Fan Fiction ❯ Muggle Studdies ❯ ch 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Not mine, don't sue.

Hope you enjoy!


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Harry sighed and looked around, he'd just arrived in Tokyo Japan with some of his colleagues and 12 of the students who take his muggle studies class. With him in this little group was, his two best friends as well as the quidditch and history of magic professors, Mrs and Mr Ron and Hermione Weasley, Headmaster Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Gryffindor head and transfiguration professor, his beloved fianc Severus Snape, 4 gryffindor boys, 3 slytherin boys, 3 ravenclaws (2 girls, 1 boy) and 2 hufflepuff girls.

All the students with them were year 7's, that could either make Harry's life easy... or hard.

The 18 of them were standing in the grounds of the largest mixed school there has either been, it would take in banshees, witches, wizards, warlocks, vampires, werewolves, necromancers, muggles, mages, druids, soothsayers, and many, many other species too.

However everyone at this school was subjected to muggle things on a daily basis, mobiles, computers, credit cards, cars and hundreds of other things too. It was utterly intriguing. No muggle in Tokyo could walk down the street and be surprised by anything. Voldemort was a history lesson for everyone under the sun full stop, wizard or no. magic was common. And Ojiko corp. the biggest Alchemy and potions creators in the world was smack bang right next to the muggle shopping mall.

Muggles and wizardry was closely intertwined in this city and that was what Harry had bought these 12 students here to see.

However there was one problem. The school was big providing dorms and classrooms for thousands of students from 1.5 to 25 years old. And then there were the teachers to house too. Each year group had about 500 children in at the least, meaning that the school was most incredibly about 20 times the size of the whole of Hogwarts grounds and all, Not to mention the 65 acres of land owned by the school too. It was incredible, how did everyone all know there way about? Harry certainly didn't. He was utterly, completely and hopelessly lost.

Peering around with a sigh, he looked for anyone who could help, finally he spotted a group of about ten teenagers, hanging around by a fence around a large plot of land with what looked like stables, and racing tracks around it.

"Come on, lets go see if any of them can tell us our way." The eighteen of them made there way over the small group of teens. Upon closer inspection, they all seemed about the same age as his 12 students and were all talking and laughing away happily.

"Hello, excuse me! I was wondering if one of you could show us the way to Professor Rogan?"

"Male or Female Rogan?" A hazel eyed girl with mousey brown hair down her back enquired with a smile, utterly confusing Harry with her question.

"Err... Well it said on the letter that she was a headmistress."

"That'll be Jaunita sensei you're looking for. I'll show you the way." A deep voice washed over Harry, smoky, rich and exotic, with just the slightest hint of a foreign lilt. Spoken with the clear ennunciation of the educated and the smooth cadence of the cultured. It just drips confidence and power like molten honey wrapped in the purest of silks. So familiar to the boy who lived, but yet so different. It was his Sev's voice, only- it wasn't said by Sev, the tone wasn't Sev's either. More- bouncy. Care free, instead of the potion masters icy drawl.

The owner of the voice jumped down from off the fence where he was sitting.

/Woah. Body to match the voice or what!!!/ Harry thought only just remembering to shut his mouth at the sight of the boy in front of him.

Chocolate hair gelled up in spikes at the front was cut into the nape of his neck, looking pale in comparison to the mocha latte skin. Sapphire eyes glittered and shone with mischief. The black school trousers, were slightly too large for him, allowing them to ride low on his hip and fall slightly over the pristine trainers he was wearing underneath. The white school shirt was half untucked on the left and the collar was up on one side and down on the other with a sort of casually elegance, the top button was undone and the sleeves were rolled up showing off muscled forearms and the barest glimpse of perfectly sculpted chest. The silver and imperial purple tie round his neck was undone and had badges clipped to it with funny little pictures and sayings like one with a grave and half empty wine glass on it saying 'till death do we party' and another one- black with white writting- with a kind of slutty comment stating 'I only sleep with pretty girls- but i'll make an exception for you', though it just seemed cheeky and cute when worn by him.

He was tall too, but not lanky. Everything was in proportion even though he was about the same height as Harry.

/God, I bet he's a babe magnet./ The muggle studies professor thought as the boy flashed him a charming smile, one that could have easily beaten that prat Lockharts.

"Oh Josh! Stay, Dani can go, can't you Danielle! Stay with me. Please sweetie." An oriental with her hair up in bunches and multi coloured highlights at the ends, grabbed on to the boy now identified as Josh's arm. Josh flashed her a smile and leant down slightly to press a kiss to her neck just below her jaw line with lush, full, red lips.

"I'll be back in 5 minutes." He promised.

"Umm no you won't." A black haired, black eyed, boy with no distinguishable nationality traits said in a bored tone.

"Huh! Why do you say that?"

"Because, *you* have potions next, which I believe you have missed 12 times in a row already."

"Aww crap."

"Miss any more and you'll be in deep shit."

"I suppose. Don't see why I need to go anyway, I already know more than anybody else in our year. More than most people in the school actually."

"Josh, just leave it. I'll see you in potions baby."

"Thanks Nereid! I *promise* I'll make it up to you. Bye guys."

"See ya Josh."

"Yaa, bye ya prat." A curiously blonde japanese boy called after the brunette in a mocking tone.

"Slimy git."

"Utter arsehole."

Both boys laughed slightly as Josh left, with a wave towards his friends. Once they had started off up the lawn, Hermione turned to the boy to question him.

"What were those other children saying about potions?" she demanded folding her arms other her chest and shooting the poor boy a questioning look.

He sighed and ran his hand back through his hair before smiling brightly at Hermione and answering."I have a slight tendency to play hooky and go to the mall or the cinema or what ever with my friends instead. It's no big deal."

"Missing lessons is a big deal. It's your NEWTs this year. Don't you care about doing well?"

"Oh I will do well. I always do. I've been blessed with more brain than I'm worth to be honest. And It's not like I don't study 'cuz I do. I just don't go to *all* the lessons, never have never will. But... since I always do good work then my sensei's only problem with me is my attendance record. But fortunately the attendance is bad or good depending on whether we go to enough lessons to keep up with the class or whether we lag behind, so with all my senseis I've sorted it out so that I attend one lesson per week except for the stuff that I'm especially good at, like potions. Nadine, my potions sensei, says that I know more than we're even going to learn this year, but I still got to go to my lessons just to see what's on the exam. So.... I go to 1 potions lesson a week, that's one every 10 lessons. But I kind of couldn't be bothered to go so I haven't been 12 times in a row, which means I'm in trouble."

Finishing his explanation Josh gave an indifferent shrug and stuffed his hands- which had previously been gesturing wildly whilst he spoke making him seem exotic and sexy- in his pockets.

This time it was Sev's turn to speak. "Don't you like potions?"

"Naa. Too boring. I mean I can do it! It's just think that it's crap."

Harry looked away nervously as the boy accidentally insulted his lover's subject. Sev however just glared at the boy, who had stopped walking and was looking back at Severus with a guilty gaze. worrying his lower lip with his teeth and nodding slightly to himself as realisation hit. "You teach potions don't you."

Harry vaguely noticed that he'd taken his hands back out of his pockets again when he started talking as if he couldn't speak properly without them.

"Ahh well. You not singled out, I can only think of 4 subjects which I actually attend."

"Which are?" A slytherin boy- something Thompson if Harry remembered correctly- asked.

"Sports, music, dance and drama." He told them without hesitation. He paused momentarily and Harry realised that they were standing at a door.

"Sports, music, dance and drama?" Minerva repeated sounding slightly confused with his choice.

Joshua nodded as he swiped a key card down a sensor in the door before pulling it open and holding it like that whilst stepping aside slightly to let the others through. Once they were inside the main hall he began to explain.

"It's simple really. Sports to keep me healthy, music because I'm obsessed with it, dance for the same reason and drama because I want to be an actor."

"An actor?" Red headed ex-gryffindor, Ron Weasley inquired.

"How delightful." Albus popped a lemon drop in his mouth as he said this.

"Well- I know that no one thinks that I'll ever make it but I don't really care, I'll just have to show them wrong. My big sister Morriya- she's twenty- works at Ojiko Corps. and everyone says I have the talent to do that too, and I'm honestly honoured that I was offered a position there. It's an alchemists dream, what any potions master or scientist would want in life. But I'm not any of those things, not at heart at least. I enjoy being on stage, being someone else, just for a while. Even if I know it's not permanently."

Before anyone else could speak they arrived at a door, the name J A Rogan written on the mahogany doors in gold-leaf. The blue eyed boy, knocked on the door and then smiled at the group of 18. "This is Jaunita sensei-sama's office. But you know, if you lot are here for a while and need showing around then just look me up."

~~Come in.~~

Joshua went to walk away as an admittance came from the other side of the door but was stopped when a Hufflepuff girl- Hannah Baxter- grabbed his arm.

"If you want us to look you up, we have to know your name."

"Oh right. I'm Josh, Joshua Snape."

The lesson bell rang and with a stream of multi coloured curses, he pulled away from the little hufflepuff girls suddenly slack grasp and raced of calling a goodbye over his shoulder and waving back at them.

"See ya, adios, Ja ne." he turned the corner and raced down a corridor, back pack swung over one shoulder. "Rga, Rienzi! Wait up!"

~~Hello, hello, come in please.~~

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VegetandAru: Woo I've done chapter one... I have no Idea where this story is going...

Aru: I'd be worried if you did.

VegetandAru: Hey! Normally I at *least* have a general idea of how it's going to end.

Aru: Yeah right.

Joshua: Uh... Hi, guys! It's a story about *me*, there are a thousand and ten possibilities for great endings where I kill all the bad guys and end up sleeping with the girl.

VegetandAru: Uhh... gomen nasai Josh. This is only a G rating, no sleeping with pretty girls for you.

Joshua: ::pouts:: what's the point in being so devilishly handsome if I'm not gonna beat the bad guy and get the girl.

Aru: Stop being such a Baka, defeating the bad guy is Harry's job in the HP fandom, and as for the pretty onna... well she should come to *our* universe :: waves DBZ fandom flag:: it'd be much more fun for her there.

Joshua: You take that back you (censored for extremely explicit language)

::Aru and Josh start arguing, Josh pulls out his wand (almond and dragon scale, 19 inches) and Aru makes a ball of white magic::

VegetandAru: ::sweatdrops:: well... umm... R&R people.... umm... I'm gonna go now before the fighting breaks out ::side steps of screen::