Fan Fiction ❯ Okarina no Toki: Kitsune To Shiekah. ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Let's keep it short for once. All I own is my original characters and the major plot editions, heck, not even those if you want to be technical. Only my OCs. Miyamoto-sensei owns Zelda and all things associated with it. So there. Oh, Nintendo also owns Zelda and all things associated with it.


Long ago, in the days gone by. When heroes bore sword,

shield, and magic. A great darkness swept across the land.

A darkness that took over with such subtlety that had he,

the hero, not been linked to the fall, the land of Hyrule

would have fallen into utter darkness.

But, not even the greatest of heroes truly work alone.

Every being they encounter is a possible ally.

Living or dead.

Mortal or immortal.

This hero was given help from the smallest of

people to people of the largest importance.

A boy who wishes to be a grave digger.

The princess of a doomed race.

The last of a dead people.

Even a Thief.

This hero,

The hero of Zoras,

The hero of Gorons,

The hero of Gerudos,

The hero of Hylians.

This hero is the hero of all.

This hero is Link.

The legendary Hero of Time.


Yes, that was not necessary to read, do I care? Not really, it was fun XD I'll be working on this and a Majora's Mask fic at the same time. I don't know which one will be updated the fastest but my MM will have twice as many or even three times as many chapters as this fic. n.n Unlimited time travel makes Kat a very happy writer!