Fan Fiction ❯ Of Half Truths, Lies and Actors ❯ An Essay ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Of Half Truths, Lies and Actors

Category: Essay? Angst?

Rating: PG-13

Author: Requiem Duindain


Homepage: ~still in progress !~

Author's notes: An article I wrote for my school magazine. It holds some of my dear secrets. Can you uncover them? Claimers: I own these words.

Half-truths are lies that partially contain truth. Lies are truth overridden with fiction. Actors are people who tell them and in the process make you believe them.

One does not need to be a professional to do this. Anyone can become an actor or an actress, playing their part and you have a role in the play.'ll never know it. In fact, you won't know until the grand climax scene and then.fading, the tension released the play calming. But only for a while. It isn't over, oh, no. Not until you the hero/heroine dies. Tragic, no? But that is life.

You'll laugh at me at first. You'll even curse me. But experience it first and then you'll know what I mean. Yes, I'm referring to the cycle of life and how one blindly stumbles through the acts, guided, or lead astray; by he masked figures that create some odd feelings of uncertainty and false hope.

There is no escape. You can't make an escape by killing yourself. No, the play shouldn't be ended that way. You'll leave the audience unsatisfied. But what do they know? They just watch the play, indifferent and uncaring.

So how can one tell half-truths from lies? Lies from half-truths? Or actors from those masked figures? Experience, dear child, experience.

---Requiem Duindain