Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Immortal
A KH fan-fic
Chapter One
By: Echan2
Warning: erm... nothing in this chapter. Next one- HELL YES!
Disclaimers: DAMNIT ALL TO HELL!!! This is what happens when you get AOL and your
parents don't want it anymore, thus making me change my screen name! I'm still Echan, but with a 2 at the end. :):):) Okay, if there are those who WISH to adopt my stories, PLEASE do so I can e-mail them to you still while I have the Internet. This will probably be the only story I put up if my mother still likes Peoplepc.Com. !!!>__<!!! Oh well, if you don't like yaoi, DON'T READ IT! Those who are faithful SoraXRiku fans, I encourage for you to stay. Yummies!

"I'm so tired of being here,
Suppressed by all my childish fears.
If you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave,
Cause your presence sill lingers here...
and it won't leave me alone." --- Evanescence

cold inside and out,
no one to warm him.

What HAD happened to him?

It was fall, if my memory serves me right, that I first met him. I was going to my classes at school- I'm in the 9th grade- and I accidentally bumped into the stranger. I didn't look at the person, only said, "Excuse me," and went on to homeroom, leaving the person behind in my dust. I didn't mean to be so fast, but I was going to be late! I barged into homeroom and took my usual seat by my best friend, Kairi. We've been inseparable since we were 2 years old. She lifted her dark, raspberry head and greeted my with bright, crystalline blue eyes. "Morning! Decide to sleep in a little late?," she teased, giggling. I rolled my eyes upward. "Please, Kairi, no insults today. I nearly got mowed by some dude in the hall. What is it with people and rude manners?!," I asked, sitting down, pulling out my notebook.

Kairi shrugged. "Dunno. Listen, Selphie wants me to go home with her today, so I won't be walking home with you," she informed me, pointing to our friend in the bright yellow. "That's all right. I got a late art class to do. Can you tell my mom about that please? I just found out this morning. THAT'S why I was late," I said with a smirk, receiving a playful punch in the arm.
"Fine! Just stop acting so damn smug," she sighed, smiling. Out teacher came in to announce roll. Tidus, my other friend, was throwing spit balls over the place, one landing in my wild hair. "Oy! Cut it out, shrimp!," I hissed. The boy glanced at me and pouted. "C'mon! Right between the eyes!," Tidus begged, talking about our teacher, Mr. Wagner. I shook my head. The blonde sniffed and placed the straw away.

I smiled discretely to myself and waited for the bell to ring. I have some power over him and Selphie. They're the youngest out of my friends. Wakka- he's a year older than me- looks out for us. Kinda like a dad or an older brother. We live on Destiny Island, which is pretty inhabited. Population: over 5,000 or so. We're popular for our scenery and ocean views. Not only that, we have several bands, singers, artists, lots of mechanical and computer smarts that have come from here. Four people whom I've met that have moved here are really nice. They're Cloud Strife, Yuffie Kisaragi, Leon Lionheart, and Aerith Gainsborough. Call me crazy, but I think Aerith and Cloud have something going on.


"C'mon, you lazy bum!," cried out Kairi's voice. I followed, grinning. No sooner had I stepped out of the door, I rammed into someone's back. "Ouch!!!" Apparently, I smacked my forehead into something hard. I looked up to see a pair of brilliant sea-green eyes that peered down at me through silvery bangs. The eyes were covered in something like kohl or eyeshadow of black that made the eyes stand out more. I stood back and quickly apologized the second time again this morning to someone. "Sorry for running into you! Wasn't watching were I was going," I laughed some, scratching the back of my head. "You already apologized once. Don't have to do it again," rumbled the boy, a twinkle appearing in his eyes. I blinked and looked at the face. It was awfully pale, like porcelain, but beautifully chiseled with pearly pink lips, high cheekbones, and a strong jaw line. I have to admit, I was quite taken by this- whoa, was he punk?!! Clad in a tight, black T-shirt, baggy pants with pockets and chains, and black and white All-Stars. Bands of studs and black fingernails adorned his wrists and hands. He had a sturdy body, muscles poking out from the T-shirt sleeves.

"Name's Riku. What's yours?"


"Sora, huh? Well, I'll be seeing you," he murmured, and walked off, chains clinking in the distance from his pants. I stared after him, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. Who WAS he? I was fascinated now, and I wanted to know more. I shook myself from my reverie and dashed to 1st period.

Well, I DIDN'T see him all day. Kinda pissed me off too... 'Whoa there, Sora!!! You like girls- not guys. Didn't we discuss this in our early years?,' my mind screamed. I immediately shut if off. It was 4:00 and I was sitting in the art room at my easel, sketching a picture of a bird in flight against some clouds. It was for a special competition and so, my teacher selected me and a few others to turn in some work. One of my hidden talents was drawing, so I said yes to the challenge. I never, EVER back down from a challenge. Golden rays of late sunlight filled the room, making me rather drowsy. Anything connected to warmth, I almost instantly fall asleep. Shaking my head, I pressed on, biting down on my bottom lip. I was almost finished when I heard the door open with a creak. "Sorry... didn't know someone was in here," came a voice. I recognized it and lifted my head. It was that Riku guy. He stood there with a large sketchbook, his tall frame hiding in the doorway. "Nah, I'm almost done. You can use the room if ya want," I offered, pointing to one of the empty seats.

Riku shrugged and walked in, his All-Stars contrasting against the white floor. Everything he wore was black except for the silver chains he wore on his pants. He had a necklace with a crown attached to it, hanging from his neck. It was kind of odd-looking... and familiar. I silently watched the boy as he set up his sketchbook.

So quiet,

"Can I ask you a question?," he asked, sea eyes on his paper as he started drawing. "What?" I heard him sigh. "Ever thought about ending your life?" I blinked, dropping my pencil. "Like suicide?!," I choked out, not believing what I was hearing. Riku nodded silently, his face sad. "Yeah... like that." I swallowed, feeling my skin flush. "I dunno. It never crossed my mind
before," I whispered, fidgeting with my hands. I heard Riku laugh to himself and I happened to catch his eye. "Really?" I nodded again, scooping down to get my forgotten pencil. As I stood back up, Riku was by me in a heartbeat. I felt my eyes widen and I took a step back. "Everyday I go on, not really caring and having feelings for anything. I was thinking about killing myself tonight in my bathroom. I had it set up and everything... razor blade, pills, anything to end my life. So perfectly planned out. But now..."

He cupped my face with a cold hand, my warmth vanishing from the touch. I gasped.

"I think I might have something to live for." I looked into those sea eyes, trying to understand what he was getting at. "Sora... pretty Sora," he whispered, leaning down, eyes closing shut. I thought my eyebrows would fly off as he held my lips with his own. He was so cold! Almost freezing. I felt my head swim and I backed up on a wall, completely immobile. I felt those icy hands travel up my arms. A wet tounge flickered over my lips, followed by nibbling of teeth, asking for entrance. I moaned at the touch, mouth opening. He plunge the tongue it, entwining it with mine. This was something different... his mouth was warm. I fed off of the heat, feeling my body come back to life. Riku parted, surprised a bit. I stared up at him through my eyelashes, the throbbing of my swollen lips telling me what had just happened. "Do you know what you've done?," he asked lowly, stroking my face lightly, studying it. I shook my head slowly, caught within a daze. "You're saving me."

Those words echoed in my head as he left, the feel of ice leaving my body. I slumped down on the floor, confused. "What just happened?," I heard myself ask. Everything was messed up. He wasn't supposed to like me. I LIKE GIRLS! I hugged myself then, wanting to cry, scream, or do both. I can't fall for him, I can't fall for him, I can't fall for him...

I can't fall for him...
Make it stop.

Weeeell, do we like, love, or hate? Warning; if hate and flame me, I'll just end up writing a rant like our Lord and Master Foamy and wishing that everyone would just get their pathetic lives over by killing themselves in a selective manner. But I love my readers, so review NICELY or squirrly wrath will fall upon you humans! JOIN THE FOAMY CARD CULT at Thank you, Sora and Riku fans!
- Echan2 ^_~