Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Immortal
A KH fan-fic
Chapter Two
By: Echan2
Warning: deep emotions and some "fun" on the beach... WE'RE GETTING THERE TO THE YAOI!
Disclaimers: Kingdom Hearts doesn't belong to me, never shall, never will, but it's nice to think that someday we'll get to meet Tetsuya Nomura. Kami-sama bless him, that man will never CEASE to amaze me. A friggin' genius he is. But anywho, SoraXRiku- forget all of ya that think SoraXKairi or RikuXKairi should be together. SHE FITS NO WHERE EXCEPT FOR
HUMOR RELIEF- but either or she won't get them because they like each other. Can you people NOT see that?!?!!! My Kingdom Hearts yaoi-people can back me up. *sticks out tounge* Review nicely. :):):)

"These wounds won't seem to heal,
This pain is just to real.
There's just too much that time can not erase." --- Evanescence

I can recall going home, but it felt like slow motion. Nothing seemed the same anymore- sluggish and almost bland. Riku's flavor was still on my lips and in my mouth. My fingers kept touch the sensitive skin, my face growing hot. I could feel myself turn into my walkway, going towards the door. I let myself in and saw my mother standing in the living room, chatting away
with one of her friend's on the phone. She's a fashion designer and down-to-earth. My father was in the kitchen, working on supper. He's a doctor, neurosurgeon and a damn good one, and somehow he manages to spend time with us even though he's really busy a lot. I get my hair and skin color from him, but I have my mom's eyes and smile from her. Many people say that I acquired really good looks, but I don't think so.

"Sora, honey! Welcome home!," my mom cried, eyes lightening. "I got to go, Miaka... yeah, I'll talk to you tomorrow. See ya." She hung up and skidded to me, hugging me tightly. "My super guy's home," she whispered in my hair, smiling. I grinned a goofy smile back. "Yup."

"Now, Keiko, let him have some breathing room," teased my dad, smiling at us, putting on his glasses. I punched his arm and stuck out my tongue. "Let me enjoy my babying time, Haro," whined my mom, playfully pouting. Another thing, Kairi says I pout like my mom. Always did since I was 5 years old. My dad's a sucker for it. "Fine. But if he needs a shrink, I know who to blame," he sighed, walking back in the kitchen. "Love you too, Dad!," I exclaimed, grinning more. He smiled back. "I know. I'm a sarcastic bastard, aren't I?"

Well, that's my family for you. They're really great. I walked upstairs, dragging my bookbag, thoughts settling back on Riku. Why did he do that? And why me? I never had a thing for guys. I opened up my bedroom door, relishing at the sound of the ocean and seagulls crying through my window. I sat my stuff down and sat on the window seat, cradling my head in my hands.
The late sunlight was dimming and the sky was blood red, the twinkling of the sea a pale yellow. A salty breeze passed my way, causing my eyes to close shut.

Suddenly, I heard faint singing reach my ears. It was really wonderful. I opened my eyes and saw a lone figure walking along the sidewalk, in his or her own little world. I strained forward, trying to hear the voice.

"I searched in my heart
The amaranth too far.
Labyrinths cross my path
and I can't reach you.
October skies are all that I see-
In the void..."

It wasn't a song I had heard before. This person could sing! I pondered over this, wondering if I should follow this person. I was intrigued. So, I stole downstairs and made sure no one saw me. Closing the door softly, I raced after the person, wanting to hear more. Trying to be stealthily and quiet, I found the stranger sitting on the beach, still singing. I jumped over little dunes and hid myself from view. The sweet, yet sad melody kept me enchanted.

" I could feel the darkness
taking over.
I couldn't hear your voice-
So unreal,
So unnatural.
I wanted the key.
No one would let me through
The walls building up around me...

almost surreal,
No one to help me from this dead space.
The throes of life
too bearing.
Give me the key to you."

I felt myself draw in a breath, the richness of the voice overwhelming. 'Wow... he's good. It's definitely a guy. If only I could see him better...' I craned my neck to see, but the stranger stood up, after finishing his song. I then felt a gasp catch in my throat. Riku!!! It was Riku that was singing. His face was expressionless, sea-green eyes dark and distant. He was still wearing his school clothes, hands in his pockets. He looked almost majestic, mighty, just standing there. But...

I could tell he was lonely.

I then felt bad. Maybe I should pop up and say hi...

" I know you're over there, Sora."

I yelped and fell over, sand flying everywhere. I could hear his cold chuckle and I grew furious. "Stop laughing at me," I pouted, walking cautiously towards him. The boy looked at me and faintly, revealing white teeth. "So, what did you think about the song?," he asked, turning back to his staring. I nodded. "It was really good. You in a band or something?" Riku snorted.
"Please. I only sing for myself. No one else will listen..." I kicked some sand, feeling embarrassed. "Well... um, I did," I whispered, my eyes on my shoes. "But would you again?" I felt my head snap up. "Of course I would! You have an amazing voice!," I cried, arms flapping everywhere. Riku only looked bemused. "Really. That's good to know. I have one faithful fan out there." I laughed some and pushed my hands in my pockets.

"Why are you out here by yourself?," I spoke up, trying to break the silence that had now stretched between us. "It helps me think... and also to get away from my house," Riku replied, looking rather disgusted. I blinked. "Why... if you don't mind me asking?" Riku took a deep breath and closed his smoky-covered eyes. "No one understands me in that house. I mean, in
your standards, they're normal and I'm not. I'm the one that likes the spooky stuff, dark colors, guitars, and anything that deals with heavy metal. The singers that sing that are the true prisoners, like me. They can't get out, even though it may seem that way on the outside... that's why I keep to myself. If I get close to anyone, I might hurt not only myself, but them. I- I don't much of a heart," he finished, in softest of tones.

I stared at him in wonder and sadness. "So that's why you were singing that song." Riku nodded, shifting on one foot to the other. I bit my bottom lip and slowly reached out for him, touching his shoulder. I felt him tense up slightly. "I'm sorry. I could try... to get to know you... and maybe, then, you won't be alone anymore... we both won't be." Riku lifted his silvery head and slowly looked at me, eyebrow raised. "Remember what I told you in the art room?," he asked, tone solid. I nodded. "You are saving me, even though you don't know it. It's your presence, I guess... it reminds me of the sun. We barely know each other, and already you're
the hero," Riku smirked, turning to face me.

I laughed some, shrugging. "That's what most people do. Get to know one another. Then, a friendship is born." Riku parted his lips, and spoke. "Friendship." It sounded almost foreign coming from his mouth. I nodded, smiling. "Yeah." Riku pondered this, and agreed silently. "Sure."

Then, something happened. He leaned forward, inclining his head to mine and gave me a placid kiss, chaste, but almost lingering. He was waiting for me to do something... So, forcing all of my will, I kissed back, eyes closing. Riku made a noise in the back of throat, like that of a purr, and brought me closer, feeling the hard front of his body. He tilted my head back slightly and ravished my mouth, seeking its moist comfort. Hands started wandering- both of ours. His were fast and desperate. Mine were slow and studious. I had a sudden urge to know every plane and inch of his chest. Riku placed a hand into of my pants, cupping the bulge that had formed there. I gasped, breaking the kiss, feeling my knees buckle. "Someone's happy about this," he whispered, smiling leisurely at me. I groaned some as he pressed further. He lightly pushed me back to the sand, settling in between my legs. I could feel the coldness of his body press into me, warming to my feverish skin. "We can do this two ways, Sora. You can be my friend, or you can be 'with' me..." I swallowed hard, shaking. I didn't THINK about that! I stared up at those eyes and they stared right back.

"If you need time, ask Sora. I won't rush you," Riku said quietly, touching my face. I nodded, almost robotic-like. He stood, helping me up, wiping of the sand off of both of us. "I'm sorry if I caused you to freak out," he mumbled. I shook my head and stopped his actions. "Don't worry about it."

He lifted his head and saw that I wasn't upset or angry. "But I am confused right now... so my answer won't come soon," I told him. Riku nodded, the light catching his hair. "See you tomorrow, then?"


And we parted, but I felt alone, empty, and not whole. Something was missing. But I quickly dismissed the feelings. I don't like him. A friend- only. I don't like him. I don't like. Don't make me like him.

Don't make me like him...
Make it stop.

Two chapters in one friggin' night. WHOO-HOO!!! I rock!!! Well, not really because most writers write more in a night, so I better just shut-up. *inserts foot in mouth* Review nicely and yes, I know, Riku's acting REALLY strange. Hey, stick around and you'll find out.
- Echan2 ^_~