Fan Fiction ❯ Phoenix Guardian ❯ Revenge ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclamer: This is all mine. Please read and review. I think this is the best chapter yet.
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There he was standing there like he didn’t do a thing. He just smirk at Crystal and said, “Well if it isn’t ‘Little Phoenix Girl’. I wonder can you play with me?” Kai said. With that he pulled out his sword and ran after Crystal. She only manage to dodged it on time before her head was sliced open. Instead of her head he manage to slice one of the pillars in half. Causing that pillar to fall on the other pillars causing a chain reaction.

At that moment Crystal only manage to make a barrier so that the roof won’t crash on everybody. (A/N One of Crystal’s new abilities you find out more in the battle.)
“Everybody get out of the building now!” Crystal yelled. With that shout Rath then ushered everyone out of the building along with the help from his son and Diana. After everyone was out of the way Rath, Kent, and Diana ran out. When Crystal saw this she transform her dress to be the same outfit that Rath gave her when she first came here only it was blue.

Crystal grab her sword and launch at Kai. They clash swords until Kai kick her and sent her threw the wall. When she hit the ground the barrier broke and down went the ball room. Crystal only got to her feet till Kai sent an electric shock her way. It hit her and she screamed. Crystal drop her sword and hit the floor. When she did she could barley breath.

Kai walked up to her and kick her square in the stomach. When she was hit she started to coughed up blood and he pulled her up by the shirt and threw her. When she was thrown she hit a wall on the far side. Crystal then crashed down and Kai went up to her and said, “Oh what’s wrong the little baby to weak to take a few hits? That’s to bad I guess I have to play with someone else. How about your friends I saw you with earlier today. What was their names. Oh yeah it was Rath, Diana and what was that little boy‘s name…. Ah yes it was Kent. ” taunted Kai.

“Well how about it. What’ll you say if I go play with your friends hmm? And when I‘m done with them I‘ll promise that I will come back and play with you.” he asked. Crystal tried to answer but she felt a pressure on her throat and realized that it was Kai trying to strangle her. She tried to pry his hands off of her but soon her vision went black. Kai then let go of Crystal and went to go look for her friends.

A half and hour past when Kai left and Crystal woke up. She staggered a bit but manage to get up on her feet. She leaned on the wall next to her to catch her breath. After she caught her breath She realized that her clothes had big gashes of blood. She dismiss the thought and caught sight of her sword. She grab her sword and tired to look for the others. She was only walking for a few minutes until she found Kent and the others. Rath and Kent’s clothes were burned and Diana’s only had a few tares in it. When Crystal walked up to them they look at her until Kai appeared behind them and prepare to send another blast at them.

Crystal looked on with horror on her face. She couldn’t speak because she was still sore of when Kai tried to strangle her. When Rath and Diana saw the look on her face they knew that Kai was behind them. They then push Kent all the way to Crystal so that she could protect him. With that they got hit by Kai’s blast killing them instantly. Kent saw what happen tried to run to his father and cousin but Crystal got to him first. Kent stated to cry and run to the only family he had left but Crystal didn’t let him. “NO let me go! Dad! Diana! You can’t leave me you just can’t! It’s not fair why do you have to die! You just can’t leave me.” Kent yelled in tears. Kai only watched and was amused by the display of emotion.

He charge up for another blast and shot it at the dead bodies. Kent could only watch as Kai destroy the bodies of his cousin and his father. And with that their bodies were gone. He cried for his family, but even more for himself for that he was the only one left that was alive. He couldn’t take it any more and turned around and sobbed on Crystal’s shirt. Kai was even more amuse by this and started to laugh. Crystal only stared at Kai and she then promise her self that he will die for doing this to Kent. She looked down at Kent and he was still crying. She bent down and hugged him and promise that this will be over soon and to stop crying. When she told him this he nodded and sniffled. Crystal told him to get behind her and he did.

When Crystal look at Kai all he did was smirk at her. She couldn’t take it anymore. She ran at Kai and swung her sword only to have it taken away from her. This only manage to get her even more mad. She then yelled, “Inferno Blast!” When she yelled she brought her hands out in front of her and out of her hands came a powerful fire blast. It hit Kai dead on. But Crystal wasn’t finished yet. She gathered her energy and made a massive blast combined with fire and water.

When she was done she launch it at Kai only to have it absorbed by a black hole Kai manage to make. When the blast was absorbed Kai began to laugh and said, “Ha is that the only thing you could do? Well then try this on for size!” He then gathered energy and his hand began to glow with a red aura. With a final laugh he yelled, “Prepare to meet your doom! Crimson Attack” Crystal then shielded herself but noticed that the attack was aimed at Kent. “Kent no!” she barley manage to yell. She went in front of Kent and got a good hold of him to block the blast but it only absorbed them both.

Both Crystal and Kent screamed in agony. Everything was red in there. They couldn’t see each other even though they were right next to each other. They screamed in pain while invisible blades cut them drawing even more blood from them. They lost so much blood that Kent couldn’t take it any more. He then slipped into unconscious by the lack of blood. Soon Crystal was next to follow not until she heard a voice that seems familiar call her name and broke the Crimson Attack and Kai yell something and then disappeared. At that instant the person came up to her and called her name. When he did she knew who it was it was…… She then blacked out. The man then made a portal with his device and carried them both in it to take care of them. With that the portal closed.

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Thank you for reading. I can't believe i stated this chapter at 9:00 on April 13, 06 and got done at 1:00 in the morning of the next day. Well thank your again for reading and don't froget to review!