and Draco back. Severus had enough on his plate with spying on Voldemort, teaching classes, worrying about his lost daughter, and trying to find a way to bring the young students back from the past. He only hoped everyone would be ready. This would give Voldemort the perfect opportunity to attack Hogwarts, or worse yet go back in time, and attack Hogwarts. Dumbledore looked at Fawkes, hoping that like Fawkes the female would rise again.