Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Immortal
A KH fan-fic
Chapter Three
By: Echan2
Warning: um... *looks around nervously* Don't hate me for doing this... read on later.
Disclaimers: Kingdom Hearts belongs to the El Sexy Nomura-sama and I get stuck writing out copyrighted papers trying to OWN the game and characters... no, not really. :) One can dream. Okay, yaoi is in here. Those who don't like it- leave or forever be scarred by the almighty fanfic!!! Stay, my dearly beloved readers that enjoy a good SoraXRiku fanfic! Yes, I am insane tonight so leave me with my Foamy, Lord and Master off squirrley wrath! Ja! Remember, this is an AU fic. Forgot to mention. My bad!!!

"When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears,
When you screamed I'd fight away all of your fears,
I held your hand through all of these years.
You still have all of me." --- Evanescence

"Yoo-who... anyone home?"

I blinked rapidly, seeing a hand flash in front of my face. I was back at school, staring into nothingness. Well, I was looking out the window with my head down on my desk. Kairi was standing beside, a concern look on her face. "You've been ignoring me for five minutes. What's wrong?," she asked, kneeling in front of my desk. I sighed deeply, shaking my head. "It's nothing... I'm just... worried about my art competition."

'That was a flat-out lie, Sora. What a way to start!,' nagged my mind.

"You'll be fine! You've won countless of times before in past. So, why worry now?," Kairi complied, standing up and smiling. I stared at her through my bangs and gave a weak smile. "I guess you're right."

'Oooo, they are SO piling up now!,' smirked my mind.

'Back off!'

While all the while Kairi started talking about her friend's problems, my thoughts kept traveling back to Riku. He had done something to me and I wanted to know what. Last night I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about him. Why does he like me so much? Better yet, why is he saying that I'm SAVING him? I thought that's what God or counselors do. But he was opening
something inside of me. I think I was beginning to question myself. Why did I give in so willingly to that kiss last night? Why didn't I push him away or run off?

'Because you felt sorry for him.'

'I did?'

'No, shit, Sherlock. If I were you, I'd be friend's with him- for now anyway.'

I hate arguing with myself.

The picture I was drawing was complete. The bird looked really life-like, every detail perfect. I showed the teacher, Mr. Ansem, and he smiled slowly, looking over everything I did. "This is wonderful, Sora. But, I want you to do something else for me later on today, if that's all right?," he questioned, his eyes on me(A/N: no pun intended ^_^). I nodded, grinning. "Sure! Just let me call my mom at work to tell her I'll be coming home late," I stated and went to the back of the room where the phone was. I dialed the number, hearing the ring echo in my mind. "This is Divine Fashion Bureau, how may I help you?," answered a cool tone. "May I speak to my mom, Quistis?," I asked. "Sure thing, hon. Oh, wait... she's in a meeting today, remember?" I smacked myself. "Right. Well, when they get finished, can you tell her I'm going to stay at school a little while longer for art?"

"Will do, sugar. Have fun, Sora."

"Bye, Ms. Trepe."

The tone went off and I hung up. Oh, well. As long as Riku isn't stalking me, everything should be okay. I nodded to the teacher and he smiled back, revealing pearly teeth. Wow... I shrugged and started to work on a portrait on the new girl, Rinoa Heartilly. She was awfully pretty with raven hair that reached the middle of her back and sweet hazel eyes. Her smile was coy and shy, but man, could she talk! I like her laugh most of all. I could tell she was a good person. Blue must've been her color because she wore a lot of it. "How's it coming along, Sora?," she asked from the stool, swinging her legs. "Fine. Can you push back her hair on the left side? Thanks..." I concentrated hard, eyes flickering back over to Rinoa and back to the canvas. It lasted a good 45 minutes until the bell rang for us to go home. "I can finish this tonight, Rin," I said, placing down my pencil. "Okay. Thanks again, Sora," she thanked, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I blushed some and grinned. "No problem! Anything you want me to draw, I'll make it!" She giggled in a bell-like tone and left, meeting up with Tidus and Selphie. I had seen Rinoa in town not too long ago, holding hands with Leon as they were shopping. Rinny was about 17, in the 11th grade, and Leon was roughly in his early 20's. Man!!! I shook my head and stretched, feeling my back pop and my muscles relax. Strenuous as it may be, but art is work. I stood up and realized everyone was gone, leaving me in a golden-lit room. Then, the door opened. "Ah, you're here still," came Mr. Ansem's voice. He was a BIG man. I mean, not like fat or anything, but he had some muscles. He had light violet hair that floated along his shoulders and the most peculiar hazel-orange eyes I had ever seen. Plus, he was extremely dark, like caramel or brown sugar. He was wearing a white blouse and black slacks that lengthened his already long legs, and shinny, patent, black shoes.

I looked up at him. "What do you want me to do?," I asked, eagerly awaiting what project he wanted me to do. Remember, I love a challenge! "See that figure of Venus over there in the corner?," he stated, pointing to the difficult statue. I gulped, eyes widening. "Um... yeah?" "I want you to draw that for competition as well." I gaped at him, feeling my face grow white. "I
can't do that!!! That's like, what, a level 5 college drawing?!," I yelped. I heard my teacher chuckle lowly. "You have potential. You can do it." I then felt him step up behind me, his heat pulsing against my back. I felt large hands on my shoulders, kneading them. I then tensed up. "What are you-"

He whirled me around, face darkened with something. I didn't like the aura around him one bit, and I started fidgeting. "Um, sir, please..." I could feel one hand upon the side of my face and I immediately jumped up. "That's enough!," I shouted, feeling sick and grossed out now. My teacher narrowed those spooky eyes of his and grabbed me, whirling me around, my back smacking to his large chest. He had clamped a hand over my mouth while his spare started wondering over my body. I felt a raw shudder travel up my spine and I felt my eyes roll to the back of my head. My own teacher...

"Good, Sora... give in to me."

He grasped the front of my pants, causing me to jerk, flailing over the place. My arms started twitching and my stomach was churning, all the while my heart racing. He continued to rub me harshly, causing tears to spill. Why did it hurt?

"Ow... ouch!," I heard myself mumble through the hands. Ansem leaned in my ear, breath tickling it. "It's gets better, my little artist," he rumbled, sucking on my ear. He started grinding behind me, the proof of his hardness poking me in the back. Won't somebody come and save me? Anyone...?! Darkness swirled in front of me, clashing with my tears. My throat was sore
and my skin burned. Someone... please?

"Anyone in here--- oh, my God...!"

I slumped to the floor, Ansem releasing me to the cool, hard surface. What happened I can't remember, but I saw a flash of silver and I knew it was him.

Riku came to save me.

" Will he be okay?"

"Tell us something, please, ?!!"


I heard a gentle whisper of a sigh, like angel wings brushing against wind, through my darkness. I struggled to see who was wiping a cool washcloth on my face. I opened my eyes to see bright, emerald eyes that swam in blue with gold flecks. The scent of wild flowers engulfed me. I knew now who it was. And the moment when it hit me, I felt myself cry, hot tears streaming down my face. Light arms embraced me, a reassuring feeling about them. "Cry as much as you want to, Sora," came a heavenly voice, so gentle and soft, like crystal or rain. I held on to the person, feeling my shoulders quake with each sob. It was Aerith. She lifted her head to Kairi, Tidus, and Selphie. "Please go on home. I shall take care of him. Cloud-" I heard shuffling and someone with bright blonde hair taking my friends out of them room. Aerith sat me up, wiping my tears away. "Now, Sora... do you want to talk about it?," she asked quietly, a solemn gaze on me. I lifted my head to her. "I... dunno." I felt a warm hand in my hair, straightening it. "Well, if you don't wish to tell me... then, maybe him?," she offered, standing up. I looked at her funny as she turned away, revealing-


He was staring at me with no emotion, his eyes dull and lifeless. He had his hands shoved deep in his pockets and standing straight and tall. "I'll leave you two alone." With that, the Healer left us, the door clicking shut. I felt my gaze lower to the bed sheets, where my hands clutched at them for dear life. What to say and do... I felt the sting in my eyes again until I felt him near me. "Look at me, Sora." His voice was low, powerful. I felt my head move up, mechanically. In a pounce, he hugged me close, burying his head in the crook of my neck. "I'm sorry," he whispered harshly, holding my closer. I felt my heart leap and my pulse run. "Why are you apologizing?," I asked, confused. He drew away from me, frowning. "I failed to protect you."

... maybe I shouldn't have put Ansem in there. All in all, I thought it was good. PLEASE review nicely! Remember, I will vanquish ALL flames! Love ya'll!
- Echan2 ^_~