Fan Fiction ❯ Rain of Blood ❯ Enemy vs. Hero's Brother ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Rain of Blood
Author: the ultimate SoBe Master
Chapter 3: Enemy vs. Hero's Brother
Category: Crossover
John: Welcome back, folks, for the third match here at the Rain of Blood Arena!
Bill: As you may have noticed, the fights you have seen have been a part of a vast tournament held here! That being said, we are proud to present…
John: …The third match of the first round of the Rain of Blood Tournament!!!
The crowd erupted in applause.
Bill: Now, on with the match!
John: This is sure going to prove to be an interesting match! Bowser, the dreaded Koopa King, will be taking on Luigi!
Bill: But this Luigi is a bit different than the one that took on Mario in the first match…
John…For he is made of metal! So we are both proud to present…
Bill: …Bowser and Metal~~~ Luigi~~~!!!
The crowd roared as Bowser stomped his way out onto the arena, followed by a metallic figure that resembled Luigi: Metal Luigi.
Bowser: Ha ha ha! So what if you are made of metal?! You are still Luigi, and I can still beat you!!
Metal Luigi: *metallic sounding voice* Heh…I am way stronger than my fleshy counterpart…we shall see if you can truly stand up to me…
Bowser: Yes, we certainly shall!
Bill: Ok, enough banter…ready…
John: …Fight!!!
Bowser suddenly started running towards Metal Luigi. Metal Luigi simply stood there. As Bowser was about to slam his clawed fist into Metal Luigi's face, Metal Luigi stepped to the side.
Bowser: Wha…?!
Metal Luigi jumped back a few feet, his hands glowing with green, metallic flame.
Bowser: What the…?!
Metal Luigi: Looks different than Luigi's, doesn't it, Bowser?! Like I told you, I am a lot stronger than the normal Luigi! Now take this!!
Metal Luigi started firing metallic-looking, green fireballs at Bowser. Not able to escape, Bowser got hit hard by the barrage of green, metallic fireballs, sending him flying to the ground with a loud crash. When the smoke cleared, Bowser was seen lying on his stomach, a trail of crimson blood streaming down the middle of his face. He slowly struggled to his feet. He let his arms hang in front of him. He had a half dazed look on his face.
Metal Luigi: How does it feel to be beaten by someone other than Mario?
Bowser: …Damn…you…Luigi…you…b-bastard…!< /font>
Metal Luigi: As you can clearly see, you are no match for the likes of me! *green and yellow flames appear around him* And now, for the technique that shall defeat you…THE GREEN MISSILE!!!
Bowser: *fear in his eyes* *mutters* …Oh shit…
Metal Luigi shot at Bowser like a rocket.
Bowser: *mutters* Now's my chance…
As Metal Luigi neared Bowser, Bowser breathed in and then breathed a large jet of red hot flame at Luigi. However, just as the flames were about to engulf him, Metal Luigi teleported to the side and continued his attack. He was now going even faster than before. When he struck Bowser in the gut, he hit him so hard that he shot right through Bowser. Blood gushed from the hole in Bowser's gut.
Metal Luigi: *catches one of Bowser's spikes that had shot into the air, then turns to Bowser, who is now lying on the ground, and points the spike at him* See? What did I tell ya?! You are beaten. It is over. You are through… *hurls the spike at the wall, it sticks deep in the wall; walks off the battlefield*
Bowser: …Damn… *passes out*
Bill: Wow! That was some fight!!
John: You said it, Bill! Metal Luigi moves on to the next round! So it seems Bowser won't be getting a chance to settle the score with Mario any time soon!
Bill…Until the next match, later!
A/N: Well?! What did y'all think?! Some fight, huh? Not what you expected? Well, I think you all will enjoy the next fight…it will include one of the homunculi! Also, if you have any requests for a fight, please include them in your review! Check my profile page first though, cuz it includes the list of all the fighters, as well as the current scheduled fights, if the fight is listed there, you can't use the contenders of that fight in a request! I also need suggestions for other contenders, I am trying to get to 504 contenders, and I only have 421. So I would highly appreciate it if you would suggest a new contender! Anyways, later!