Fan Fiction ❯ Mujura no Kamen: Kitsune no Yuurei ❯ Home Again ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Chapter Two:

Home again.

Konton looked at Link. In his Deku form she could carry him across if necessary. She then looked back to the rushing waters. She grumbled and picked the little Deku up, starting over the stepping stones immediately. upon reaching the other side she put link down. Link looked at her. "Thanks." Konton nodded and continued walking. Link followed, wondering if he could walk any slower. Konton stopped at another door. She was seriously wondering how a forest of all places would have doors.

Konton opened and walked through the door. Upon seeing the 'room' she started to get the reason why there weren't a lot of travelers from Termina coming to Hyrule. There had been an earthquake since her and kitsune had come through. There were once small platforms of earth everywhere, just far enough apart that a six year old could jump to and from each one. Below the platforms had been a large underground lake. Now was completely different. There were only a few platforms that were far apart and there was no lake, but endless darkness resided in it's place. Konton looked at the platforms. "The irony is nearly unbearable.” She said sarcastically. Deku flowers. There was one on each platform and they looked as though they were just close enough together to get from one to the other. Tatl looked at her questionably. "Does that actually count as irony?" Konton shook her head. "I Don‘t think so. Hey link. Get over there!" Link looked at her. "How?" Konton's reply was harsh in coming. "Use the Deku flowers, you'll know what to do when you step on one." Link nodded and slowly backed up onto the Deku flower. Rather than diving in he fell. Konton smirked. "Well. You'll know more or less." She smiled at the bunny-Sheik in her arms. "Isn't that right Sheik?" She said in a tone that made link think she expected a reply.

Both Sheik and Konton both turned their attention to Deku-link as he was shot out of the large flower and up several feet in the air. Link was flying, Or gliding to be more precise, with a pair of pink flowers. Konton resisted the urge to laugh as he landed in another flower. Instead she decided to do something productive. Find a way across for herself and Sheik.

As Link hopped from flower to flower Konton searched through her pack. She smiled and pulled out a special hook shot. Bunny-Sheik looked terrified. "Time to test this out." Konton said with a grin. She aimed the odd hook shot at the stone ceiling. seconds later her and Bunny-Sheik were practically flying towards the roof. Konton hit the fire button again while half way up the long chain in order to jam it. Then she swung to the last pedestal, the hook shot breaking at the jammed chain link. Konton let out a yell as she felt nothing holding her from above. She clenched her eyes tight only to open them again moments later as she landed on her back.

Dazed, she sat up and held her head, the other hand resting on bunny-Sheik, making sure he was okay. “I think I’d like to try that again at some later time.

Link and Tatl looked at her with a look reminiscent of the words 'You must be kidding me.' Konton stood up and smiled, starting through yet another door, Link and Tatl trying to keep up. Before them was a long hallway. A confused look crossed Konton's face. "Why does a forest have a long hallway? We aren't going to get into why it has doors. Or even why a cave would have a hallway like this." Tatl and Link looked at her. "Why wouldn't it?" Konton just started towards the other end of the hallway, deciding not to argue with them. The feeling of passing through magic was barley sensible as she continued forward. Konton ignored it and reached the end of the hallway. she waited long enough for Link and Tatl to catch up before she opened the door and allowed her ears to hear the sounds of gears turning and water flowing. She blinked as she slowly recognized the area. A small underground river, the paddles which made the gears turn, the path way up to a wooden floor. "Clock tower..." Konton said, nostalgia sweeping over her.

She slowly walked up the ramp that lead to the upper level, Tatl and link following with questioning looks on their faces. When Konton reached the top of the ramp she smiled a little. "Kitsune and I would cause a lot of trouble here. One time we jammed the gears of the clock for an half hour. We had all of clock town thinking their clocks were ahead and that the mail man was early." She laughed a little and started towards the door. Link and Tatl once again behind her.

"Wait a moment." A slightly creepy voice said. The three travelers looked back to see a more than a little creepy man. The happy mask salesman. He was wearing a purple overcoat and pants as well as a bag that was at least his own body mass. His poorly groomed red hair and creepy smile were more than enough to identify him without the various masks hanging off of his bag. He smiled again. "I could help you return to your true shapes. In exchange for help that is."


Edited Nov 15 2005:

Took out Author’s notes, fixed some OOC areas.