Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Immortal
A KH fan-fic
Chapter Five
By: Echan2
Warning: ... lotsa male hormones and touchy touchy stuff most definately Yaoi- :)
Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts are sworn property of SquareEnix and Tetsuya Nomura, let's not forget Disney Interactive, though Disney just lost their Chairman... ouch!!! This is a YAOI story, so for those that don't appreciate it, STAY AWAY! Those who worship it, WELCOME! Pop a squat next to the computer and let's read!
** Note to readers: Go and buy "School of Rock". Very cool movie- it will blow you away. There is true rock in that movie, thanks to the mighty Led Zeppelin and other contributing rock stars. Also, sorry for the delay- my muse is being VERY picky about this scene. Plus, my school's getting its juniors ready- I'm one- for the Graduation High School Test. BLAG!**

"These wounds won't seem to heal,
This pain is just too real,
There's just too much that time can not erase." --- Evanescence

I was hoping that he would stay. I didn't expect him too, but he did anyway. I had woken up later, to find my room shrouded in darkness, save the one lamp that's in my room. Riku was sitting in my desk chair, head in his hands, sleeping. I blinked slowly, trying myself to see that all of this was a dream. Apparently, it's not. He looks almost angelic, sitting there with the light behind him. I could almost see an outline of a pair of wings behind him... a vision, sort of. Or maybe it was just because my sight was still blurred from sleep... I sat up and took in my surroundings. My room looked normal, but felt different. The aura had changed. My room felt fuller and not as empty as before. I took this in as a sweet blanket of security and took a deep breath. I pushed back my blankets and tried to get out of the bed without waking up Riku from his slumber. I feel shaky still but I make my way to the stairs. Carefully, I make my way down and into the kitchen, were the plug-in light bathes the room in a soft, caramel light. I rummaged through the fridge, looking for food, or something edible. Aha! Found something... it looks like lasanga... or maybe meatloaf?

I shook my head and looked for something else. Pasta? Nah. I saw some curry and left-over rice balls. Choosing those items, I placed them in the microwave and waited for them to heat up. I was glad that Riku decided to stay... "Riku." His name feels funny to say, but it makes me feel better inside. I wrapped my arms around myself, hugging tightly. I miss him, though he's only upstairs... not that far from me.


I looked at the microwave and saw my food was ready. I ate as much as I could and put my stuff away in the sink. I walked up the stairs to my room and found Riku gone. Wait, gone?!?!! I rushed into the room and found no trace WHATSOEVER of his departure. "Riku... Riku... where'd ya go? Riku... Riku!!!" I started hyperventilating, gasping for breath, clutching at my chest. I know my heart was racing a mile a minute. But I was scared- Riku wasn't here!!! I slumped on the floor, near my bed, gasping harshly. Suddenly, I was jerked out of my reverie, being hold by someone who was wet. "Sora!!! Why are you out of bed?!!" I lifted my head to see Riku with wet hair, soaked and plastered to his head, giving him the appearance of a sleek, silver wet seal. I began to calm down, holding onto his arms. He lifted me up in his arms, holding me close. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that," he whispered lowly, placing me on the bed. I sprawled out, arms above me and knees bent. I focused on my ceiling, trying to collect myself. "It's okay. I shouldn't have gone downstairs to get something to eat. MY and my damn stomach," I pouted. I heard Riku chuckle lowly. I eyeballed him to myself, relishing the fact that all he wearing was nothing but a towel. Droplets of water still clung to his alabaster skin, eyes bright, no make-up on his beautiful face. "It's not your fault. If you were hungry, then it's all right," Riku smiled, playing with my hair.

I bit my lip and felt my lower regions stir, waking up. I closed my eyes and willed it to go away. 'Damn hormones...' I heard Riku move away from the bed, heading towards the bathroom door. I didn't want him to leave again. Something came over me, an unexacting feeling of lust and the fact that he was turning me on just by the very sight of him. He was a natural beauty. "Riku," I gasped, huskily, eyes opening halfway. I saw him stop and slowly turn around, face set. I sat up some, trying to get in a position that would MAKE him stay with me. My shirt was riding up, revealing my stomach to him, my boxers halfway up my thigh, hair mussed up, lower lip in my mouth, biting on it. "What are you doing, Sora?," he asked, his voice rumbling. I nearly moaned, hearing that rich baritone. "Nothing," I answered back softly, staring at him. I saw his eyes narrow and swiftly he approached the bed and jerked me up by the arms.

"You're doing something. Oh, yes... you are, you mischievous-"

"What? Slut?"

I saw him stop, gaping at me through his eyes. He was shocked hearing that from me.

Good, that's what I wanted.

"Yes, Riku, I'm a mischievous little slut," I purred, head tilting back some. "And I want you... all of you," I murmured, smiling a bit. Riku looked torn between taking me right then and there or leaving me at will, innocence still at bay. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I leaned forward and placed my lips on his, licking at the edges, wanting entrance. I was shoved back, bouncing on my bed. I lifted my head fast, seeing Riku standing there, breathing hard, those aquamarine eyes pulsing with light. He grabbed my legs and pulled me to him, placing his arms around my head. "Do you have any idea what you're getting yourself into, Sora?," he hissed, eyes darkening slightly, pushing his hips against my erection, causing my groans to spill from my mouth. He was so hard... I swallowed some of my pride, and looked at him straight dead in the eye.


I knew right then and there I was going to be at his mercy... and there was no going back. I realized that without Riku, I'm nothing. And he's alone and angry at the world without me. We both need each other, like life needs air. I could possibly make his coldness melt away... maybe.

I felt a powerful, crushing of lips on my own, nibbling sharply at my lips. I gasped at the sudden action and opened up, allowing his brutal tounge to cut through and entwine with my own. I could feel my hands lift up and wrap around his neck, pulling him down more on top of my body. The proof of these teasing ministrations was poking me in the thigh, so I lifted up my leg slightly, rubbing it. Riku broke the kiss, shuddering a hiss. He glared at me a bit and grinned wolfishly. "Frisky?" I smiled back. "Maybe..." Riku picked me up and reached over, turning off the light, so that only the moon was our only source of light. He was so breath-taking... I raised a hand and touched his marble cheek, feeling the cold seep into my palm. Riku leaned into my hand, eyes lightly grazing my face. I took my hand away and slowly, almost uncertain, I lifted up my shirt and dropped it on the floor, knowing good well I was blushing hard. I stepped out of my boxers and kicked them off to the side and stood there, feeling his stare at me. I hugged myself and looked down at the carpet.

He took my chin in his hand so we would look at each other. He was smiling purely now, eyes gentle. "You're exquisite. A perfection," Riku murmured and embraced me tightly. I leaned into the hug and held him too, feeling the hardness of his muscled body against mine. This was all too real...

I loved it.
regular POV

The two boys stood there for a couple of minutes and Riku parted, staring down at Sora, noticing his huey blush. He laughed lowly in his throat, brushing his fingertips lightly over the cheeks. "So cute... I never intended to take you like this, Sora," he said quietly, focusing his gaze on the wild-haired teen. Sora shook his head. "I want you to. I've waited for awhile. Ever since I met you. Please, Riku- don't push me away," he whimpered, eyes growing glassy. Riku leaned down and kissed Sora on the lips, ghosting them lightly, making sighs come from Sora. Hands soon founds themselves all over Sora's body, feeling the lines and fine muscles the boy had gotten in his teenage years. He arched against Riku's traveling hands, shivering. They curved along the hollow spine of his back and caressed the soft, baby-like skin lightly in feathery touches. The kiss deepened into something sweet and Sora felt himself being led to the bed. When the backs of his legs hit it, he sat down and broke the kiss, panting slightly, sapphire eyes glassy.

"Are you sure, Sora?," Riku asked, serious. The boy nodded, clutching at Riku's arms. "Please...? Take me," Sora whispered lowly, feeling his face flush. The silver-haired youth smiled some and pushed Sora back gently, straddling his hips. Sora felt the heat of his arousal and the brushes of flesh on flesh. It felt intoxicating and so very wrong, but he didn't care. Riku stared at the crook of the neck and slowly nibbled his way across to Sora's collarbones, making the boy squirm slightly. Riku took his hands and started playing with his nipples, lightly teasing them, causing Sora to jerk. "Riku!!," he gasped, mouth slack. He heard a rumbling chuckle and soon, a lazy tounge was making its way towards a nub, sucking it finely, making Sora arch his back, feeling the fine line of fire from within reach from his brain to the tips of his toes. Riku took it between his teeth and began worrying it, rubbing its twin and feeling it come to life. Soon, the wild-haired boy underneath him was a writhing mess, crying out incoherent words and moans to the point of crying. The touches on his over-sensitive chest were driving Sora up the wall.

Riku placed kisses down the abdomen, tickling Sora some in the ribs after feasting upon the bronze chest. Hands placed themselves upon the thin hips and started rubbing circles on his bone with his cold thumbs. He was trying to distract Sora as he went downward, kissing his navel and dipping his tounge within the hole, causing a tremble to course through Sora's body.
Riku slid down to Sora's thighs and rested his head at the junction of his legs to his hips, licking, nipping, and sucking. Gritting his teeth, Sora persistently willed himself NOT to touch himself. It didn't last long, as he felt the silver-haired boy shift and take his member in his mouth, licking along the underside of his shaft. Moaning, Sora tried to spread his legs to the welcoming invasion, but Riku's hands constricted the movement. He started lapping at the tip of his erection, coaxing out precum and making the boy grab fistfuls of sheets, bucking up his hips with a soft wail. Then, stars danced before his eyes as Riku engulfed his head, sucking on it fiercely as he pumped the rest of the throbbing shaft with his free hand. Sora brought a knuckle to his mouth and bit on it, muffling another wail as Riku moved to take more of his member in his hot mouth. Suddenly, Sora felt his eyes widen largely, sweat falling from his bangs.

Arching his smooth back, Sora let out the built-up cry in his lungs as he came in Riku's mouth, some milky fluid slipping and falling onto the mattress like glittering pearl drops in the moonlight that came from the small, opened window. He flopped back to Earth, breathing in deep, gulps of air and allowed the sweat to cool off from his body. He was shaking now, feeling utterly relaxed and almost at peace. Leaning down on Sora, Riku started to kiss on him everywhere, while fumbling with a cool bottle that rubbed against his inner thigh. " What are you doing?," Sora asked, lifting his head wearily to see what the young man was doing. In his response, a finger entered into his entrance with lotion over it, causing Sora to stiffen and then shudder again, falling back onto his pillow. Arching his back into the sensual feeling that his ivory love was giving him, Sora started to buck his hips, causing Riku's finger to push against his prostate lightly. With that, with a feral grin, Riku yanked on Sora's cock hard, making him yelp. He continued to pump his cold hand over the now hardening member whilst putting another finger in the boy's entrance, scissoring through the muscle and brushing his fingers over and over the sweet spot once more, making Sora cry out. "Goddamnit!," he groaned and started to writhe, making Riku grin more. "All right then..." He positioned himself to were he was now underneath and Sora straddled upon his sweating hips, who trembled and stared down at the silver boy with glassy eyes. "What now...?," he asked hoarsely.

He then received his answer when a piercing stab into his lower regions made the boy jump up and then curl downward, gasping for air. Riku penetrated his entrance with his member before Sora could realize what would happen during this ordeal. "Aahh... gods... shit!," he breathed, curling his fingers over Riku's chest. "Take it in slowly, kitten... get comfortable...," growled Riku in his chest, lust shinning in his smoldering ocean eyes. Sora drew in a deep breath and started to garayte on the marble hips, feeling Riku's manhood, inch by inch, move inside him to the hilt, filling him completely. Getting comfortable and familiar with this new feeling, Sora started to rock and let out little pants of air and small noises that was building up in the back of his throat. Large, sweat covered hands came up behind Sora and latched themselves to his waist, guiding him up and down. Riku was enjoying the sight of his now-claimed "kitten" being drenched in sweat and moonlight... made him almost ethereal and god-like with that fantasy air of purity around his oak, brown head and sharp, sapphire eyes that then looked at him, filled to the brim with love and lust. So beautiful... Bodies moved and Riku was in control, Riku crying out his name in surrender and want as he felt Riku's cock hit his pleasure spot over and over again. "Oh, gods, Riku...! More, more, please?!," he whimpered, almost crying. Riku growled deep in his throat and felt his blood pulse harder and soon, almost animal-like noises erupted from his mouth as he thrust Sora upon his aching member. "Like that, huh? My little slut kitten," Riku stated luridly, smiling some. His "kitten" could simply make a small croak and move faster, impaling himself farther upon the shaft... like being drowned in a bunch of star dust and then coming up for crystal air in a sweet, sweet dream. Sora's arm splayed above his head while Riku pulled him down and kissed him hard, entwined his tounge with the boy's in a long kiss, his hand continuing to pump his love's member. The walls inside of Sora's passage clenched and surrounded Riku and with a great outburst, Sora came again over his belly, and Riku came inside, both crying out each other's names.

"Ung- RIKU!"

"... Sora..."

Shuddering a bit, the wild-haired boy pressed down and embraced the silver-haired boy, breathing hard into his neck, trying to compose himself, kissing the neck tenderly with swollen lips. Lifting his eyes a bit tiredly, but with enthusiasm, he saw his dream actually coming true. He was with the lonely punk that had captured his heart, in all his glory, holding him in moonlight sweat and looking extremely delicious to Sora's burning gaze still after their vigorous love-making. He then felt a blanketing warmth over his body as he felt the punk's own pressing against his so... lovingly. He felt Riku kiss his shoulders and collarbone softly, as if wanting to implant this memory into Sora's mind. Tears filled his eyes and he allowed his head to lay on Riku's strong chest. 'Don't leave me... please, let it stay like this...'

He realized that Riku wasn't cold-feeling anymore...

Ai-ya! THAT took awhile. Told ya my muse is picky! I HATE it when she's like this!!! But anyway, pretty please review nicely, and ya'll get a cookie! I KNOW that this scene seems akward, especially before-hand when Sora was almost raped! But... it's sweet, too. Also, July's around the corner- ADVENT CHILDREN! Can't wait to see it...! Thanks again for reading and review!
- Echan2 ^_~