Fan Fiction ❯ My Guardian Angel ❯ Chapter 3 Getting Ready for a Fight! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3 Getting Ready for a Fight!
An: orignally this chapter was gonna be longer but Irealized I havn't updated in so fricken long Ifigured Ishould
Disclaimer: I don't own Chrono Cross only my ocs.
Sunlight filtered in to a room lighting up the mess the occupant left behind the night before. Armor, cloths and a few books are scattered across the room along with other unimportant things. The light shines through a crack in the curtains and hits a teenaged girl with black hair right in the eyes causing her to roll over and pull the blankets over her head.
“5 more minutes…” is all she mumbles before falling back to sleep. 20 or so minutes later Hakuyume decides its time to get up, slowly she sits up and her violet orbs blink a few times trying to get rid of the lingering sleep. Stretching she gets up and walks to the bathroom to splash some water on her face.
Once she returns to her room she looks out side so she can get a guess as to what time it is. The sun is almost at its highest point. “Hmm its almost noon…” than it hits Yume like a ton of bricks that she had to be at Viper Manor at noon! As fast as the girl can this early in the morning she gets ready and rushes to the Manor just in time to hear an Officer telling everyone to fall into a division of 3 wide and30 long.
“You 90 were the strongest and the best of yesterdays cadets. But only 30 of you will leave here today as a Dragoon. You will all fight a match to decide if you pass than 2 more to become a Dragoon. Only the 30 strongest among you will reach your goal. When your name is called reply with Sir and tell what your weapon is and your element color.”
“Yes Sir!” radiates throughout the ranks
After a few moments of Hakuyume ignoring the officer her name is finally called.
“Hakuyume, T?”
“Sir! My weapon is the Scimallow and my color is White!”
“Scimaloow? What the hell is that?” Asks an officer beside the one calling names, “I know what a Swallow and a Scimitar are but what the hell is a Scimaloow?
“Scimallow Sir! Its two Scimitars the connect at the hilts to become a Swallow.”
“Hmmm interesting...anywise next?”
Maybe 20 minutes later the ranks are dismissed and told to relax a bit while the officers decide on who's fighting whom. Yume picks a random spot on the wall across from her and walks over her strides full of pride and determination. She than turns around and leans against the said wall. Mumbling to her self about wanting to kill something she's so bored she closes her eyes and relaxes in the shade of a tree. But…than someone pokes her, so much for a quiet moment.
“Hello.” says the voice belonging to the poker; it's kind of familiar.
“Hmmm? Do I know you? Your voice sounds-“ Yume opens her violet eyes to see bright blue orbs staring back at her. The boy has sandy-dirty blond hair, a slight tan, and a cross like scar on his left cheek, “…familiar.”
“I don't believe I know you? So I doubt you know who I am.” A smile lingers across the boy's face and he extends his hand. “Names Glenn.”
“Sorry `bout that.” A blush quickly crosses Yume's face but she dismisses it and gives the boys hand a firm shake. “I'm Hakuyume or Yume for short.”
Glenn lets go of Yume's hand and leans against the wall beside the younger girl.
“So yah, you a Dragoon or a cadet?” Asks Yume glancing over at Glenn thinking, `hmmm blondish hair, blue eyes looks strong probably has a nice build…stupid armor…hmmm cutie!'
“ Huh oh I'm a Dragoon. I'm a private well over due for a promotion.”
“Awesome! Umm…was it hard for you to become a Dragoon?” Yume gives Glenn another side ways glance her eyes only showing a little bit of worry but still enough.
Glenn gives her a reassuring smile and glances up into the sky. “Well my brother was one of the Devas and a strong warrior, so I pretty much spent all my time trying to be just like him. I found it quiet easy to become a Dragoon. But than again it took me years to get that strong. But I'm sure it won't be hard for you.”

“You speak of you brother as if he's a part of the past…what happened to him…or would you rather not say.” Yume's eyes are filled with sympathy for the boy she just met.
“It's a long story, one I have yet to fully understand…” Glenn looks into the sky again his beautiful eyes void of all emotions.
“Oh…” Yume pauses not sure of what to say…
Than Glenn looks back at her,his eyesbright again and he's smiling, “So why are you trying to become a Dragoon?”
“Well for a couple of reasons really…Everyone says that a female can never be a true warrior, could never become and survive being a Dragoon… I want to prove them all wrong…that and…a little over 6 years ago I promised my father that I would become a strong warrior, be able to defend my self ya know? Not have to rely on others to protect and help me all the time…and even though he died I still plan on keeping that promise…”
“I see…what does your family say about your dream?”
“My family…all died…on the same day as my father…” tears fill Yume's eyes, she doesn't like to cry in front of others but sometimes it can't be stopped.
“Thought I am curious, do not continue if you wish not to…” Glenn stands in front of Yume, rests his hand on her slender shoulder and smiles in a comforting way.
“No,no its ok no point stopping here…” she stare into the older boys eyes remembering her dark past… and her dreams… ”I don't remember much but I do remember a demon…and it killed my parents, 2 brothers and little sister…” Yume tries to stop the tears from filling up her violet eyes, but it doesn't work.
“S-sorry I shouldn't be crying.” Wiping away the tears Yume looks away from Glenn not wanting him to see she can't stop the flow. But that something unexpected happens, Glenn cups Yume's face in his hand and makes her look him in the eyes.
His voice is calm and smooth, deep yet young, and his hand is slightly rough from constant sword handling, but still in a way smooth. His scent is enchanting. A combination of bellflowers and…blood. For the first time Yume notices how much she is actually attracted to the older boy…man. The man she just meet. “There is no reason you cannot cry, no reason not to show your true emotions. When you become a Dragoon it will be hard because you are new and female…but remember I will always be there for you.”
With that Glenn gives Yume one more smile before letting go of her face and walking away, with determined strides.
Moments later everyone had fallen in like they were told earlier. Every warrior and element specialist alike were all anxious to know who they were fighting, everyone wanted to get the party started!
Than Lord Viper walked into the main yard and looked at the division, a moment later an officer whispered something in his ear, once again he faced the division and began to talk.
“Alright everyone listen up and listen up good. You have all been pared up by your element color, red against blue and so forth. Next round will be totally random, and the round after that the same. Its simple, you lose once your outta here! No if ands or buts! So get ready you have 20 minutes than the first pair will be announced and will square off over there.” The officer points over to a make shift 10 by 10 foot arena.
Yume walks away from the crowd and finds a path of sun light where she starts her stretches and a simple breathing exercise her father taught her years ago. She than pauses for five minutes, one in honor or each fallen family member, a habit she developed 3 years ago before battling. It's almost a way of having her family's souls protecting her during each battle, and amazingly it always seemed to work.
Yes I realize that I am prob rushing things and put into some fluff to early butI dunno. I'll prob get around to re-writing this chapter sooner than later, I just wanted to update^^.
Cleo Kamia