Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Chapter 4

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Immortal
A KH fan-fic
Chapter Four
By: Echan2
Warning: just kisses... nice kisses- :):):):) and language
Disclaimers: Kingdom Hearts belongs to SquareEnix- personally, I loved SquareSoft better- and Disney Interactive. Let's not forget Nomura-sama. :):):) I could rape him in a heartbeat... *blinks and blushes* Wasn't suppossed to say that. SORA AND RIKU SHALL REIGN ON! **Also, to reader and reviwer Bleeding Heart Goddess, now that you mention it, maybe there should've been more people on the beach due to population- MY BAD!- but if you think about it, Riku wouldn't have pounced on Sora like that in public. @__@ I dunno now: I just confused myself now. Thanks for the mistake anyway!!!**

"You used to captivate me by your resonating light,
Now I'm bound by the life you left behind.
Your face it haunts my own once pleasant dreams.
Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me." --- Evanescence

"Failed to protect me? What do you mean?"

Riku let his head drop, pulling away from me. "I should've been in there to watch after you. Ansem has been watching you. I see it everyday. And trust me, you're not the only one he gets. The reason Irvine Kinneas moved was because of him, including Garnet Alexandros, and Kuja. I've been keeping contact with them ever since I saw him stalking after you," he whispered some. I blinked rapidly, trying to understand better. "Riku...," I murmured, lifting a hand. I touched his shoulders briefly, feeling him tense under my fingertips. "No. Don't touch me. I'm nothing," I heard him hiss. He stood up from the bed, his hair hiding his face from me. "Riku, please- I don't want to stop being your friend," I pleaded, feeling the urge to leap up and bring his warm body against mine again. "Heh... just a friend? Well, I guess a friend is better than nothing," Riku muttered, lifting his eyes to me, smiling sadly. I knew it, deep in my heart, he wanted more, but I wasn't ready. I wasn't even sure if I liked him in THAT way. Sighing, I leaned back my pillows, feeling the soft texture underneath my head.

"Let me continue to protect you."

I turned my face towards Riku, his fists clenched and face set. I was surprised. Someone wanted to desprately keep me away from the bad guys. No one really ever did that for me... My eyes widened as he came to the bed and kneeled, taking my face in his large hands. They were still cold, making me shiver slightly. "I'm sorry, Sora. Let me be near you," he asked huskily, leaning towards me. I felt those lips on me in a flash, tantilizing and frigid. The more he nibbled, licked, and swiped, the more I wanted of HIM! I groaned, feeling hot and wired. Riku pulled away a bit, a large Cheshire cat grin upon his alabaster face. "Someone's feeling a bit happy. Did I do it?" I nodded, feeling very vunerable and little, my bottom lip poking out slightly. Again, the hands came to my face, cupping it. "You won't have to worry about him. I'll make sure of it," he hissed, eyes narrowing. I swallowed, not believing what I had heard. Someone was willing to make sure I was okay. I nodded slowly. Riku smiled softly and sighed. "Thanks." He gave me another chaste kiss and left in a blur, leaving me in my state.

"Well, DAMN!"

By the time I was ready to leave, Aerith pulled me to the side. Her curious green eyes stared at me, sparkling. "I see you have an admirer." I yelped and slapped a hnad over my mouth. She giggled and put a hand on my shoulder. "If so, that's okay! I want you to be careful on your way home. Give these to your mother for me. She's been wanting some." Aerith gave me a basket filled with bright, yellow daffodils and daises. "Be sweet, Sora. Stay with your friend. He cares about you a lot," the woman whispered, her smile diminshing a bit. I nodded and gave her a large hug. "Thanks for taking care of me," I muttered in her jacket. I heard her laugh again and stroke my hair. "You're very much welcomed." I left the house and saw that the sun was setting quickly, dark thunderheads piling up in the background. "Great," I sighed, exasperated and began to stomp home, mad at the weather and at myself. I felt a cold drop on the top of my head, a growl emitting from my throat. "Shit."

Then, the wind began to pick up, tossing petals in the wind. "Fuck."

More rain began to fall. "Dammit."

Thunder and lightning began to dance and tumble in the clouds. "Hell's bells."

Not to mention that because of the rain, the water blinded my vision, so I wasn't watching where I was going. I bumped into something, causing for me to fall in a big-ass puddle. "DAMMIT ALL TO HELL!," I howled and kicked Aerith's basket. "No need for language," came an amused voice. I felt heave a great sigh and my mouth open. "I REALLY don't care right now, okay?!!" Silence... then: "Sorry, Sora. You know, you really need to stop bumping into me." I lifted up my head fastily, eyes wide. It was Riku, holding an black umbrella above us, smiling some. I grinned back nervously and saw his hand was outstretched. I took it. We started walking, both of us quiet, and before I knew it, we were in front of my house. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow I suppose," Riku muttered, sea eyes on my home. I nodded some, feeling droplets fall around my shoulders. I walked up to the steps, feeling his gaze on me. I shivered, almost relishing it. Curious, I looked over my shoulder, seeing him standing out there in the rain, an umbrella his only company.

"Bye," I mouthed and walked in, not looking back.

We saw at the dinner table, Mom chatting away about and Dad every once and awhile saying something about an operation. I was silent, chewing on the inside of my mouth. I has yet to tell them what happened. I pushed back and forth my okonomiyaki and sighed inwardly, eyes cast upon the tabletop. "Sora, darling, are you okay?," came Mom's voice through my daze. I think I nodded, I can't really remember. I felt her hand on my forehead, checking to see if I had a fever. "You don't seem warm... loss of appetite... you look awfully tired though, super man. Want to go to bed early tonight?," she asked, her blue eyes on me. "Please," I murmured, placing down my fork. "O-okay," she said softly, letting her hand fall. I got up from the table and walked off, hearing my mother talk to Dad, her voice urgent and anxious. I ignored it. Walking up the stairs, I could vaugely remember why I came up here in the first place. Instead of going to sleep, I took a shower instead.

Grabbing a pair of boxers and a clean shirt, I turned on the florecent light and soon, the bathroom filled with steam. I stripped and stepped in, welcoming the hot, stinging points of water upon my skin. It felt good. Sighing, I took a washcloth and brought it on my arm with soap and started to scrub vigorously. Then, the urge to scourge my whole body engulfed me. The harder I scrub, the better the feeling of Ansem's hands are off of me. I bit back my li[p so hard, I felt the tender skin break and coppery fluid burst into my mouth and some trickled off my chin, swirling with the draining water, turning it a light rose pink. I stopped washing, releasing my breath that I had been holding in, noticing my red, raw skin. I slumped to the bottom of my shower floor and hugged myself, the verge of tears falling. 'Mommy...,' I wailed, feeling like when I six years old.
~~~ flashback ~~~

I was alone on a sidewalk of a very big city...

I had let go of my mother's hand to retreive the earring that had fallen from her ear...

There it is! Rolling towards the park, slowly. I followed it as fast as my short, stubby legs would let me. I faintly heard her voice, and then it vanish completely. I picked up the pearl earring and found myself on the sidewalk, people pushing past to get to where they needed to. No one noticed the child that was by himself...

I felt scared and I wanted my mother...

all because of an earring...

~~~ end of flashback ~~~

I was crying now, like a wounded pup, clawing the wall of my shower, wanting for the bad images to escape my mind. I was almost to the point of screaming inhumanely when I heard the door open. I saw a shadowy figure through the frosted glass door and I heard a voice, worried and deep. "Sora?!" I saw the door open and a draft of cold air hit me, causing goosebumps to crawl on my skin. Two arms lifted me up from the floor, strong and gentle. I let my eyes close and allowed the person to cover me with a towel, rubbing me dry. "Stay with me, Sora. C'mon, please. Don't let me loose you now." Why did the voice sound so familiar? Sleepily, my eyes opened and was swimming in sea green. "Riku," I whispered hoarsely. "It's me. Be quiet now. I'm staying with you tonight, no if's and's or but's. You're mom won't care anyway. She knows I'm up here. I heard you crying and came in. Sorry if I scared you, though," he apologized. I shook my head, waking up. "That's all right." I drew in a shuddering breath and leaned my head against his chest, welcoming the beat of his heartbeat.


"I want to sleep."

"... okay."

The hands of cold dressed me in my nightclothes and put me in my bed, pulling the covers to my chin and securing them around me. I could feel him near me, watching over me like a parent. I looked at me blearly, opening my mouth. "Stay with me?" Riku's eyes stared at me, nodding slowly. "Sure." I sighed again and felt sleep tugging at my heart and mind, telling me that I needed to save my energy for something else. I felt Riku draw closer and he placed his hand over mine, caressing it a bit then drew back. "Sleep easy." Please don't let him leave, please don't let him leave, please-

let him stay...

Oi, oi, it seems short, huh? I'm in SUCH a Gundam Wing mood right now. :):):):) My Hee-chan is so kawaii desu ka. I wish I had a Duo-neko and a Heero-neko. *envisions a great possibility of fan-fic* Hee-chan would kill me... REVIEW NICELY please! I lurv ya'll!
- Echan2 ^_~