Fan Fiction ❯ Mujura no Kamen: Kitsune no Yuurei ❯ They That Uphold The Eye of Truth. ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter One:

Those that Uphold the Eye of Truth.

Konton smiled brightly as she stared at the mask in hand. The mask of a Keaton that she

had bought from the happy mask salesman before leaving Hyrule Castle Town. She looked over to Sheik and laughed. She had bought the bunny hood for him. Oddly enough he wore it. Sheik shook his head. "If you look away from that which is in front of you you'll get hurt." Sheik said calmly. Konton only smiled. "By what?" "Trees." Sheik replied. Konton blinked, her purple-ish red eyes sparkled when she realized what he meant as they rode. There were a lot of low branches ahead. "Are you sure he's this way?" Sheik nodded. "I am sure. Zelda told us he'd be this way. There fore he has to be." Konton giggled and steered her small pony closer to Sheik. The red eyed boy raised an eyebrow as she did so. With a grin the brown haired girl swiped at the bunny ears a little. Sheik smiled slightly. He was enjoying the forest scenery when Konton stopped suddenly. Sheik stopped a little bit ahead of her.

"What's wrong, Konton?" The girl dismounted and walked over to a small stone pillar with odd markings on it. Sheik blinked and dismounted as well. He trotted lightly over to Konton. The girl ran her hands over the waist-high stone. "We're near where Kitsune and I came from."

Sheik blinked at her. "You came from the lost woods?" Kitsune shook her head. "No. We come from Ikana. Or I do. Kitsune was from Clock Town." "Those places are unfamiliar to me." Sheik said as he looked at the pillar. "Of course they would be. They are part of Termina. It's on the other side of the lost woods." Sheik blinked in slight confusion and looked to her. "What do these symbols mean?" "They are in old Terminan, so even I have a hard time understanding it, but I can make out one thing. 'Ahead to Termina.'" Sheik looked ahead to see a log opening. "Something tells me to go there." Sheik said after a moment. Konton bit her lower lip. "Okay. Let's send the horses back, Termina is very large, almost twice the size of Hyrule. There are a lot of platforms to jump across in order to get there." Sheik nodded in understanding. "The horses couldn't jump that far I take it?" Konton nodded.

Sheik walked over to the horses and pulled out his lyre. Konton sat on the pillar and

watched, wondering if the song would do what it was supposed to. Sheik played a quick

song. As he did so the notes echoed in the forest and the horses slowly disappeared with a

flash of light. "Let's hope it sends them back to the stalls." Konton commented. "I wonder if on top of them would count?" Sheik said with a slight frown. "I could only visualize the roof of the stables."

Konton smirked and got off of the pillar. "Lets go. I want to see if things are as they were." Sheik looked at her with a light smile and started through the log opening. Konton followed with her usual disposition. Seconds after entering the opening Konton got an odd feeling in her stomach. 'Something's wrong.' She pulled her brown cloak closer to her frame as a haunting tune was heard in the distance. Sheik raised an eyebrow. "That's odd. It sounds like your flute." "I'm not the only person with an eagle bone flute. They are common in Ikana and a few other parts of Termina. Let's just continue..." Konton ran ahead of sheik to a clearing and then through another log opening. Sheik chased after her. He secretly wondered why she was acting so odd. Konton yelped suddenly from the log opening. Soon after there was a wild yell that got quieter till it stopped. Sheik's heart started pounding faster. His legs sped up till they found nothing below them. He was falling.

His fall was padded by extremely tall and soft grass. There was a light groan beside him. Konton had fallen just outside of the grassy patch. Sheik frowned. "Are you okay?" "My ass hurts." Konton replied as she stood up. Sheik soon followed by standing up as well. "I'm surprised you aren't hurt even more than that." Konton pointed up at a withered tree branch with a tear of blue fabric on it‘s end. "I have dumb luck, remember?"

Sheik was about to say something when he noticed two fairies out of the corner of his eye. One was a bright yellow female and the other was a purple male with a red aura. Konton had also noticed them. A shiver went up her spine. 'Something's going on.' Konton was about to say something to Sheik but stopped short as a skull kid with an odd mask floated from above them and next to the two fairies. The skull kid cackled at the two red eyed Hylians. "I figured that no one but the boy with that stupid hat would come this way. But now I have more people to play with." Sheik stepped in front of Konton. Earning a glare from the shorter girl. 'There he goes. Treating me like I'm helpless.'

The skull kid laughed and attacked Sheik with an energy of sorts. Before falling to the ground in pain, he threw a smoke bomb so that he and Konton could escape. After the smoke cleared all that remained in Sheik's place was a yellow rabbit. The skull kid laughed maniacally. "The other one may have gotten away, but this one is entertaining all the same." Konton held back a whimper from her perch in the bows of a nearby tree. 'Sheik?'

The yellow fairy bobbled up and down as she giggled. "Now all we have to do is wait for that stupid kid in green who you stole that pretty ocarina from." Konton stared at the three figures with widened eyes. 'They mean Link! How the hell did we get in front of him...' There was another yell and a blonde haired boy clad in green landed on a large flower near the tree she was in. 'I guess he's got dumb luck too.' Konton retorted in her mind.

The skull kid started laughing again. "That horse of yours, it wouldn't listen to a thing I told it to do. Did you know that?" Konton looked at link. She saw that he looked afraid. "It was so unruly, the world doesn't need such creatures. I decided to get rid of him for you, the stupid horse." Link backed up slowly into the stone and dirt wall behind him. Link's blue eyes were even wider than Konton's had been when sheik disappeared. The skull kid laughed and struck link with the same sort of energy as he had Sheik. Link soon fell to the ground holding his head.

Konton gasped lightly as she saw a young Deku scrub in Link's place. Luckily for her all possibilities of skull kid hearing her was drowned out by Deku Link's scream. Skull kid cackled again and floated quickly out of the ‘room‘. Deku Link attempted to follow but was blocked by the gold fairy. As the door to the chamber slammed shut the fairy stopped and turned around slowly. "Skull Kid? Tael?"

The fairy bobbed up in down in panic. She turned to Deku Link, an angry look playing across her tiny face. "You! This is your fault! Had I not been trying to stop you I wouldn't have been left behind!" Konton climbed down from the tree as the fairy continued to rant. Deku Linked sighed heavily. The fairy let out a high pitch scream of frustration. "Are you listening to me?! Open this door now!" Link looked at her with the reddish orange eyes of a Deku scrub. "How? I couldn't reach the switch if I tried."

Konton walked over to some bushes, still unnoticed, and picked up the bunnified Sheikah boy. Link spun around to see her. "Who are you?" Konton looked at him with a look of boredom. "Please tell me you‘re not so dumb as to forget me?” "I asked who you are." Replied link in a trilling voice. Konton sighed, dropping Sheik in the mean time. "What are, you an idiot? You already forgot me and it hasn't been two years. It's been a little over a year and a half. After helping you as much as I did you should at least remember who I am.“ Link blinked as his head assaulted him with the confusion of the last fifteen minute‘s events. "Konton?" He asked after a few minutes. Konton nodded in reply, Her shoulder length hair falling forward and back into place with her movements. "You're,,, tall." Deku link said as he sat up. The fairy floated there and watched what transpired. "No, you're small. Your true form is thirteen years old, as is your newly acquired Deku form. Deku take quite a while to grow up." Konton sighed lightly, a sign she was annoied. The girl frowned. "Sheik's older than the both of us and he's been turned into a bunny." She looked at the yellow rabbit beside her. "Of all the things to turn him into.." Konton muttered as she picked up Sheik. "Then again he never really talks that much anyways." Konton said at normal volume. Link looked at her and blinked.

Konton walked past Link and the fairy, pushing an object on the cliff wall that was next to the ‘door.’ The ’door opened with a grinding sound. Link followed soon after but the fairy stayed in the doorway. As soon as Konton was out of sight the fairy zoomed to Link. "Hey! Wait! Could you take me along? Just till we find my brother and Skull Kid. It is your fault after all." Konton laughed a few feet ahead of them. "His fault is it? Had your friend not stolen his horse and ocarina, not to mention turning him into a Deku, then you would not have had to try and stop him. Then again, you didn't have to anyways. Deku aren't very fast, you see?" The fairy drooped a bit. "Please let me come..." Konton smirked. "It's Link‘s choice. He‘s the hero, not me." Link nodded as best his Deku body could. "I have no problems with you coming." The fairy perked up. "Thank you! My name is Tatl!" Konton smirked. "Tattletale. Befitting for fairies." Tatl flitted over to her. "Huh?" Konton shook he head. "Your brother's name is Tael, at least that's what you told. Fairies are known for gossiping and telling things they shouldn't. Therefore when you put your name and your brother's name together you get Tattletale." Tatl blinked. "You're strange." Konton smiled. Tatl looked confused. Link only sighed a bit.

Konton looked ahead. "It's a little bit lighter this way. Also, there's the sound of water ahead. Unless it leads strait to an ocean I'm thinking it'll lead through a town." She paused. 'Maybe even Clock Town.' "Let's go."

After walking for ten more minutes they reached a river. A swift running river with no bridge in sight before it went under ground. "Great... Just great." Konton looked at the river closely. Her eyes widened as did a smile on her face. "Yes! Stepping stones!" Link looked at her. "Where? All I see is water." Konton closed her eyes momentarily, when she opened them they were a blue that was so light it was as if they were glass. "I see. Hidden by magic." Konton said as her eyes changed to purple then back to red. "What did you do?" Tatl said as she stared at Konton's eyes. "I'm not Sheikah by blood." "Sheikah?" The fairy asked. "People of the shadows. We can see through lies and magic spells." Konton said looking at the fairy. "How?" "We uphold The Eye Of Truth. The symbol of the fourth goddess." Tatl bobbled up and down. "The goddess of time right?" Konton nodded in reply. "The Eye of Truth is really the symbol of her servants for she has no symbol. She surpasses the other goddess'. She is thought to be their mother." Konton smiled. Tatl looked at Konton with amassment on her tiny face. "So you're a messenger of the Toki no Megami*?" Konton shook her head. "Not exactly. More like a guardian of her symbol. There are seven messengers called sages where Link and Sheik come from. Sheik and I are simply upholders of The Eye of Truth."


* Toki no Megami means Goddess of Time.


Edited Nov 15 2005

I Fixed things such as OOCness of the characters and made things a bit less cliché. There are still OOC moments but they are forgivable ones compared to the previous set up. I also took out author notes because they take up ¼ of the page.