Fan Fiction ❯ Omni Per Nox ❯ Tome Three: Confertus Cogitatiae ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Crowded Thoughts

'"Hey! Wake up, sleepyhead!"' "Wha- What?" Raven slowly opened her eyes and saw her room. She was in her bed, lying on her back, and it felt unusually chill in the room. She attempted to push herself upright but gave out a strangled cry as she collapsed back down, a searing pain jolting through her entire back.

'"Don't do that, stupid. We're in no condition to get up yet."' 'What are you talking about? And who gave you the right to talk to me like that,' Raven mentally growled at her intellect.

'"You did."'

'What? When the hell did I do that?'

'"I'm you; I gave me permission. Hence, you gave me permission."'

"Fuck off," Raven wished she wasn't such a sly smartass.

'"Shh, be more quiet or you'll wake her."'

'What? Wake who?' Raven moved her head just enough to see Starfire asleep with her head resting on the black sheets.

The alien princess looked a mess: her hair was messy, her eyes shadowed from lack of sleep, and, judging by the dry blood on her clothes, she had not left the bedside since Raven had been put there. 'How long was I out'

'"We don't know either."'

'She's been there this whole time?'

'"Yes. She cares deeply for us. We should care back."'

'Wait a second, who the hell are you? I don't recognize you, and I know all of my emotions.'

The rogue voice laughed softly, '"Take a good look at Star, you'll figure it out eventually..."'

'Yeah, sure,' she replied, though she did as she was bidden. As she looked, it dawned on her that Starfire had obviously cared enough about her to keep watch over her rest untill the redhead had passed-out herself. 'She really was worried then,' Raven noted, feeling an odd warmth at the thought.

'"Told you. Now let's go back to sleep. It's not fair, why's the princess the one getting all the Z's?"' '"Well, she does look kinda sexy covered in blood, y'know... I'm just sayin'."'

Raven mentally backhanded her warring emotions and slowly allowed sleep to reclaim her.

~end chapter~


Right then, so that wasn't just a few days... I ran into some, ahem, legal trouble with being late on my taxes and only just now have I gotten back my computer. To make up for it, I'm posting this and the next chapter at once. I hope the long delay didn't chase off any of you, as always: Please review. Or at the least e-mail me some feedback: suggestions, corrections, credit card numbers, etc.

Oh yeah, and '"This is one of Raven's emotions talking to her"' just in case you didn't get that.