Fan Fiction ❯ Prisoner of the Firebending Prince ❯ Prisoner of the Firebending Prince ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Prisoner of the Firebending Prince
By Rinseternalsoul
Summary: Prince Zuko threatens Katara's maidenhood when she refuses to divulge the whereabouts of the avatar.
***Disclaimer: I do not own AVATAR, The Last Airbender, and whoever does probably wishes I'd never written this smut! Yay for smut!
***LEMON WARNING!!! If you're shy, too young, or strongly against rape, then don't read this! ***
A/N: Ok for all you Avatar fans who cursed my mistake of calling Katara an airbender... all two times.... I have now changed it. Please forgive the mistake. I wrote this at 3:00 in the morning after I was hit upside my head by my hentai muse.
Just a little pondering....
I wonder why it is, that some folks, such as Febrile, who reviewed this story, try so very hard to see the reality and truth behind a piece such as this? I suppose if she had been courageous enough to leave her email then I could have asked her myself, but alas she omitted the address. Would a rape victim feel as Katara does after the act? Of course not. This is FICTION. Heelllooo? Why didn't she use waterbending to fight him? I guess the water bowl just didn't have enough in it to make a big enough splash. Or maybe it's because it was just a one-shot piece of dirty smut and I didn't have time to build a damn novel out of it. I know! It was because if I were her I wouldn't have fought back either! I would have said come on fire boy and get you some of this! As for Prince Zuko's pants... as long as they are OFF who the hell cares what they are called!? Haha!
People, this is unabashed lemony SMUT! Don't look any deeper than that.
Katara awoke in a dark place. Through her aching head, her mind struggled to function, but the pain only served to make her wish she could go back to sleep. Where was she?
Cold metal bit into her wrists, and damp stone dug into her bare knees. She groaned when she tried to lift her head. Her neck was sore, but that was nothing compared to the rest of her. Apparently the human body wasn't meant to hang at such in such an odd position.
She wriggled her fingers in a weak attempt to relieve the numbness from lack of blood flow. The feeling sent tiny pricks of sensation through her hands, which only made the situation worse.
She had to stand up.
Ever so slowly Katara rose to her feet. The chains hanging above her head rattled loudly. The abusive noise added fuel to her splitting headache. Her knees popped from un-use as she rose, but the dead feeling in her arms began to subside as the blood washed back into her fingertips.
She reached around and rubbed the back of her head. Her long brunette hair was matted with dry blood. That knowledge sparked her memory, and Katara gasped in fright. Frantically she looked around, then began pulling desperately on the chains.
She had been captured during the battle.
Suddenly she heard footsteps beyond the cell. A flicker of light appeared through a tiny opening in the metal door. The rattling of metal against metal echoed off of the walls, as an unknown person prepared to open her door. She could see the shadowed figure through the tiny window, but could not make out a face. No matter. Her visitor would be revealed soon enough.
She felt weak. Useless. If only she had been stronger. It had been four years since Aang had been awakened from his deep sleep. Four years of running and fighting. She and her brother Sokko refused to leave his side. He needed them. At least until he became strong enough to defeat his enemies. In that time she had grown much stronger. Aang had a natural talent for learning waterbending, and he helped her through her lessons whenever she asked. That was the problem, really. Her pride. She hated to ask for help.
Many days and many nights she spent practicing her art. She failed often, but succeeded more than that. Gradually Katara had become a powerful waterbender. Too bad that wasn't good enough.
The metal door creaked open, and a burly old man with a rattling cough stepped inside. He moved aside, however for the one behind him. The dim light from the open door was enough for her to know the identity of her captor. She had certainly seen him enough.
With a wave of his hand the hidden torches in the damp cell roared to life, and the face of Prince Zuko became crystal clear. Her heart skipped a beat. Aang's archenemy had taken her prisoner.
He was a handsome man, there was no doubt about that. The burn over his left eye, marring his beauty, gave him a rough and mysterious appearance. He was a fierce warrior and ruthlessly pursued the Avatar to regain his status in his homeland. Katara always secretly admired him, but her fear of him outweighed all else.
“So, waterbender, are you going to tell me where to find the Avatar, or am I going to have to convince you?” Prince Zuko asked in a smooth haughty voice.
“I will never tell you!” Katara spat. Her voice was deeper than usual. Her physical state had drained much of her energy, but her flashing blue eyes told the truth of her statement.
The prince laughed. A wicked sound really. There was no joy found there, only malicious intent. He stepped close to her, and roughly grabbed her wrists, slamming them against the cold rough wall. He pressed into her, and she could feel his hot breath on her neck. For a moment he said nothing at all. He only stood there, inhaling the scent of her hair. Then he pulled away and turned his head to the guard. “Leave, NOW!”
When the door closed with a loud bang, Katara suddenly felt very alone and very frightened. The firebender prince glared at her, and the light from the torches danced in his eyes. A cruel smirk appeared at the corner of his handsome mouth, and Katara pressed further into the wall. Suddenly the coldness of it was much preferred over the warmth of his body.
Again he pressed himself against her, still pinning her bound arms above her. He leaned into her shoulder and traced the tip of his nose along her neck and around the rim of her ear. His breath sent shivers along her spine, and fear spiked through her being.
“I have been watching you, Katara. You have grown more beautiful with each passing year,” he breathed.
His voice, so close to her sensitive ear sent chills dancing over her skin. “Get away from me!” she shouted.
“You have only to tell me one thing, and I will grant you your freedom. No harm will come to you lovely Katara. Just tell me where to find the Avatar,” He whispered against her neck, as his tongue flicked out to taste her flesh.
She couldn't tell him where Aang was, Hell, she wasn't even sure she knew! It really didn't matter at all, for she didn't believe for a moment that he would release her unharmed. She was as good as dead.
Her silence was his answer, and he grunted as he moved his hands over the curve of her hips. She remained as straight as a board, trying to be brave and ignore his searching hands. When he pulled them away, she thought she had gained a reprieve, however her eyes grew wide when he drew a deadly steel blade from his sash.
“Don't worry, little waterbender, I would never mar such beautiful skin,” Zuko said just before he began slicing her clothing from her body.
She wanted to scream and cry, but she could not. It would do no good, and besides, why give him the satisfaction? She would be brave, and face this offense against her person as the warrior that she had been training to be.
Zuko stepped back, admiring the naked beauty before him. Her supple breasts beckoned him, and he could feel his cock harden. She would provide him with his release on this day. He had wanted her for a very long time, and today he would have her. “You are mine, now, waterbender. All mine.”
“I have a name you filthy bastard! Its Katara! If you're going to stoop so low as to RAPE me, the least you can do is say my name!” She screamed in anger.
She was a feisty one, to be sure. That was only one of the things he found arousing about her. He stepped forward and ran his hand over her skin. The contact was electrifying and he moved his hands to her breasts. He kneaded her soft round flesh, teasing and pinching her caramel nipples until they were stiffened. Then he replaced his right hand with his mouth. He suckled and nipped at the taught nipple, continuing his hands caress on the right.
As hard as she tried, Katara could not ignore what he was doing to her body. She hated him for the pleasure that she felt, and cursed herself when a moan escaped her slightly parted lips. He stepped back and looked her in the eyes.
“So you like that do you? Do not fear, I am far from through with you.” Zuko said in a deep sensuous voice.
“I hate you!” Katara said with powerful anger in her voice.
“You say that, but when I do this....” Zuko said, before sucking her right breast into his warm mouth. She moaned again, and he pulled away. “...your body betrays you.”
“My body, but not my mind!” Katara growled.
Zuko stepped closer and wrapped his strong hand around the back of her head. He avoided the wound there, silently cursing the bastard that did it. His soldier had paid dearly for his abuse of this woman. He had been warned that she was to be unharmed. Gently he tangled his fingers through her hair, while keeping his gaze trained on her eyes. He lowered his lips to hers, and she tried to pull away, but he held her firm, taking possession of her tender flesh.
She gasped and he took advantage of her mistake by slipping his tongue in to taste her sweet mouth. He traced her moist cavern until she relaxed in his embrace, finally allowing the kiss to happen. Her fleshy tongue pushed against his own in a half attempt to exorcise him and the sensation made his groin ache in desire.
He held her against him, as he enjoyed her taste, while tracing her naked flesh with his free hand. He roamed over her full breast and pinched the nipple, before pulling gently. He released the stiffened nub and traced a path over her flat stomach then down to her thigh.
When his hand moved closer to her inner thigh she began to struggle, but he refused to let her go. He only pulled away from her swollen lips to inhale a much needed breath of air. He smirked down at her flushed face as he moved his hand to cup her womanhood. Her gasp of surprise was a joyous sound to his ears. Tiny curls tickled the tips of his fingers as he caressed the tender flesh of her nether region.
Katara could not understand it. Her hatred of this man was deep in her heart, yet her body rebelled against it. His tender touch was driving her mad, and making her feel things she never wished to feel by the likes of him. When his smirk grew to a fully wicked grin, he slipped his fingers between her folds. The feeling was like molten heat sending liquid pools of pleasure curling in her abdomen. Another rebellious moan escaped her parted lips.
“You are wet for me, my little pet,” Zuko sneered. His erection was growing more painful by the second. He would have to take her soon. He almost hoped she wouldn't divulge the location of the Avatar at this point, but if she did then he would honor his word, even if it meant he would loose her once more.
“Bastard!” Katara said in panting breath as his nimble fingers worked magically against her fleshy jewel. Something strange was happening to her body and it was not entirely unwelcome. She closed her eyes against the vision of the firebending prince. His knowing smile was too much to bare, as her body defied her mind, making her knees weak.
She was nearing her release, and he stepped up to capture her lips once more. He teased her nub mercilessly in circular motion, and knew she would soon loose control. He dipped a long finger inside her tight core and she cried out as the orgasm washed over her. Her tiny form rocked with convulsive rapture as she bucked her pelvis against his hand.
`Oh yes, she is ready for me,' Zuko thought, as her nectar flowed forth to coat his fingers. He removed his hand and looked at the breathless woman hanging from the chains before him. It really was too bad he had to take her in the dungeon. The chains were such a hindrance to his fun, and he would love to see her writhing on his bed. That was not to be at the moment. His major objective was to find the Avatar. His future depended upon it. If he had to take her here, and in chains, then so be it. He would have her later, where he wanted her.
His voice was low and held his barely contained passion, “You still have a chance to be free, lovely waterbender. You only have to tell me where he is.”
She closed her eyes to him and shook her head. A tear rolled down her cheek, and he found himself kissing it away. For some strange reason her tears made his stomach tie in a knot. Why does he care if this woman cries?
Her refusal to speak answered his question, and Prince Zuko quickly stripped free of his clothing. His engorged cock sprang forth as he dropped his hakama, and he reached down, stroking it with his hand.
Her eyes were locked on his erection. Her fear suddenly became prevalent. That would never fit! She struggled against the chains, but to no avail. He slammed her back hard against the wall, and lifted her leg up with his free hand. She closed her eyes and turned away from his face. She could feel the smooth head of his swollen member as he rubbed it between her slick folds. She hated the feeling, because it should not feel so damn good!
When she moaned again, Zuko leaned forward. He placed the head of his cock at her opening, slowly pushing into her wetness. He whispered in panting breaths, “Relax my dear. It will hurt, but it will pass.” Then with one swift motion her burst through her virgin barrier and embedded himself deep inside her clenching sheath.
He waited for a moment, giving time for the pain to pass. He wanted her to enjoy this as much as he would. Even if he decided to release her, she would never forget the pleasure he brought to her. He began, slowly at first, moving his stiff cock in and out of her tight center. The sensations were extraordinary and he could never remember a woman who pleased him more.
Faster and faster he thrust himself into her core while grunting against her neck. Her tiny moans grew in strength and soon she was screaming in ecstasy. He could feel her muscles clenching his steel flesh as if trying to milk his cream from his body. His powerful thrusts increased and the slapping of wet flesh sounded through the air.
Her climax brought about the building of his own and he rammed his engorged cock deeper into her core, slamming into her hot wetness time and again. “By the gods woman you are so fucking tight!”
His release finally came and he spilled his seed deep inside of her with a final jerk of his muscular form.
With energy spent he slowly pulled out of her, and stepped back. He kissed her lips again, and said, “Katara, I believe I will keep you. You will warm my bed from now on.”
Katara hung there upon her chains as the prince left the cell. She cried in silence, until the door once again opened to reveal two young women who proceeded to wash her body of the grime and fluids.
True to his word, she was then released from the chains and taken to his bedchambers. He met her there, all fresh and clean, and then directed her to lay with him on the huge bed. The silk sheets felt cool against her skin, and she shivered. She feared that he would take her again, and her body was still very much in pain. He surprised her then, when he lay beside her and pulled her against his hard chest.
“Sleep now Katara. I will not hurt you ever again,” Zuko whispered against her ear.
For some strange reason his words were comforting, and Katara soon drifted off to sleep.
A/N: I hope you all enjoyed the perversions of my mind. This is the first fanfic that I've ever written that was NOT about Sesshomaru and Kagome from Rumiko Takahashi's Inuyasha. If you would like to read more of my stories you will find them on A Single Spark, a site dedicated to Sess/Kag fanfiction. Here's the link: 1141
*** Thanks to armypup614, there is a sequel in the making. She was kind enough to ask my permission to do Prisoner of the Firebending Prince II; I gave it, and wish her the best of luck with it. She has already posted the first chapter on and I will ask her to do the same on Good luck to her!
Thanks for reading!