Fan Fiction ❯ Nighttime Excursions ❯ Nighttime Excursions ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: The characters featured in this story belong to JK Rowlings, et. al. JK Rowling gave permission for fan fiction with her approval of fan fiction as stated in a Barnes & Noble chat.

Warning: Femslash. So bigots, away with you, I'm sure you can find a mindless Ron/Hermione and Harry/Ginny to amuse your small minds. *dismissive gesturing* Underage snogging, though I think the girls in question are more than old enough to be making their own choices.

A/N: I go to sleep trying to think up topics for my Catch-22 essay, and wake with this fic running rampant through my mind. Now how does that work?

Fic takes place perhaps in the trio's seventh year.

'Tis part of my sister's birthday present. Happy birthday Sam.


Professor Severus Snape stalked through the corridors with an unpleasant smile on his thin lips. Finding and dealing out nasty detentions to the couples he found snogging in the unused corridors of Hogwarts was always amusing.

Minerva had accused him of having no life and suggested he visit Hogsmeade. He'd replied that life at Hogwarts was infinitely more interesting than anything he'd find in the wizarding village.

Having chased the elder Creavey boy back his dorm earlier that night (now how had *he* managed to get a girlfriend?), Snape looked for fresh meat.

He turned down another corridor, and heard a quiet giggle.

Ah. Right on schedule.

Striding over to the room, he shoved the door open and burst in upon a couple who froze, mid-snog. He also stopped as his mind attempted to process what he was seeing.

"...Miss Granger. Miss Weasley."

The girls in question were blushing furiously. Ginny untangled her hands from the other's hair, while Hermione removed her own hands, which had been working their way up Ginny's shirt. They straightened their clothing, not looking at Snape.


His eyes flicked between the two, still not quite processing the scene before him. The teens fidgeted as his silence stretched out. Hermione slipped back into head girl mode, stepping forward slightly to take the brunt of the punishment.

"I don't think I need to remind you that night time excursions such as this are forbidden?"

"Of course not, professor. It won't happen again," Hermione said. All present ignored this blatant untruth.

Snape stared at the two for a bit longer, then turned to leave.

Ginny glanced at Hermione, who shrugged. Were they really being let off with no detention?

Snape stalked out the door and began the trek back to his dungeons. He'd rather expected a different Weasley, not that he'd thought the school's Head Girl would be so careless as to let herself be caught.

Damn. Wrong Weasley. He owed Minerva five galleons.

Down the hall, the two Gryffindor girls flitted back to their dorm under the cover of darkness. After successfully evading Filch, they burst into their common room, empty except for a fifth year sleeping on a couch, and promptly began giggling.

"Did you see Snape's face?" Ginny lowered herself into a chair, her hands to her mouth as if to contain the giggle which had gotten them caught in the first place.

"Oh yes. I haven't seen anyone in such a state of shock for quite a while," Hermione said, grinning the whole time. "I'd just like to see him try to meet my eyes during potions tomorrow."

At this embarrassing new prospect, the girls laughed even harder. After a long stretch of muffling their mirth into the nearest pillow, they settled down enough to talk.

"Ok, I guess that classroom is out. We'll have to find a new place to meet," Hermione said.

"I heard the girls in my year talking, and there's apparently a whole other wing on the fifth floor that they don't use for anything," Ginny said, standing up long enough to move to the sofa, next to Hermione.

"Excellent. Sounds as if it should work perfectly." Hermione gave Ginny a last kiss, which stretched out a bit longer than they'd intended. The sleeping fifth year rolled over with a snort, which the two took as a sign they should quit while they were ahead. The girls murmured their good nights and went off to their respective beds.