Fan Fiction ❯ My Guardian Angel ❯ Chapter 2 Viper Manor ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2 Viper Manor
Disclaimer: I don't own Chrono Cross only my oc's
Hakuyume was walking at a brisk pace towards Viper Manor; today was the start of a tournament where they were going to choose 30 new warriors to become Dragoons, an occupation that Hakuyume had wanted since she was a little girl. But very one said she couldn't do it, because she was a girl she would never become a Dragoon. But she will, her mind had been set on it since that day, and she wasn't one to give up now.
`Man I never noticed how long it takes to get to the manor. Yesh they could have made it a bit closer.'
Upon arriving Hakuyume looked at the huge front gate, that for once where open for any to enter, which she did, and did so with pride. Looking around the girl saw over 200 men all stretching and checking they weapon of choice. Thought the harder she looked the fewer women she saw, but once she found one she quickly walked over hoping for a conversation.
Once she got closer to the she-warrior she couldn't decide if she was here to fight or give the men who lost a little pleasure afterwards. She wore a mini skirt and a shirt, or was it a bra, that hardly cover the breasts she was gladly showing off. Not a speck of armor on her and the only thing that looked like a weapon on her were the gloves she wore made from solid stone. Gulping back the mental image of getting beaten to death, she turns and walks the other way. Not the kind of person she felt like dealing with at the moment.
Hakuyume once again looks around the front yard of Viper Manor, looking for anyone to talk to. That's when she notices some one is approaching her. He's tall, maybe 5'8, skinny but with solid shoulders, he has light brown/blond hair and sparkling hazelnut eyes. He looks to be around 17, is sure of himself, and is carrying a huge sword in one hand over his shoulder.
“Hiya, names Senshi-hi or Senshi for short, I use mostly fire elements, a large sword is my main weapon and my dream is to become one of the Devas.” Senshi-hi looks down at the younger and shorter girl using the usual greeting among the warriors of Termina.
“Hey, names Hakuyume or Yume for short, I use mostly white and some black elements, I only use my Scimallow or in other words Twin Scimitar Swallow, and my dream is to become as strong as I can! Nice to meet you.” She politely replies at least some people have manners.
“Cool and nice to meet you as well. You look like a strong warrior and over the next few days a fierce rival. When we both make it into the ranks of the Dragoons perhaps no longer rivals but friends?”
“Sure but if we must square off I am gonna kick your ass so hard!” Yume's eyes shine with the lust for battle along with Senshi's. The two shake hands and Senshi walks away mumbling to his friends
“She'll never become a Dragoon, no female ever will! Mostly not if I have anything to say about it!”
“Quiet!” yelled one of the higher ranked warriors, “everyone get in a line! As in now!”
Quickly and as quietly as possible all the warriors get in to a line reaching horizontally across the lawn of Viper Manor.
“Now anyone who is not prepared for hard day long training, little to no sleep, and lack of food leave now!” no one in the rank moved not even stirred. “Good now an officer will come up to you. You shall answer with sir! Tell them your name, age, weapon and whatever else they ask! Do you all understand?”
A loud a strongly determined “Yes Sir!” rang out through the yard, everyone who was there meant to be there and was not going to leave. A few officers with clipboards and paper walk up to each person and ask the required information.
Hakuyume glances down the line and notices that the officer is approaching, but he passes her by. Clearing her throat she calmly and with out fear says, “Excuse me Sir but I believe you passed me?”
Turning around his eyes flaring with hatred for the she warrior that just interrupted him he says with a voice full of venom.
“Do you think I did not mean to rookie? You could never become a Dragoon! Hell have you ever looked in the mirror lately?”
“Yes Sir I looked in the mirror this morning. And Sir I know for a fact that I could whip you ass in moments!” Hakuyume looks the man in the eye, her orbs also flaring with hatred.
“Is that so…” he trails off
“Hakuyume Sir.”
“Hakuyume huh? Well that's a strange name…well rookie step forward and lets see how good you are!” The man walks a few feet from the line of cadets and draws his sword.
`What did I just get my self into?' Yume asks herself `well lets see…he's a red element and probably has a fair amount if health not to mention healing elements…' quickly going over her element grid Yume walks towards the older man hands rested on the hilts of her swords.
“So Sir shall we be using elements? Fatal blows are a no I'm guessing? Correct Sir?”
“Use what ever you want!” he snaps than runs forward.
Going into a defensive position Yume ducks his first two strikes and steps left to receive a glancing blow to the ribs. `Man he's for real!' Quickly she draws her twin swords barely missing her opponent when she brings them in front of her hilts together. She than twists the hilts so the lock together becoming her Scimallow.
Yume uses a basic 1 2 3 strike that all land giving her enough to use a level 6 or lower element. But before she has a chance she gets struck in the stomach by his hilt and when she doubles over in pain his knee meets her face causing her to fly backwards into the ground.
“Cadets this is what you call a hot shot! Some one who thinks he can win but doesn't have a chance in hell!”
“I-I'm not done yet!” Yume slowly stands to her feet. A white mist starts to surround her before she yells out Throw Strike (her level 5-tech attack). She quickly untwists her Scimallow and throws one sword at the officer she than runs forward and strike with the other. Easily taking down the officer.
“This my fellow cadets is an ass hole who doesn't believe a woman can be a warrior.” She yells loudly to the crowd watching in awe. She than turns around and casts heal on the fallen man. “You Sir might want to get some aid from a healer.”
Suddenly the whole crowd erupts in clapping and cheers; none of them would ever dare stand up to an officer. But everything gets silenced when Lord Viper exits the Manor to find out what all the noise was about.
His voice is calm, curious and deep when he calls out to Yume, “You there girl with the twin swords what happened here?”
Yume's posture suddenly become straighter and she does an about-turn (turns around), comes to attention and raises her right hand to the corner of her eye in a solute.
“At Ease cadet, just tell me what happened.”
“Well Sir this officer was taking info on all the cadets but he passed me by and said I could never be a Dragoon because I am female. I then challenged him to a fight and umm…well…I…” Yume trails off thinking if she told the Lord what she did she'd get in a lot of trouble.
“She kicked his ass Sir!” yells on of the cadets in the line. He looks to be 5'4 has bright blue eyes and bleach blond hair. He's slender in build and has an axe at his side.
“Silence!” snaps Lord Viper turning to face the cadet, “only speak when spoken to be one of the first rules of the Dragoons!”
“Sorry Sir.” The boy who's maybe 14 looks towards the ground thinking he messed up big time.
“So you beat him huh?” asks the older man, thinking that was one of his strongest officers and that cadets these days are getting much stronger.
“Yes Sir I did.”
“Well than miss…”
“Hakuyume or Yume for short Sir.”
“Miss Hakuyume you just passed the trails, come back tomorrow to see if you can become a Dragoon!”
“Really!? Thank you Sir! I'll do my best not to disappoint you!” Yume's violet orbs shine with happiness and youth something that hasn't been there in years.
“Yes you heard me and I'm sure with strength like yours you'll do fine!”
Moment's later Hakuyume is walking back towards Termina with the biggest smile on her face; she was one step away from becoming a Dragoon, just one little step. But could she make it?
Later that night Lord Viper is sitting in his room at his desk thinking about the day.
`I pretty much just allowed a female to enter the Dragoons…Hell I know she will become one…if she beat an officer in minutes…I just hope this wont be a repeat of last time…if it is well end up with only 29 new Dragoons in less than a month…'
Well that's the end of chapter 2 hope it was good. So what was Viper thinking about and what did he mean? Will Senshi-hi *which means fire warrior or something like that in Japanese*…what shall happen? Only I no! WHAHAHAHAHAHA! And yes if your wondering the demon will make later appearances. Now if you will please excuse me I have to go make up Yume's element grid for later chapters!
Please review ^.^
Ice Panther signin' out!