Fan Fiction ❯ My love for you. ❯ Feelings ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2:
Tyler: well yes I hope you are reading this because you liked the first chapter if so yay well anyway if you want the warnings see chapter one again I am way to lazy to type them out again -_-. Anyway I want to thank my friend Alex for helping me I was kind of stuck and he helped me out a lot so yay for Alex. And a different Alex I want to thank him he was my inspiration for the whole romance parts of this fic, Also thank you so much to Law916 out of all of the people who read the fanfic they were the only one to actually review so thank you very much I really appreciate reviews… I don't get paid for this y'know.
I do not own Teen Titans.
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Robin was on his way to talk to Minoru when the Alarm sounded; Robin hurried to the living room and looked at the large display screen. All of the other Titans gathered behind him. “Titan's there's a disturbance downtown, the report doesn't say who it is so let's get down there now!”
Minoru stepped up to Robin as the others were running out. “Um Robin, I can't fly like my sister how do you propose I get there?” Minoru asked looking a little uncomfortable and embarrassed.
“It's alright c'mon ride in Cyborg's car with him and I.” Robin began to run towards the garage Minoru right behind him, they quickly hopped in the car and headed for downtown Jump City. When they arrived downtown the Titans found that half of is was in flame and the other frozen over.
“Whoa what happened here?” Beastboy asked.
“I don't know but it doesn't look good,” Raven said observing her surroundings.
“Whoever did this has incredible power…but who?” Cyborg wondered aloud.
“Us,” Said two ominous voices.
“Who are you show yourselves!” Robin yelled in anger.
“As you wish,” said one of the voices, so cold it could send chills up your spine
The Titans all prepared for combat when they saw the two menaces. The first, had hair that was red orange, crimson eyes and a red gi on a very muscular build. The second had silver hair that went over one of his icy blue eyes, and a pale blue gi on a leaner build.
“I am called Scorch,” said the first with eyes of crimson.
“I am called Frost,” said the second with the chilly pale complexion.
“We are from the hive academy,” they said in unison.
“Oh not the Hive again,” Cyborg groaned in annoyance.
“Yes Titans,” Frost continued “Now prepare to be eradicated.”
The two Hive members shot one beam each at the Titans one of ice and one of fire, Raven quickly countered this with a telekinetic shield. While the other Titans scattered. Starfire attempted to blast the cold one but to no avail. Cyborg blasted the one of flame into the ground with his sonic cannon. After blocking Starfire's attack Frost froze Starfire up to her waist and her hands, making her unable to move. The one called Scorch arose from the ground furious; he melted Cyborg's arms and legs.
“Oh come on now that's not even fair.” Cyborg complained.
Scorch laughed, but he was bombarded with stone by raven. Scorch dodged them with some difficulty but did manage to get out unscathed. Scorch then blasted Raven knocking her unconscious causing her to fall out of the sky. Beastboy quickly caught her though and laid her down somewhere safe.
“Alright now you guys are dead!” Beast boy charged in blind rage at the two as a gorilla, but the one of Ice countered it too quickly. He froze beast boy in a maneuverable ice so no matter what he changed into he could not break free.
“The headmaster said these guys would be tough,” Scorch commented making a brimstone saber in his hands.
“Well let's just get rid of the other two and get out of here,” said Frost making an ice spear in his hands.
Minoru looked at Robin, it was his first battle and he was unsure of what to do. Robin gave him a look like `don't hold back.' Robin took out his staff, and then Minoru got the hint. Minoru snapped his fingers, the crest that resided on the golden shackle became a golden light that went into Minoru's right hand and became a gold bladed Katana. Robin and Minoru jumped down from the buildings they were on top of and both landed gracefully of there feet and got up into their battle stances. Robin charged at Scorch and Minoru at Frost. The battle seemed as though it would go on forever all four fighting tirelessly.
Finally Robin managed to knock Scorch unconscious. He looked over to see how Minoru's fight was going. Unfortunately when he looked over he witnessed Minoru get run through with the ice spear, Frost pulled the ice spear out and Minoru fell to the ground on his back.
“Minoru!!!” Robin Yelled as he ran and fought Frost relentlessly. “You bastard!” Robin screamed in rage as he kept fighting.
“Perhaps another time then.” Frost said as he disappeared, taking Scorch with him.
Robin ran over to Minoru, and hugged the smaller. Everyone was free of what they were trapped from, including Cyborg, he had a repair machine in his car. Robin ran over to Minoru, who was now lying in a pool of blood.
“Minoru, can you hear me?” Robin said his voice shaky.
Minoru only nodded. “Robin, move I can close the wound but I need you to clear out of the way.” Raven said sternly. Robin did as he was told and moved. Raven sat down and began to meditate. She and Minoru were now levitating. That went on for around 10 minutes. “Alright I closed the wound, but he's lost a lot of blood.”
“I can give him a transfusion back at the tower, but we need a donor and he is an alien so the only one who can is Star.” Cyborg piped in.
“I would do anything for my brother,” Starfire said in a depressing tone.
“Alright then meet me back at the tower, Robin you get in the back of my car with him and make sure he doesn't fall asleep.” Robin nodded and carried Minoru into the car and rested Minoru's head on his lap. Cyborg sped to the tower, and Robin was in the back, he took Minoru's hand and held it, stroking in with his thumb. Minoru looked at Robin and smiled weakly.
“Don't worry it'll be alright.” Minoru forced out. Robin could feel unshed tears welling up in his own eyes,
`Minoru I want so badly to tell you how I feel and I use to think I was strong but not being able to tell you just proves how weak I really am.' Robin thought to himself and didn't say a word just sat, silently crying hiding it behind his mask.
When they arrived in the tower Cyborg took Minoru and Starfire into the hospital wing and told everyone else to wait outside.
The others all waited in the living room. “Yo, Robin what is the matter dude? You're not talking at all just pacing around the room,” Beast boy asked. “Raven can you find out what is wrong with him using your powers?” he looked at Raven with puppy eyes.
“I can tell you without the use of my powers, he is worried about Minoru as am I,” Raven stated. Beast boy persisted with his puppy eyes. “Alright,” she finally agreed, she began to meditate and she went into his mind. When she was done she looked a bit surprised and amused at the same time.
“What did you see? What did you see? Tell me! Tell me!” Beastboy yelled.
“I am going to keep it to myself; it is Robin's personal business.” Raven said coldly. Beastboy was about to ask again but Raven gave him a cold look that quickly shut his mouth.
Several hours later Cyborg came out and announced that Minoru was going to be fine and was awake. Everyone rushed in to see him, when they arrived they found that Starfire was by his side and they were talking. The rest of the day was spent talking and everyone telling Minoru how happy they were he was alright. When everyone went to bed it was just Robin and Minoru talking now.
“I was really worried about you, you know that?” Robin said after an awkward silence.
“R-really about m-me, but why?” Minoru said blushing.
“Well you see… the thing is.” Robin looked at the ground, “because, I really um… well I really…” Robin tried but just couldn't get the words out.
“Robin, can I tell you something?” Robin was relieved he didn't have to finish his sentence.
“Yes you can tell me anything.” Robin said eagerly waiting to hear what he had to say.
“Robin I want so badly to tell you what I have to say but I am afraid.” Minoru said looking at his hands in his lap. “I like you Robin, I can understand if you can't return those feelings but I felt that you had a right to know.” Minoru was cut off by a pair of lips touching his own. When Robin pulled back he smirked and Minoru blushed.
“Get some rest I will see you in the morning.” Robin said exiting the room. Minoru was soon fast asleep with a large smile on his face.
In the morning Minoru was visited by Robin and they talked getting to know one another better. There was a silence for a while, Robin leaned over and kissed Minoru gently. Minoru blushed, “Robin I…” Minoru was cut off.
“Shh, it's alright don't talk. Follow me,” Robin helped Minoru out of the bed and grabbed his hand. “Come on I'll show you where the bathroom is so you can get cleaned up.”
“Are you implying that I smell?” Minoru asked a little pout on his face.
“Well I just thought you wanted to you said you did earlier, not to mention I need one too,” Robin said. Minoru blushed, “No I will take one after you, no need for you to get so embarrassed.” Robin chuckled.
“Oh…alright,” Minoru said his cheeks still tinted pink.
`His hand is so soft,' Robin though while getting chills up his spine. When they got to the bathroom Robin told Minoru to get cleaned up and he would clean his clothes for him. Minoru got undressed…Robin was outside of the bathroom. He cracked the door and handed Robin his clothes. Robin headed down the hall to where the washroom was. He washed the suit and dried it, when he pulled it out he found that it had a gaping hole where the stomach part was. “Well I guess I will have to lend him some of my clothes and we can go to the mall today to get him some of his own clothes,” Robin thought aloud.
Robin went into his bedroom and got the smallest pair of jeans he could find and a tank small black tank top as well, and yes a pair of his own underwear; they were a pair of small black boxer briefs. Robin went down the hall and knocked on the bathroom door. “Minoru are you done?”
“Yes, I'm decent you can come in.” Minoru said. Robin came in and saw that the bathroom was still steamy from the shower Minoru had taken, Minoru was in nothing but a towel wrapped around his slim waist. Robin blushed as he caught himself staring at the younger's beauty (AN: I think I forgot to mention Robin is 17 and Minoru is 14).
“Oh…umm… sorry here these are some of my clothes, your suit had a hole in it so I don't mind.” Robin handed Minoru the clothes. “You and I can go to the mall in about 30 minutes to get you some clothes of your own…if you want, that is?”
Minoru's smile grew bright. “Are you kidding? I'd love to.” Robin smiled, then he went out of the bathroom. A few moments later Minoru came out wearing the clothes Robin had given him. Minoru looked stunning the tank top was tight and accentuated every curve of his body and exposing his midriff; the jeans were a baggy but looked incredible on him. “Well, what do you think?” Minoru asked turning around.
“I think you look incredible in that.” Robin said seductively as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist and pulled him into a kiss. “Well let me go get cleaned up and then we can go to the mall okay?”
“Okay,” Robin kissed him one more time before disappearing into the bathroom. Minoru smiled and went into the living room where everyone else was. When he got there he saw that Raven was meditating Cyborg and Beastboy were playing a video game and his sister was observing the game. He walked in and sat down on the couch watching the others play their game.
“Umm…brother where did you get those clothes?” Starfire asked.
“Oh these are Robin's. He said that we were going to go to the mall so that I could get some clothes of my own.” Minoru said, while blushing he knew full well it was a date.
“Minoru are you ready to go?” Robin asked from the entrance of the Living room. He was wearing of course his mask a black t-shirt not really tight but not baggy either, he was wearing a pair of baggy black cargo pants. Minoru went up to the doorway and stood next to Robin. Robin looked at everyone and when but when he looked at Raven she accidentally read his mind. What she heard from Robin's thoughts was `I can't wait to go on my first date with Minoru.' She slapped her hand over her mouth and traveled through the walls to her room.
“She knows something she's not telling,” Beastboy said with an evil grin on his face.
“We will be back later okay?” Robin said looking at Starfire and Cyborg.
“Don't worry about it man, we got it covered.” Cyborg reassured Robin, Starfire nodded.
“Come on we're going to take my bike.” Robin hopped on his R-cycle and gestured for Minoru to get on the back of it. Minoru hopped on. “Okay now you need to hold on to my waist alright?” Minoru nodded and wrapped his arms around Robin and blushed. Robin nearly drooled at the warm touch of the other. Robin drove out of the Garage and into the city. When they arrived at the mall Robin locked up the R-cycle with his remote.
“Wow that was fun,” Minoru exclaimed while giggling with excitement.
“Really, well if you liked it that much we can get you a bike,” Minoru's eyes lit up.
“Oh thank you Robin,” He hugged the older tightly.
“Don't worry about it we get a lot of money from the city for what we do.”
They were walking through the mall together and talking, laughing, smiling, and whatnot when they came upon a store that Robin wanted to go into to look at clothes for Minoru. It was a leather store; Robin just loved the way that Minoru looked in tight stuff. They went into the store and began to look around. Robin found a pair of low rise black leather pants that he though would look divine on Minoru. Minoru found a really interesting shirt to match. He went into the dressing room to try the clothes on, when he cam out Robin could barley keep himself from drooling.
“What do you think?” Minoru asked. The tight black pants made his lower body look incredible and the shirt exposed his midriff and the collar stopped about an inch below his collar bone and had leather straps coming up to his neck to form a choker, one strap in the center two going at an angle one on each shoulder and the pattern continued in the back. The only problem was that you could see the outline of the underwear.
“I think you look incredible…only one thing you are wearing the wrong underwear you can see it through the pants.” Robin said chuckling a bit.
“Oops,” Minoru blushed.
“It's okay we can fix it,” Robin walked over to a section and picked up a…yes thong. Robin walked over to Minoru and handed it to him while blushing. “Umm yeah if you wear these you won't be able to see it.
“Thank you,” they bought the clothes and got out of the store they bought a few more outfits and headed for home. Robin parked the bike and put up the clothes. Robin snuck to the roof with Minoru they watched the stars together.
“Robin, thank you for everything today I really appreciate it.” Minoru said getting on top of Robin.
“Don't worry about it, I'd do anything for you.” Robin said.
“Really?” Robin nodded, “Then would you kiss me?” Robin smirked he flipped their positions. Minoru looked a little shocked but got over it, Robin leaned his head down to Minoru and soon they were caught in a mix of fiery passion. Robin licked Minoru's lips begging for entry, Minoru happily complied. Robin explored every nook and cranny of the warm moist cavern. Robin's hand crept up Minoru's shirt causing him to moan. When they finally broke the kiss Minoru's cheeks were pink from the heat of it. “Can I sleep with you tonight Robin?”
“Yes, anything for you,” Robin smiled and picked up his little package. When they got in the room Robin put Minoru down and undressed himself Minoru did the same they both got into there underwear crawled into bed Minoru snuggled close to Robin and Robin wrapped his arms around him. Robin could smell the boy's hair. `It smells of peppermint.' That was his last thought before drifting into a deep sleep.
To be Continued……….
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Tyler: I hope you enjoyed it please review like I said I don't get paid for this I really appreciate them. Thanks Ja Ne.