Fan Fiction ❯ Muggle Studdies ❯ potions ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Do I *look* like JK Rowling to you???!!!?!!


"You are an...


The overwhelming levels of stupidity and pain around you have finally taken their toll on your will to live. You probably came from a dysfunctional family in which you were mistreated, ignored or misunderstood. Poor you.

It's really not your fault that you can't stand society. Life is cruel."

Josh burst out laughing as he finished reading the answer to the 'Which teen stereotype are you...' quiz for his best friend.

"Tough luck Hire."

"Shove off Snape."

"Tut tut language."

"I said SHUT IT!" The blonde oriental whom Harry had previously seen insulting Josh when they'd first met him, was sitting in a swivel chair in front of a school lap top, fuming with his arms folded and his head bowed as Josh continued to laugh his head off at the blonde's expense.

"Hi Josh."

The brunette turned around to smile at Harry as he entered the room whilst the blonde turned back to typing on the laptop.

"Oh hey! You're one of those people from Hogwarts aren't you?"

"Yeah. I'm the Muggle Studies teacher, Harry Potter."

"Oh right cool. Harry Potter? Where have I heard that name before? Hire, where have I heard that name before?"

"History of magic you dick-wad. Remember! Harry Potter, he was some dude who kicked the ass of some dark lord in some country somewhere."

"Oh yeah, I think I can remember copying Mickey's notes on that. When we were in lower 4 right."

"Yes Snape."

"Lower 4?" harry frowned slightly, what the hell was lower 4?

"Yeah. Oh right, you start school at 11 at Hogwarts don't you. Oh, well lower 4 is a year group."

"A year group."

"Yeah, it's easy. Look, half a year old- 4 years old is play group. Then 4-5 is lower 1, 5-6 is lower 2, 6-7 is lower 3 and so on and so on until you hit 11-12 that's 1st year then 2nd year is 12-13 that goes up to 5th year,15-16. After that is lower and upper 6 form, 16-17 and 17-18 years old. And lastly you get time for Job training, lower JT 18-20 and upper JT 21-25. Got it?"

"Uhh... yeah... So you take people from 1/2 a year to 25 years old at this school?"

"Yes. Look, do you really have to ask all these questions, I am actually trying to do something here." The blonde scowled and glared at Harry from his swivel chair before turning back to the lap top on the desk.

"What are you trying to do?" Josh tipped his head on one side curiously and peered over the other boy's shoulder, hands on the desk and legs folded at the ankles. "Oh you utter lame ass! I can't believe you're retaking the quiz, you freak."

"Fuck you Snape! If you think you can get a better result then why don't you take the quiz!!!???!?"

"Because I already know what I'll get. It'll come up with a little box saying 'I'm sorry but you are by far too cool and popular for us to come up with a name with, sorry for the inconvenience. You are incredible, can we give you our number?'."

"If only you're brain was as big as your ego Snape."

"At least I have a brain. Anyway, what are you trying to say? That I'm not popular?"

Hire opened his mouth to answer but never got a chance to speak as the black haired girl who had begged Josh to stay with her the week before, flung herself around the corner.

"Shotu! Josh! There you are, I've been looking for you everywhere! Where the hell have you been? I checked the music block and the dance hall but I couldn't find you."

"Aww, I'm sorry Nereid. I didn't mean to freak you out you know. Why did you want us?"

The girl standing in the door way, hands on her knees panting to get her breath back, looking as if she'd just run the marathon, looked up in surprise at the two boys, before glaring at them and looking absolutely furious.

"You utter IDIOTS!" She screeched at the two boys, standing up straight now, hands on her hips and the fire in big black eyes, flickering dangerously. "You were supposed to help us with our drama over break you Jerks!!! I can't believe you fuck heads *forgot*! We were freaking out thinking that you'd got yourself into serious trouble or something when you're actually screwing about on the internet doing lame ass quizzes!!!"

"'Reid-chan-" Josh was cut off as the black haired girl promptly slapped him across the cheek.

"I expected you of all people, Joshua Antonio Snape, to remember your promises. Especially your promises to *me*! I'm your girlfriend for god's sake! Christ, why on earth to I go out with you???"

She turned and stormed out the door leaving the two boys in a state of confused shock.

Josh shook his head as if to clear the cobwebs and dropping his hand from the already bruised cheek, he grabbed his school bag and raced after her calling apologies in her wake.

"'Reid! 'Reid, I'm sorry. Babe! Come on baby, forgive and forget. I just forgot, I'm sorry."

"Oh yeah, just abandon me why don't you Snape, you prick." Harry turned to the blonde sitting on the swivel chair, muttering crossly under his breath and glaring pointedly at the door Josh had just left through.

With a sigh Shotu stood up and pulled on his backpack.

"Umm excuse me, do you think that you could show me the way to the potions lab, I'm supposed to be over seeing a lesson there in 10 minutes.

"Yeah, I guess I could, I've got my next lesson there anyway." Shotu walked out of the room and Harry followed, trying to remember the way so that he could get back later.

"My name's Shotu, by the way."

"Harry. Are you and Josh rivals or something."

"Rivals!" He gave a snort of laughter. "No, we're best friends believe it or not. I've known him since forever. We've always acted like jerks towards each other."

"Why do you act like that if you're best friends."

"Don't know, we just always have. Anyway, we're here!"

Shotu leant against the wall next to the door of lab D2. There was a lesson going on in there and Harry took the chance to peer in. The teacher was a reasonably young looking blonde woman with a cheery smile and a white lab coat pulled over a pink tank-top and low ridding bellbottoms.

She looked very different to Sev and Harry couldn't really imagine her teaching potions.

He walked up the corridor and then back down looking in through the other classrooms, some of them had lessons going on in them but most were empty. They were numbered A1 to E2 and all looked like different labs.

He stopped in front of D2 again and looked in once more, the class having there potions lesson looked older than his class. There was about 7 20 year olds- lower JT- in there, all dressed in the same white lab coats and all doing various experiments with a deep crimson coloured potion with about the same thickness as half hard glue. Each person was doing a different experiment with it, probably to see how it would react to things like different temperatures and stuff.

Harry noticed a dark haired girl on the 3rd row back from the front with the whole desk to herself. The whole work surface of the desk was filled with about ten different cauldrons with test tubes filled with the gloppy red liquid stirring being held in water or over flaring Bunsen burners or attached to things that he'd never seen before. She was stirring a cauldron with one hand and making notes in a book with the other.

She looked as though she knew exactly what she was doing with it all. She was very familiar looking, with cropped black hair and onyx eyes. Triangular tattoos adorned the tanned skin of her face and her lips were slightly parted and moving gently as she reread what she had written.

Harry's attention was pulled back to the corridor as he heard the chatter of students coming along the corridor.

His 12 Hogwarts students were coming were coming down the corridor with Severus trailing behind them, looking slightly happier than usual if- like Harry- you knew how to tell. It was probably due to the fact that he had to stand in with Harry to over see a potions lesson.

Harry did a quick head count of his students before coming over to say hi.

Ten minutes later, the corridor was full of students, some his some not.

Shotu had two girls and a boy standing with him and the four of them were talking together like the other Japanese students. Harry and Sev's 12 Hogwarts students however looked honestly nervous and weren't talking much. A double potions lesson at Hogwarts had never been a good thing and some of these students hadn't done potions since 5th year.

Luckily a bell rang and the 7 20 year olds came out of the room. The black girl Harry had been watching, packed up her things and without talking to any of the other students she went to leave the room, lab coat folded over her arm and 12 separate vials of red potion stored safely in the front pocket of a psychedelic backpack.

She called goodbye to her teacher (she looked like she would of like to go say hi too but 2 other young women were already asking her something about some project) and walked out of the room.

She stopped by Shotu and the other 3 children and frowned prettily at them.

"My Otouto not here yet?"

"Naa! I'd think he was ill if he wasn't at least 1 minute late for potions." The black haired boy who'd reminded Josh about his potions lesson last week spoke up.

The girl sighed and nodded, rolling her eyes. "If he doesn't show up, tell me. Alright."


She said goodbye and walked off pulling her back pack round off her one arm so that she could open a zip and store the neatly folded lab coat in there.

A moment later the last two 20 year olds left the room and the blonde teacher came to stand at the door.

"Okay, it's actually break now, but if you'd all like to just come in and sit down then we can get our 12 new students equipped and sorted out before the lesson starts. 'Kay!"

They came in and started sitting down. There was 6 large desks up either side of the large lab. Each desk was like a large row and could probably seat quite a few people comfortably.

"4 to a desk please."

Harry watched as the 2 Hufflepuffs and 1 Ravenclaw girl sat with a dark haired girl who they seemed to know, 3 row back on the right.

The other Ravenclaw girl had her hands grabbed by the 2 girls who had been with Shotu and the other boy and were sitting in front of them.

The 4 Gryffindors sat down on the desk at the left hand front. On the right to them, Shotu was sitting with black haired boy and one of the Slytherins.

The other two slytherins were sitting behind the Gryffindors with another girl and boy.

The Ravenclaw was sitting on the 3rd row left with 2 foreign looking girls and a Japanese boy who he had obviously befriended.

"Lindsey, would you go and find 12 of each of your text books and hand them out to the Hogwarts students. After you've got all 4 text books I would like you to go over there," The blonde teacher pointed to what looked like a store room door. "and find your selves a white lab coat. You'll need to take off your robes for this lesson and if you're wearing a jumper then I'd advise to take that off too. The lesson today is going to be *hot*."

The girl with the Ravenclaw and two Hufflepuffs stood up and went over to a little cupboard she counted out 12 of four different types of text book, then with her arms full she began to give them out.

"My name, just for the record, is Nadine. I know that you're all probably used to calling your teachers professor whatever-their-last-name-is but I don't dig that so Nadine or Nad is fine."

Nadine give them all a smile then busied herself with giving out three exercise books to each new person. A red, a blue and a deep green one.

"Write your name and my name and the Lab number, D2, on the front of each one please. When you've done that, write Potions- on the green, Revision Notes- on the blue and Diagrams- on the red. Understood? Cool!"

Whilst she was waiting for the 12 hogwarts students to sort themselves out, Nadine came over to introduce herself to Harry and Severus.

"Hi, hi! I'm Nadine Accoras, head of Alchemy."

"I'm Harry Potter, Muggle studies, and this is..."

"Potions Master and head of Slytherin house, Severus-"

"-Snape." Nadine interrupted him with a look of adoration on her face. "Oh my god. I know! You're like totally the reason that I got into Potions in the first place. I never would of even given doing potions a second thought if it wasn't for you."

"Didn't they have to teach you potions at school anyway?"

"No! No, no, no, no, no! I'm a muggle! I come from California. But my cousin, Mary Jay, is a witch. When she first started her school, I was 6, then she came home for christmas and told me that her favourite subject was potions. I wouldn't listen so she got me a book on Potions for christmas. I was bored a few weeks later so I picked it up and flicked to the bit about potion masters and I was about to pit it down when I saw your name. So I started reading about you and you totally rocked. So I got my mom to get me a whole bunch of books on potions for my b'day. You were in a lot of them by the way. And at school I was totally awesome at science anyway so I decided to become an alchemist like. My mum let me go and stay here in Japan with Mary J that summer and nobody at the school would teach me potions, cause all her friends said that I was just a silly little Muggle girl. So I went to Contercourg-san for help and he taught me totally well. So yeah! Thankies for changing my life Sev-sama."

When Nadine stopped talking a mile a minute then you could just see how enthusiastic she was about meeting Severus.

She looked like she was going to say something else when the door was flung open and Josh burst in, dragging a blushing Nereid behind him. They both had the moist lips and rosy cheeks look of people who have just been thoroughly kissed.

'Well, a make up make out. Well done Joshua Snape.' Harry thought to himself.

"Sorry we're late Nad-chan. We got umm... held up." He glanced at his girlfriend who blushed furiously making the smirking boy grin cheekily with a triumphant look on his face.

"Doesn't matter Josh-kun, I'm honestly surprised that you actually came at all. Just take a seat and we can carry on with the lesson."

"Gomen-nasai Nadine-san." Joshua pulled Nereid round to where they sat before letting go of her hand and letting her sit down next to her friend, whilst he sat down in front of her, by Shotu. Still grinning widely.

"Right now that we're all here lets get started."


VegetandAru: You like

Aru and Josh: Of course they did.

Aru: I helped write it

Josh: It's about me

Aru and Josh: not a good reason

(they glare at each other)

Aru: read

VegetandAru: and

Josh: Review!!!