Fan Fiction ❯ On the bathroomfloor ❯ Chapter II ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The moment Riku had left the house, Sora knew a way to climb back into the bathwater which was cold ofcours. The rape had taken too much energy from the boy's body and mind, letting Sora stare blankly to the ceiling and feeling the cold water somewhat comforting the burning pain he received after even moving his leg a little bit.

“I don't know what to do I'm so scared, why wasn't anyone protecting from that guy…” and he couldn't take it anymore. The boy placed his hands in his face and threw every emotion out with the tears that run down his cheeks, into the cold bathwater.
The time Sora's family had returned and talked happily to him not knowing he was actually raped by Riku on the bathroom floor just a couple of hours ago, Sora could clean up most of the mess; removing the blood he lost and the semen from Riku that was everywhere after Sora didn't want to swallow it.

The paper towels he used to pick up the blood were hid somewhere in his room and the towels he used for the sperm where lying in the washing machine and if his mother was asking about it, he maybe would tell her but this moment the incident was too fresh for him and only wanted to talk to Cloud, his only real friend…

Linda was talking about how sweet, beautiful and friendly her boyfriend was and asked her mother with big puppy eyes if Riku could stay more nights, knowing he wouldn't be too troublesome.

`Riku here more nights…' Suddenly Sora burst into tears and climbed the stairs with trouble and shut the door from his room.
Linda only looked with a weird face (she always does XD hehehe no just a joke) and didn't really pay much attention to it but Sora's mother saw something wasn't right and knew her son would eventually come to her.

Sora was crying his eyes out on his pillow, grabbed the telephone without looking and pressed also without looking the phone number from Cloud at home, only wanting to hear the voice from the blond boy but when nobody was answering, he felt something in his heart `break' and couldn't stop crying.

He somehow fell into sleep `probably cried himself to sleep' because when he woke up the next morning he expected to find himself on his bed with all his cloths on but he lay in his boxers under the blanket.

Sora sat up and felt the pain in his ass less than the previous day and swung his legs on one side of the bed ready to stand up but the door from his room was opening slowly and hearing voices which were too low for a woman but not exactly the same as his father's… Sora finally saw the person in the doorway appear and saw the world turning from not so good to horrifying bad, the shaking legs send Sora back on the bed when he saw that the face actually belonged to Riku… he was so fucked.

Riku stepped aside and let another person stepping into the room, a guy with silver hair and black leather clothes, looking at him not so friendly. Sora saw his eyes were almost luminous orange/yellow (fill in the color his eyes are =P) and they were locked with his, showing how much power he possessed without talking or fighting.

The brown-haired boy backed away and knew he was trapped when his back hit the wall and the only 2 flight routes were his window and door but it was too high to jump and the door was blocked by 2 bodies which were walking too quickly for his liking in the direction from his bed and himself.

Sora wanted to yell at his father, sister and mother too help him but the guy with the glow in the dark eyes had his hand on his mouth, looking victorious into Sora's eyes when only a pathetic whimper came from under the hand.

“Sorry to wake you from your beauty sleep Sora, but listen up” Riku began, sliding off his jacket and settling himself on the boy's chair and watching him with eyes full of lust “Your father, mother and sister are meeting my family at this moment and because you were not feeling well, they left you home and left a message downstairs. But when I was supposed to go to mall, the pleasure from your screams I got yesterday still haunting me so me and my friend Ansem here can do everything with you for 4 hours… your family really trust me and already taken me into your house so you can't hide anymore, I'll be everywhere anytime. OH! And if you think your little friend Cloud can save you from the pleasure I have with you, I would kill him in front of your face… so today your ass will be history” Riku laughed really evil and watched Sora almost fainting while Ansem got rid of his long coat with one hand while the other was still pressed on his face, adding more pressure on that place when Sora tried to break free. The brown-haired boy stopped moving after he felt the pushing hand.

`no I don't want this, somebody please help me' but Ansem grabbed his legs and pulled on him until he lay on his back and the silver-haired man climbed on top of him, removing his hand from his face and moving it to Sora's boxers.

Riku thought this was really enjoyable and leaned his elbow on the arm-rest and his chin on this hand palm, watching the beautiful boy, now sex-toy almost crying and not screaming when Ansem had ripped away his clothes and on the same time Sora's boxers.
Ansem collected the boy's wrist in one hand, leaning forward until Sora's knees were resting on his shoulders and with the other hand, Ansem grabbed his own cock and guided it to Sora's ass.

He could feel that the position he was forced in and the tip from the man's erection touching his ass, was a short flashback from the last raping so knowing what kind of pain was waiting for him, he screamed `no' and `don't' not caring if he got punched and moving away from this hell.

Riku sighed and stood up. He walked to Sora and kneeled next to his head, grabbing his face with one hand and the other opening his pants he had one freaking grin on his face “Suck or Cloud will transform into one hot sex-toy just like you” Sora didn't want Cloud become just like him because of the screams that proved he's a wimp.

Sora was too slow for Riku's liking so he pressed with his thumb and index finger on Sora's cheeks until the pain was too much and the mouth was wide open.

“If you bite me, you're dead right here right now” and he shove his hard cock into Sora's hot small mouth and placed his hands into the younger boy's hair, he controlled the rhythm and depth, going faster and deeper every time.

Ansem couldn't wait any longer and shove into Sora without preparation, throwing his head back after feeling the tightness from this boy and already starting hard, fast strokes.

Sora could feel the same pain from yesterday only 10 times worse when the Ansem guy used his bruised hole so quickly after the last time which didn't gave it too much time to heal.

Riku threw his head back and moaned when Sora screamed when Ansem's thrusts became harder and his voice was sending vibrations through his cock. The grip Riku had on Sora's brown hair almost pulled the hair out of his skull and the way his neck was turned wasn't good for a human and again he screamed, only sending Riku more pleasure and Ansem encouraging. Soon Riku came with a loud moan pushed himself deep inside Sora's throat sending the message `swallow it all' and with no much choice the brunette tried but missed one drop which fell on his chin and slowly sliding down his throat.

Ansem did one last hard thrust, gripping the boy's hip too painful with his nails and released deep inside Sora, almost collapsing on the boy but leaning back on his knees he simply grabbed his pants (he doesn't wear underwear I think… Tehehe) and put in on. If you saw him on that moment on that same spot, you wouldn't think he just raped a beautiful young boy together with another guy.
Riku zipped his pants up and almost walked away with his friend when he spotted on the last moment the drop semen on his throat. “I see you didn't follow my order… time for you punishment you naughty little boy” and Riku grabbed Sora by his hair and yanked him from the bed. This was too much and the boy couldn't hold the tears inside which were already falling down into his hair and on the ground.

“Would you please hold him down for me Ansem?… Thank you” Riku asked when he walked to the door, grabbing a black bag outside the door and threw it almost on Sora's head.

Ansem had found the rope from his bathrobe and one strap and with not much fighting, he had bound Sora's ankles around the heating which was not too far away and he himself had caught his wrists and held them together above his head.

Riku sat down on one side of Sora and opened the bag. He took out a roll duck tape and cut two pieces from it, he bend to Ansem and whispered something in his ear and sticking the tape pieces on Sora's mouth, forming a X shape.

“Sora, this is part one of your punishment, I'll assure you…. It's much worse than the last times” Riku laughed at the perfect squirming little body in front of him, not really knowing this was a way to arouse your `partner'.
Suddenly the rope from his ankle was gone and his leg as pulled high into the air and showing to everybody his bloody tortured (beautiful ^_^) ass.

Sora knew struggling wasn't helping one little bit and he hoped his family was arriving any second. But that didn't happened and when he saw the object Riku snatched out of the bag and showed it a little too long before it disappeared out of sight, he really couldn't take it anymore and began to cry not caring for anything anymore.

Ansem could only stare when Riku pushed the leg higher (yes he's very agile!) and pushed the handle from a knife into him and smiling at the sounds that were not more than whimpers and moans, only pushing more until the handle was fully into him.
`maybe I can suck him in return' and he did. Riku removed the knife and let go of Sora's leg, it fell just like the knife like a lifeless thing on the ground.

Sora closed his eyes and only wishing for death, when suddenly something wet covered his cock and he opened his eyes at this new pleasurable feeling and giving shameful little moans. Watching down he saw Riku taking his cock into his mouth and sucking on it like he did earlier to him, this felt too good en after a couple of minutes sucking he arched his chest in the air and moaning with the duck tape on his mouth when he released into Riku's mouth who swallowed it all and licked his lips after the blowjob while his eyes were meeting Sora's half lidded.

“Now it's our turn” the evil laugh returned to Riku and he moved to the bag again, rumbling through it, he nodded to Ansem where a dark smirk appeared on his face.

This was it.


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'Till next time!