Fan Fiction ❯ Shapeshifting Pride ❯ The beginning of Romance Between Raud and Seyr ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Feith: Yo! This chapter is dedicated to Super Super Holy Mango, who made up most of it. So is the next chapter.


Raud found that this information hurt him, so he slinked off to the woods to think this story over. Unfortunately, the more he thought it over, the angrier he got with the world and especially Seyr.

Eventually, Seyr walked into the forest. She noticed Raud's brooding and began to sneak over to him. Unfortunately, she accidentally stepped on a twig and it snapped really loudly. Raud heard this and knew that it was Seyr. No one else could snap a twig as loudly as she can. He shouted at her, "How could you marry a human?!"

Seyr walked up to Raud and in his face retorted with a smirk, "So? What do you care?" Raud just blushed furiously because he came so close to admitting his feelings for Seyr. Seyr noticed this and backed off of Raud smiling, "Oh, so you do care!" She slowly eased to the right of Raud and balanced her head on his shoulder planning on sneaking in a hug. Raud, being the shy guy that he is when it comes to romance, jumped away from Seyr causing her to fall on the ground.

Seyr picked herself up from the fall and shouted, "Raud, that wasn't very nice!" Raud didn't respond. So, she picked up a stone and threw it at him. Although Seyr never was that great at aiming, she hit Raud staight on the head. Thus, he fell to the ground really hard.

Seyr noticing that he was still stunned dragged him over to Koye's house where Yako was filling Koye in on all of the adventures that he and Seyr had while she was one of the best thieves in Sluknuk. While he was explaining all of this to Koye, Yako was also organizing his herbs. So, he was very surprised to see Seyr stomp in with a stunned Raud saying, "Give him something." in a growl.

Yako analyzed Raud's condition and asked, "Dude, Seyr, what did you do to him? And more importantly, why did you do it to him?"

Seyr knew that Yako had an overactive imagination. He was always slightly possessive of her, so she said, "Guess both of the answers." While Yako's imagination went wild, Seyr started caressing Raud's face as she leaned down towards him. Just as she looked as though she was about to kiss Raud, she pinched his nose.

That did the trick, and Raud got an especially evil greeting from Yako. He said, "Raud..."

This was one of the few times that Yako was ever scary, so Raud replied hesitantly, "Y-yes?"

Yako continued in that scary tone of voice, "... We don't need any more children around here."

Surprised, Raud hastily denied what Yako just insinuated, "Wha-? What did she tell you? It's not true!"

Seyr hugged Raud and said, "Don't deny it!" This confirmed Yako's "worse case scenario". Unfortunately, Raud whacked Seyr on the head disproving it.

That only angered Seyr, and she charged at Raud without any style or class. He blocked her attack with one hand. Then he switched to his foot. Finally, he stopped her with one finger. Seyr stopped her attack to say sarcastically, "Way to boost my self-esteem, Raud."

Raud simply smirked and replied, "You're welcome to this self-esteem class any time. Admit defeat, loser."

This suddenly gave Seyr an idea. She said, "I will, but first," she looked up at Raud, "you must cure my curse."

"Curse? What curse? You don't have a curse!" Or maybe she does. Choosing to go with the sarcasm, Raud retorted, "Uh-huh. Right. And, what's this 'curse'?" Unfortunately, Seyr had disappeared.


Feith: Okay, all reviews are accepted, so please review. The references in this chapter are: Sluknuk is my version of Makai. That's it. Any questions feel free to either E-mail them to me or post them in a review. I personally would prefer the review.