A/N: This is strange and insane. I LOVE YOU ALL!!! There will be random appearances from random characters, such as real people and Harry Potter because I like making fun of him. It also makes fun of everyone and everything, including the cast and Mary-Sues. Also, I MAKE AN APPEARANCE! THAT'S RIGHT, ME! NEKO!! THE SLASH QUEEN!!! So yes, there will be slash because I like it. If you don't, then BUGGER OFF!!!
Once Upon a Shoddy Apartment in London - Chapter one, Everyone passes out
Once upon a time, in the middle of Middle-Earth, the Fellowship was having a reunion. This wouldn't be so strange if it wasn't for the fact that it was being held in Rivendell and Elrond was the one hosting the party. What made it even stranger was the fact that Boromir was there, not that we don't all love Boromir.
"Huzzah!" Cried Haldir for some strange reason. For some strange reason he wasn't dead, so he kept getting some pretty strange looks. Not that we don't all love Haldir. "It has been 129047390547294729506826 years since the destruction of the one ring!" Haldir got even more weird looks. Well, honestly. You're going to if you state the obvious, I mean, everyone knows the one ring was destroyed 129047390547294729506826 years ago!
"Huzzah!" Cried Frodo, who was pissed out of his mind and hadn't aged a day for some odd reason. Namely, because he still had the ring.
All of a sudden there was a loud 'poof' and Gandalf appeared, looking exactly as he had 129047390547294729506826 years previous. "Gandalf!" Cried Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli, who also hadn't aged for some unexplained reason. Meaning, I can't be bothered to think of one. The three promptly passed out.
"I am a spoon!" cried Pippin, who also passed out. Then, everyone passed out.
The End...ok, maybe not. I'll write some more since you asked so nicely, BUT YOU HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL NEXT CHAPTER, MWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!