Fan Fiction ❯ More Than You Think You Are ❯ I’ve this creeping suspicion that things here are not as they seem. ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. I do not own Harry Potter, although I wish I did. This is just a fan's dedication. Frankly, I'm not done playing with them yet, dammit! Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling, whom we should all thank for her wonderful series. Here, here!

Story Summary: This is more or less an answer to Severitus' challenge. There is a twist I have yet to see anyone write. What if Harry Potter was born a girl, and discovered Severus Snape was her biological father? What if her name wasn't Harry Potter in the first place? Will she accept the truth, or deny her heritage?

AN: Thanks to the following for reviewing. angeL_1215, Quickjewel, Kitala, Atari420, Lady lightening, Sakuya, and moi! Glomps reviewers!

More Than You Think You Are

Chapter Five: I've this creeping suspicion that things here are not as they seem.

"There's something strange about this entire situation, Ron."

Hermione said as they sat down in the Gryffindor common room. It was midnight, but she had to speak to Ron, so she snuck out of bed. Already the entire school was aware that Harri Potter and Draco Malfoy had time traveled. It was the biggest gossip to hit the school since The Great Quidditch Rivalry of '82. Hermione missed Harri greatly, and she never got to talk to Harri about why she came back so late from the library. Something had definitely been wrong with her, and whatever it was, Hermione would find out sooner or later.

"What do you mean Mione?"

"I don't know Ron, but something tells me that Professor Snape and Dumbledore know something that we don't know."

"Of course Mione, they are teachers, they know lots of things that we don't."

"No you nitwit! Honestly!" Hermione said with exasperation. Sometimes talking to Ron was so frustrating.

"They aren't telling us something about Harri. I want to find out what."

Ron sighed leaning closer so that they could talk without anyone hearing.

"It is very apparent that since Harri left, you've have gotten quite mischievous. Even if we did do some investigation, what difference does it make? Let Snape make some potion or whatever to bring them back. They could use a time-turner or something."

"Yes, I suppose they could, but since when does Snape care about what happens to Harri. He's seems a bit eager to find a way to bring her back don't you think?"

"That's true." Ron agreed. "He could just feel responsible, since she disappeared in his class."

"I suppose so, but I am going to the dungeons to find out how far Snape gotten with whatever he plans on using to bring her back. Plus, I want to know what they've been keeping from us."

"We'll have to be careful. I'll go fetch the cloak."

Ron was about to head upstairs to got get the invisibility cloak, when Neville's voice stopped him.

"No, you can't! We'll all get in trouble."

Hermione groaned with annoyance. As usual, Neville always came in at the wrong time. Why did have to be such a party pooper? At this rate, were they ever going to bring Harri and Draco back?


Lily Evans was tired. She had been studying all day in the library, and she couldn't wait to relax. She had a tremendously difficult DADA test coming up, and since she could find no one to study with, she was stuck alone, again on a Tuesday night. It wasn't that DADA was a hard class for her- it was rather simple once a she studied a bit. It was just that she always had to assist her friends when they decided to break away and go to Hogsmeade. The headmaster had decided to be lenient with the upperclassmen, and on Tuesdays and weekends, fifth year students were allowed to go to Hogsmeade. She didn't really mind being left in solitude, because she was something of a loner at times. Lily didn't relish wasting a night away to studying; especially on Tuesday.

She wasn't the best student, nor was she the worst. Lily was above average in all of her classes. According to Headmaster Dumbledore, she was the best prefect that Hogwarts had seen in quite some time. Of course, the year had just begun, and who knew what could happen. She always considered herself to be more of a Ravenclaw that an anything else. She had courage, but sometimes her friends would say she had too much sense for her own good. Lily sighed, placing her textbook down. She gathered her materials, and walked out of the room, towards the shelves. After returning the book from whence it came, she left the library, bored out of her mind. It was already 10:30 p.m., and everyone was probably already at Hogsmeade. She hadn't been looking where she was going, and unfortunately, she ended up bumping into someone.


Lily had bumped into Severus Snape; one of the more popular Slytherin's and pretty much the bane of every first year (that wasn't a Slytherin) existence. He looked somewhat tired, as if he had been up all night reading. But that wasn't possible because the night was young. Lily stared at the boy, saying nothing more. He was rather handsome once she had a good look at him. Lily didn't know him very well, and the only reason she knew him at all was because he and her best friends were always arguing. She briefly wondered why he wasn't at Hogsmeade with Lucius Malfoy cooking up scheme to get her friends in trouble.


"What are you doing here?" They said in unison.

"I was studying for our DADA test. What are you doing here?" Lily asked again.

"The same thing, Evans."

They remained silent, both walking aimlessly through the halls.

"Why aren't you at Hogsmeade with your friends, Evans?" Severus asked, emphasizing friend as if it left a nasty aftertaste in his mouth. Lily rolled her eyes at his behavior, and said nothing more.

"My name is Lily, Severus. Lily." Severus said nothing in response but continued walking. For some reason she became very hungry, so she decided to sneak off to the kitchens for a bit to eat. If anyone asked her what she was doing, she'd just say she had gotten hungry. "If you are referring to James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter, as my friends, then I am not with them because I needed to study."

Lily said with annoyance. She really didn't even know why she was talking to him. He was such a jerk sometimes. Just like Lucius Malfoy; those two were two peas in a pod. It was no wonder the Marauders didn't get along with those two. Who wants to hang around a cynical jerk all the time? Lily veered to the left, not checking to see if Severus followed. The elves were gone, and she could eat something without getting caught.

"Hungry, Evans?"

Lily didn't bother looking up; she concentrated on the delicious steak she was eating.

"Very, Snape."

"Back to Snape then?"

"Yes. You refused to call me by my first name, so I have decided to do the same."

Severus sat down next to her taking a bite from her plate. She smacked his hand away.

"Don't you know it's impolite to sneak food off of someone's plate? Get your own!"

"Fine then. You don't have to be stingy."

Severus grabbed his own food, and sat down munching quietly. Although they had both went to dinner, they didn't eat enough because they were chewing rather quietly, but much like ravenous dogs. Every so often, Lily would take a peek at Severus wondering why of all places he decided to eat with here, with her. She didn't dwell on it for too long however. Little did they know, they weren't the only people in the kitchens that night. Shuffling noises could be heard, but Lily thought she was imagining it. She nudged Severus.

"Do you hear that?"


"Listen. It sounds like moaning or something."

Severus stopped eating, only to humor Lily, but soon he too heard the sounds of moaning. Lily looked at the grease haired teenager and they put their plates away. Out of instinct Severus grabbed hold of Lily's hand, his wand out prepared fro whatever came at him. Lily also had her wand out, ready to hex whatever came at them. Her arms were outstretched, and she was ready for whatever. Severus gave her a curt nod, and they weaved through the many corridors of the kitchen. Yet when they got to the sound what they saw was more disgusting than frightening.

"Malfoy?" Lily hissed.

"Lucius is that you?" Severus asked squinting slightly in the dark ness of the room.

"Oh my god, Narcissa?

What in the hell are you to doing together in the kitchens. But as soon as she saw them, Lily knew, and so did Snape. They were in the kitchens in the middle of the night snogging! Lily started laughing, and so did Severus, both ignoring the embarrassed look Narcissa had at being caught. Lucius didn't seem to care, but when he saw Lily with Severus his feelings changed.

"Severus, what are you doing with that Mudblood?"

Lily narrowed her eyes narrowly.

"What are you doing with a Hufflepuff, Lucius?"

"It's none of your bloody business!"

Narcissa stood up, and began walking way, when she heard the familiar meow of a cat.

"Oh shoot! It's Mrs. Norris!"

"We're going to get in trouble!" Lucius hissed angrily.

The stood frozen as the jingle of keys could be heard. It was Mrs. Norris, and Filch. The four students looked at one another with fear. There was no where to run. They were trapped.

"I know you're in here. So yourselves, and I might go easy on ye."

He rounded a corner, and they were caught.

"To Dumbledore's office with ye lot."

The four fifth years angrily walked down the hall. Lily and Severus were angrier than anyone else, because they were prefects and this wouldn't do well at all.


It was completely dark on the grounds of Hogwarts. Draco slipped his hand away from Harri's, leaving her with a feeling of vague emptiness. She ignored it, and dusted herself off. Draco picked up the broom, and they headed inside. Students were bustling about, some completely ignoring them, but a few gave Draco strange looks. Harri and Draco exchanged a curious glance, but headed towards the Headmaster's office. Harri veered them down an empty corridor.

"What are we going to tell Dumbledore?"

"We're going to tell him that we have been trapped in this bloody time for a fully day!" Draco said peevishly.

Draco said with annoyance. What was wrong with her? Sure, precautions needed to be taken, but this was getting out of hand. They couldn't just sit here, and do nothing while they were stuck here could they? Harri frowned at his behavior. This was the worst thing that could have possibly happen to them. What if he somehow managed to find out that Severus was her father? What then? There were more than enough reasons to be precautious.

"We can't tell him everything, Draco, or do you want to risk not being born?!"

"Fine then, as long as it'll shut you up!"

"Anyone ever tell you you're just about the haughtiest bast-"

"Shhh, someone's coming!" Draco said pulling Harri close.

They watched silently as three younger students, no doubt first or second years walked down the hallway. Harri gave a warm smile, but Draco sneered angrily. He released her, and Harri gave him a pointed glare. She crossed her arms, and stared into his eyes, glaring angrily. Draco was rather tall for his age, and it made for an awkward sight to see her nearly on her tip toes just so they could look one another in the eye. Harri too, was tall, and she was not going to let a thing like height prevent her from telling him off.

"You can't do anything to damage the future, okay??"

Harri said softer, thinking about her mother. As much as she wanted to find her mother, and prevent her from doing anything that would gain Voldemort's attention, Harri couldn't. Things had to be the same despite her personal feelings. Her one chance at having a full family, with the one person she wanted to the most, was dashed when she was killed.

"What is with you in this future thing, Potter?" Draco asked Harri suspiciously. "What makes you so afraid of what we do here?"

Harri sighed, completely ignoring him. It would be fitting for him to completely regard the safety and lives of everyone else but himself. It was really rather a shame, but she had no time for his foolish lack of care for everyone but himself. Harri walked off, her mind dwelling on more important things. It was the second day of school, and she missed her friends, especially Ron and Hermione. What if they didn't get back in time for the next Quidditch match? What if she were stuck with him here forever? Did Professor Snape even miss her?

Harri didn't catch the look her father gave her before they disappeared, but even if they had issues they needed to deal with, she hoped her cared about her safe return. Although, during class he had been the same bitter, cold man she had come to know. Harri looked back wondering what had happened to Draco. He was no longer behind her, and the only footsteps she heard were her own. Where had he run off to, and more importantly, why?


"Behind you."

"What are you doing?"

"I was just walking behind you, is all."

"No you weren't, because I looked and you weren't there."

"Maybe I was walking in a way that would not allow anyone to see me."

"You are a strange person."

"So are you Potter, but at least I have the decency not to mention it."

Draco smirked using her own words against her. Harri growled and pushed past him. He was such an ass.

"Come on, we're almost there."

"I know that. Do you think I'm stupid?"

Harry bit back a sarcastic remark and they walked on in silence.

"Why do you always have to bait me into an argument, Draco?"

Harri asked somewhat softly. The question came out of the blue, but it was what she was thinking. Why did he insist on baiting her into childish arguments about nothing? It was so annoying, and worse yet, she egged him on just as much. Draco stopped facing her so that she couldn't move a step forward without him moving. He peered into her eyes, staring as if he were searching for something. Harri was becoming uncomfortable under his watchful gaze, and shifted around slightly. When he couldn't find what eh was looking for, he turned and began walking away from her.

"What in the hell was that?"

"Why do you let yourself get baited?"

"What are you talking about, Malfoy?!" Harri said with exasperation.

If he Draco heard her, he neither noticed or cared. Instead the lanky boy walked on, his steps held more purpose, and somehow Harri could tell he was angry. This in turn made her angry. How dare he presume to treat her in such a way? He had no reason to be angry with her! If anything, it was the other way around. She watched him turn a corner, and Harri had to run to keep up with him. They walked in step, silent.

"You never answered me, Potter."

"You didn't answer me either, Malfoy."

"I do not intend to; at least not until you answer my question."

"Remind me again what it was, you ask so many."

"Why do you allow yourself be baited?"

Harri bit her lip, and suddenly became explosively angry. Why did he insist on asking such personal questions when they were alone? Suddenly, it occurred to her, that they had been spending a little too much time together. Enemies were not supposed to consort with each other. No, things had take a turn for the worse. Too many things were on her plate right now to answer silly questions, of which he had no right to know.

"I'd rather not answer that."

"Then I can't answer yours."

Finally, they reached the Headmaster's door. It struck the two teens that they didn't know his password anymore. Harri tried 'Bertie Botts', 'Prickly Prunes', and 'Lemon Drop' with no effect. Draco took a turn and said a few things himself; 'Sour Candy', 'Bubbly Butterbeer', and lastly 'Muggle Candy'. The door swung open and they walked in, greeted by a twenty year younger Dumbledore. He looked confused at seeing them together at first but welcomed them in anyway.

"Hello children, how can I help you?"

"Sir, this may sound strange, but we need your help. My name is Draco Ma-"

He was silenced, by Harri's hand over his mouth. They couldn't tell Dumbledore their names could they? It was dangerous to give information about the future. Draco wrestled Harri's hand from his mouth, and shoved her arm away. What in the hell was wrong with her?

"Forgive my idiot associate, Headmaster."

"May I ask who you are? You both look very familiar, but I know I haven't seen you at Hogwarts before."

"That is because we do not attend Hogwarts, well not yet anyway."

Harri said rubbing her hand, after giving Draco a malicious glare.

"We are from the future sir."

Dumbledore gave them worried looks, and nodded grimly.

"I gathered as much. Who are you?"

"My name is Draco Malfoy."

Dumbledore's face lit up a bit at the mention of Draco's last name.

"Ah yes, you must be Lucius' boy then." Draco nodded the affirmative.

"Yes, he is my father, and Narcissa is my mother, although her name would be Narcissa Jacobsen now."

Dumbledore looked at Harri with a warm smile.

"Who might you be?"

Harri looked flustered. What should she do? She could not afford to tell him about Snape being her real father in front of Draco! If she said anything, Draco would tell his father, and Snape would be killed. Even though she disliked the man, his spying for the Ministry was admirable. Harri needed to think quickly, anything would be good. Then it her, she could just tell him certain details.

"I'm afraid in order for me to tell you who I am, you must place a hearing, and vision spell on Draco first." Harri finally spoke.

"What? Why?!" Draco said enraged.

"I'm sorry Malfoy, but I just can't trust you with the information I am about to tell Headmaster Dumbledore."

Dumbledore gave Draco a regretful look, and placed a hearing charm on his ears, making him temporarily deaf. Harri also wanted his vision impaired. If Draco were blind he couldn't read her lips, and find out her parentage. Too much was at risk. He gave her a reassuring smile, and leaned back into his chair.

"Now you may tell me. I have placed hearing spells on the walls as well."

Harri nodded, and began her story.

"My name is Harriet Potter."

Dumbledore's eyes sparked much like they had when he heard Draco's last name.

"I am not James Potter's daughter. My father is Severus Snape. My mother is Lily Evans. I'd rather not go into details about how I came to have the last name of Potter. I realize that it is unwise to tell someone too much of the future."

"You are quite right Miss Potter. Is that all you'd rather have said to me without Mr. Malfoy knowing?"

Harri nodded, and he took the spells off of the office, and Draco.

Draco gave Harri a look that let her know whatever it was she didn't want to say in front of him, he would find out soon enough. Harri ignored his looks.

"We think we got here because we drank a Time-Warp Potion." Draco admitted ruefully.

"I do not recall hearing of it." Dumbledore admitted.

"It has yet to be invented." Harri answered.

"Is there any way for us to get home?" Draco asked, slightly nervous.

"There is the time-turner, but it can only go to a certain distance through time. There are also the hourglasses, but those have yet to be harvested. It would take a rather large glass to return you to the right date. How far do you need to travel?"

"Twenty years into the future." They said in dejected unison.

"I see. I do believe we can bring you to back with a large harvest of hourglasses, but they take a quite a while to grow. Luckily for the two of you, it will be harvesting time in about two months."

"Two months?! I can't wait that long!"

Draco hissed, standing up enraged.

"Two months maximum. You have no other choice. It would take too many time-turners to get you both back home. We do not have enough here."

Harri said nothing as Dumbledore relayed the information. She was well aware that a person could use the time-turner to time travel through decades, even centuries, but the key to using them that way hadn't been discovered yet. Whatever way they got home, it would have to be through the means that they already had at the school. t would take longer to get enough sand to use for two people to return to 1996, but they didn't run the risk of screwing up time.

"We'll just have to make do with what we have here, then. I do have one question Headmaster. Will we end up back on the same day and time we disappeared, or are we parallel?"

"It means, Ms. Potter, that you will be returned to the day and time on which you are traveling to the future. So if you were to leave her on November 3rd, 1976, you would return to Hogwarts November 3rd, 1996."

That didn't really make sense to Draco, but he didn't feel like arguing. Was he being punished for something? All he knew was that he was stuck with Potter for two months. That in itself was punishment enough. He ran his hand through his white blond hair, fuming to himself.

"What are we supposed to do until then?"

"You'll have to enroll in classes of course. Just think of it as an enriching experience. You shall also need to be called something else, of course."

Draco groaned with annoyance, and when he looked at Harri she did emulated the same thing. Dumbledore looked at Draco first.

"You'll be Draco Hollings. Ms. Potter can be-"

"I like the name Jayda Panes."

Dumbledore acquiesced.

"You'll have to be re-sorted."

"I don't want to be sorted again. I'm happy with my house!" Draco complained. Harri rolled her eyes at his childishness.

"Forgive Draco Headmaster, he's a Slytherin."

"Ah, I could tell. What house are you in?"

"I'm a Gryffindor." Harri said with pride. Draco rolled his won eyes with disgust.

"Where will we sleep?"

Draco asked changing the subject. Harri had been wondering the same thing. What if she ended up rooming with her Mother? That would be awesome. Draco didn't seem to enthusiastic about it. If he would take advantage of this opportunity he might have some fun. Harri planned on having lots of fun. All she needed to do was be extra careful about saying certain things, and she could enjoy herself.

"You two can have the extra Prefect's bedrooms. We save them for exchange students, and special student guests. I'll send for my tops students to fetch you two, and show you to your rooms."

They walked to the portrait hole's opening. Harri and Draco exchanged quizzical looks. Why didn't they know about special guest rooms for students? At least they were going to be getting the best treatment. They could deal with one another for two months. So what if they were each other's only familiarity? Still, it could be fun visiting the past, and seeing what it was like in the 70's. Harri took this time to walk about Dumbledore's office. Over the years very little had changed in the headmaster's office. He was still kept it crowded, and Fawkes was there, looking beautiful 20 years younger. She walked over to the bird, glad to see that it was not a burning day. He looked beautiful, and the bird rubbed its beak against her finger. Fawkes spread his plumage, and Harry watched as his feathers swished about, almost hypnotically. There was something definitely very odd about that bird. She almost wished that's she could have a conversation with him.

"These students will show you to your room."

Harri turned, gasping when she saw the face of her long dead mother, Lily Evans. For what would not be the last time in her life, Harri fainted.

FN: That's it for now! Next time, Lucius is confused, Snape is confused, Lily's ambiguous, and Narcissa shocked! Can Ron and Hermione save Harri and Draco without Neville getting in the way? Mwhahahaha! I made Narcissa a Hufflepuff! Also, Harri and Draco experience having classes with their parents! Oh the horror! Review pretty please! Until next time amigos!
