Fan Fiction ❯ My Guardian Angel ❯ Chapter 1 Dreams of A Demon and A Hero ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

My Guardian Angel
Disclaimer: I don't own Chrono Cross only my oc's.
AN: this is my first Chrono Cross Fic it sorta goes along with another I will be posting called “I Knew You In My Past…But Now?” The two will be linked in a 3rdstory…or they will be if everything goes according as planed. Hope you like the fic and plz review!
Oh and if your wondering in later chapters Hakuyume is the last name of my oc not her first. She doesn't like her first name so doesn't go by it.
Chapter 1 Dreams of A Demon and A Hero
`Am I dreaming again? I'm in the shadow forest…no wait I swore never to return here unless I must…but here I am…and I'm with my…my family? But no they all died 6 years ago how can this be? I must be dreaming…but I can smell the scent in the air, feel wind on my face and touch the earth beneath me…how can this be a dream?'
A young girl at 10 years of age, a few years from a lady in some peoples views, stood beside a 6 foot man carrying a huge broad sword and a…a picnic basket? It was the girl's father. On her other side stood two 5'8ish boys, one only a few years younger than the other both also wielding swords…her older brothers. A few feet behind the girl walked her mother and 7 year old sister. Her mother had a bow in one hand, and her daughters hand in the other while a quiver full of arrows rested on her back. The young girl had a pouch on both hips each holding throwing dagger; she had surprising good aim. The 10-year old girl looks down at her waist there rest her twin scimitars.
Her father and mother are both green elements, while the eldest brother is red and the younger yellow, the littlest member of the family is blue and the girl is…white? Yes her element color has always been white.
Everyone was completely alert, their eyes constantly scanning their surroundings; nothing could take them by surprise…or could it? A great shape followed the group from above…no one noticed it…except for the little girl with daggers. She pointed up and was about to call for her father when it lunged down on her, pushing her small and frail body into the earth, killing her on impact. When the beast landed it took the mothers arm with it, now unable to use her bow she tried to flee, crying her heart out for her lost child. But she didn't get two steps before the things huge maw closed around her torso, ripping it from her waist, leaving what was left to fall to the ground.
Quickly the males rushed in while the other daughter stayed behind waiting for the right moment to use her special attack. But…it never came. The two brothers rushed ahead of their father swords straight in front of them, meaning to skewer the beast, but it failed… The creature, a black/red element, throws the eldest brother in to a tree with a back handed strike and closed its other hand around the remaining boy. Hardly using any strength it crushes the young warrior drops his body and tries to do the same to the father.
But so over come by rage he manages to get a strike, taking off 3 of the beasts fingers and badly tearing its arm. But it wasn't enough; the fiend kills the older man by tearing off his head. Realizing it forgot an enemy, red slit eyes focus on the small girl to afraid to run…but a sword plunges through its right wing, the eldest brother wasn't done yet. A scream of pure terror emits from its wicked mouth and its tail whips out striking the boy across the waist nearly tearing him in half, but in the end still killing him.
Looks like the poor girl never got the chance to use her best attack…and never will. In front of her stood a…a demon! 8 feet tall and covered in black scales. Standing on two feet like a human but with massive arms and hands like stone. Powerful legs and a 5-foot long whip like tail. It had 2 huge 6-foot wide wings covered in spikes and ridges. The wings looked to almost be made of dendorite and out lined in iron, and they probably were. Flaring red slits for eyes, no visible nose and a gaping maw covered in her mother's blood. Around this fiend lay the bodies/remains of her family, one she could have saved had she not been so paralyzed with fear.
Slowly, tauntingly the creature walked forward her each second lasting an eternity. The poor girl knew her time was up, she was going to die and die very soon at the hand of a devil…or…she would have. Suddenly a figure of a boy a few years older than her self engaged the creature in battle, but he could not kill it. Muttering words constantly under his breath, a spell he had just learned for banishing fiends. Yelling the last few words he plunges his sword into the creatures crest, a huge portal opens around the two but only takes the demon through, back to its realm of hell.
The boy quickly check the bodies to make sure they are not alive and than strides towards the girl.
“I'm sorry you had to see all this…but I fear the demon is not dead only banished…he will…he will come for you later…but for now just sleep, all will be fine later.” His voice was soothing and his eyes enchanting…before the girl knew what she was doing she was fast a sleep cradled in the arms of her savior.
Hakuyume sits bolt up right in bed, her hair matted to her face and neck, the single sheet had long ago fell off her bed and some how her window had opened again. Covered in a cold sweat and shaking due to the little clothing she wore to bed, she slowly got to her feet and closed the cursed window.
“Will these dreams ever leave me be?” she whispers into the darkness, “and why tonight of all nights? The night I need the most sleep so I will be ready for tomorrow.”
Hakuyume looks out the window her bright violet eyes scanning the area, and the slowly rising sun.
“Huh I guess it is already tomorrow. Might as well get up and dressed…and stop talking to myself again, some one might think I'm insane.” Laughing to her self and stretching she quietly walks to the bathroom to clean up, not wanting to wake up the people that lived below her.
Once she was done she went back to her room to get dressed, pulling off the stuff she slept in and putting on some fresh underclothes was the first task. Next she pulled on a pair of lose pants so she could breath and some iron chain mail under her T-shirt. She than pulled up her pant legs and attached some kneepads and ankle braces so she won't twist them. Slipping her belt and twin scimitars (otherwise known as a Scimallow) around her waist she was almost done. Grabbing a piece of leather with iron entwined in it she quickly puts her long black and purple streaked hair up in a ponytail.
“Oh oops almost forgot my boots.” Hakuyume looks under her bed until she finds her brothers old boots, thought a size to big they had a lot of sentimental value. That and they had iron between the two leather strips. After pulling on some socks she slides her feet in the boots and laces them up…well fights with them for 20 minutes than laces them up.
“Hmm think I got everything,” the 16 year old girl than starts naming off thing on her fingers, “boots, socks, braces, knee pads, pants, belt and swords, shirt, chain mail, hairs up…oh my god I almost for got my lucky charm!”
The frantic teen runs over to her dresser and starts digging through the stuff on top. “Ah ha!” She than pulls out a chain with a little charm on the end. The charm is a small sword with a bellflower wrapped around it. `You're the necklace I woke up with after that horrible day, I think the man who saved me gave it to me…but how can I be sure? I just woke up in my bed and the house was empty…I wonder…how old would that man be now? Maybe 20 not to old but still quiet young.' A blush line appears across the girl's face but she shakes her head, “no, no time for fairy tales now I must get to Viper Manor before it is too late!”
Hakuyume than runs out of her room, out of her house, than out of Termina. Taking the quickest trail to Viper Manor the girl had never been happier in 6 years.
Doom Doom Doom! What shall happen next? Who was her savior? When will the demon return? Why is she going to the manor? Keep reading to find out! Also it would be great if u'd review! ^.^!