Fan Fiction ❯ My love for you. ❯ Arrival ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 1:
Tyler: Hallo everyone this is my first ever Teen Titans fic yes it is Yaoi for those of you that don't know what that means it is male x male hot action no like no read but I really don't care what mean people think but to all you people who like it I hope you enjoy it.
I do not own Teen Titans
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All of the Titans were happily lounging about in the living room of Titans Tower celebrating Starfire's 17th birthday. They were all chatting happily, Starfire was on the lap of her boyfriend, Aqualad. Raven and Beastboy were sitting close with their fingers intertwined. (AN: Yes they are a couple) Cyborg and Bumblebee were also a couple. However there was Robin who, at the moment, was single. They were all enjoying the festivities giving gifts, dancing, and party games. Then all of a sudden the doorbell went off.
“I'll see who it is.” Robin stated. `Not like I was doing anything anyway.' He thought to himself. Robin went over to the observing area and looked at the camera screen for the front door, what he saw was a human shape figure at least 6 inches shorter than himself, but he could not see the figure's face or body for it was in a black cloak. “Can I help you?” Robin said over the intercom.
“Yes I am looking for someone named Starfire. Does she live here?” The figure replied.
“Yes she does.”
“May I come in? I have a birthday gift for her.”
Robin was skeptical at first but decided it was alright, and that the person must know Starfire. “Sure I will be down to show you up to where she is.”
“Thank you very much.”
Robin headed towards the front door, when he arrived there he opened it to see the cloaked figure. “Follow me I will show you to where the birthday party is.”
“Thank you” said the figure once again.
Robin showed the shorter figure to where the festivities were and announced, “Hey Starfire this guy says he has a birthday present for you, do you know him?”
“I may perhaps recognize him if he were to remove his cloak.” Starfire said in a pleasant tone.
“Alright.” The figure stated bluntly. He threw off his cloak to reveal a male, rather slender with black hair and golden bangs (AN: Kind of like Hikaru Shindo's hair for those of you who know what that is.) he had on a tight black full body suit with a belt of silver with a golden circle in the center a golden shackle on each of his wrists and black boots similar to Robin's, he had golden eyes, and he had two dots on his forehead like Starfire's only his were gold and he had both ears pierced with gold hoops. “Well do you recognize me now?” said the boy.
“Minoru is that you?” Starfire said nearly breathless. The figure called `Minoru' nodded. “Brother!!!” Starfire yelled, flying up and tackling the one called `Minoru'.
“Sister I have missed you so.” Stated the one who was tackled, meanwhile all of the males in the room, excluding Robin, looked confused. On the other hand all of the girls, and Robin, couldn't get over how adorably cute, innocent, and utterly hot the new guy was. You see Robin Was gay but he has never told anyone for fear of rejection.
After a few minutes of hugging and hello's, Starfire turned to everyone and said, “Everyone this is my younger brother Minoru, he and I were very close when we were young but were split apart, you see they took my brother from our family to have him be trained for war. However now he is here and is free of that place.” Starfire squealed with excitement.
Minoru looked at the ground then leaned over to his sister and whispered to her, “Sister I feel uncomfortable I don't know any of these people and I um...” Minoru blushed but was cut off from finishing his sentence.
“Do not fear Minoru, these are my friends and they are all very nice don't worry.” Starfire reassured her brother.
Minoru leaned up and kissed her cheek and hugged his beloved sister, “Thank you so much Starfire.”
Aqualad was stung with outrageous jealousy, even though it was her brother he just couldn't stand to see another guy kiss his girl anywhere.
Minoru sat down and looked at his sister. “Um…sister if it is alright with you, it was a long journey here and I am very tired *yawns* do you think I could take a nap?” Minoru barley finished his sentence before he passed out.
“It must have been a really long trip to pass out like that.” said Beastboy.
All of the girls gathered around the sleeping figure lying on the couch.
“Aw he is so cute, how old is he?” Bumblebee asked Starfire.
“He is fourteen.” Starfire stated simply lifting her brother off of the couch and walking to the spare bedroom, tucking him into the bed, and going back to the party.
The afternoon continued on and everyone enjoyed themselves until everyone left so it was only the original five Titans and Starfire's still slumbering younger brother.
At around midnight Minoru woke up, got out of bed, and went out of the room to explore the tower. He wandered the halls until he came upon the living room and kitchen. Minoru examined the living room but was startled by a voice in the kitchen.
“Up so late are we?” the voice said.
“Ahh!!!” Minoru nearly screamed. “I'm sorry I just woke up and wanted to see more of the building.” He stated innocently.
“It's alright I understand I can almost never get to sleep. I am sorry I don't think we were properly introduced, I'm Robin leader of the Teen Titans.” Robin said as he walked closer to the shorter of the two and offered his hand, the other took it and said,
“P-pleased to meet y-you, I am M-Minoru.” Minoru said as he blushed. “Do you think you could tell me what you guys do? Seeing as how you and I are up why not talk.”
“Yeah sure,” Robin said taking a sip of his steaming beverage, “have a seat on the couch and I will explain it to you.” Minoru turned and walked towards the couch. Robin couldn't help but check out the dazzling figure in front of him. `Oh man he has a cute butt” Robin thought to himself, he calmed himself and sat next to the other on the couch. Robin told Minoru everything about the Titans and what they did fighting crime and whatnot. Minoru looked absolutely fascinated about the whole ordeal.
“How do you join?” Minoru asked, cocking his head to one side.
Robin laughed at the younger's antics. “Well we would have to test you on the training course to see how good you are.”
“Oh… I see. My sister told you all that I was taken at a young age to be trained for war.” Minoru said looking down.
“Yes,” Robin urged on.
“Well the thing is I wasn't trained for war I was trained to be a weapon. The reason is because I have the ability to control my star bolts as in make them whips or weapons of some kind. Also I was trained with the sword you see this crest?” Minoru held out his right wrist shackle palm facing up. What Robin saw was a little crest shaped like a sword that was imbedded into the shackle. “Well that is my sword all I have to do is snap my fingers and it becomes a sword. The people who were testing me and holding me captive made it for me.”
“That's horrible how long did they have you in that place?” Robin asked with concern and sincerity in his voice.
“I-I was t-there for…for eight years.” Minoru stuttered out and tears started rolling down his cheeks. “I-I'm sorry.” Minoru got up and went to leave but was stopped by Robin grabbing his wrist and pulling him into a warm embrace. Minoru rested he head on Robin's shoulder and cried to his hearts content. When his sobs finally quieted, and his breathing steady, Robin looked down to see the other sleeping. `I guess I better take him to the spare room,' Robin quietly took Minoru to the room and put him in the bed. Robin admired the boy's beauty and went to bed himself.
In the morning Starfire went to where her brother was sleeping and woke him. They spent the morning chatting about the years past and what they had been up to, then right before they were about to join the other Titans in the living room Minoru turned to his sister and said, “Um… Sister I don't have anywhere to go and I was wondering if I could join the Titans and stay with you?... or is that to much to ask?”
Starfire squealed when she heard this, “Not at all brother it is not to much to ask let us announce it to all of the others.” Starfire grabbed her brother and headed towards the living room, when they got there Starfire nearly yelled, “Friends, glorious news! My brother wishes to become a Titan and stay with us.”
“Really?” Beastboy said.
Raven just looked on in silence, and Cyborg said “nice we could use another pair of hands around here. Let's go out to the training field and see what you can do.”
Everyone headed down outside to where the training/ testing facility was. Robin showed Minoru where to stand and got behind the control counter. “Are you ready?” The leader of the group asked. Minoru gave a nod.
Robin pressed the button for the battle sequence to begin. When it started a few laser cannons came out of the ground and began to fire, Minoru dodged the shots with ease, he made in his right hand what appeared to be golden spikes and flicked his wrist, the cannons stopped firing and then exploded. Robin hit another button and a few battle droids that Cyborg built came out and began their assault. Minoru held out two fingers on his right hand and out came what appeared to be a whip, He moved with unbelievable speed and left the droids in ruin.
“Um…Star was your brother always this good?” Beastboy said with a bewildered look on his face.
“Oh yes, ever since we were children Minoru, though the youngest, has always been the best in combat, though he cannot fly he makes up for it in agility and acrobatics.” Starfire said with a grin on her face, while watching her brother work. All of the Titans watched in awe of course they could do this just as easily but they did not expect this from Minoru. When the obstacle part came, Minoru handled it in the same way robin would, fast and agile.
When Minoru finally crossed the finish line, Robin stopped the clock. The time was under Robin's by five seconds. “Wow that was amazing, you're pretty good,” Robin said while grinning and tossing him a communicator. “Welcome to the team.”
To be continued in the next exciting chapter.
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Tyler: thank you so much for reading if you could review that would be great and if not I would also appreciate a rating, thank you.